My Fintech Empire

Chapter 631 [The last batch of S680 chips was seized]

In the afternoon, Qunxing Capital headquarters.

Fang Hong came to the company and is currently in the office of Qiu Guangcheng, the company's current rotating chairman.

"The data flow of foreign capital this week shows that the net inflow has slowed down significantly. This week, the total net inflow of all listed companies in the galaxy system was 339 million yuan, equivalent to about 100 million U.S. dollars." Qiu Guangcheng said.

Sitting on the sofa in the rest area, Fang Hong picked up a piece of material and browsed without saying a word. This material was impressively about the 11 star-galactic companies that have gone public.

The current market value of Xingyu Technology is 2.12 trillion, Kyushu Lanjian 312 billion, Weibo 285.3 billion, Yixing Media 248.3 billion, Kunpeng Technology 218 billion, ATL Technology 192.8 billion, Kyushu Xing 189.8 billion, Yixing Video 189 billion, Youkefang 187.3 billion, Ruihe Medicine 180.5 billion, Maker Square 178.8 billion.

These eleven listed companies are currently ranked in the A-share market capitalization rankings, and Chuangkefang, which has the lowest market capitalization, is ranked 32nd, surpassing the market capitalization of Zhongxin Securities, the first securities company.

The total market value of all companies is about 4.3 trillion yuan, while the current total market value of the A-share market is 28.57 trillion yuan.

Qiu Guangcheng stared at the document in Fang Hong's hand and said: "If 80% of the market value is cut off, the total market value is 4.3 trillion, and the market value is about 3.5 trillion, the market index may have to fall below 2000 points again. .”

This is the case without protecting the market. If the valuation of the listed subsidiaries of Qunxing System falls, it is equivalent to the current total market value of the entire A-share market will drop by about -12%. , If the market is not protected, the index will definitely drop from the current 2400 points to below 2000 points, or even directly fall below 1949 points.

Although the A-share market index is not very long, the total market value of the stock market is only rising, that is, it has not grown tall but has been gaining weight.

The previous IPO listing of Xingyu Technology also marked the restart of the A-share market and the acceleration of IPO expansion.

In the end, Fang Hong closed the material and put it aside, and said slowly: "Since the net inflow is still there, don't worry, just follow the established plan and continue to hold back next week, so that shareholders can have a stable year, and the first trading day after the Spring Festival returns Pull the brakes and start killing."

After the next five trading days, the Chinese New Year will be celebrated in China, and the A-share market will also be closed, and the market will not open until Monday, February 18.

The return of the A-share market after the festival is destined to be turbulent, and even a time when demons dance wildly.

Fang Hong looked at Qiu Guangcheng and said: "The market will open after the festival. At the same time as the gates are turned on, it is mainly to support the Shanghai stock index market and raise the financial sector for hedging. In addition, a few funds are arranged to be rotated as hot money. This is to pull Taiwan Qunxing Capital's layout to intervene. Some core asset targets are the main ones.”

Hearing this, Qiu Guangcheng nodded.


After weekends and weekends, the A-share market opened. In the next three trading days, the market index continued to close in a row and out of the eight consecutive days. However, from Monday to Wednesday, the stock index closed up +0.38% and 0.21% respectively. And 0.06%, the Shanghai stock index closed at 2434.48 points, which is a bit stagflation on the whole.

However, Qunxing System’s listed subsidiaries are still hitting record highs, and Xingyu Technology has also stepped out of Balianyang. In the past three days, they closed up +2.03%, +1.84% and +1.27%, closing at 8.11 yuan, the highest intraday It rushed to 8.17 yuan, the market value peaked at 2,249.65 billion yuan, and closed at 2,233.129 billion yuan after the market closed.

At the same time, the combined market value of all the listed subsidiaries of the Galaxy Group reached 4.68 trillion.

The price of Xingyu Technology stood at 8 yuan, and the whole market was boiling. They didn't expect that the expectations of analysts from all walks of life before the listing were actually fulfilled. superior.

It turns out that the market value of two trillion yuan is really not a dream, but a reality!

Just after walking out of Balianyang today, stock commentators and analysts became even more aggressive. One market analyst believed that Xingyu Technology’s market value should directly match Apple’s or even surpass Apple’s.

At the same time, the target price of Xingyu Technology was raised to 10.58 yuan, corresponding to a market value of 2913.256 billion yuan.

There are zeros and whole numbers, and there are decimal points.

The target price is 10.58 yuan per share, which means that there is still room for 30 percentage points of growth in the future.

Stock analysts and various investment masters are also blowing up.

What kind of trend can't end all at once. Since the start of this round of market in early December last year, Xingyu Technology is undoubtedly the absolute leader in the Chinese army, and the index has not yet reached 2,500 points.

So as long as the market is still there, as long as the market index continues to rise, the leader of the Chinese army must not fall, and in turn, it will definitely rise and hit a record high.


Thursday, February 7, the penultimate trading day before the Spring Festival.

At the opening of the market today, the two markets opened lower. After the market opened, the index fluctuated and fell. At around 9:53, the stock market suddenly fell from the -0.33 level to -0.87% in just five minutes. The drop was very abrupt.

Immediately after two minutes, the major market software pushes the message:

[The consumer electronics sector weakened, Xingyu Technology fell by more than -9%, and the current turnover exceeded 2.7 billion. 】

Shareholders saw the news and turned to Xingyu Technology's market to take a look. Just about five minutes ago, the stock's time-sharing line plummeted and plunged more than 9 percentage points, and the stock price reached its lowest point. At the price of 7.37 yuan, the market value has evaporated by about 200 billion.

The total market value of a Maotai was directly evaporated.

At the same time, the market index also weakened further. The leader of Zhongjun did not drop the limit, but it was also near the limit price. The leader of Zhongjun also caused a certain panic in the market. At around 13:10 in the afternoon, the stock index fell to 2400 points An integer mark, a drop of more than -1.5 percentage points.

However, the market index began to rebound in the afternoon, because the trend of Xingyu Technology, the leader of the Chinese military, began to rebound continuously, and the panic was restored.

As of the close, the Shanghai stock index closed down -0.66%, closing at 2418.53 points, stopping the eight consecutive positives, and closed the shadow line today.

Xingyu Technology also stopped at Balianyang, and it also closed down with a long lower shadow line. It closed down -3.21% after the market, and the stock price closed at 7.85 yuan. The whole day's trading volume reached 6.421 billion yuan. 2161.536 billion yuan.


At around 17:00, Jingxinju Villa.

At this moment, Fang Hong was looking at a piece of foreign capital flow data that Tian Jiayi had just brought back.

Tian Jiayi, who was sitting opposite him, said: "For the flow of foreign capital today, the eleven Group Galaxy subsidiaries bought 12.156 billion yuan, sold 19.085 billion yuan, and the net outflow was -6.929 billion yuan, of which Xingyu Technology -1.158 billion yuan .”

After a while, Tian Jiayi asked: "Foreign capital has started to withdraw. Tomorrow is the last trading day before the festival. Do you want to pull the brakes early?"

Fang Hong said calmly: "No, there are hundreds of billions of funds in it, and it doesn't hurt to let them run hundreds of billions. It will take at least two weeks for them to withdraw the principal. This is based on the premise of sufficient liquidity. Sex is not up to me? Let them sell it for tens of billions at most, and it’s the last day, and I told the big A shareholders to have a good year.”

Foreign capital wants to withdraw. When the principal is withdrawn, they will not smash the market to death. Only when the cost is recovered, the rest will be profits. At that time, they will smash the market without any scruples.

Moreover, there are still hot money inflows from foreign capital, but the overall net outflow. Fang Hong is not too clear about the composition of the new foreign capital, but he doesn't care at all. As long as it is foreign capital, it doesn't matter what your composition is.

Now that you are here, don't leave, if you want to leave, you have to wait for your pants to stay before leaving.

At this moment, Fang Hong's phone rang, and he opened it to see that it was Qin Feng calling, and immediately connected the phone. After a while, Fang Hong said calmly: "I see, we will talk about it when I go over."

Seeing Fang Hong get up, the beautiful assistant couldn't help but looked up at him curiously, "What happened to Xingyu Technology?"

Fang Hong put on his coat smoothly, glanced at Tian Jiayi and said with a smile: "I found the reason for today's crash. The last batch of S680 chips was deducted. Most of the funds that ran away today were Wall Street capital. Only they Most likely to smell it so soon."

Tian Jiayi was slightly taken aback.

Fang Hong instructed: "Continue to raise the price tomorrow, hold your breath, don't panic, and end the Chinese New Year with a back-package to collect the bonus tomorrow. After the Chinese New Year, you will start killing directly after the festival. You can also arrange it."

Hearing this, Tian Jiayi nodded, and Fang Hong also went out to Xingyu Technology headquarters to meet Qin Feng.


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