My Fintech Empire

Chapter 335 [This main force is showing off the ability to control the disk]

Dasheng stock could not be traded for half an hour during the intraday suspension, but the popularity of this ticket soared all the way, ranking first in the popularity list of individual stocks in the two cities, and the discussion in the comment area of ​​the stock bar of this stock was also super hot.

[Nimma, I should have run away if I knew the bidding, and the profit has more than doubled in five minutes, heartache! ]

[The bidding went straight away, and the profit in this wave was more than four times, so happy, haha! ]

[Standing guard at the 3456 highland, people are stupid! ]

[You are awesome, dare to take this, how does it feel to be so cold at a high place? ]

[Holy shit, the pending order to buy is actually irrevocable. Now that I’m done with it, I really want to chop off my hand. Why is the pending order irrevocable during the suspension period? This mechanism is too shabby! ]

[Dare to go up without understanding the rules, who will lose money if you don’t lose money? Proper leeks! ]

[Where is the stock god who intervened in the half-position bidding in the early trading, how are you doing now? Have you got the other half bin stud? A leek is a leek, and you pretended to be an X with me, it made me laugh so hard! ]

[Follow the crowd//Follow post: Don’t worry, after half an hour when the cards are resumed, there will definitely be a pulse-down killing action, and then the remaining half of the stud position will be filled directly, knowledge and action will be united! ]

[Yo? Still stubborn? I seriously doubt that you are using a simulation disk. After half an hour, you will kill and stud again, and your whole body will be stiff. ]

[Follow the crowd//Follow thread: Simulation warehouse? Then upload the screenshot of the firm position! ]

[A real disk? Boss, ah, the bid for half a warehouse is two million, do you really need a stud? Monotonous one ticket? ]

[Rich man! ]

[I really laughed to death, does anyone believe this? It is a P picture at a glance! ]

[Follow the crowd//Follow post: It doesn’t matter, who is the leek will soon be known, if it is not because the A-shares will take a few days before margin financing and securities lending, this ticket has dived like this at the opening, I am directly full of financial studs, and I will buy it now Picking up money, I didn't expect it to fall like this. It is probably because the retail investors who bought this ticket before the suspension of trading ran away in a stampede, but it's okay, it will allow me to pick up cheap chips. ]

[Why is the boss so optimistic? Can you tell me why? ]

[Follow the crowd//Follow post: As I said earlier, one is that this ticket is now extremely popular, and everyone is watching its performance here; the other is the scarcity of varieties. Well-known Internet companies in the mainland are either in H shares or in U.S. stocks, Weibo is now the only one in the big A, and the bargaining chips will definitely be robbed by then! ]

[Follow the flow//follow post: One more thing to add, there is also the strong predictability of Weibo in the future. Weibo is the leader in its field, and now has 130 million users. Let me just put it this way, the country has a population of more than 1.3 billion, and the number of netizens in the mainland has long surpassed that of Laomei and the world. Thinking about the future potential of Weibo, it will definitely explode, and a ten-fold increase is the bottom line. This ticket needs to be popular and popular now, and it needs to be expected and expected. It can be used for short-term or long-term price investment. What is sold today is a vegetable chicken. Whether it is long-term or short-term, it is a buying point today, and it is definitely not a selling point. ]

[The big guy’s analysis seems quite reasonable. ]

[Laughing to death, I said it clearly and logically, but I saw that the half position was covered by 20 points, um, this is the so-called master! ]

[Follow the crowd//Follow post: If you didn’t only look at Dasheng shares today, you would have nothing to do and wouldn’t bother to talk to you at the end of the day. The corporal laughed when he heard this. Not laughing is not enough. You just sell your chips, I will pick them up until the position is full, pull up in the afternoon, wait to see me make a fortune, turn around tomorrow and wait for you to catch up and hit the board, haha! ]

[Everyone, don't believe him, this eagle hair looks like the main force's backer. He wants to trick you into taking over from high positions, so don't pick up throwing knives! ]


Time passed by every minute and every second, and Dasheng shares resumed trading on time after half an hour of suspension.

At the moment when trading was resumed, the orders accumulated during the suspension period were uniformly traded and displayed. The trading volume at this moment exploded to a volume of 350 million, which was reflected on the time-sharing board at 10:06 The measuring column divided into this minute directly "snapped" and immediately became a pillar of the sky.

Retail investors who held the stock before the resumption of trading scrambled to sell their chips and fled. The stock price also dropped rapidly again, and the decline soon expanded to minus 26 percentage points.

Just when the stock price fell to -26.93% and the intraday price dropped to 25.25 yuan, the investor whose ID was "follow the crowd" who had been arguing with others in the comment area was stunned when he saw this price. In seconds, he subconsciously thought of today's opening price of 34.56 yuan, but then he placed an order to stud all the remaining half positions without saying a word.

His pending order is at a price of 25.50 yuan, which is far higher than the price of 25.25 yuan that was sold out in the market at the moment. He just wants to grab funds as soon as possible to complete the change of hands. He doesn't care if he can buy the lowest point. The remaining half position is about 2 million yuan. All funds will be sold immediately.

After seeing the full position, I was satisfied. I followed the trend and looked at the market and said to myself: "This main force is a bit interesting. Shunzi sits at the top of the market, and the pair is at the bottom? Is it obsessive-compulsive disorder? No, it is showing the ability to control the market. Huh? Really right?"

Just as he was muttering to himself, the price of Dasheng shares fell to 25.25 yuan and did not hit a new low in the day. It only stayed at this price for two or three seconds before rebounding to 27.78 yuan. The half warehouse funds directly floating profit of 10 percentage points.

However, it fell back sharply soon, but it did not hit a new intraday low. After falling back, it began to rebound and rise.

Seeing the time-sharing trend, the stockholder followed the trend and said firmly: "It is definitely the right bottom, and 25.25 is today's lowest price in the day."

He bought a half position in the call auction in the early trading, and bought at the highest point of the day, but just studded half position almost at the lowest point of the day, fully holding Dasheng shares. After the half position stud came in, his average holding cost was also From 34.56 yuan to 29.90 yuan.

The cost has dropped significantly, and his account is still in a state of floating deficit, but he is not worried at all, and firmly believes that the ticket will definitely rise in the afternoon.

The current turnover rate of this ticket has exceeded 20%, and the transaction scale has released a huge amount of more than 1.2 billion. Basically, the retail investors who accidentally bought this ticket by winning the grand prize have almost sold it, and the selling pressure on the market has dropped significantly. It is almost time to run, and the floating chips on the disk can be pulled up after cleaning.

The bidding has made several times the profit. If the main funds at the opening are directly pulled up, the holders will be reluctant to raise money instead of selling.

And choose to dive into the drop, seeing the doubled retracement of profits, especially retail investors who hold chips can't bear such fluctuations, and feel distressed by the doubled retracement of profits, so they choose to sell chips to take profit, because today there is no rise The decline is limited, which also forms a great deterrent, which virtually increases the sentiment of taking profits.

The main funds hardly released the selling pressure, but after taking the lead to affect their emotions, retail investors followed suit and smashed the market, triggering a stampede to flee.


When the market opened in the afternoon, Dasheng shares climbed slowly in the shock, with little trading volume, but the price of 25.25 yuan was still the lowest point of the stock today.

The main funds of the stock did not choose to pull up, they already had enough bargaining chips, and they didn't want to rush to pull up. They wanted to wait for other off-market funds in the market to come in, that is, hot money came in to carry the sedan chair.

If the hot money comes to play the relay, there will be only funds left for promotion. If you don’t come to the relay, you just have to ignite the fire in the last 10 minutes of the end of the day.

At this moment, there are indeed a lot of hot money big and small who have added this ticket to the optional list and are staring at this ticket.

But they are not in a hurry to intervene, but are waiting for the time until the end of the day, because the possibility of continuing to bottom out cannot be ruled out now.

As time went by, around 14:42 in the afternoon, in the last half hour of late trading, a large order entered the market for this ticket. In the early trading, the stockholders who bought half positions at the auction and stud full positions at the bottom of 4 million have already turned from floating losses. Turned into floating profit.

At around 14:50, several hot money began to rush into the market, pushing the stock price up all the way. Looking at the rising stock price, the stockholders who sold at the bottom price of 25.25 yuan were also a little dumbfounded.

Some small retail investors recovered through the legendary "SB" tactics, but this is a very small number, and the vast majority of people who sold did not dare to chase the high and buy back.

It closed at 15:00.

The stock price of Dasheng shares closed at 32.47 yuan per share, closing up +398.01%, with a turnover of 1.691 billion yuan throughout the day and a total market value of 17.176 billion yuan. The opening price of the stock today was 34.56 yuan, which was the highest price of the day, and the lowest price was 2.525 billion yuan. Yuan, the intraday amplitude reached 142.79%, and the turnover rate exceeded 30%. The daily K-line is a negative line with a super long lower shadow line. Although it is a negative line, it is actually a false yin and a real yang.

And the stockholder with a full position of more than 4 million drifted with the crowd, and his account that was originally a floating loss turned into a profit of +8.59%. Part of it brought him a profit of +28 percentage points, which not only completely smoothed out the floating loss of buying at the opening, but also turned to achieve an overall daily floating profit of more than 8 percentage points.


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