My Fintech Empire

Chapter 1638 [Amei's fancy way of breaking the defense]

In the coming year, Fang Hong will also beat the existing industrial manufacturing of Europe and America to death. The specific reflection is, for example, chasing after the BBA series of products, directly destroying them, and reducing the industrial 4.0 of Germany to 0.04, forcing them to control costs and reduce costs in order to survive, and to close the factories in Europe and relocate to the Eastern Power.

The Eastern Power still firmly occupies the position of the world's strongest and the strongest industrial manufacturing country in the history of human civilization. The industrial manufacturing goods needed by the world can only be purchased from the Eastern University, so the position of the export end is stable.

Once the industrial manufacturing declines, it is almost as difficult as ascending to heaven to revive, not to mention whether there is the ability to revive it. Even if there is, it will take a long time.

Time will bring huge variables, and the Eastern Power will change every year. When they revive their industry, they will find that the things they just picked up are already in the process of being eliminated, because the technology of the Eastern University is already leading in a gap, and it is impossible for them to stand still while they revive their industry.

The sharp strengthening of the offshore exchange rate has made the RMB a hot commodity in the global market. People holding US dollars are rushing to exchange them for RMB. Seeing the appreciation of the three consecutive jumps, it is really like living in Bengbu.

The US dollar depreciated by 4.23 percentage points in just three days, especially for those with large funds. 100 million US dollars shrunk by 4.23 million US dollars in three days.

Who can withstand this?

Now many countries are quietly hoarding RMB, and the proportion of RMB in foreign exchange reserves of various countries is increasing.

Because the Eastern big country is prying the corner of the US dollar hegemony in all aspects, such as bilateral currency swaps, such as borrowing US dollars to repay RMB, those countries or economies that have borrowed US dollars from the Qunxing Group are quietly increasing their RMB foreign exchange reserves so that they can repay the money in the future, because the Qunxing Group said that they will also recognize the use of RMB to repay the money when the time comes.

After entering the three consecutive violent appreciations, the offshore RMB exchange rate did not continue to appreciate wildly, but did not fall back and fluctuate violently, but stabilized in the range of 5.9800 to 5.9500.

The appreciation is too drastic, and foreign trade companies can't stand it. Generally speaking, the RMB should be kept stable and rising.

Monday, February 15.

At this moment, Fang Hong is enjoying the comfort of the Spring Festival holiday, but Tian Jiayi came to him and told him a piece of news.

"Just yesterday, Beijing seemed to be unable to sit still. The Ministry of Finance publicly questioned that my country's customs data showed a surplus of 1.39 trillion US dollars in 2020, and Qunxing Capital also made a huge profit of 3.13 trillion US dollars, but the data of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange showed a surplus of only 1.5 trillion. Beijing asked the two why the data of your department did not match? How could there be a gap of 3 trillion US dollars?"

The beautiful assistant who came to Fang Hong relayed the news.

It should be said that the customs data and the data of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange do not match, and there is indeed a huge gap of 3 trillion US dollars.

Last year, the State Administration of Foreign Exchange had a surplus of 1.5 trillion US dollars, of which the 3.13 trillion US dollars harvested by the Qunxing Group was divided into three parts. About 1 trillion US dollars of this wealth flowed back to the mainland. Excluding this part, the surplus data of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange should be around 500 billion US dollars.

Fang Hong smiled indifferently when he heard the news, with a bit of sarcasm on his face: "Lao Mei has been breaking the defense every day, breaking the defense, and there is really no other new work, nothing..."

In fact, A Mei is so concerned about Dongda's data because he knows that Dongda earned a lot all over the world last year, and it didn't take it back at all. A considerable proportion of it didn't pass through the account of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, but went directly to buy mines and build factories all over the world, focusing on making money outside and spending outside.

This is the reason why A Mei is difficult to break the defense again, because Dongda's actions seriously hindered A Mei's "dollar tide" from harvesting the world, but it was for this reason that he did so.

The most devastating problem facing Argentina now is not the external risk of war, nor the rampant shootings within the country, nor the zero-dollar shopping and xidu homeless people on the streets. Although these look scary, their impact is actually very small.

What really devastated Argentina is: Why haven't other countries' economies had problems in the past few years? Why haven't any of them collapsed?

This is the crux of the problem.

Because if other countries don't have problems or collapse, Argentina can't harvest their wealth!

Argentina's previous harvesting model was to have a dollar tide every other cycle. The first step was to raise interest rates first. When the interest was added, the attraction became greater. When the money in the world saw that Argentina's interest rate was so high, they all started to exchange dollars to buy US bonds. The generous interest was attractive to the general public, not to mention the large remote funds seeking stability.

After entering the interest rate hike cycle, the money in the world flowed to North America, so other countries must be short of money, foreign exchange was tight, and asset prices fell. Even some unlucky countries directly collapsed their economies, and then factories closed down, real estate collapsed, and they could only start selling assets at a low price.

At this time, all the money in the world was in the hands of A-Mei. No one else could afford it, only A-Mei could afford it, and then it began to buy cheap core high-quality assets in various countries.

La-Mei in the 1980s, Benzi in the 1990s, Dong Nan Ya in 1997, etc., were all harvested in this way.

Entering the new century, what A-Mei wanted most was the wealth dividend accumulated by Dongda over the past few decades.

But, the harvest failed!

The reason is that Dongda is a public-owned dominant model. To put it bluntly, the core high-quality assets are always held by the state.

The so-called high-quality assets are not those broken factories, or even those Internet giants, including Yixing Video, Weibo, WeChat, Game Box, etc. under Qunxing. Although they are also high-quality assets, they cannot be regarded as the most core high-quality assets.

The real core high-quality assets, the core assets that Amei wants to harvest the most are the country's railways, national roads, national power grids, national tobacco, national military industry, national mines, etc. ...

But for these assets, Amei doesn't want to come in to buy the bottom, even if you come in to work, you have to learn how to toast first.

So Amei has printed so many green paper bills in recent years, but it can't buy the real core assets of the Eastern giant. Amei's script doesn't work in Dongda, but it has been tried and tested abroad in the past few years.

After the interest rate hike, the interest rate began to fall, and funds flowed from Beijing to the world. As the core assets of various countries were exchanged by Amei with green paper bills, the world began to enter a loose cycle, and asset prices entered a rising cycle, and Amei could sit and count money until his hands were soft.

In the past, this script of A-Mei was always effective, but in recent years, it has been found that the economies of countries around the world have not collapsed. Some money has flowed into North America, but it is all A-Mei's own money.

Now A-Mei's main buyers of treasury bonds are themselves. If they want Dongda to buy some, they have to go and beg for it in person. Dongda will not buy it unless they give up some benefits or if Dongda is in a bad mood.

Now Dongda itself no longer buys US bonds. When it wants to buy, it clearly designates Qunxing Group to increase its holdings. This also makes A-Mei dare not suppress and hunt Qunxing Group like it did a few years ago.

So Qunxing Group began to attack all over the world, frantically buying mines and building factories, and A-Mei could only be forced to watch helplessly.

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