My Fintech Empire

Chapter 1366 [Dominating the Internet Hot Search]

With the announcement of the "Planetary Defense" plan, CCTV News reported that the general outline of the plan detailed the mission objectives of the first thirty years of this century-long plan, and the first thirty years of the plan are divided into a "three-step" strategy.

The first step is to achieve the goal of completing the construction of the lunar smart factory and putting it into full operation in the 15 years from 2019 to 2034. The total investment budget is expected to be 10.5 trillion yuan in 15 years, with an average annual investment of 700 billion yuan. Among them, it is further divided into three stages with 5 years as a stage to advance, and the goals achieved in each stage are also disclosed in detail in the general outline of the plan.

The second step is to achieve the goal of completing the construction of the lunar orbital spaceport and putting it into full operation in the 10 years from 2035 to 2045. The total investment budget is expected to be 1.43 trillion yuan in 10 years, with an average annual investment of 143 billion yuan.

The third step is from 2046 to 2050, during which time, the first spaceship with a payload of more than 30,000 tons will be built and put into service. The estimated investment cost is 60 billion yuan, which is at the same level as the current large aircraft carrier cost.

The total investment budget for the first 30 years is about 12.5 trillion yuan, including other miscellaneous expenditures. The lunar smart factory accounts for an absolute investment proportion of 84%, which is normal because the most difficult thing is to break through from scratch.

The subsequent lunar orbital spaceport is from 0 to 1, which is much easier. The resources needed by the spaceport itself are basically from the moon. These resources are free. As long as the mining cost is included, the expenditure of 1.43 trillion yuan is the comprehensive cost of building the spaceport itself.

In the third step, the first 10,000-ton payload spaceship will be built, which will be even cheaper. The budget expenditure of about 60 billion yuan still includes the inflation rate of the past 20 to 30 years.

When the first 10,000-ton spaceship is put into service, it means that the "planetary defense" plan will usher in a turning point. From now on, it will no longer be a pure investment. The output-input ratio will gradually equalize, and it will take ten years to achieve a balance between income and expenditure by 2060.

Space factories and space cities will inevitably be born after 2060, and the site selection has been determined. It is at the Earth-Moon Lagrange point. Human commercial activities will enter space on a large scale and prosper. The output will be greater than the input and start to make money.

In this general outline of the 100-year plan, there is one item that has not been announced to the public. That is, by 2085, the Eastern Power will launch an environmental protection initiative. Starting from this year, all polluting factory facilities on Earth will be closed one after another. The last high-pollution factory on Earth that does not meet the environmental protection indicators will be closed before 2119. This year happens to be the final stage of the 100-year plan.

At that time, the Eastern Power will take up the banner of environmental protection initiatives, and no one in the Blue Star World will say no.

After the high-pollution factories on Earth are closed, they will naturally be moved to space factories or the moon. In the more than 30 years from 2085 to 2119, in addition to the orderly closure of high-pollution factories, the "space elevator" project will also be launched during this period. Without a space elevator to reduce the cost of round-trip transportation between the earth and the sky, the cost of transporting materials to and from the factory to space or the moon will be unbearable.

It is estimated that it will take about 10 years from the establishment of the project to the final operation of the space elevator, which means it will be completed in 2095.

In the second half of this century, the productivity, production efficiency and technical foundation of human civilization are no longer the same. In addition, with the Eastern power as the "head of the family" of the blue planet to coordinate planning, there is no problem in building a space elevator in ten years.

However, at present, with the Star Group taking the lead in establishing the "Planet Defense" plan and making it public, this matter has dominated the hot searches on the entire network and has been hotly discussed.

[I used to think the news didn’t say anything, but now, I don’t dare to listen to it when he dares to say it… (covering my face and crying with laughter.jpg)]

[K God’s Weibo that day was about this, it’s really getting bigger and bigger, but I like it. ]

[I was stunned when I woke up and saw these news. I thought I traveled to the future year 2081, but it turned out to be 2018… (tears and laughter.jpg)]

[Old Chinese: A-Mei, are you following this? ]

[It turned out to be “Star Wars”, that A-Mei used to fool A-Su, and then A-Su was fooled, but we realized it little by little… little by little… little by little, do you think A-Mei was panicked… (dog head.jpg)]

[Electromagnetic gun is an example, haha! ]

[The electromagnetic rail gun and high-energy laser gun back then, A-Mei slapped these two design plans on Rabbit’s face, Rabbit thought A-Mei would not lie, one really dared to say it, and the other really dared to believe it. Not only did he believe it, but he really did it, and not only did he do it, but he really did it. A-Mei was dumbfounded, what? Is the needle too thick? ... (covering face/jpg)]

[The attack satellites developed by the National University of Defense Technology are not mainly for destruction, but basically for capturing or disabling enemy satellites. There was also a very interesting thing mentioned by a Galaxy Technology Company when it was cleaning up space junk. The satellite captured the space junk, crushed it, and then heated it with a laser until it evaporated, and then sprayed it out as propellant, so as to achieve long-term in-orbit maneuvering operation...]

[First turn the enemy satellite into space junk, and then turn it into propellant and spray it out, right... (Shiba Inu.jpg)]

[Although the moon belongs to all mankind, if you really occupy some territory and build a base on it, then it is your territory. Unless there is a war, no one will be able to give it up. ]

[Haha, that's right, it does belong to all mankind. I represent all mankind. And if you can do it, go ahead and no one will stop you... (manually funny)]

[Fortunately, modern history is only about strong ships and powerful guns. It's really terrible. How can other countries today turn the tide in the face of such a situation...]

[You are right. In the future space arena, small countries will not even be qualified to participate, let alone win the first place. They can only hold the big guys' legs and shout six six six. If the big guys are happy, they may take you flying. ]

[If the lunar factory base is completed, then the aerospace mothership is really not a legend. Many people say that it will take a long time to build a lunar base, but in fact, with our country's current industrial scale and ability to concentrate on major tasks, it is estimated that it will take about 10 to 20 years to take shape. The planning time required for the general outline of the "planetary defense" plan is about the same. It can only be said that it is stable! ]

[Since we can build star ports, the aerospace carriers are almost in space. Compared with building a bunch of planes to fly into the atmosphere for bombing, isn't it more efficient to drop bombs directly in orbit? We don't need to conquer other planets. It's better to build interstellar battleships than aerospace carriers. They float directly in high-altitude orbits, which is equivalent to the space version of Jinhai defense ships. ]

[I always thought that S3 was a mushroom war, and now you tell me it's a space war? ... (scratching head.jpg)]

[Everyone is talking nonsense here, what aerospace carriers, interstellar battleships, nonsense, they are clearly space tugboats that pull asteroids, we are here to defend against the threat of asteroid impact... (manually funny)]

[Amei: So should I follow? If I follow, it's too sci-fi, what if I'm fooled by it? (I used the Star Wars plan to fool Asu); If I don't follow, Rabbit often cheats, what if he really comes? (There are already too many examples of A-Mei's promises being made)]

[I think it's too much. I think Lao-Mei will definitely not follow. Even if it wants to, it is powerless. With Lao-Mei's current industrial entity capabilities, what can it use to follow? Rely on nuclear-powered printing presses to print green paper money? Sorry, this green paper money thing is really not useful. It depends on the real physical industrial capabilities.]

[Lao-Mei can't even make new F-22 fighters now. Let's restore the F-22 production line first.]


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