My Fintech Empire

Chapter 1213 [Brain-computer terminal is the ultimate form of access to the virtual world]

It is not difficult to understand the change in distribution. For example, for the film and television industry, as long as the fifth-generation Wensheng video model comes out and matures in commercial use, the income of actors will not be as high as it is now. This is inevitable.

It is absolutely impossible for the leading actor to get tens of millions of pay for a movie. For some star actors, it is more likely to authorize the copyright of their original image to the producer in the future.

To put it in a down-to-earth way, for example, if you want to set up a crew to shoot a film or television work, find a well-known star actor to perform, but you don’t really want this star to perform. He actually doesn’t have to do anything, and there is no need to ask him whether he has acting skills, because artificial intelligence generation will show his acting skills very well. The crew just wants to show it through his face, so the star only needs to authorize his portrait rights.

Just scan a face and provide an original image. You didn’t provide anything or make any effort later. Can you still get tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of pay? Obviously, it is impossible.

Now famous superstars and celebrities may be able to get a very high market price by using their face, and they are also hyped up by sentiment, but as time goes by, without the blessing of sentiment, it is not worth the price.

This is the change in industry distribution. The pay of actors will be reduced, and this part of the money will be distributed to the behind-the-scenes production team. The original tens of millions of pay were concentrated on one actor, and in the future, these tens of millions may be distributed to dozens or hundreds of behind-the-scenes production team members. This is obviously a more reasonable way of distribution.

In the same way, with the advent of the era of artificial intelligence literary video, it will drive the explosion of film and television content productivity. In the future, it will definitely be difficult for a movie to have a box office revenue of tens of billions. It will be extremely difficult for "Avatar" to have an exaggerated box office of more than 10 billion yuan in RMB.

Because the output of content has exploded, consumers can't watch it, and they can't watch it at all. Even if they watch it for free for a lifetime, they can't finish it. It is inevitable that the income of a single film and television work will be diluted.

In other words, more people are involved in the distribution of this cake, and it is no longer concentrated in the hands of a few groups.

Maybe a team of a dozen people can make a film or TV work, and then put it on the Yixing video platform. After deducting various costs, it can finally generate millions of profits. It is completely incomparable with those blockbuster works that make hundreds of millions or even hundreds of millions of profits. On average, each person can get tens of thousands of yuan, and they can be very satisfied.

Because they couldn't even get through the threshold before. Maybe they earned a few thousand yuan a month before, but now they earn tens of thousands of yuan. It has increased tenfold, so of course they are satisfied.

Moreover, the production cycle is short, and more works can be produced in a year. It is also very good for each person to earn 200,000 or 300,000 yuan throughout the year. The most important thing is that you can do what you want and have a good income. That kind of life and work status are completely different.

As for the box office hits like "Avatar", it is not to say that they will not appear in the future AI Wensheng video era, but it will be more difficult. If you want to have such a phenomenal super blockbuster, it must be the result of the resonance of time, place, and people. It will not work if one of them is missing.

Fang Hong stayed at Matrix Quantum for more than half an hour, learned about the progress of many internal technical details, and then left the company.

The breakthrough of several key technical nodes for building a virtual world is imminent. Both software and hardware have reached the technical breakthrough of key nodes. Many industries will bring unprecedented changes and reshapes, and will also profoundly change people's production and life.

This wave of enthusiasm driven by artificial intelligence will also greatly stimulate the boom in the capital market and the entrepreneurial market.

Fang Hong did not return to Jingxinju Villa after leaving Matrix Quantum, but went to Xingyu Technology Headquarters and talked face to face with Qin Feng, the head of the company, about the layout of virtual world terminal equipment VR headsets.

The terminal hardware business is basically handed over to Xingyu Technology. The company has been accumulating since the beginning of smartphone terminal equipment. It is definitely the most suitable for Xingyu Technology to do it, including the new energy vehicle business.

In Qin Feng's office.

"It is not very difficult for Xingyu Technology to make VR head-mounted display equipment in terms of hardware technology. No matter how difficult it is, it cannot be as difficult as the research and development of brain-computer interface terminals. The only difficulty in this area is that the current content is too deserted, and there are too few consumer scenarios. Consumers buy a VR head-mounted display. He always has to ask himself what he can do with it, right?" Qin Feng looked at Fang Hong and said so.

His words revealed several important information. Xingyu Technology has the ability to make VR head-mounted display equipment. There is no technical threshold problem, but the problem is that it is likely to be a money-losing product, and the sales volume will not have any impressive results. The current VR craze is the best portrayal. The key is that there is no content and the content has not kept up.

Fang Hong smiled and said, "The barrier of the content desert problem is about to be broken. I just stayed in Matrix Quantum for a while. Chen Yu's artificial intelligence has made rapid progress. The hardware computing power chip is catching up one year faster than I expected. When Chen Yu launches the fifth-generation AI large model, the content level will usher in exponential explosive growth. Several core puzzles of the virtual world are already in place, and your terminal head-mounted display equipment must also follow up."

Next, Fang Hong also briefly told Qin Feng what he had communicated with Chen Yu before. After listening, Qin Feng was also quite surprised and said: "That guy Chen Yu really has two brushes. He made such a progress without making any noise." quick."

Fang Hong said with a smile: "It's quite normal. The iteration speed of AI is increasing exponentially. The later iterations are, the shorter the time period for breakthroughs is. The breakthrough of the fourth generation is estimated to be eight or nine months at the latest, and half a year sooner." Once completed, the iteration speed of the fifth generation may be enough to achieve a breakthrough within three months.”

The breakthrough from the first generation to the second generation took several years, and it only took about a year to reach the third generation. The most terrifying thing about artificial intelligence is its technological iteration speed. You can identify it by just talking to it. It appears to be a crappy robot, but in the blink of an eye it cannot tell whether it is a real human being or artificial intelligence when communicating with you.

Qin Feng suddenly said with a smile: "I'm not bad here either. The research team on brain-computer interface technology has also made some gratifying breakthroughs. It's no exaggeration to say it's a milestone."

Fang Hong was very interested when he heard this: "Oh? To what extent?"

At this time, Qin Feng suddenly stood up and went to his desk. He rummaged through the folders for a while and found a piece of material. He brought it over and handed it to Fang Hong and said: "This is the latest experimental research report. It is highly confidential. Yes, it has not been announced yet.”

Fang Hong took the file and opened it. Qin Feng, who returned to the opposite seat and sat down, immediately said: "A week ago, the team was finally approved to conduct the first human experiment of brain-computer interface. The first subject was undergoing surgery." Recovery was good the next day, and preliminary results show promising neuronal spike detection, although safety and stability still need time to be evaluated, and the experiment will last five years."

To say that the real ultimate terminal interface in the virtual world is a brain-computer interface terminal, not the current VR headset. Strictly speaking, VR headsets can only be regarded as transitional products.

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