My Fintech Empire

Chapter 1637 [Offshore exchange rate enters the

The terms such as GDP of the Eastern University in 2020 and the change of the world's largest economy have become popular searches.

Countless netizens in China are also very excited and say that they have witnessed history.

This year is definitely a year that will go down in history. The economic size of the Eastern power has returned to the world's first. This is a historic event, which once again explains that last year was an extraordinary year.

Two hundred years ago, the total economic volume of the Eastern power was in an absolute leading position in the world, accounting for one-third of the world, far ahead of Britain and other countries at that time.

In 1820, the economy of the Eastern power began to decline and plummet, and lost the throne of the world's first economy for a thousand years. Today, 200 years later, it has returned to the world's first place and once again stands at the top of the world.

This is undoubtedly an important landmark event of "the rise of the East and the fall of the West" in the 21st century.

Now it is not only the domestic media that are competing to report on the front page headlines, even the Western media have to report this major event, and at the same time they have not denied the change of the world's largest economy.

But the sour taste between the lines of the Western media almost overflowed the screen, and these media did not forget to put dirty things in the report. The objective facts were stated in the front of the news headline, because it was really undeniable, but the subtitle immediately gave you a sentence: What is the price?

Then more than 90% of the content in the entire news report was blackening Dongda.

When Amei Lika got this data, although he was mentally prepared, he was still mentally broken after reading it.

Because this data made Amei realize more deeply than ever that the black swan that Amei secretly created last year not only did not achieve the expected effect, but also helped the Eastern country create this economic miracle with the best growth performance in nearly half a century.

That really broke the defense more and more when I thought about it. If I didn't do it, maybe I could have delayed it for a few years. Now I regret it, and I have suffered extremely serious backlash.

Facing the two figures of 157.05 trillion yuan and 25.13 trillion US dollars, no matter how Amei polished and optimized its economic data, it would be impossible to keep the title of the world's largest economy.

However, even so, it still needs to be polished and optimized. A-Mei does not want the paper data to lose too badly, and has decided to revise the calculation method of economic data again next year, otherwise the data next year will be even worse.

A-Mei really has few tricks now. The paper data must be done. It is not possible not to do it. It must swell its face and make its subordinates believe that the big brother can still do it.

This is actually the price and cost of maintaining hegemony, because if you don’t do this, the faster your hegemony will collapse, but the cost and price of maintenance are high and unbearable.

The capital market is also excited about the economic data released by the Statistics Bureau. Stockholders directly called the return of the A-share market after the holiday a 100% good start, and there is no suspense.

No one expected that the first big news after the holiday would be such a heavy positive.

Shortly after the news was announced, the offshore RMB exchange rate soared by more than 1,000 basis points, even directly reaching above 6.12.

According to this trend, it is certain that the offshore RMB exchange rate will usher in the "5" era. The current situation is that the RMB has appreciated strongly, but it still has little impact on exports.

Obviously, global capital is further optimistic about the Eastern giant.

Foreign capital is flowing into the Greater China market in large quantities. Whether it is the primary market or the secondary market, the East is the future. This has almost become a consensus of global capital.

In the secondary stock market, the New Securities 50 Index has risen from the initial value of 1,000 points to the current 11,608.9 points in the five years since its opening, and the cumulative increase has reached +1,060.89%, more than ten times the increase.

This is not the increase of individual stocks, but the ten-fold increase of the market index.

If calculated from the historical lowest point of the New Securities 50 Index of 780.15 points, the maximum range increase in the past five years has reached +1,388.03%, which is close to 14 times the return on investment.

The key is that global capital continues to be optimistic about the Eastern capital market and is optimistic that the New Securities 50 Index will be able to break through 20,000 points in the future.

The reason for optimism is that there is sufficient logical support and strong fundamental support. The SGX 50 Index has risen to more than 10,000 points and is still optimistic. In essence, it is optimistic that the Eastern power will eventually win the final victory in this "century PK" with A-ME, because this is the most fundamental logical support.

Many overseas capital and investment institutions belittle the East on the surface, and we should understand them. After all, they have to be "ZZ correct" in the West, but they are all very honest.

I don't know how many of the foreign capital entering the SGX market through the "New Hong Kong Connect" are those large global capitals that are disguised as "vests". You say they are all overseas retail investors or individual small and medium-sized investors? That's pure nonsense. How can such a large amount of net inflow be retail investors or individual small and medium-sized investors?

Entering the Spring Festival holiday, the offshore RMB exchange rate continued to strengthen. On New Year's Eve, it appreciated again by more than 1,000 basis points. On Friday, February 12, the first day of the Lunar New Year, it appreciated again by more than 1,000 basis points.

The offshore RMB exchange rate against the US dollar jumped three times, creating history on the first day of the Lunar New Year. The offshore RMB exchange rate against the US dollar entered the "5" era historically, closing at 5.9857 on the day, breaking through 6.0161 points in January 2014, and breaking the record of 26 years since 1994.

The biggest news on the first day of the Lunar New Year was the sharp appreciation of the offshore RMB exchange rate against the US dollar.

Obviously, the country did not deliberately intervene in the market to suppress the appreciation of the RMB, and even deliberately appreciated it.

Because the scale of foreign capital pouring into the Greater China market in the past six months is a bit too much, the country also intends to control it. There is no problem for foreign capital to enter the country in a stable and orderly manner, but it is obviously not hoped that there will be a trend of large inflows and outflows, which is not good.

The appreciation of the RMB will not have a substantial impact on foreign investors already in the mainland, and it may even be a positive thing. When they withdraw, they can exchange more foreign exchange, because the same amount of RMB can exchange more US dollars.

However, the appreciation of the RMB will increase costs for foreign investors who have not yet entered the Greater China market and are preparing to enter, because the same amount of US dollars can be exchanged for less RMB, which is equivalent to increasing the investment cost.

When the RMB entered the appreciation channel last year, the country still had some concerns, worried that it would affect exports.

It turned out that the exchange rate has been appreciating from 7 for almost a whole year. During this period, the price of foreign trade export products also increased, but exports were not affected at all, and various records were broken, including integrated circuit chips, which became the largest export category.

Only then did I realize that it was so delicious!

So this year is more optimistic, and there is reason to have more fundamental support, because the internal circulation has also risen, which is also a major confidence for the appreciation of the RMB. The economy of Dongda has now formed a real internal and external dual circulation. Even if the export trade declines, it can offset each other and will not affect the overall macroeconomic pattern.

Moreover, this year's export trade will not decrease, and may even grow further.

Because the impact of last year's black swan impact on the world has not dissipated, the world still cannot do without the Eastern country, the world's super factory, and still has to come to Dongda to purchase a large amount of goods.

As long as we hold the trump card of industrial manufacturing in our hands, it will be our biggest base and our biggest confidence.

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