My Fintech Empire

Chapter 1202 [Having a good SGX is half the battle]

After listening to the data reported by Tian Jiayi, Fang Hong nodded and said to himself: "It is in line with expectations."

There are still about two months left in this year. According to this issuance schedule, it is not a problem for the stock pool size of the SGX market to exceed 600 by the end of the year, because there are no large companies like Game Box with a market value of hundreds of billions listed in the last two months.

More than 95% of the companies registered and listed on the SGX are in the range of 3 billion to 5 billion, and most of them are technology-based growth stocks.

After a moment, Fang Hong asked again: "What about the financing situation of the entire A-share market?"

Tian Jiayi replied: "Including the financing scale of the SGX, the total financing scale of the three major A-share trading markets is about 1.28 trillion, including data on IPO, additional issuance and rights issue... What are you laughing at?"

The beautiful assistant who was reporting the data found that Fang Hong next to her suddenly smiled, and was immediately quite puzzled.

Fang Hong smiled as usual and said, "Nothing, I'm just quite satisfied with this number."

At this moment, Fang Hong was recalling the data of the A-share market fundraising amount in 2016 in the same period of his previous life. In his previous life, 2016 was known as the "first financing year in the history of A-shares" at that time. The total amount of fundraising, including IPO, rights issue and additional issuance, reached an astonishing 1.62 trillion yuan, exceeding the 1.55 trillion yuan financing amount in 2015, becoming the year with the highest financing amount in history at that time.

But the current data is only about 1.28 trillion yuan. If the fundraising amount of the SGX is removed, it is less than 1 trillion yuan, which is more than one-third less than the data of the same period in the previous life.

It is obvious that the birth of the SGX has in fact had a huge impact on the issuance of new shares in the two neighboring cities. It is no wonder that a group of financial rentiers are anxious. This decline is really too exaggerated. It was like this in the first year. What will happen in the future?

Since the opening of the SGX, especially since the second quarter of this year, the financing of the neighboring main board has obviously been a bit weak.

The only data that can be obtained is probably IPO. This is because currently, if you win the lottery for new shares, you can basically make a profit. Investors still insist on buying new shares, while the situation of allotment and additional issuance for refinancing is very pessimistic. They will soon be abandoned by investors, and investors will choose to redeem when they know it.

If investors are not still insisting on buying new shares, it is very likely that the fundraising data on the main board this year will be halved compared with last year.

There are fewer and fewer leeks, which makes those financial rentiers have to have internal conflicts. There is less meat, but the rentiers are not reduced or even more. It is difficult not to have conflicts. Backstabbing has also happened. For example, companies that "break through" IPOs suddenly broke out before listing. The scandal of sudden dividends, performance fraud scandals, etc., are all external manifestations of internal conflicts.

So when Fang Hong saw this financing data, of course he smiled. It's good to hear it.

It is worth mentioning that the two cities next door can maintain a fundraising scale of nearly 1 trillion yuan, which is also due to Fang Hong letting Qunxing Group to strategically target the main board market. Stockholders come to the SGX, while Qunxing's funds go to the main board. However, Qunxing's funds also go to the bottom of high-quality core assets and financing for listed companies of Yangqi and Guo Jia's team, including the SGX theme funds issued by major public funds in the second half of the year mixed with main board targets to participate in financing.

If there is no U-turn by Qunxing Group and the financing of SGX theme mixed funds mixed with main board targets, the fundraising amount next door will be reduced by more than 200 billion yuan.

This shows why those financial rentiers hate SGX so much and why they regret not trying their best to obstruct the implementation of the SGX registration system pilot project. At the same time, it can also be understood why those people took the initiative to make trouble for Fang Hong this year, because if the contradiction is not transferred to Fang Hong, it will explode internally.

Fang Hong also made it clear that the strategic focus of the financial sector in the future is to improve SGX. Attracting investors and funds to this place will basically win.

Without an object to harvest, the group of financial rentiers will harvest each other, and they will fall into a state of stock game among themselves, and greater conflicts will definitely erupt within them, unless someone is willing to give up, but how can the rentiers give up their interests?

In short, if the SGX market is well managed, half of the battle is won.

Finally, Fang Hong put away his thoughts and said: "The game box will be launched next week, just proceed as planned, don't make any mistakes."

Tian Jiayi, who was sitting next to him, suddenly said: "Speaking of the game box, there is a piece of news in Europe that is related to it. The Propaganda Department of the Bolan Government issued a "Guide for Game Developers in the Greater China Market", which has aroused heated discussions among many players in China."

Fang Hong was very interested when he heard it: "Oh? What do you mean?"

Tian Jiayi said in an orderly manner: "This guide aims to provide European and American game developers with detailed information about the Greater China market, so as to guide their game companies to conduct business in the Greater China market. I originally thought it would be a mechanical long-winded speech, but I didn't expect that almost every sentence hit the pain points of domestic players."

"The guide points out that the revenue of mobile games in our domestic game market has grown extremely rapidly, but PC games are very popular in the domestic market, accounting for more than half of the size of domestic players. It also points out that the Greater China market is huge beyond everyone's imagination. No matter what type of game you make, you can find enough audiences here."

"At the same time, it is pointed out that players in the Greater China market believe that games are a means of social interaction, so making online cooperative games is more conducive to attracting Chinese players. And it is particularly emphasized that even if your game does not require text, it is best to be translated into Chinese. Domestic players can use it in Game Box One of the most common negative reviews of foreign games on the platform (Asia server) is that they are not in Chinese. For games without Chinese, they usually leave the game page without reading the content.”

"So the game must support Chinese, and localization into Simplified Chinese is a priority. The guide also points out that our domestic players mostly rely on puns and word games for their humor, so players have very high expectations for the quality of the Chinese version of the game. Subtitles are better than dubbing." More importantly, unless your Chinese dubbing is very good, don’t join.”

"Then it was pointed out that we must ensure the quality of the Chinese version and the recognition of the Chinese title of the game. It also said that Chinese players very much appreciate the efforts of game developers to provide Chinese content. In addition, the guide also pointed out not to insert any political correctness into the game. gadgets, or try to teach players how to do things in the game, and pointed out that most domestic players are not interested in American style painting, and a cute style would be more suitable. Finally, they also pointed out that they must enter the Chinese Internet, which will make players feel more friendly. "

After listening to this, Fang Hong couldn't help but smile. The influence of the Game Box platform began to be revealed. Currently, the Game Box platform is online in four major regions around the world, namely the Chinese server, the European server, the American server, and the Asian server, with a total of more than 1.5 billion players from all over the world have registered Game Box accounts, and the number continues to soar.

This game platform has given 700 million domestic players an easier way to access foreign games. It has also allowed foreign game manufacturers to see the consumption potential of players in the Greater China market and pay more attention to this market than ever before.

This is also due to the huge returns brought by the "Elder Scrolls" series known as the "Old Roll" on the Asian server, as well as the Chinese version of the popular "The Witcher 3". These game developers have been acquired by Qunxing. But the game company is overseas, and there is no full acquisition.

For example, the game developer of the "Witcher" series is still based in Europe, and most of its employees are from there. In recent years, the Chinese Internet has recruited people here in China and set up offices and so on. A promotional guide will be produced to guide their own game companies on how to develop game business in the Greater China market.

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