My Fintech Empire

Chapter 1212 [The underlying framework for establishing a virtual world is initially formed]

The fifth-generation Vincent Video large model can also help Yixing Video become a super platform for trillion-dollar giants. Now, as the largest online streaming video website in China, Yixing Video is also stepping on the trend.

Assuming that an ordinary person can independently make movies using the fifth-generation Vincent Video model, one can imagine how big an industry explosion it will bring. In the future, all kinds of online information will become video-based, which means that video platforms are very important.

But at this moment, Fang Hong looked at Chen Yu and emphasized: "We can't just focus on the film, television and entertainment fields. Industry and life scenes are equally important, or even more important. The key is that life scene functions must also be embedded in industrial product hardware. Industrial manufacturing is The foundation within the foundation can ensure the prosperity of entertainment products at the upper level, otherwise it will be no different from Douyin.”

Chen Yu nodded: "Yes, I understand this."

The two then came to an office. Fang Hong sat down on the sofa in the rest area and said: "The technology on your side is iterating so fast. Xingyu Technology has to urge Qin Feng to lay out the technology as soon as possible. Now there are digital Virtual currencies, digital virtual property rights, and various virtual trading systems have been established. Coupled with the node breakthroughs of the fifth-generation model on your side, this key piece of the puzzle has been filled in. The arrival of a virtual society is already close. In front of you."

There were just the two of them in the room. Chen Yu poured two glasses of water and walked to the sofa in the lounge area. He placed one glass on the guest table next to Fang Hong. He also sat down and said, "You plan to let Qin Feng do the VR headset." Section?”

Fang Hong nodded.

Chen Yu lowered his head and thought: "But can it fit in at this time?"

Fang Hong said calmly: "The technical iteration of the fifth generation AI Vincent video model here, according to this exponential iteration efficiency, will only happen in the next one or two years. The fifth generation Vincent video model is the key, and the VR boom a while ago is starting now. The reason why the market is cold is that the materials are not easy to obtain, especially the limited amount of video content. Making VR videos requires multi-angle cameras, which is very demanding in such three-dimensional scenes, and of course the cost is high. ”

“But if Wensheng Video supported by artificial intelligence can quickly and easily generate high-quality videos and produce them in large quantities, VR headsets will be very different.”

At present, not many people in China have experienced VR head-mounted displays. In fact, when using this kind of head-mounted display, the visual and auditory effects it presents are comparable to, or even much better than, 3D cinemas. When going to a 3D theater, you must wear 3D glasses. In a sense, they are also a simple head-mounted display device.

When an individual wears a VR headset, the experience can be diversified and find any comfortable state, such as lying on the bed and watching or other states.

Fang Hong said methodically: "The current Internet has established virtual states for various people. Your AI language model can be turned into various virtual expressions. Later, the Vincent video model will be added. It has become a leader in digital image discontinuation, and the development speed is indeed very fast. When digital images are displayed, it gives you a more immersive experience, so Xingyu Technology makes terminal equipment headsets.”

At this time, Chen Yu, who was sitting aside, clasped his hands and covered his mouth and said in a deep voice: "But there is another difference brought about by the application of head-mounted display devices. Large models capture a variety of images, and then edit and create based on these images. This leads to another question, how to calculate intellectual property rights? Or how to calculate the property rights generated by artificial intelligence? "

Speaking of this, Chen Yu looked at Fang Hong and asked him this question.

Many times, a scene can become a creative material for artificial intelligence. As for how this creative material comes from, as artificial intelligence, it must be digitalized, electronic and then captured from the system.

In other words, under someone else's property rights system, some original scenes may be edited repeatedly by artificial intelligence, which means you have to pay money repeatedly.

In the past, this kind of money distribution was very complicated. How to divide it specifically, some very small elements and materials were used in the middle, and it was difficult to integrate multiple parties. But now it is very easy to make an electronic system, especially for this kind of digital property rights.

Although the copyright owner can collect a very small amount of money, there are so many different elements and so many levels of reference that it cannot be tolerated. Sometimes, you don’t even know how many levels the AI ​​has transferred.

The combinations of text are limited, but images are very different. There are many more combinations of elements in images than text. The images inside use original graphics. Sometimes they are inseparable from the original graphics. Without them, they don’t look like a certain image. The faces of big stars must be used.

Obviously, this is very different from text. Even if the same thing is described, text can be written from multiple angles, and the description from each angle can be a separate copyright. But if you take a portrait, a face, or a Regardless of the angle of artistic creation such as scenes, the original ones are copyrighted.

At this moment, Fang Hong nodded and said: "That's a good question. Current laws basically do not recognize the creation of artificial intelligence as containing intellectual property rights, so the property rights of the original images of the created images have become very important. When we supported the Yixing Video Platform, we spent a lot of money to acquire copyrights, and we have already accumulated a wealth of original property rights in film, video, audio, and graphics.”

All in all, the issue of how to calculate property rights is not a big problem for the galaxy.

Fang Hong crossed his legs and said with a bit of contentment: "In the past, the main reason why we didn't build a virtual world was that even if you spent a lot of effort to build it, there would be nothing, it would just be a desert. But now it is different. There are already digital property rights, digital Currency, digital fees, virtual transactions, virtual space, in fact, the ecology of the entire virtual world has begun to gradually improve, and the underlying framework has been established by accident or necessity.”

"Especially when the artificial intelligence iterations on your side mature, the virtual world will no longer be a desert and can be filled with rich content. The original materials can be paid after being selected. Of course, there are differences in payment. The question is, who should I choose? There are rules that can be added.”

Obviously, it all depends on who you choose at this time, what scene you choose, who you choose uses more or less, and who charges more or less.

If you are not in the same position as me, I will not use you.

After a while, Fang Hong continued: "The underlying framework of the virtual world has been developed. At this time, it is necessary to upgrade the terminal head-mounted display equipment to bring people into the immersive experience of this virtual world. Now some people in the technology circle are starting to engage in VR The reason why users don’t come is that after they buy your head-mounted display device, they put it on and find that it is a desert of content. There are too few things to watch, and the production cost of content is too high, which restricts mass output. "

"But with artificial intelligence Wensheng Video, it's a different story. All kinds of content can be easily produced in large quantities at low cost, and the quality of the content has not fallen behind. The virtual world has transformed from a desert to an oasis. At this time, That’s when the big breakout really comes.”

“And because another benefit of the headset is the immersive experience of being worn on the head, it means that it is not easy to record and pirate the screen like the current TV and computer screens. Piracy becomes very difficult and basically They are all placed in the cloud and not on your local computer, and the model for copyright protection has also become different.”

Finally, Fang Hong concluded: “In general, the software and hardware for building a virtual world are all ready to be connected. Without the software support that can produce content at low cost, it will be difficult for the hardware industry to start, and the content production industry Software is closely related to artificial intelligence.”

"So your fifth-generation AI Wensheng video model is a key breakthrough node. Not to mention driving a trillion-dollar market, this market is not only a film and television and performance industry, but also includes the game production industry, as well as matching hardware. Industry, it drives many industry-wide changes, changes in distribution, and changes in the property rights system.”

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