My Fintech Empire

Chapter 632 [Communicate in a language that their pirate civilization can understand]

Half an hour later, in Xingyu Technology Headquarters, in Qin Feng's office.

At this moment, at the sofa in the rest area, Qin Feng sighed: "Your judgment is indeed prescient, and the opponent has indeed started with the chip processor."

Fang Hong simply asked: "How much was the S680 chip deducted?"

Qin Feng said in a deep voice: "There are about 47 million pieces, and we are currently negotiating with TSMC."

Hearing this, Fang Hong shook his head and said, "It's useless to negotiate with TSMC. They can't make the decision, and they don't dare. We have to talk to the people in charge of Qualcomm."

Qin Feng was speechless for a while.

After a while, Fang Hong thought for a while and said: "Well, you send someone to negotiate with Qualcomm directly. That's it, let's put aside the breach of contract and ignore him, but I don't care about the S680 chips that have already been produced. What method do you use for Qualcomm, it must be delivered to me."

Speaking of this, Fang Hong looked at Qin Feng and added: "Tell them, if you can't deliver the goods normally and smoothly, Xingyu Technology will spare no effort to promote the Greater China market to let the upper management formulate a chip anti-monopoly plan, and treat you Qualcomm imposes heavy taxes on chips sold to the Greater China market."

Qin Feng was stunned and said, "Is this a direct threat?"

Fang Hong said flatly: "This is the language that pirate civilization can understand."

Imposing heavy taxes on chips is definitely not good news for the North American semiconductor industry chain, especially for major manufacturers in the high-end chip field. The most important thing is that the scale of chips imported by the Greater China market is at the level of hundreds of billions of dollars per year. .

Not one year, but every year.

This cake is not usually big, and it is still increasing year after year.

The imposition of heavy taxes is the most fearful thing for those chip manufacturers, because if foreign semiconductor manufacturers lose the Greater China market, a large number of manufacturers will go bankrupt.

Or heavy taxes, the result of a sharp reduction in profits will inevitably affect their research and development in high-end chips.

It's just that no one in the mainland has the courage to flip the table with the other party.

But Fang Hong definitely has the guts.

He even dared to break out of the semi-conductor with the "Writing of the Standing Army" above, because the hanging has not really played a role. This is Fang Hong's biggest confidence and the strongest card in his hand.

At this time, Qin Feng couldn't help but said: "In this way, is it really not possible to push forward the proposed heavy tax measures in the future?"

Fang Hong turned his head and glanced at Qin Feng, and said lightly: "Xingyu Technology can keep the contract, but it doesn't mean that Qunxing Capital will not advance. Xingyu Technology agreed to Qualcomm. What is the matter with Qunxing Capital?"

Qin Feng was taken aback on the spot: "Uh..."

For a moment, he was speechless to refute, as if this is indeed the case, and the big boss must be able to play.

After a while, Fang Hong said: "Besides, when I come back after the festival, my side will close the door to fight dogs. Your Xingyu Technology side will cooperate with some bad news, such as a fire in the chip storage warehouse, and it must really burn."

Qin Feng hurriedly said: "Really burning?"

Fang Hong nodded and said: "It's really burning, burning seven or eight million pieces or something, but the loss statistics should be slower. When my side is finished, your side will probably make statistics and disclose it. Burning seven or eight million pieces loss."

It would be untrue not to actually burn a batch of chips.

Hearing this, Qin Feng nodded and replied: "Okay, then I will cooperate with the release of bad news."

Fang Hong stayed at Xingyu Technology for about an hour, discussed a series of things with Qin Feng and then left. Qin Feng can handle the negotiation with Qualcomm and wait for news later.


Back at Jingxinju Villa, Tian Jiayi, who had just finished working out, saw him walking slowly and said, "By the way, I forgot to tell you another thing. Quantitative Capital will resume trading and listing tomorrow. Do you want to postpone it until the harvest is over?" Resume trading after the foreign investment incident?"

Fang Hong walked towards the study on the second floor and replied at the same time: "No, just resume trading as usual tomorrow. Maybe we can attract another group of foreign investors to board the bus. It will be boring to catch the last bus."

Tian Jiayi: "..."

This guy is also bad enough, with a murderous rhythm. Last year, after the backdoor listing of several large galaxy subsidiaries such as Kyushu Blue Arrow and Kunpeng Technology, even if the first day of the resumption of trading was at the highest price, as long as it lasts until now, it will It has increased several times.

With such expectations, it may be possible to trick some foreign capital into it. As for some retail investors who followed in and came back after the festival, it can only be said that it was purely accidental injury, pure accidental injury.

Fang Hong walked to the stairs, looked back at Tian Jiayi and said, "By the way, when it comes to quantitative capital, I asked you to sort out the materials of Chen Yu and quantitative capital, have you done it?"

Tian Jiayi nodded and replied, "It's already in your study, on the second folder level of the desk."

Hearing this, Fang Hong nodded and stopped talking, went to the study on the second floor and sat down at the desk, and took out a document from the file layer to browse.

Quantitative Capital was discovered by Shi Yao, a member of the company's board of directors. This is the 12th subsidiary of Qungalaxy after Xingyu Technology entered the A-share market, and it is also the first in the new year of 2013. Qungalaxy's listed subsidiaries are taking the route of backdoor listing.

According to the materials, Shenwan Quantitative Capital belongs to the diversified finance industry, and its main business is investment and management, electronic equipment manufacturing, and electronic device manufacturing.

The real specialty of this company is quantitative investment transactions.

Quantitative capital was discovered by Shi Yao, but after that, Fang Hong attached great importance to it and was extremely optimistic, especially its founder Chen Yu.

Its founder is only 26 years old this year. According to Chen Yu's personal information, this young man is a rare young genius who is extremely talented in investment transactions, especially the understanding of emotional cycles. He has invested billions of dollars in the entire A-share market. Among those who can stand shoulder to shoulder with him, it can even be said that there are no more than five people.

In the A-share market, he is an extremely sharp sickle player at the top of the food chain.

According to the information, Chen Yu started college at the age of 19, majored in mathematics, and took a course in computer science, but it took him only one year to complete all the college courses.

Then I felt that it was meaningless and dropped out of school voluntarily.

Afterwards, he immersed himself in retreat for a year to study the chaotic system of the capital market and financial market, and then entered the market at the age of 20 with 450,000 yuan as the principal, and he earned this money from foreign technology giants through his own skills of.

According to the data, Chen Yu made a total of five shots in 2007, four of which were profitable and one was a loss.

The first, second, and fourth times are short-term operations, holding shares for no more than a week.

The focus is on the third and fifth shots.

The third time was buying Jinlong shares with a full position of 635,000 yuan on February 2, 2007. At that time, he made a profit of more than 40 percentage points in the first two moves.

After Chen Yu bought the stock, he held it until June 22. After holding the stock for as long as April, the stock also skyrocketed from more than 5 yuan to 40 yuan. Chen Yu finally made a profit of 6.2 times and withdrew precisely to escape the top. 4.57 million yuan with interest.

Then he made a short-term operation, half-position intervened, and was out with a loss of -8%, a loss of about 370,000 yuan.

Then came the fifth time, Chen Yu intervened in Jiangqi Copper at 400 on July 2, 2007. The next day, it rose by the limit, and then fell again in the next two days. The account once turned from profit to loss, but Chen Yu turned back Nearly three times the leverage, another 11 million came in.

You must know that this stock has risen five times in more than two years since it started to rise in July 2005, and most people dare not play like this.

But Chen Yu did it.

Then he held shares all the way until October 15, 2007. The stock doubled in about three months from the day he intervened in July to the day he withdrew, and he directly made a profit of about 31 million and was out of the market, leveraging leverage. The profit was 7.5 times, and once again escaped the top.

Chen Yu's worth soared to around 35 million.

In the big bull market in 2007, he entered the market with a principal of 450,000 and made more than 35 million.

If we said that in 2007, we were just lucky enough to run into a big bull market, and we were able to earn 35 million because of our courage, then the bear market in 2008 was the time to test our skills.

In the first half of the bear market in 2008, Chen Yu lost -17%, but in the second half of the bear market, he turned around and made an extra 5 million, and his net worth soared to 40 million.


(Ps: Quantitative trading will be a hot topic in the future, Qunxing Capital will definitely not be absent from this track, and arrange for Chen Yu, a new supporting role, to do quantification. It gave him a treatment second only to the protagonist or quasi-protagonist.

I don't know if anyone still remembers the final chapter of the old book "Financial Giants". At the Tiansheng Capital's 10th Annual Shareholders' Meeting, there was a paragraph describing Fang Hong attending the shareholders' meeting as a member of Tiansheng Capital's board of directors.

I have an immature idea. When this book is finished, it will be the last part of the entire financial trilogy. The next new book will let Chen Yu be the protagonist of the new book, and come to a time-travel rebirth. The previous life is set in the world view of this book Chen Yu, who focuses on a multiverse linkage, belongs to Yes (cover your face and laugh and cry.jpg), as for this book, it is Fang Hong's younger brother, who follows K God.

Of course, it's just an immature idea, so it might not be possible to do this, and the new book may not write about financial topics, so it's uncertain, but in this book, Chen Yu is a supporting role, God K's younger brother.

When this book is finished, I will discuss the total with you before opening the new book, or hold a vote or something. If everyone thinks it is okay, then I will give him the final part of the financial trilogy.

Chen Yu: Old men, can I have a chance to be the protagonist of the new book...)

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