My Fintech Empire

Chapter 1267 [The state sets the stage behind the scenes, while enterprises perform on the stage]

Qin Feng on the side heard these words, nodded to himself, then smiled and said: "Indeed, this reminds me of history. Our history books record that everything that has suffered a defeat or suffered a big loss will be... In the history books, the details of how we suffered and how much we suffered were written clearly, for fear that future generations would not be able to remember things like taking advantage of them or winning battles, all of which were written in the Spring and Autumn Period. skip."

This kind of character has actually been integrated into the genes of the Chinese nation, whether it is as large as a country or as small as an ordinary person.

For example, if a common man in China takes advantage of something, he will definitely not say anything and will just hide in bed and enjoy himself secretly.

But if you suffer a small loss, you will definitely scream, for fear that others will not know. If you suffer a big loss, it will be even more heartbreaking, as if the sky is falling. People who don’t know think that he has suffered some injustice and injustice. When it comes to human tragedies, sympathy arises spontaneously. Apart from other things, once a wave of sympathy is gained first, it cannot escape.

This kind of situation would make a crying child have sweets if it were placed on a common man.

When it rises to the level of the national level, it is called "the teacher is famous" and the "innate justice". With this level of foreshadowing, no matter what or how to do it, it will be done with justice and the teacher is famous, and no one can say anything. Everyone will think that what you do is appropriate and that you are seeking justice.

When others see you being bullied internationally, you will still have the strength to make amends for yourself after the incident is over. Even if they know that you have taken advantage, you will not be able to find fault. The advantage you took and the benefits you reaped will not be used again The possibility of spitting it out avoids repeatedly tossing and consuming yourself or even working in vain. This is great wisdom.

But at this moment, Fang Hong said slowly: "In short, I don't care what other companies do, and I don't care if others can't see clearly, but we can't see clearly. Our galaxy must be straightened, and we can't. If we can break away from the country's One Belt and One Road strategy, we can do it if others cannot support it. The country will let us shoulder the burden of going global on the enterprise side, and great opportunities will fall to our galaxy. "

"In the future, our brand will be exported to the One Belt and One Belt, so that the rich people can use our products. In the end, they will become more dependent on your culture. Don't think that places in Central Asia, West Asia, and the Middle East are poor and chaotic. There are many wealthy people there.”

Having said this, Fang Hong stood up and walked to the window sill to look at the scenery outside. Without looking back, he said: "In the colonial era, the West conquered the world by using force to conquer the world. Then it began to whitewash its cruelty and barbarism, and put on Wear a tuxedo to cover it up.”

"In the post-colonial era, by creating a culture of lies and counterfeiting, the power of capital is used to support the bottom layer, and on top of it, companies are promoted to add brands, so as to tell stories and culture to conquer the world."

Fang Hong left the window sill, sat down again and looked at Qin Feng: "We can't conquer the world by force, and we can't do this, otherwise we will lose our justice, and Lao Mei will definitely seize this handle and use him to control the world. The power of voice makes them work together internally, and no one dares to oppose Lao Mei, which will put us in an extremely passive situation. "

“But with the current overall strength of our Chinese civilization and the accumulation of the world’s largest and most powerful industrial country, as the country continues to overcome all obstacles and develop the One Belt and One Road strategy, we will have to stand at the forefront later. The country will set up the stage behind, and we will We have to perform in front of the stage, but we also need to rely on telling stories, telling culture, and relying on capital and corporate branding to open up the situation. "

"When it comes to the ultimate brand, it's heritage, when it comes to heritage, it's culture, when it comes to culture, it's history." Fang Hong summarized it in one sentence, then leaned back on the sofa and slowly added:

"We have five thousand years of Chinese civilization's historical and cultural heritage lying there. How can we not have such a golden mountain? How envious is the West? Just a bunch of deceived people in the mainland regard gold as stones. As long as they disseminate civilization With such a foundation, they would go to great lengths to lie and falsify culture? It is precisely because they do not have such a foundation that they work hard to invent history and become historical inventors.”

Qin Feng nodded involuntarily while thinking deeply. What the big boss said seemed to have nothing to do with Xingyu Technology. In fact, it was viewed from a higher-level strategic perspective. Only if the vision is high enough and the view is comprehensive enough , it is very important for Xingyu Technology to avoid many pitfalls when going global in the future.

After going out to sea, the outside is no better than at home. It is surrounded by powerful enemies and is at a disadvantage on the road. If I am still confused, I will definitely be in misery.

Many domestic companies have great ambitions to go global, but how many of them fail in the end?

Fang Hong said in a deep voice: "I will also start to actively arrange the other line. At that time, I will spend a sum of money from my own pocket to provide unprecedented support to the domestic archaeological industry. Based on the current level of funding in the archaeological community, , I will give him ten times or even twenty times more.”

One or twenty times may seem like an exaggerated increase, but the base is not large, only about tens of billions of funds.

This is of course an astronomical amount of money, but it depends on who pays for it. If the person who pays is Fang Hong, it is really a small sum of money that he can take out at any time.

However, for the archaeological industry, this is really extraordinary, and it can be called a wealth of heaven. The archaeological project must be carried out rapidly, otherwise the money will not be spent, and it will not be spent at all.

Fang Hong said firmly: "Behind cultural confidence, there must be a strong historical foundation to support it. I decided to spend this money to excavate the foundation of our ancestors. The Chinese civilization has a history of 5,000 years, and the next 5,000 years are already ironclad. The purpose of spending this money is to dig out the historical evidence of the previous 5,000 years for me, and use modern technical means such as carbon 14 testing to prove it."

The existing historical and cultural sites excavated by archaeology are enough to push the history of Chinese civilization back to 8,000 years, and this is still proven according to Western standards. But the West does not recognize it, and their powerful propaganda mechanism discredits it, and some guides and some people who stand up physically but are still lying down mentally follow suit.

At first, the West said that your history books are unreliable and must be supported by physical objects. After the unearthed cultural relics, they said that an important sign of a civilization must be the emergence of writing. When the unearthed cultural relics have written records, they set up a new set of standards.

In short, they want to lock your civilization to only 3,000 years. If there is really no way to deny the Shang Dynasty, they don’t even want to admit 3,000 years.

If we really follow the standards set by the West, they themselves would have a hard time pushing the Anglo-Saharan civilization back to 2,000 years ago, but once they get to that point, they start playing double standards, digging something out of the ground and saying it’s been there for 8,000 years, but we still have to question whether they buried it themselves and dug it out.

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