My Fintech Empire

Chapter 1204 [Perfect card BUG bypasses restrictions]

Tian Jiayi, who had made a memo of information, thought to himself and said: "Even if there are platforms to help apply for plate number qualifications, the plate number itself is still scarce, and the situation of too many monks and too few meat has not been fundamentally improved. I believe there will still be problems by then." Many games are still waiting for their version number, and game companies cannot make profits legally. "

This year is about to come to an end. Currently, the number of newly released versions in the game industry is only over 1,500. However, there are more than this number of games launched this year. On the Game Box platform alone, there are as many as 12,000 new domestic games of various types for public testing. , although most of them are online mini-games, mobile games, etc., but no matter what, each game must correspond to a version number.

What's more, the entire game market not only includes game box platforms, but also major industry players such as Pig Factory and Goose Factory.

Tian Jiayi tilted his head and looked at Fang Hong and added: "...especially small and medium-sized manufacturers and start-ups cannot survive for long without income. Over time, operations will be unsustainable, and the company may go bankrupt before the license plate number is reached. Inferior products If it goes bankrupt, it will go bankrupt. It is a natural elimination process, but it would be a pity if it is a good product but it goes bankrupt due to the restriction of the version number. "

Hearing this, Fang Hong frowned slightly and fell into deep thought, but after a little thought he quickly relaxed and thought of a solution. He then said with a smile: "This problem is not difficult to solve, just targeted financing."

As soon as these words came out, Tian Jiayi couldn't help being slightly stunned.

After reacting, his eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but say: "This method is indeed very good. Products that have been verified by the market are confirmed to be profitable, but they are just stuck by the version number. By providing precise targeted financing support, this cannot be regarded as the profit of the game manufacturer. Item. And game manufacturers can avoid bankruptcy if they have funds to operate.”

If you don't get a version number, you can't participate in profit sharing, but the financing funds you get will definitely not be regarded as a profit item, but an investment item, which is equivalent to bypassing the restriction of scarcity of version numbers in a reasonable, legal and compliant way.

For the Game Box platform, it doesn’t matter even if a game’s version number application cannot be approved for a long time. As long as the game itself is successful and popular, the game continues to be operated on the platform, and the game company does not get profit sharing. In the worst case, just continue to provide financing support to the company until the version number is approved.

It doesn’t even matter if you still can’t get the version number. The platform or other investors will continue to raise funds for game companies, first a round A, then a round B, then a round C, round D, round E...

It can continue to be financed, which is equivalent to indirect profit sharing with the game company. Although the company itself is not profitable, it can always have financing. The company has money in its account to continue operating the game, and employees' wages and bonuses are still paid. In fact, there is no impact at all. .

Moreover, the platform can control third-party game developers in all aspects. If you are disobedient, I will backhand you and withdraw your capital, and you will be finished. You will go bankrupt on the spot.

It is no exaggeration to say that with this targeted financing operation, the version number issue is a constraint for peers such as Goose Factory and Pig Factory, but for the Game Box platform, it is in fact useless. It can be said to have jumped out of the Three Realms. Among the five elements.

Third-party game developers who plan to launch games on the Game Box platform do not have to worry about being blocked. As long as they ensure that they do not violate the core values ​​of society, they can freely develop products. It does not matter if they are launched or even continue to be in public beta. , there is no profit sharing platform to provide you with continuous targeted financing. Even if the company loses money for ten years and makes no profit, it doesn’t matter. Anyway, it will provide you with continuous financing.

The most important thing is that friends and colleagues such as Goose Factory and Pig Factory cannot imitate this method even if they want to. They can only stare at it.

Because there is a prerequisite for this gameplay to be successful, that is, it must adopt the platform subscription and payment model like the Game Box platform. The money used by the Game Box platform to provide targeted financing to third-party game developers is essentially the players. Revenue from subscription payments.

Not only does it circumvent the restrictions of the version number, but it is also reasonable and legal. There is no violation of laws and regulations, and it can be done clearly.

In this way, the version number has become a powerful moat for the Game Box platform, because the version number is in name only on the Game Box platform, but peers cannot get around it. Without the version number, the game cannot be profitable. If it continues to be a free public beta, obviously The fate of bankruptcy is inevitable.

This will bring another result. All third-party game developers, especially small and medium-sized manufacturers and start-ups, have only one optimal choice, which is to join the Game Box platform. When you come to this platform, you only need to do one thing. Develop games, develop good games, and develop games that players like.

Finally, Tian Jiayi couldn't help but say: "Continuous targeted financing can circumvent the issue of version numbers. I have a hunch that if this plan is implemented, the game industry will definitely usher in a blowout next year, and newly established start-up companies will surely spring up like mushrooms after a rain. pop up like that.”

Here, the aroma of wine is not afraid of the deep alleys, and if it is gold, it will definitely shine. It is not a problem that you cannot make profits without a version number. There will be investors who will continue to provide targeted financing to your company, and the bonuses and wages of executives and employees can be paid as usual.

Don’t underestimate the impact that the Game Box platform can actually circumvent version number restrictions on the future development of the entire game industry. This will encourage more investors to enter this market. In the past, they were worried that they would fall behind in the version number, leading to investment losses. There is no need to worry about this problem now. Just focus on the competitiveness of your products. Don’t worry about the lack of survival space for good products.

As time goes by, it will definitely be a matter of time before local game masterpieces and local third-party game developers rise. You just need to be patient and wait for the one who stands out.

In addition, if you can't get a license and you can't make a profit, but the company itself is excellent and the game products it develops are very popular, even if the company doesn't make a profit for several years, it can still be listed on the A-share market, because now Big A has a registration-based pilot project. SGX.

This kind of game company can be registered and listed on the SGX even if it is not profitable. As long as the capital market recognizes your business development logic, it will still buy it if it has not made profits for ten years, and the stock price can be supported.

Finally, Tian Jiayi looked at Fang Hong and said: "In this case, over time, the scarcity of game version numbers will no longer exist. In a sense, wouldn't the Game Box platform actually take over what the General Administration of Publications should do? Has it been done? Will this lead to changes in regulations to restrict the game box platform?”

Fang Hong shook his head and smiled: "I don't say it's impossible, but it's very slim, because if you want to change it, you have to do a major operation on the existing legal system framework. If one thing affects the whole body, then the impact and scope will be huge. The game industry is so simple. If you don’t allow me to make normal financing and investment, what will happen to other industries? If you say you don’t allow game boxes to have a subscription service model, what will happen to other industries as well? ?”

Speaking of this, Fang Hong added with a smile on his face: "I guess, either we can cancel the game version number mechanism, which is the simplest and no matter how great the impact is, it will only be limited to the game industry and will not radiate to the outside world on a large scale; or It is most likely to maintain the status quo and continue to operate in accordance with the existing regulatory framework, because this is the least troublesome and labor-intensive.”

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