My Fiancee is a Cold CEO

Chapter 760: Fake Dragon Soul Members

The sudden change did not allow anyone to react.

Johnny looked at the dagger close at hand, a look of horror flashing in his eyes.

So close, so close that the back of the dagger could reflect Johnny's frightened face.

"They are fake Dragon Soul members."

Ye Chen's expression suddenly changed, he disappeared instantly, and then appeared directly in front of Yan Yun.

At the critical moment, Ye Chen directly used the teleportation technique that only the Lord God can use.

A ferocious look flashed across Yan Yun's face. Just as he was about to stab the dagger into Johnny's body, he suddenly found that his wrist was held by Ye Chen. No matter how hard he tried, the dagger did not move.

A chill flashed in Ye Chen's eyes, and he exerted a slight force on his right hand. Yan Yun's wrist was suddenly crushed to pieces, and at the same time he punched Yan Yun's body.

Yan Yun's face changed, and he let out a scream. The dagger fell to the ground, and his whole body was directly blown away by Ye Chen's punch.

"They are killers."

Fang Yuqi's expression changed, and several people took aim at these fake Dragon Soul members with guns.

When these people saw what had happened, a ferocious look flashed across their faces, and with a flick of their wrists, they rushed towards Johnny with a pair of short knives.

Ye Chen snorted coldly, waved his sleeves, and the terrifying Yuan Power turned into waves, directly hitting the group of killers and driving them back.

Johnny swallowed, turned around and ran towards Hal and the bodyguards.

Several special forces led by Fang Yuqi surrounded these killers. With the sound of gunshots, several killers fell down.

"There is no target in this world that we cannot kill in this world. Your resistance is in vain."

One of the killers covered the wound pierced by the bullet and said with a ferocious expression.

At this moment, Ye Chen's heart skipped a beat. He turned around suddenly and saw a black bodyguard behind Johnny. He suddenly took out a dagger with a blue light and stabbed Johnny directly.

Johnny's nerves were already tense to the extreme, and he immediately realized something was wrong. In panic, he suddenly dodged to the side, but his shoulder was still scratched by the dagger, and blood spattered everywhere.

"Myron, what are you doing?"

Hal's face changed and he roared.

"No matter who I want to kill in this world, I can't escape."

A look of madness flashed across Myron's face, he waved the dagger and was about to stab Johnny.

"Damn it, you are a traitor."

A ferocious look flashed across Hal's face and he yelled.

Ye Chen's eyes flashed with murderous intent, he stretched out his hand, and the white energy directly smashed Myron's head through the air.

"Master Johnny, are you okay?"

Hal supported Johnny who fell to the ground and fell into a semi-conscious state, and shouted urgently: "Master Johnny has been poisoned. Hurry, take Master Johnny to the hospital."

Ye Chen's expression changed, and he appeared next to Johnny with a movement of his body. At this time, black poisonous blood was already flowing out of his wound.

Marven hurriedly reached out and tapped a few points on the acupuncture points near Johnny's wound to suppress the flow of blood.

At this time, some accidents happened on the field. The killers knew that Johnny had been poisoned, and with a ferocious look on their faces, they rushed to the nearby police station desperately, as if they were exchanging their lives for their lives.

Fang Yuqi exclaimed, and his arm was scratched by a killer.

In just a few seconds, black blood appeared in Fang Yuqi's wound.

"Oh shit."

Ye Chen cursed angrily,

After hesitating for a moment, he still rushed in the direction of Fang Yuqi.

Johnny's life was compared with Fang Yuqi's, but Ye Chen still chose to save Fang Yuqi.

After all, Johnny was just a stranger, and there was a killer lurking among his bodyguards. It was no longer Ye Chen's responsibility for something like this to happen.

"Are you OK."

Ye Chen appeared next to Fang Yuqi and asked solemnly.

"I'm fine, you go save Johnny first."

Fang Yuqi felt a little dizzy and said reluctantly.

"What nonsense are you talking about? You have been poisoned. This poison will kill you within ten minutes."

Ye Chen snorted coldly, reached out and pressed a few times on Fang Yuqi's wound, and then urged his energy to enter Fang Yuqi's body.

While Ye Chen was treating Fang Yuqi's injuries, the remaining killers were shot dead on the spot.

At Hal's request, Johnny was put directly into the medical vehicle and drove to the nearest city hospital.

At this time, Ye Chen's mind stopped in Fang Yuqi's body. The poison in the world is very overbearing. Fortunately, the poison lasted only a short time. But even so, it still took Ye Chen some time to get rid of all the poison in her body. Clear.

At this moment, Suzaku ran over from a short distance with a few people.

"Don't move."

Several special officers raised their guns and pointed at Suzaku.

"What are you doing? We are Dragon Soul people."

A look of astonishment flashed across Suzaku's face.

Ye Chen narrowed his eyes, and after confirming that Suzaku was real, he said in a deep voice: "Put down the gun, they are real."

Te Jǐng next to him hesitated for a moment and put down the gun in his hand.

"Ye Chen, what on earth is going on?"

Suzaku hurriedly walked over, looked at the corpses on the ground, and said anxiously: "Where is Minister Johnny?"

"The killer in this world pretended to be a member of Dragon Soul and assassinated Johnny. He was poisoned and has been sent to the hospital."

Ye Chen said solemnly.

"What? Someone is pretending to be a member of Dragon Soul?"

Zhuque was stunned for a moment, and his expression changed.

"That's him, pretending to be a member of Dragon Soul, his name seems to be Yan Yun."

Ye Chen pointed to Yan Yun's body on the ground and said.

At this time, there was a policeman nearby who handed Yan Yun's ID to Suzaku.

"This is Yan Yun's ID, but when he went out on missions a few months ago, he disappeared. We always thought something happened to him."

Zhuque's face was slightly gloomy. He looked at Yan Yun's body and said, "And this person is not Yan Yun. Yan Yun is a little shorter than him."

Ye Chen frowned, stared at Yan Yun's face, then stretched out his hand to touch his face, and then took off a layer of human skin mask.

Under the mask is an extremely unfamiliar Asian face.

"As expected, they are fake. I have underestimated these killers in this world."

Ye Chen narrowed his eyes and said with a gloomy expression.

This group of killers in this world have prepared so many methods to kill Johnny. If the Night King cannot kill Johnny, the bodyguard who is undercover next to Johnny will do it.

But during the entire operation, Johnny was protected by Chinese people. The bodyguard had no chance to take action. The fake Yan Yun appeared at this time just to cover up the undercover.

It was such a thorough assassination plan that not even Ye Chen could react for a moment.

"No, Johnny has been sent to the hospital now. He might be in danger."

Suzaku's expression changed, and he said solemnly: "We must rush to the city hospital. Before I came, the Dragon King gave an order. Johnny must not make any mistakes, otherwise the consequences will be serious." (To be continued)

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