My Fiancee is a Cold CEO

Chapter 759 The Wrath of Pluto

The Night Emperor had his own reasons for his words.

Although he and Viper are both killers in the human world, the human branches in the seven continents do not interfere with each other and compete fiercely with each other.

The Asian branch is the weakest in the world among the seven continents. Although Viper is one of the top three killers in Asia, it is really not enough in front of the Night King, who is ranked on the world's killer list.

Once the Night Emperor kills Ye Chen and completes the slaying of gods, the Night Emperor can not only become a scorching killer in the underground world, but also obtain the throne of Pluto.

Such an exciting thing made the Night Emperor's whole body tremble with excitement.

"Stupid mortal, you still want to kill a god?"

A chill flashed in Ye Chen's eyes, and with a slight exertion of his hands, the dagger in Ye Huang's hand broke.

With a slight flick, the broken dagger flew towards the Night Emperor.

The Night Emperor's figure suddenly stepped back, dodged directly into the fog, and actually merged with the fog. The dagger thrown by Ye Chen went directly through the fog.

"What a weird mist."

Ye Chen frowned, a strange look flashed in his eyes.

This mist should be released by the Night Emperor. It is a very strange energy. The Night Emperor can actually integrate his body with this energy.

As expected, he is indeed the world's top killer. With this skill, it is difficult for many people to deal with him.

Ye Chen narrowed his eyes and suddenly punched the Night Emperor. The terrifying punch speed brought up a strong wind, blowing quickly around Ye Chen.

"It's useless. My black mist is a kind of energy. It can block the light of the sun and create a dark night atmosphere around me. The black mist cannot dissipate without killing me."

The Night Emperor's ferocious voice floated in the mist: "And in the dark night, I am an invincible existence."

As the Ye Huang's ferocious voice sounded, the atmosphere of black mist suddenly expanded, wrapping Ye Chen in it.

At this moment, the Night Emperor's figure appeared behind Ye Chen like a shadow, and the sharp dagger in his hand slashed towards Ye Chen's neck.

As the world's top killers, the Night Emperor is different from ordinary killers. Although they have strong assassination skills, they are also very powerful in close combat.

Because in the eyes of killers like them, as long as the target dies, the mission is successful. Whether it is assassination or head-on killing, the result is the same.

Ye Chen suddenly turned around, raised his arm slightly, and the Night Emperor's dagger struck Ye Chen's arm.

The sound of metal colliding was heard, and Ye Chen's arm remained motionless, as hard as a piece of steel.

The Night Emperor's expression suddenly changed. The dagger in his hand was forged by an internationally renowned blacksmith. It was so sharp that it could cut even steel.

As a result, it hit Ye Chen's arm, and the blade began to curl a little.

Is this a human or a monster?

A sneer flashed across Ye Chen's face, and he slapped the Night Emperor with a light palm.

The Night Emperor's expression changed, and it was too late to dodge. A fierce look flashed across his face, and he punched him directly.

There was a loud bang, and the Night Emperor's right arm was broken off immediately. With a scream, he flew backwards, and bright red blood filled the sky.

"You want to kill gods just with these abilities? It's simply ridiculous."

There was a hint of sarcasm on Ye Chen's face and he said lightly.

"Hades, Lord of Hades, is truly worthy of his reputation. I can't kill you, but don't even try to kill me. Just watch me kill all the Chinese people in front of you one by one."

The Night Emperor's vicious voice floated in the black mist, and then shadows floated in the black mist, directly killing the bodyguards and Longya team members.

In an instant, screams rang out.

"Ye Huang, let me come and meet you."

A blazing fighting spirit flashed in Tank's eyes, he roared, and punched the Night Emperor in the air.

"How dare you, a little character like you, dare to challenge me?"

The Night Emperor let out a low roar, and his figure strangely dodged Tank's attack. Then he appeared in front of Tank and punched Tank.

In the emergency of the tank, his body subconsciously deflected, but he was still hit by the Night Emperor.

With a click, the bones of Tank's shoulder made a crisp sound, and with a muffled groan, the body flew backwards.


Xia Changdong's expression changed and he exclaimed.

"Hades, I will kill these Chinese people with my own hands in front of you to see what you do."

The Night Emperor's arrogant voice echoed around.

"Who said I can't kill you?"

A flash of scarlet murderous intent flashed in Ye Chen's eyes, and he said sarcastically: "You think too highly of yourself, right?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Ye Chen's figure disappeared instantly, and the next moment, he appeared in front of the Night Emperor.

Quickly, it was almost too late for Ye Huang's nerves to react at all, and two Ye Chen suddenly appeared on the field.

"The wrath of God is beyond your imagination."

Ye Chen slowly raised his palm, and a pale white light appeared on his palm, and then, under the horrified gaze of the Night Emperor, it was directly printed on his body.

The Night Emperor's body shook. Starting from a crisp sound, it spread wildly to the surroundings within the range of Ye Chen's palm. His limbs exploded directly, and only blood and minced meat appeared on the ground.

As soon as the Night Emperor died, the black fog at the airport dissipated instantly, and all other killers were killed with the help of the defense personnel.

After this battle, only a few of Johnny's bodyguards were left. What surprised Ye Chen was that Johnny's bodyguard captain Hal was still alive.

"You actually killed the Night Emperor?"

Johnny's eyes were full of shock.

The Night Emperor's reputation was too loud in Africa. Although many people wanted to kill him, no one could succeed at all.

I didn't expect that the Chinese man in front of me could actually kill this demon.

Marven frowned, ignored Johnny, turned his head to look at Tank, and said in a deep voice: "Is everything okay?"

"It's okay instructor, it's just that the bones seem to be broken."

Tank's face was as white as paper, and he was dripping with cold sweat.

Ye Chen put his hand on Tank's shoulder, a faint energy flashed through him, then let go of his hand and walked towards the other wounded.

At this moment, Hal suddenly shouted at Jǐng Fang next to him: "How did you arrange the defense work? Damn it, we lost so many brothers. I will definitely accuse you to your leader." dereliction of duty."

He also glanced at Hal lightly and said calmly: "If I were you, I would shut up. Otherwise, I can guarantee that you will not be able to get out of this airport."

Hal's face froze, and he was too frightened to speak.

Johnny quickly turned his head to the side, pretending that he didn't hear Marven's words.

At this moment, several strange men walked over quickly from a distance.

"Hello everyone, I am Yan Yun from Dragon Soul, responsible for picking up Minister Johnny to Yanjing. We are late, thank you for your hard work."

One of the leading men took out his ID and handed it to Fang Yuqi, and said in a deep voice: "Minister Johnny is not injured."

Fang Yuqi took the certificate and looked at it, then said with a smile: "You guys came just in time, Minister Johnny is fine."

Yan Yun took the certificate with a smile, and then said: "According to the instructions above, we need to confirm the safety of Minister Johnny, and at the same time, we have some things to inform Minister Johnny."

"Everyone, please."

Fang Yuqi stretched out his hand to signal.

Ye Chen looked at these unfamiliar Dragon Soul members and frowned, feeling that something was wrong.

The breath of these people is too cold, and their faces are expressionless, just like killers.


Ye Chen's eyes flashed.

At this time, Yan Yun led several Dragon Soul members to Johnny. A cold light flashed in his eyes, he turned his wrist slightly, and suddenly stabbed Johnny in the body. (To be continued)

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