My Fintech Empire

Chapter 1211 [Discontinuous technological leadership]

When technology is open sourced, a new track is opened to everyone. The large AI models developed by others are all based on your open source technology. So at the hardware level, the computing provided by Matrix Quantum must be used. The power chip is more suitable, but replacing it with other hardware may cause various problems.

When this ecosystem gradually grows in scale, it will be very difficult for others to change. They can only use the computing chips you provide. If they change to other brands of hardware products, they may have to make changes from the bottom up, which will cost a lot of money. It will be very expensive. In other words, try not to change it if you can.

Fang Hong asked: "How big is the gap between Matrix Quantum's GPU and Nvidia's?"

Chen Yu replied: "Within one generation. I am confident that we will be able to catch up with technology by next year, and then we will catch up."

This answer made Fang Hong very satisfied. It was about a year faster than he expected. However, Chen Yu changed the subject: "But the cost is a bit higher. Even if it is sold at the production price without making money, it will still be higher than similar competitors." With a price premium of 35%, the market competitiveness is still a bit low.”

After hearing this, Fang Hong smiled nonchalantly and said: "It's not a big problem. We don't need to consider selling the display chips developed by Matrix Quantum to gamers. We can just open source this large model and sell it to those companies."

Chen Yu said: "Enterprises may not buy it, right?"

Fang Hong shook his head: "They will definitely buy it. I just said at the 'mass entrepreneurship and innovation' meeting that we will blow up a technology bubble. This technology bubble starts from the artificial intelligence language model. For companies that do this, the capital market will give them higher The price-to-earnings ratio, the stock price can skyrocket, and you can raise funds by just using your face. When the time comes, the company will not worry about whether it is expensive or not, but will worry about whether it can be bought. Maybe it will still make money by then. "

Obviously, this series of event factors are not isolated, but interrelated. If Fang Hong wants to promote the stock market, it will cause linkage effects at all levels, especially the capital market and the entrepreneurial market are highly related.

The mass entrepreneurship and innovation meeting has already pointed out the direction for entrepreneurs, and now it is further specified to engage in artificial intelligence, which is further clarified.

At this time, Chen Yu said again: "There is another question, will other manufacturers follow up? After all, Matrix Quantum not only provides hardware, but also makes large models. Will others simply give up and not worry about competition? "

Fang Hong then smiled and said calmly: "That's why we have to skip the first generation and directly open source the second generation. The current competitors on the market can't even beat the technical level of the first generation and release technology that is one generation ahead." Coming out is a dimensionality-reducing blow to them.”

"Don't worry that no one will follow. If you don't do it, some people will. But as long as you decide to follow up and participate in the trend of AI, you can only and have to use my open source technology, otherwise others will take advantage of my open source technology. I can beat you up, but if you don’t use my open source technology, just don’t get involved in the AI ​​​​trend, otherwise you will lose everything.”

Obviously, discontinued technological leadership is a form of technological hegemony.

Fang Hong still smiled and said: "Don't worry, the reputation we have accumulated over the years will be put aside. When the time comes, I will stand up and say a few words. Although I am very strong, I am still willing to fight with you when facing the weak." Be reasonable and don't use force to bully others. As long as you don't push your nose and face, the market will still buy my account. "

This is the power of credit. God K’s credit is guaranteed. In a sense, it is more effective than black and white writing on a piece of paper and an official seal.

It is very rare for a strong man with absolute strength to calmly reason with the weak. However, such a strong man is willing to reason with the weak instead of physics. This is the self-cultivation of the strong.

However, if a weak person is trying to get his nose in the face, he doesn't mind talking about physics to him. To talk about reason is to cultivate oneself, and to talk about physics is to build solid strength.

Finally, Fang Hong brought the topic back and asked: "What is the next generation of technology?"

Chen Yu immediately introduced to him: "The fourth generation is an image generation model based on the third generation architecture. It can generate corresponding images based on text prompts and has the ability to handle various complex and surreal image generation tasks."

"The development process is actually very clear and inevitable. The fifth generation model is visualization, that is, text generation and image generation has advanced to video generation. Through a simple natural language description, you can create long videos on your own and realize detailed scenes. , complex camera movements and multiple characters with vivid expressions.”

After a moment of pause, Chen Yu added: "After the fifth-generation AI model matures, I think the landscape of the film and television industry will be completely reshaped by AI, which means that as long as you have the ability to think logically, you can theoretically create a real movie independently. movie of."

"The production cost of movies will decrease exponentially, especially for special effects blockbusters that now cost hundreds of millions. The fifth-generation model can use AI to generate special effects scenes. By then, the production cost of several million will be comparable to the current production of 200 million US dollars. Cost-effective Hollywood special effects blockbusters.”

Fang Hong has no doubts about Chen Yu's description. Realizing what he said is no longer a matter of possibility, but a matter of time, and the time is not too far away. It will definitely come in the foreseeable future. .

Because the technological progress of AI will increase exponentially in the future, the iteration speed will become faster and faster.

Once the Vincent video matures, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is subversive to the film and television industry. Actors and stars will lose their jobs, and it is highly likely that real superstars will no longer appear in the future. The problem of high actor pay will naturally disappear under the impact of the technological torrent.

This is actually a good thing. Now the production of a movie requires a lot of manpower, material resources and a behind-the-scenes team, but some leading actors take the absolute majority of the remuneration. This distribution method is actually very unreasonable, but the market needs it.

However, with the development of technology, after the fifth-generation Vincent video model matures, actors no longer have a large weight in a movie, and more turn to the story of the film itself, which means that the distribution of profits can be dispersed throughout the behind-the-scenes production team.

To put it bluntly, the actor's pay is now distributed to the behind-the-scenes production team, and there will not be a situation where the pay of one or two leading actors accounts for most of the production cost.

In the future, there will inevitably be a productivity explosion in the film and television industry. The emergence of the fifth-generation Vincent video model will further lower the industry entry threshold and truly realize the era of universal film production. As long as you have logical thinking ability, everyone can be a director in theory.

It is similar to the current situation where everyone is a media person and everyone is a self-media. In the past, the media and information disseminators were in the hands of a few people, but now everyone is a self-media. Isn't it breaking the traditional shackles? If you can access the Internet and have a mobile phone, the entire Toutiao account, Weibo, etc. can spread information.

After the emergence of the fifth-generation Wensheng video AI model, similar changes will also be brought about.

Of course, it will definitely bring similar negative effects. Now everyone is a self-media era, which leads to the flood of spam information. In the future, the video industry will definitely have a large number of crude and shoddy video content due to the lowering of the threshold brought by the technological explosion.

But overall, the great explosion of productivity is definitely more beneficial than harmful. In the past, the threshold of this industry was high, which also led to the concentration of wealth effects in a small group. Not everyone can be a director, so the director's income is high, and the pay for making a movie is the amount that ordinary people can't earn in their lifetime.

With the great explosion of film and television productivity, the threshold has come down, and everyone can make movies. The profits generated by this industry can be dispersed to the majority of people. Maybe three or five young people with a good creative story and extraordinary imagination can create a considerable income. For consumers, they can spend the same amount of money as now to consume more entertainment products.

The trend of technological development is also unstoppable and cannot be changed by personal will. Even if it can be stopped for a while, it can never be stopped forever.

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