My Fintech Empire

Chapter 1340 [Let the rhythm fly for a while]

After the implementation of this welfare project, from now on, all regular employees of the Xingxing Holdings subsidiary will be allocated a house. This welfare benefit can be enjoyed by everyone regardless of job type or occupation. Treat everyone equally.

In other words, even the company’s cleaners also enjoy this benefit.

Of course, there is a high probability that high-income earners in companies, such as company executives, whose annual incomes start in the millions, will not need to spend their own money to buy better houses, but this is another matter for another time.

These houses are assets under the parent company of Qunxing Capital. They are only provided to current employees for free. Employees can apply for a house in the place where they work, and then just move in for free. The houses are fully decorated and have home appliances. All furniture and accessories are available.

Not only can you move in with your bags when you join the job, but if you leave your job in the future, you can continue to live for free for the length of time corresponding to your previous working years.

Moreover, there is a free standard for water and electricity bills during the period of residence. For example, for electricity bills, if single employees consume no more than 100 kilowatt hours of electricity per month, and employees with family members consume no more than 300 kilowatt hours of electricity per month, the electricity bill will be fully reimbursed by the company. .

As long as electricity is used normally and is not wasted carelessly, this amount will definitely be enough, and the excess will have to be paid by the employees themselves. There is a free standard for water, gas or natural gas charges, and any charges exceeding the standard must be borne by the employees themselves.

Qunxing Capital is frantically acquiring land, including taking over a lot of land transfers from Huayang Group. This matter has become a big news recently, being frequently reported by the media and triggering heated discussions.

First of all, there was a huge sensation in the real estate industry circles, and many real estate speculators were even more happy, and they immediately hyped up that the real estate market would skyrocket.

You see, even Qunxing Capital can't help but get involved, which shows that it is very optimistic about the property market.

A large number of intermediaries have used this as an excuse, advocating that the property market will skyrocket, and it has indeed affected the judgment of many people.

Not to mention ordinary households who just need it, this is also true for some large companies in the real estate circle. This actually contributed to the Huayang Group, which was in the process of liquidation plan, to successfully find a successor and complete the transaction in just one week. Signing of contract.

It can only be said that the influence of Qunxing Capital is too great, and countless people regard it as a weather vane.

However, this incident has also triggered a lot of controversy about Qunxing Capital and Fang Hong. While the news frequently reports that Qunxing Capital is frantically acquiring land, another topic discussed is the flag that Qunxing Capital once set up to slap itself in the face.

When Qiu Guangcheng was in charge of Qunxing Capital, as the company's chairman, he publicly stated that Qunxing would not get involved in the real estate field, and his meaning was naturally what Fang Hong meant.

Okay, now grab the land like crazy, this is a slap in the face.

Many people have ridiculed that it is not easy to make money, and a slap in the face is nothing. Are there not many big bosses who have been slapped in the face by them these days? Teacher Ma also said that he would not enter the game industry, but he ended up getting into it.

As soon as this incident came out, the black men came out one after another and started to set the pace.

When this phenomenon occurs, the outside world obviously does not know what Qunxing Capital is really going to do with so much residential land. They all judge according to normal thinking and logic that it is to grab the cake, because Qunxing Capital has not yet announced the actual purpose.

However, under the exaggeration of large-scale intermediaries and real estate speculators, Qunxing Capital was used to exaggerate the skyrocketing property market. Many people were influenced by this and thought that the skyrocketing price would really happen, which indeed caused many people to become anxious.

Meditation in the villa.

At this moment, Fang Hong and the beautiful assistant Tian Jiayi were talking about career matters, which was the housing welfare project. As for the negative rhythms that were taking off outside, Fang Hong simply ignored them. He always liked to play with Yu Yang first. The method of suppression.

Let the rhythm fly for a while, then go back and reverse it. This trick has been tried and true.

"Statistics on the employees of Qunxing's major holding subsidiaries show that among the nearly 14 million regular employees, more than half of them are single, reaching 56.2%, especially in the Internet industry, which has the highest proportion of single employees." Tian Jiayi said At the same time, he also gave Fang Hong the statistical materials.

The statistics of these materials are naturally for the purpose of housing welfare projects. Single employees and married employees are allocated different house specifications. Houses for single employees are generally configured with one bedroom and one living room or two bedrooms and one living room. The area is No more than 50 square meters; married employees generally have three bedrooms and one living room or four bedrooms and two living rooms, with an area of ​​more than 100 square meters and a maximum of no more than 150 square meters.

Of course, the balcony kitchen and bathroom are all standard.

Tian Jiayi said: "It is not surprising that industries such as computers and the Internet have the highest proportion of single people in the workplace. It is determined by the attributes and work intensity of the industry itself. The frequency of daily overtime work is relatively high, and the lack of social channels all contributes to the high proportion of single people in the industry. s reason."

In addition to the reasons she mentioned, there is also the fact that people between the ages of 20 and 40 are in the "golden period" of career development. 49.6% of single people in the workplace are already middle managers. The data sample of 14 million regular employees is like this.

Such a huge amount of data must be statistically significant, and the data is very authoritative.

Tian Jiayi glanced at Fang Hong, who was browsing the data carefully, and added: "According to this ratio, small houses and large houses each account for about half. The former has a total living area of ​​400 million square meters, and the latter takes the median and calculates the total as 130 square meters per household. The area is 780 million square meters, with a total living area of ​​1.18 billion square meters, including the so-called public area, which is close to 1.5 billion square meters.”

Fang Hong said: "Don't count Lao Shizi's public stall. These houses will not be circulated in the market anyway. They are the long-term fixed assets of Qunxing."

Hearing this, Tian Jiayi asked: "What about the assets and possible pledges that will be audited in the future? It will be a big loss if we don't include them in the asset appraisal in the future."

Fang Hong was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile: "Yeah, then just go in, it's not a big problem."

The larger the number, the more shocking the description will be to the outside world. After all, this is an inclusive welfare project. The larger the number, the intuitive feeling is that the stars are willing to spend a lot of money in order to benefit their employees. In fact, it is indeed It costs a lot, but the greater the surface data, the greater the shock it will bring to people, and it can gain a higher reputation for the stars.

Tian Jiayi made a rough estimate and said: "This is an astronomical amount of expenditure. The budget for acquiring the land is about 700 billion. The construction and installation costs include indoor fine decoration. Calculated at 2,200 yuan per square meter, the budget here is about 3.3 trillion. Roughly, It is estimated that the budget will exceed 4 trillion..."

Having said this, she looked at Fang Hong and added: "Do you want to compress the budget? For example, you can choose a slightly worse location, which can save a lot of land acquisition costs."

Hearing the size of the budget, Fang Hong just raised his hand and waved his wrist and said: "No, if you need 4 trillion, then 4 trillion. The amount is indeed huge, but it can still be held."

Fang Hong paused for a moment and then said: "The location selection cannot be bad. To reduce costs by location is to pick up the sesame seeds and lose the watermelon. You can only choose the best location as much as possible. In the future, the property market will be cold in winter, and there will definitely be polarization. Houses in big cities and in good locations can maintain their value and resist inflation, while houses in poor locations and small towns on the 18th tier will not only maintain their value and resist inflation, but will even lose their liquidity.”

As the helmsman of the giant ship Qunxing, Fang Hong is willing to spend a lot of money to improve the benefits of the nearly 14 million employees who work with him, but he is not a fool, and he will not play the game of cutting meat to feed eagles. This is unsustainable. No matter how much meat you have, there will always be a day when you run out of meat. When there is no more meat to cut, conflicts will break out. At that time, the entire giant sail will fall apart and sink, and everyone will have to finish playing.

A sustainable metabolic cycle is the right answer. In other words, these 4 trillion yuan will bring a stronger sense of belonging, identity, centripetal force and overall competitiveness to the 14 million people in the galaxy. At the same time, we must also achieve this 4 trillion will not go to waste and will even appreciate in value. This is called sustainability.

Therefore, you must choose a good location. Spending more money now is worth paying a little more. In the future, when the property market enters the downturn cycle of the cold winter, houses in poor locations will face a sharp decline in value, and they may even be broken and unable to be sold, resulting in complete loss of liquidity. Sex, because no one buys it.

Only houses in good locations can maintain their value and resist inflation or even appreciate. If you choose a good location, after spending 4 trillion yuan, it can even be worth 6 trillion yuan. If you choose a house in a poor location now to save one or two hundred billion, the property market will enter a downward cycle in the future. , the value was cut in half, and 4 trillion became 2 trillion. One plus and one subtraction directly led to a loss of 4 trillion. Fang Hong was naturally very clear about this account.

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