My Fintech Empire

Chapter 1266 [Times have changed, offense and defense have changed]

At this moment, Fang Hong was in Qin Feng's office. He was sitting on the sofa in the rest area and said to him: "Lao Mei's shrinkage has become more and more obvious in recent years, especially since last year. The key is that he was timid against Lao Mei in Nhai last year. It shows its timidity, which is a very important signal.”

"Therefore, I conclude that Lao Magnesium will become more and more conservative in the future, and the anti-globalization sentiment will become higher and higher, especially at the technological level, and it will become more and more defensive. Behind this is the fact that our country is in many fields, especially It is the result of breakthroughs in many technological fields. Lao Mei knows that his competitiveness is declining and he is becoming less confident, so he will try his best to protect himself. "

"But Lao Magnesium still holds the high ground of global public opinion and discourse power. On the one hand, it is not confident, but on the other hand, it will try its best to cover up this lack of confidence on the high ground of public opinion, so that others can see it and think that it is still powerful and invincible."

Qin Feng, who was sitting next to him, was silent as he thought, while Fang Hong continued calmly and calmly: "From a small company to a country, if you really have confidence, self-confidence, and confidence in yourself, That will never be conservative and will never reject globalization.”

Qin Feng couldn't help but nodded: "It is true. Those who truly have confidence, self-confidence and confidence in themselves must actively embrace globalization. This is what the old magnesium was like twenty years ago, and what it was more than a thousand years ago It was the same in the prosperous Tang Dynasty, and it is the same in our country today.”

The old magnesium of today is very different from the old magnesium of 20 years ago. When the old magnesium of 20 years ago was truly invincible, it held high the banner of globalization, which is in sharp contrast to today.

On the contrary, the big Eastern countries are now gradually beginning to take the initiative to take up the banner of globalization, and continue to exert force in the One Road, One Belt strategy.

This is how times change, and offensive and defensive situations change.

Fang Hong said: "The development of our Chinese nation in the past few decades has not been easy. It is no longer a question of letting go of this and that to let Western capital come in. We have already let go enough. How can we let go? Do we still need to open up 1.8 billion acres and open up the defense industry to Western capital? "

"It's not a matter of whether we should let go or not. What's wrong now is that the West won't let go and locks itself up. It's because they want to lock you in to break through mid-to-high-end technology, which has led to the domestic involution. Now it's not The problem we have to let go of is that we have to go out, go all the way, and go global. Don’t let them get involved in the mainland. We have to go out instead of letting them in. "

Qin Feng couldn't help but nod: "That makes sense."

Obviously, Galaxy Group is the vanguard in breaking through in mid-to-high-end technology.

Nowadays, many fields have successfully broken through or are about to succeed. This is what Fang Hong said is the time. Therefore, those who are the most powerful in the galaxy must do their part to carry the banner of mainland enterprises and take the lead in going out and going global. He even went to the east to kill, instead of leaving home to die.

Fang Hong crossed his legs and continued: "The world structure will change very fast in the next few years. Our country will most likely actively participate in global governance and even deeply participate in global affairs, providing the world with solutions from the East. To put it bluntly, we must Start taking the initiative to carry the flag and be the big brother, and no longer follow the strategy of hiding. This is the biggest strategic adjustment. Now that you are so big, you can't hold it back even if you want to, and others are not blind. "

In fact, three years ago, in 2014, the Eastern powers had already begun to intervene in global affairs. However, they were very low-key at that time, and they did not directly intervene. The mainland basically did not report it. At that time, they were still pursuing the policy of Tao Hui. Policy.

Many major events occurred that year, one of which was the signing of a thirty-year natural gas purchase and sales contract with Big Goose, with a total value of US$400 billion.

At the same time, the Syrian crisis in the Middle East escalated, and it is still in chaos today. Lao Mei’s plan was to disrupt the one-way strategy of the Eastern powers, and at the same time, he also wanted to squeeze the big goose out of the Middle East.

But Big Goose is relatively poor. Just as oil prices have plummeted, Big Goose's economy is even more tight, so a super-large contract of 400 billion U.S. dollars came into being. The Emperor immediately doubled his confidence after receiving this money. Qian immediately hit him hard and greeted him.

One who has money contributes money, the other who has strength contributes strength, and one cooperates with civil and military forces.

To this day, Lao Mei still has not achieved the expected strategic goal in Syria, and he has not removed the thorn in Asad's back, because Asad has two world-class brothers standing behind him, and he just can't fall, even if he falls. With these two super heavyweight brothers here, they can help him up again.

But at this moment, Fang Hong said: "We must also resonate with the country's global strategic adjustments. When a company reaches our scale, it is no longer just a business, especially when it comes to cross-border trade. Xingyu Technology As a high-tech enterprise in the mainland that has achieved breakthroughs, it is even more important to follow the national strategy and go global. This is both an opportunity and a mission. Of course, the most capable ones must be taken out at the forefront.”

"Only in this way can you get huge support from the national level, because you can shoulder this burden. So what is our task as an enterprise? What is behind the enterprise and brand going global and going global is the battle for the right to speak. This It’s a soft power struggle between countries.”

Fang Hong paused for a moment and looked at Qin Feng and continued: "Think about it, Xingyu Technology's products are all in Chinese when they go abroad. This situation has a huge impact on Europe and the United States. As long as the locals use your products, they will respect your country, culture or other aspects. At least they recognize that your products are good. Otherwise, why would they use your products?"

"We must take the lead in changing our thinking, especially the leaders of the major companies under our Qunxing Star that are about to go abroad. There are still many people in the mainland who are immersed in the past thinking. This is why they can't build their own brands. It's not a manufacturing problem, nor a product quality problem."

With China's current manufacturing capacity, it is absolutely the best in the world. This is beyond doubt. In fact, those foreign luxury goods are actually made in China, and then they just put their own brands on it.

Fang Hong continued in an orderly manner: "It is not difficult for us to create a world-class brand. The heritage of our country and nation from ancient times to the present can completely create our own brand by telling our own stories, which is much better than the Western history of falsification and lying."

"The national level is paving the way for major domestic enterprises to go global. The overseas layout is to gradually pry open the unipolar hegemony of the old magnesium in a subtle way. The old magnesium is actually anxious and keeps coming to our door to make trouble. The people at the bottom always think that we are bullied and dare not fight back, and they are indignant about this."

"In fact, we are constantly expanding our results. Diaoyu Island is the best example. Do you see that the old magnesium and the little book are still making trouble there? They used to make so much noise, but now they are silent. We usually don't say a word when we take advantage of others. Some ordinary people who don't understand this think that we have been bullied all the time. The character of our Chinese nation is that we will shout the loudest when we suffer a big loss, and we basically don't say a word when we really take advantage of others and get benefits."


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