My Fintech Empire

Chapter 573 [Kunpeng Technology Breakthrough in Bee Swarm Drone Technology]

Once the news of Xingyu Technology’s IPO was disclosed, it caused huge controversy in the market. The biggest point of controversy was that the market value of the issuance reached a terrifying valuation of 700 billion yuan, which is about 45 times the price-earnings ratio, which is 35 times higher than the previous capital market. The price-earnings ratio is about 10 times higher.

It’s okay to raise an astronomical figure of more than 70 billion, without paying a premium to the secondary market, and with a market value of 700 billion, how much room for a premium will there be after listing?

The company is a good company, but playing like this may not be a good stock.

Maybe it will become the next Zhongyou Petroleum, and the listing will be the peak.

However, the controversy from the outside world and complaints from stockholders will not have a substantial impact on the IPO of Xingyu Technology, and there is no need to worry about not being able to raise the target amount.

Because Qunxing Capital is behind it, the main force of IPO fundraising is institutions. These institutions may not buy Xingyu Technology’s account or Qin Feng’s account, but can they not buy Qunxing Capital’s account?

How many domestic institutions are now queuing up and even trying their best to cooperate with Qunxing Capital, because it is really profitable. Look at the institutions next door, such as Pengrui Capital and Zhongtai Capital, which have been holding Qunxing’s thighs for a long time, and now they are making money. .

Even if you drink soup with Qunxing Capital, it is rib soup.


In the middle and late March, there was a major breakthrough in swarm drone technology from Kunpeng Technology. This was internal confidential information. Chu Changxing came to Jingxinju Villa to report to Fang Hong in person.

"Boss, this is the actual measurement data at Somali." In the study on the second floor of the villa, Chu Changxing was here, and he handed a USB flash drive he brought to Fang Hong, who immediately connected it to the computer.

"In this file." Chu Changxing signaled, and Fang Hong clicked on it immediately. This is a series of video files, to be more precise, it is an internal video.

Last year, Chu Changxing took over the secret task of developing bee swarm drone technology from Fang Hong. It was researched and demonstrated in China, and the tests were carried out overseas, and it was established by Fang Hong secretly in Somali. With the cooperation of Blue Fox International, when this technology is made public in the future, it will also be announced as Blue Fox International, and has nothing to do with Kunpeng Technology.

To put it bluntly, the technology was created by Blue Fox International, why can a security company come up with this kind of technology? Of course it is to save costs. Why can't security companies do their own research?

"At present, we have developed two types of rotor and fixed wing..." Chu Changxing introduced. At the same time, Fang Hong clicked to play a video recording, which was an image of the actual test in a wasteland on the Somali side.

This video is a rotary-wing drone that can hover directly in the air. The place under the fuselage that was originally used to hang the gimbal was replaced by an automatic rifle. Chu Changxing said: "This is an early test video. , the main purpose is to test stability."

In the video, the suspenseful drone is hovering, and the automatic rifle hanging below is aimed at a target in front of it to shoot.

"Is someone manipulating?" Fang Hong asked.

"This video shows people manually controlling the drone, but we have achieved unmanned, the drone automatically recognizes friend and foe, and people only need to issue an attack command to fire at the enemy. At this time, one person is no longer limited. So you can only control one drone, but one person can control a fleet of several drones." Chu Changxing explained to Fang Hong in an orderly manner.

He motioned Fang Hong to open the sixth video file, and the latter clicked on it.

The picture shown in this video recording is quite different. In the picture is a medium-sized truck with a "honeycomb" placed in the compartment. The rear door of the compartment is slowly opened. It is obviously presented as a matrix launch port.

After a while, Fang Hong saw a fixed-wing drone being launched directly from one of the launch holes, which also seemed to be ejected.

Chu Changxing immediately introduced: "This is a fixed-wing drone. It looks like a cannonball. It is ejected through the 'honeycomb'. Each drone has two means of attack, one is the bomb it carries, and the other is the self-destructing kinetic energy of the drone itself.”

These drones have been positioned as one-time consumables from the beginning of their design, and they never thought about recycling them after they were launched. They mainly focus on cheap consumables.

The video continued to be shown. These drones were in a state of automatic flight, dispatched collectively like a swarm of bees, and could pass through narrow obstacles at high speed. Because the drone itself is small, it can even shuttle between the windows of the room.

In the picture, a group of sixty or seventy drones launched an attack on the target of a group of local troops on the ground. Dozens of bombs were dropped, and a wave of carpet bombing was formed in the target area.

In the end, these drones also carried out a wave of pure kinetic energy self-destruct attacks. If the target of the attack is a person, they will definitely be killed or injured.

Watching the video, Chu Changxing introduced in an orderly manner: "The design of the 'Honeycomb' is diverse and adapts to different environmental needs. It can be carried on the ground or air-dropped. On the one hand, it is still launching one by one, but it can be further improved to increase the frequency of launching, for example, there are several planes in a round of salvo, so as to achieve rapid assembly."

Fang Hong is not an expert in the military field, but he can also see that the advent of this swarm drone technology may rewrite the combat methods of modern conventional warfare.

Humans still have feelings, at least fear of death, but drones don't have such factors, and this alone is a big deal.

After a while, Fang Hong asked: "Can graphite bombs and the like pose a threat to swarm drones?"

Chu Changxing shook his head and answered affirmatively: "No, graphite bombs are mainly used to destroy fixed targets, such as power plants and high-voltage wires, but they are not very threatening to moving targets. Although graphite can short-circuit cars and aircraft, aircraft are basically insulated. Airtight, not to mention our swarm drone itself is small, tens of centimeters in length, graphite bullets will not pose a threat to it at all."

Having said that, Chu Changxing added: "In addition, the battle damage ratio is the biggest problem for graphite bombs. Our drones are cheap, and the opponents cannot afford to consume them with graphite bombs. The only thing that poses a threat to the machine is the EMP electromagnetic pulse bomb, but this thing is even more impossible, because it can only detonate a nuclear bomb to release an electromagnetic pulse."

It has really reached the point of growing mushrooms, and that situation is already a war at the level of the end of the world.

However, the battle damage ratio of graphite bombs is not enough to consume, not to mention whether it can pose a threat to the drone, even if it does pose a threat, the battle damage is unbearable. It costs 100 yuan to replace the target worth 1 yuan. , There is no desire to attack directly. When the scale is small, it is changed because of tactical needs, but after the scale is large?

Apparently they can’t afford to change it. It’s like Lao Mei uses a million-dollar Tomahawk missile to destroy an opponent’s broken tent. Maybe there is no one in this tent. It’s a loss to grandma’s family. Spending trillions of dollars can't afford such a loss.

At the end, Fang Hong nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, let's finalize the mass production as soon as possible!"


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