My Fintech Empire

Chapter 598 [Exploded first-day sales data]

That thin and tall man is undoubtedly a scalper. Like him, there are currently many offline physical stores of Xingyu Technology, especially the six official flagship stores.

The cost of receiving the goods is indeed not low, because Xingyu Technology is really cracking down on scalpers, and has introduced many purchase restrictions. The threshold for sweeping goods from official direct-sale stores is very high. Only those big scalpers with strong funds can organize large-scale purchases. Large-scale people go to line up to get the goods.

But there is also a problem. In response to this situation, Xingyu Technology will limit the daily shipments. For example, if we ship so much in one day, it will say that it is sold out, and we are adjusting the goods. Don't worry.

In this way, no matter how many big scalpers have more people, they will not be able to get much goods, or they will have to pay more time costs.

The price curve of the product shows a parabolic trend. At the beginning, the price will be hyped up, and the price will naturally fall after a long time, because the scalpers make money from those who are not short of money and want to buy early and enjoy early.

Today is the Dragon Boat Festival, and it is also the first day of the launch of Xingyu Technology's new products. There are still a lot of goods in preparation, because the company needs to adjust its strategy according to the factual feedback from the market.

The thin and tall man is actually a little scalper who works alone. Without a team, he can only do it this way. The cost of receiving the goods is not low, but even if he sells them out like this, he can still make a lot of money.

You know, when Xingyu Technology's first-generation product Plus version came out, it was once hyped to a height of 17,800.


At around 12:00 noon, news came from Jingdong, which aroused the surprise of the technology circle and industry insiders.

The official flagship store of Jingdong Shopping, the online sales channel of Xingyu Technology, showed that it was out of stock, and it was only open for orders at 9:00 in the morning, and the inventory data at that time showed 1.5 million units.

But now it has been shown that it is out of stock, and it does not support reservations, but tomorrow there will be 100,000 open reservations.

In addition, Xingyu Technology's own official website has also closed the order function.

With this posture, if the offline stores run out of stock, the inventory may be exhausted in the third quarter. If the production capacity is not expanded in the fourth quarter, there may be no sales.

This is because Xingyu Technology intends to strategically show weakness to its competitors this year, and the growth rate will be controlled at about 10 percentage points. In other words, the shipment of the third-generation products this year is planned to be controlled at about 39 million units.

At about 17:00 in the afternoon, the major offline entities of Xingyu Technology successively announced that they were sold out, but there were still many people queuing up.


The next day, the weekend morning of June 24.

The official Weibo of Xingyu Technology released a message, announcing the sales data of the third-generation product S3 mobile phone on the first day of the Dragon Boat Festival.

The sales volume of offline channels was 3.47 million units, the sales volume of online channels was 1.82 million units, and the total sales volume on the first day was 5.29 million units.

As soon as this sales data came out, it shocked the entire smart phone industry circle, and it directly made the headlines of the day's news. The whole network swiped the screen, and the media in the technology circle was basically full of news about Xingyu Technology's new products.

Even foreign news outlets are citing and reporting the unprecedented hot sales of new products of local smart phone giants in the Greater China market.

This data is really too explosive.

The sales volume of 5.29 million units is not the sales data of the first week, let alone the sales data of the first month, but the first day.

What is even more explosive is that this report card was created in a large market, which undoubtedly once again demonstrated to the world the potential for terrifying consumption in this market, and its explosive power exceeded the predictions of all institutions.

There are also heated discussions on the Internet, and the topic remains high.

[It’s like dreaming back to the rhythm of 2010...]

[There are far more rich people than I believe, Niubi! ]

[However, I am uneducated, so I can say a word of shit. ]

[Star powder is really awesome, awesome pen! ]

[The sales volume of 5.29 million units in the first week was quite explosive. I didn't expect it to be a one-day sales volume. It was too shocking. ]

[The result of many factors, first of all, S3 is really good, it is the foundation, and it is not an exaggeration to create a new classic, and then Xingyu Technology’s sales channels are very good and can not be ignored, and finally I think it is also helpful to pay in installments A key factor in the sales explosion. ]

[I just paid in installments (cover my face.jpg), I grabbed an order in Jingdong, I really can’t afford that much money at once, but I really want to buy it and I really like it, fortunately, I can pay in installments, first pay a few hundred yuan first Can enjoy early...]

[I finally understand why so many people keep pushing into this industry, it really makes money. ]

[Friends: Envy makes me separate, and jealousy makes me completely different. ]

[The one that makes money should be Xingyu Technology, a company that has taken away 90% of the profits in the domestic mobile phone industry market, and so many other manufacturers are robbing the three melons and two dates behind...]

[I can only say, Xingyu is awesome! ]

[I'm not surprised. I heard that Apple's new products are made with a 28nm process. The S620 processor is definitely the most powerful this year. In other words, the S3 is definitely the best-performing smartphone in 2012. one. ]

[Apple: There is a lot of pressure. ]

[A day’s shipment volume is 5.29 million units, taking an intermediate value, that’s a daily profit of more than 30 billion, what the hell! ]

[Money printing machines are not so fast, high-tech really makes money. ]

[Quanxing Capital: What are you talking about? More than 30 billion is a lot? ]

[To tell a horror story, Qunxing Capital holds more than 70% of the shares of Xingyu Technology, and Qunxing Capital is the biggest winner behind the scenes. ]

[The stars are so numb after winning...]


Xingyu Technology has become the trendsetter of this holiday season. The overwhelming news and related news all come from this company. The terrifying sales data has exceeded the forecast of all agencies, and it has surpassed expectations in a step-by-step manner.

At the same time, many analysis institutions in the capital market have also raised the valuation of Xingyu Technology. The scale of the issuance market value of 700 billion is very reasonable. Many investors thought that the price was too high.

But judging from the market performance of the third-generation products, Xingyu Technology has the potential to have a market value of trillions.

On the first day, a terrifying sales figure of 5.29 million units was released. Many organizations optimistically predict that the sales volume of S3 this year is expected to reach about 54 million units, and the growth rate can reach about 55%.

Not only will the sales volume increase significantly, but the profits of the new generation of products will definitely be higher.

All in all, the market performance of S3 greatly exceeded expectations, making the capital market's valuation of Xingyu Technology more bold and optimistic. With this growth momentum, when it goes public, the market value will reach trillions, and the valuation bubble will also pass the value Growth fills quickly.

More optimists even shouted the valuation of Xingyu Technology to a height of 1.5 trillion.

A major concern in the market before was that Xingyu Technology will face direct competition from Apple, which is the biggest competitor of Xingyu Technology. Investors are worried that the competitive pressure from Apple will have an impact on Xingyu Technology.

But with the release of the S3, and the performance of the market, Apple's arrival doesn't seem so scary.

Unless Apple's new generation of iPhone launched at this autumn conference can beat the S3, but the problem is the release of the S3, this flagship product directly breaks through the current ceiling of smartphones, whether it is in terms of industrial design, innovative features or S620 processing The appliances are all top notch.

On the contrary, Apple may be under pressure at this moment.


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