My Fintech Empire

Chapter 1201 [Suddenly there are barbarians everywhere]

With the National Day holiday over, the A-share market ushered in its first trading day after the holiday on Monday, October 10.

The three major stock indexes all opened higher today. They also opened higher and moved higher. At the end of the day, all three major stock indexes ended in the red, marking a good start to the first trading day after the holiday. The Shanghai Stock Exchange Index rose +1.45% to 3048.14 points; the Shenzhen Component Index rose +1.65% to 10741.69 points; the New Securities 50 Index rose +2.77% to 1877.97 points.

What is particularly worth talking about is the emergence of a new popular concept - the concept of raising placards!

This is all due to the fermentation of the dispute over Wanda's equity during the holidays. The villagers said that acquisitions and acquisitions between market entities are market-oriented behaviors. As long as they comply with the requirements of relevant laws and regulations, they will not be punished. put one's oar in.

Well, now all kinds of capital have been greatly encouraged. Not only are the stars involved in the big fat Zhuyu at the front, but also the attitude of the villagers are behind. Now they all want to be savage. People are gearing up and preparing to follow suit.

To be precise, they have already begun to follow suit. Everyone in the world is looking for profit, and they will flock to it if they can make a profit.

In the days that followed, the A-share market stopped falling and started to rise. It really couldn't fall anymore. Driven by the craze for the concept of raising placards, it couldn't fall anymore. The A-share market showed a strong upward trend throughout October.

The carnival of placard-raising was just like this in the A-share market. Every now and then, announcements were made about companies being placarded. Even high-quality blue-chip Yili shares were taken care of by placard-raising funds, which frightened Yili's management. Jumped and almost made a move to apply for a trading suspension.

Many bosses of listed companies are a little panicked right now, especially some listed companies that have lent out securities. Now they are hurriedly returning the bonds and not daring to lend them out anymore. There are so many "barbarians" everywhere outside. A bit weak.

After the first "barbarian" was born, a large number of "barbarians" suddenly emerged. The CEOs of listed companies were eyeing the "barbarians" at the door. Can they be honest, in case they were "barbarians"? Having stolen a house, think about it, Wan Tiao is now learning from the past.

The top management teams of listed companies do not dare to borrow securities easily, which also weakens the short-selling power of the A-share market, and the bullish momentum becomes stronger, driving the market to continue to rise.

Until the end of October, the craze for the concept of placards has not faded away, but is still pushing to a higher craze. On Tuesday, November 8, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index broke through the previous high of 3140 points and hit a new high.

Meditation in the villa.

At this moment, Tian Jiayi, who was staying with Fang Hong, was chatting about the situation in the capital market: "The current craze for raising placards in the capital market can be said to be at its peak. So many barbarians suddenly appeared. You made a start and gave Many people have confidence, and some even force you to endorse it.”

Tian Jiayi added: "Obviously they are only interested in profit, but these people still use the high-sounding banner of 'purifying the capital market' to fight poison with poison. These people are the real barbarians. They really confirm the saying, if they are controlled, they will die, and if they are released, they will be chaotic." The demons danced wildly.”

Fang Hong smiled and said: "Who made this land have too many smart people, haha..."

Tian Jiayi pouted and said: "To put it nicely, he is smart and good at seizing opportunities. To put it badly, it is just speculation. But do the village leaders really intend to indulge in this and ignore it and let the demons dance wildly?"

Hearing this, Fang Hong thought and analyzed: "If you want to take control, you don't have to take care of it now. If you take care of it now, you will be slapped immediately. No one in the village will think about it and will not take this responsibility. Only when the chaos reaches a certain level will it be justified." , I have to take care of it.”

Tian Jiayi nodded: "That's right."

Fang Hong turned around and said: "And in my opinion, our opponent is not a loser. The concept of raising cards is so hot now, so many follow-up funds are involved in the hype, and many funds that think they are smart are lying in wait for the big guys to raise their cards to make money. A sum of money, haha, how much of it is really valuable, and how many high-quality core asset targets are there like Wanqi?”

"The vast majority of them are garbage. If you dare to raise a sign, dare to support others, or dare to ambush in, he will directly package the company and sell it to you. The stocks exchanged for real money are worse than a pile of toilet paper. valuable."

Obviously, there will definitely be a lot of rubbish companies that will take advantage of this trend to whitewash themselves, attract those funds that follow the trend, and finally sell the company's stocks to speculators in a package, completing a harvest feast.

But from another perspective, it also shows that the A-share market will continue to strengthen in the coming period, and at least it will still be able to maintain a strong bull market in November.

The strong bull market in the A-share market in October was not just the main board next door, the market on the SGX was even stronger than the main board. The SGX 50 Index, which bottomed out for the second time at 1781 points, turned to fluctuate upward in October and successfully broke through. 1923.76 points hit a record high.

Currently, the NSE 50 index is fluctuating near its historical highs at the end of the month. The highest point has reached 1979.62 points, and it is very close to breaking through the 2000-point integer mark.

In the end, Fang Hong stopped paying attention to this matter and changed the topic: "How is the launch of the game box?"

Tian Jiayi quickly followed the train of thought and replied: "It has been determined. It will be listed on the SGX next Thursday, November 10. The company's IPO valuation is determined to be 375.9 billion, with a total share capital of 11.3 billion shares and an issue price of 33.26 yuan per share. The initial fundraising is 42 billion yuan, becoming the largest IPO since the opening of the SGX, surpassing the previous Jingdong."

Next week, the number of companies listed on the SGX will be reduced to single digits for the first time, including Game Box, which has only 7 companies.

It is obvious that they have to make way for the big guy Game Box. After all, he will take away a huge financing scale of 42 billion from the capital market, which can match the total financing scale of the SGX last month.

It goes without saying that Game Box, with its size, will definitely be included in the SGX 50 Index. According to one of the inclusion conditions of the index, it must be a non-financial company and has been listed for more than one year. For listed companies that have been in the top 25% of the market value of the SGX for three consecutive months, the period can be reduced to half a year.

That is to say, after half a year, Game Box will become a constituent stock of the SGX 50 Index

Even if the company's market value is halved and halved again compared to the issuance market value, it can still be in the top 25% of the market value, and other inclusion indicators are also met. It can be included in the index after the SGX 50 Index adjusts its constituent stocks in half a year.

After a while, Fang Hong asked: "How many listed companies are there on the SGX now? What is the total financing scale of the registered and listed companies?"

Hearing this, Tian Jiayi immediately answered clearly: "The SGX has been open for 10 months, and the cumulative number of registered and listed companies has reached 437. Including the 22 large-cap stocks of the star system transferred from the main board, the total number of listed companies on the SGX is currently 459."

Tian Jiayi searched the data in his brain and continued: "As of last week, the 437 registered and listed companies had a cumulative financing scale of 285.57 billion. On average, each listed company raised about 650 million from the market."


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