My Fintech Empire

Chapter 336 [Stock Index Futures Listing]

After the market closed, the investor whose ID was nicknamed "Follow the Wave" went to the stock bar's comment area. The previous post about the ratio has now become a hot post, and he also posted a new comment in the post, and also accepted I made a picture and commented:

[Knowledge and action are one, resumption of trading directly increases the position of stud against the bottom, and turns the loss into a profit of more than 8 points. Tomorrow, we will see a record high for the flip board and make a fortune! 】

Soon, there were more comments and comments on this post.

[Big brother is too good, more than 20 points were trapped in the opening market, and he dared to make a monotonous one-ticket full position when it fell so much, really brave! ]

[Sure enough, there was a rush to raise funds at the end of the day, just like what the boss said, it's a big deal! ]

[Could it be true that it will be reversed tomorrow? ]

[Hey~, I saw it kept going up in late trading, but I didn’t dare to buy it. If I bought it at the lowest point, I could earn more than 28 points. ]

[Tomorrow will enter! ]

[I didn’t get in today and I didn’t get the first move. Be careful that the boss will drop the goods on you. ]

[Game of the Brave, I am timid, I can only watch the big guys show off their operations and call out 6666...(cover face jpg)]

[Hey, why isn't that buddy who sparred with the boss not bubbling! ]

[Hahaha, now it’s really embarrassing to see the boss getting rich and being slapped in the face by the boss...]

[The slap in the face came too fast, haha! ]

[ @Follow the crowd//: Will the boss hold shares or run away tomorrow? ]

[Follow the crowd//follow post: Run a hammer tomorrow, in the words of God K, it is the pattern, it is not a problem to see the price of 55 yuan for this ticket in the short term! ]

[Niu Pi, then tomorrow I will do a two-story follow-up, big brother, don't run away secretly! ]

[Follow the crowd//Follow post: 100% daily limit tomorrow, if you don’t get in the car today, you won’t be able to get cheap chips tomorrow, wait for the disagreement. ]

[Isn't it? Tomorrow will be the daily limit of one word? ]

[Let's say weakly, tomorrow is Saturday, so there will be no opening...]

[Stock speculators don’t have Saturdays and weekends, tomorrow is the next trading day for stock speculators, I don’t even understand...(Wangchai.jpg)! ]

[Uh uh uh, well...]


In the afternoon, today's dragon and tiger list data was released.

Not surprisingly, Dasheng shares appeared on the Dragon and Tiger List. The lineup of seats on the board is super luxurious. Buy 1, Buy 2 and Buy 5 are all institutional-only seats, and the other two seats are also two top-level hot money well-known by Big A. .

After the weekend and weekends, when the market opened on Monday, April 12, Dasheng shares really shrunk and opened at the daily limit. The stock price hit a record high of 35.72 yuan. The trading volume for the whole day was only 18.79 million yuan.

The next day, when the market opened on Tuesday, April 13, Dasheng shares gapped and opened more than 5 points higher at a price of 3.761 billion yuan. Measured but did not fry the board, but completed the air handover directly on the board.

After the change of hands was completed, more than 130,000 orders were still firmly sealed on the daily limit board of Dasheng shares. The funds on the orders exceeded 500 million yuan. The retail investors queuing up could not receive the funds at all. The turnover of the day was 808 million yuan. , the company's market value is 20.78 billion yuan.

Opening on Wednesday, April 14, Dasheng shares opened +2.13% higher at the opening price of 40.13 yuan. Today, due to the abnormal fluctuation of the stock's recent increase, the intraday stop was suspended for one hour.

With the resumption of trading at 10:30 when the stoppage time was reached, Dasheng shares continued to rise, and the intraday highest price reached 41.95 yuan, which continued to hit a record high, and the increase expanded to +6.77%.

After waiting, it began to rise and fall.

In the late trading, it once dived and turned green, and the stock price dropped to the lowest price of 37.55 yuan, a drop of -4.42%. But it bottomed out again in the afternoon.

As of the close, Dasheng shares closed down -1.13%, the stock price closed at 38.85 yuan, and the turnover of the whole day was 1.09 billion yuan. It was not on the dragon and tiger list today, but this ticket came in a lot of retail investors today.

When the market opened on Thursday, April 15th, Dasheng shares opened +2.83% higher at a price of 39.95 yuan. Within half an hour of early trading, the price limit was successfully closed, and its stock price rose to a record high of 42.73 yuan.

After closing down at the high level yesterday, today a bald-headed and bare-footed Yang K-line shrinkage turn-around board went directly, with a full-day turnover of 695 million yuan, and the total market value also rose to a height of 22.6 billion.

Since the resumption of listing and trading of the stock, in just 5 trading days, the stock price has increased by +555.36%, which is more than 5.5 times.

The stockholders who sold on the day of resumption of trading also regretted that they had sold out, especially those who ran away at the price of 25.25 that day, and secretly patted their thighs.

But it was an afterthought.

Even if they do it all over again, the vast majority of retail investors will still be washed out on the day of trading resumption due to fluctuations.


In the afternoon, Fang Hong was alone in the heated outdoor swimming pool of Jingxinju Villa.

After a while, Tian Jiayi, who came back from the company, entered the villa and was about to enter the house. When she saw Fang Hong in the swimming pool, she walked over.

The beautiful assistant stood by the pool, looked at Fang Hong and said, "Come on, I have something to report to you today."

At this time, Fang Hong swam up to her side, laying his hands on the edge of the swimming pool, a pair of delicate legs in front of his eyes, his eyes gradually moved up at an angle of 45 degrees, and obtained a good and excellent view, Fang Hong couldn't help admiring the sight in front of him The beautiful scenery, the looming hazy beauty is the most attractive scenery.

Seeing him like this, Tian Jiayi quickly put his legs together and gave him an angry look.

Fang Hong raised his mouth, smiled silently, and looked away, walked on the shore and wiped the water from his hair with a towel placed on the recliner. Tian Jiayi also followed, sat down on the recliner next to him and said, "What do you want?" The stock index futures account has already been settled for you, and it is in the general legal person account."

That is an institutional account.

Tomorrow is Friday, and the much-anticipated stock index futures will be listed on the mainland capital market to meet investors. The first batch of four CSI 300 stock index futures contracts will debut. The first batch of listed contracts will be May, June, September and 2010. For the December contract, that is, the CSI 300 stock index futures IF1005, IF1006, IF1009, and IF1012 contracts, the listed benchmark prices are all 3399 points.

Fang Hong tossed the towel and sat on a reclining chair, looked at the beautiful assistant and asked, "How is the stock index futures account opening?"

Tian Jiayi replied: "According to the reliable data we have learned, the cumulative number of stock index futures accounts is 9,138, including 8,944 natural persons and 194 general legal persons. It is rare to see institutions, and there is also a material from the China Financial Exchange."

After finishing speaking, Tian Jiayi took a document from the briefcase he was carrying and handed it to Fang Hong, who opened it for a general overview.

According to the notice from the CFFEX:

The trading margin for the May and June contracts is tentatively set at 15% of the contract value, and the September and December contracts are tentatively set at 18% of the contract value; the price limit on the day of listing, the May and June contracts are the listed benchmark prices 10% of the price, and the September and December contracts are 20% of the listed benchmark price.

The contract procedure is tentatively set at 0.5/10,000 of the transaction amount, and the delivery fee is 1/10,000 of the delivery amount. After the end of each trading day, the exchange will announce that the unilateral position reaches more than 10,000 lots and the top 20 contracts of the current month Trading volume and open interest of clearing members.

According to the benchmark price, the contract value of 1 lot of Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 Index futures is about 1.019 million yuan. According to the average margin level of 18% in the industry, about 180,000 yuan can be used for 1 lot of stock index futures.

Tian Jiayi slightly leaned over and rested his chin lightly with one hand, looked at Fang Hong and said: "According to our sources, the number of stock index futures accounts has increased sharply recently, and the current average daily increase has reached about 1,000."

Fang Hong closed the document and said to himself: "The stock index futures will be officially launched tomorrow, and the A-share market can also be shorted. With the release of the 20-year-suppressed short-seller sentiment..."

As he said that, Fang Hong turned his head to look at the beautiful assistant and added with a smile: "Anyway, the waterfall will start to fall tomorrow. This wave of bearish sentiment will at least push the market to 2300 points. Of course, the market's plunge is not all This is the reason why stock index futures are listed.”

Tian Jiayi was stunned: "You mean, the market outlook of the A-share market is bearish to 2300 points?"

She roughly calculated that today's market index closed at 3164 points and fell to around 2300 points, which means that there is still a decline of more than 25 percentage points. If calculated from the beginning of the year, the decline will reach 30 percentage points. The decline in the index.

If the market index falls by 30 points, the stock may lose a lot of its losses.

After a while, Tian Jiayi looked at Fang Hong with a hint of confusion and asked: "I don't understand, since you are so determined to be short on the market, and you have opened stock index futures to play, why not let the company participate in the short market?"

Hearing this, Fang Hong said calmly: "What is the size of my personal funds? What is the size of the funds of the stars? It is not an order of magnitude at all. This is not the key. The key is that all the money in the market is given to your family After earning money, do you want to offend everyone and be attacked by the crowd? What's more, the stock index futures market is not on a large scale."

Tian Jiayi couldn't help being stunned for a moment, his face showed that he understood but didn't quite understand.

Fang Hong lay down on the lounge chair, put his hands on the back of his head and added slowly: "The stars can't be afraid of offending people, otherwise things will be difficult, but they can't foolishly offend everyone, otherwise it will be equally difficult. Giving up some can make money The opportunity left to others is for us to make more money, so we need to open up the pattern and take a long-term view.”

Money can never be earned, and you have to leave some for others to earn. In this way, you will definitely earn more in the long-term. In the A-share market, Fang Hong obviously wants Qunxing Capital to position itself as a bull Earn long profits online, and don't do it if there is no long market.


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