My Fintech Empire

Chapter 1365 [This is a century-long plan]

What makes the majority of netizens can't sit still is that this doesn't seem to be a gimmick, but a real thing, which makes them even more excited.

Because even the previously planned lunar exploration project has been directly incorporated into the "planetary defense" plan and has become a subset of the project. The entire "planetary defense" plan has a detailed outline, and the planning time scale is as long as a hundred years.

The most shocking thing is that the scale of the entire "planetary defense" plan is so huge that it makes people stunned. The "lunar smart factory" and "lunar orbital spaceport" are described in detail in the just-released plan outline.

Now it has gone viral on the Internet. Many netizens hurriedly looked at the date. It is 2018, and those who don't know it thought it was 2081.

According to the chief engineer of the lunar project who accepted an interview with Yangshi reporters, the lunar smart factory is the key link of the entire "planetary defense" plan, and it is also the most expensive link of the entire "planetary defense" plan.

To build a factory on the moon is unprecedented in human history. First of all, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive mapping of the moon and conduct detailed exploration of the natural resources on the surface of the moon. Only after mastering these important data and information can the location of the lunar factory be determined.

The focus of the lunar smart factory is on the word "intelligent", that is, the entire factory must be unmanned, intelligent, and fully automated. Matrix Quantum will provide strong support at the level of artificial intelligence technology, that is, the industrial large model currently being trained. In the future, every machine and equipment unit that can move on the moon will be given intelligence.

At the same time, industrial facilities and many intelligent mechanical equipment on the moon also have the ability to resist interference from solar storm activities, that is, the ability to resist electromagnetic pulses. After all, the moon is not completely protected by the earth's magnetic field. The earth's magnetic field during the full moon cannot completely protect the moon, which will cause the moon to be almost completely exposed to solar radiation.

These problems are naturally taken into consideration, and there are technical means to solve them.

According to the chief engineer of the lunar project, the future lunar rover will be able to travel at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour on the surface of the moon, which is also shocking news.

On Earth, it is quite amazing that a car can travel at such a speed. However, the chief designer said that the speed of the lunar rover is completely feasible, because the gravity of the moon is only one-sixth of that of the earth, which means that the power required for the lunar rover is much smaller than that on Earth. Therefore, it can achieve higher speeds in areas with flat terrain and good road conditions.

Whether the lunar smart factory can operate normally, energy issues are also a key factor. There is no doubt that the most feasible means at present is nuclear power. The two nuclear power giants, China National Nuclear Corporation and Guangdong Nuclear Power Corporation, are on the list of participants.

In the initial stage, nuclear energy is needed, and solar photovoltaics are not cost-effective. That means a large amount of photovoltaic materials must be transported from the earth. Calculating the cost, building a small nuclear power plant is the most economical means.

In the future, when the space light power in the high altitude of the earth's orbit stands up, the nuclear power plant can be retired. The space light power station directly transmits energy to the lunar factory by wireless microwaves, and a receiving station is built locally. The space light power station on the earth directly transmits energy remotely at the speed of light.

Although there will be a lot of energy loss in the intermediate transmission process, after the space light energy electricity stands up, it will absorb energy from the sun all day long, and the energy will be incredibly cheap, so that little energy loss is completely acceptable.

According to the introduction of the chief designer of the lunar factory, he said down-to-earth that as long as the lunar intelligent factory completes the construction of several main core units, it can "slowly grow" by itself, because it is fully automated and fully intelligent, and does not require direct human participation. People only need to make comprehensive plans, and the lunar intelligent factory will collect resources on the lunar surface and continue to expand.

In the future, most mechanical equipment will be manufactured on the moon, and only some core components and small unit components such as chips with low load requirements will be directly transported from the earth.

In other words, for the lunar intelligent factory, humans only need to start, and then they will "grow" by themselves, from the initial micro-factory to a small factory and then to a large-scale project until they finally develop into a huge comprehensive industrial cluster base.

With the formation of the lunar intelligent factory, it will lay a solid foundation for the next "lunar orbital space port". Relying on the natural resources on the moon, the various hardware facilities required for the space port will be manufactured through the lunar intelligent factory, modularized in the factory, and then sent from the moon to orbit.

The gravitational escape velocity of the moon is only 2.3 km/s, which is much easier than sending materials from the earth to outer space. With the current technical level, industrial capacity and economic strength, it is not enough to build a space port from the earth, mainly because the launch cost is unbearable from the economic level.

However, on the moon, the launch cost will drop exponentially, and the economic investment is mainly the construction of the early moon smart factory, and the investment will be less and less in the future, and finally it can be almost free.

First of all, the natural resources on the moon are free, and secondly, the fully automated and unmanned smart factory saves labor costs. After the scale effect comes up, it is almost equivalent to getting a space port for free.

With complete lunar mapping data and natural resource distribution data, we can build a lunar smart factory, with a lunar smart factory, we can build a space port, and with a space port, we can manufacture spacecraft with a load of 10,000 tons.

This level of big guys cannot be manufactured on the surface of the planet. They can only be manufactured in modules, and then the modules are sent from the lunar surface to the spaceport in the lunar orbit, and then integrated through the dock platform on the spaceport.

Once completed, this 10,000-ton big guy can only stay in space forever. If it is captured by the gravity of the planet, it will be a disaster. After all, without the black technology of anti-gravity, it is impossible to go back and forth between the atmosphere. If it is captured by the gravity of the planet, it will be a large artificial meteorite directly hitting the surface of the planet.

The power system must use nuclear power, and the alternative in the future is controlled nuclear fusion energy.

When there is a spacecraft with a 10,000-ton payload in space, humans will no longer be helpless in the face of the impact of extraterrestrial asteroids, even if there is a 10-kilometer-level asteroid that exterminated the dinosaurs.

Just send a few of these big guys out, and use the powerful thrust of the spacecraft to act on the asteroid through some indirect means, such as using new nanomaterials to create a huge net. Just slightly change the orbit of the asteroid to avoid direct collision with the earth, and be directly thrown out by the "gravitational slingshot" effect of gravity.

The birth of large spaceships with a load of 10,000 tons will surely give rise to a series of new space industries and supporting businesses, such as asteroid mining. In the future, those extraterrestrial asteroids that may impact the earth and pose a threat can become gifts from nature, which can give rise to space factories and even space cities.

Although the "planetary defense" plan launched this time is nominally to deal with the impact of extraterrestrial asteroids, it is also a century-long plan. Once the "planetary defense" plan is promoted, it will inevitably evolve in this direction.

With a lunar factory, there will be a spacecraft home port, and with a spacecraft home port, there will be a spacecraft with a load of 10,000 tons. With a spacecraft with a load of 10,000 tons, a series of commercial activities such as space mining can be carried out, and then the factory can be moved from the surface of the planet to space to become a space factory, which will inevitably give rise to a huge space city, and human civilization will therefore officially become a planetary civilization from the current 0.7-level civilization, and move towards a stellar civilization.

It can be seen that, in a sense, the fact that God gave humans a moon is simply an inexplicable preference and favor, allowing humans to use the moon as a stepping stone to more easily advance into the deep space of the universe.

Without the moon as a stepping stone, the difficulty of humans leaving the earth and achieving the same scale effect would be ten or a hundred times more than it is now. The cost of fighting against gravity alone is difficult to estimate.

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