My Fintech Empire

Chapter 733 [This hand hits the vital door]

A few days ago, America once again stepped up restrictions in response to the landing of the big fund. The outside world generally believed that there would be no substantive counterattacks. It turned out that the countermeasures not only came so quickly, but also came with heavy blows.

The gallium and germanium hand can be said to hit the nail on the head.

This weekend weekend is destined to be restless, and the hot spots are all occupied by this news.

As the popularity rose and the attention of the whole people skyrocketed, there were new rumors from the outside world, saying that this was just the beginning of a counterattack. There are many, and they are all aces.

Once the gallium and germanium cards are released, half a year can be as short as a year, and half of the world's chip manufacturing will have to enter a shutdown stage. Without the cooperation of gallium and germanium, in addition to chip manufacturing, many military and civilian technology industries will also be extremely difficult. uncomfortable.


The following day, Monday 10 March.

The A-share market directly gapped and opened low at the opening of the market today. After the opening, it opened low and plunged. It showed a unilateral decline throughout the day, and there was not even a decent rebound.

The news of the counterattack on weekends and weekends caused a sensation on the Internet, and attracted countless people to applaud. However, the A-share market plummeted because of this. This news was interpreted by the capital market as a major negative.

What worries investors the most is that the game between the world's top two economies is escalating, and the expectation of future uncertainty has been strengthened.

And that's the element of uncertainty that investors dislike the most.

The rapid depreciation of the RMB in the foreign exchange market today is rumored to be a rapid outflow of hot money, which will exacerbate the shortage of liquidity in the market.

Coupled with the previous news that WeChat’s IPO raised more than 37 billion yuan, the market has interpreted the arrival of accelerated market expansion, which will have a certain impact on the capital market.

In addition, there are rumors that financial futures exchanges require institutions that are short-sellers rather than long-short stock index futures to prohibit short-selling orders in order to keep the 2000-point integer mark of the market index.

All in all, under the combination of a series of comprehensive factors, the big A directly lay flat today, and the Shanghai stock index failed to hold the integer mark of 2000 points.

As of the close, the three major A-share indexes closed down across the board. The Prev Index fell -2.86% to close at 1999.06 points; the Shenzhen Component Index fell -2.87% to close at 7118.44 points; the ChiNext Index fell -367% to close at 1407.07 points .

From the perspective of the sector, the hottest thing today is the surge in stocks related to germanium and gallium raw materials.

Many stockholders can't understand that, logically speaking, the control will be imminent. The sales of these raw material suppliers will definitely shrink, the performance should decline, and the stocks should also fall.

It is true that there is nothing wrong with such logic, but the price has increased, and it has skyrocketed. The logic of price increase is one of the hardest good news in the market.

In fact, these are secondary. The most important thing is that the popularity has increased, the attention has increased, and there are stories to tell, which give room for short-term emotional speculation.

The semiconductor sector collapsed again today, and continued to drop sharply. The sector index is a big negative line of more than 7 percentage points, and the stocks related to the semiconductor industry chain are rising and falling.

It is worth mentioning that most of the chip stocks listed on the A-share market now rely heavily on overseas technology. To put it bluntly, it is easy to get stuck, and most of the semiconductor companies with real technical strength have not yet been listed. That is Qunxing Those semiconductor companies invested by capital are not yet listed.

Otherwise, the semiconductor sector would not have fallen like this today.

However, when Big A fell below the 2,000-point mark again, Qunxing Capital silently chose to continue to buy bottoms. Now it has basically completed the layout of the main expected positions, and now it is more likely to buy bottoms.

On Wednesday, the market index dropped to a new low of 1974.38 points, but it rebounded to 1997.69 points in late trading after the bottom-hunting funds of Qunxing Capital entered the market, and returned to above the 2000-point mark on the next Thursday.

On the practical level outside the capital market, the quotations of germanium products in the international market have seen an astonishing increase. The quotations of germanium products in the domestic market have soared to more than 10,000 yuan per kilogram, while the quotations for export have soared to 1,600 yuan per kilogram. USD or more.

This impressive price increase took the industry by surprise and sparked widespread attention and news coverage.

It can be said that this wave of counterattack directly led to the urgent demand for germanium products by those international chip manufacturers. , has become a hot topic in the market.

For related domestic enterprises, this is undoubtedly good news.

Against the background of changes in the global supply and demand pattern, relevant domestic companies also have greater market space and negotiation capabilities, and the interests involved are no longer limited to the bottom layer of trade, but gradually rise to the level of resources and technology game.


In the afternoon, stay in the villa quietly.

Fang Hong held a video conference with the heads of semiconductor companies invested by Qunxing Capital. These companies are all holding subsidiaries of Qunxing Capital, covering the upper, middle and lower reaches of semiconductors. , was also placed high hopes by Fang Hong.

In addition, Chen Yu, who is in charge of Quantitative Capital, and Qin Feng, who is in charge of Xingyu Technology, also participated in this meeting. Their main business is not making chips, but they are also closely related to semiconductors. Xingyu Technology is doing IC design, and Xingyu Technology is doing IC design, while Quantitative capital is engaged in graphics card display chips.

"Gallium and germanium are cards. For those international chip manufacturing factories, there are only a few options for their supply chain." Fang Hong looked at the pictures of everyone in the video conference and said with a smile: "The first is to seek permission. But the time window is too narrow, and it will take effect on April 15, so there are not many opportunities left for them."

Fang Hong went on to say: "The second is to seek alternatives. But distant water can't quench your thirst. The key point is the water source of distant water. There are not many places in the world. Gallium and germanium mining, mineral processing, smelting, rough processing, finishing and other vertical industrial chains."

Everyone in the meeting couldn't help but nodded. They secretly guessed in their hearts that this card might be suggested by the big boss. Everyone knew that he could be used as an internal reference. He didn't say it, and he wouldn't say it.

Fang Hong continued: "The third is to deal with inventory. This road is still impassable. The gallium and germanium inventories of international supply chain manufacturers can range from one to two months to six or seven months. Like the stick next door, the inventory can only Support for more than 40 days. When the inventory is used up, most of the chip manufacturing factories in the world will have to shut down, especially high-end chips.”

Those present at the meeting were all industry insiders and knew exactly what that would mean.

At that time, not only the process of 14nm and below will be shut down, but the process of 20nm, 28nm and above will also be shut down. The chip manufacturing of the 32nm process has been broken through in China and will not be affected. It can be put into mass production this year. The 28nm and below process is still technologically researching. The 32nm process can be fully mass-produced in the fourth quarter of this year. .

As for high-end chips, they stopped selling them to you last year anyway, and another key factor is that Fang Hong keeps up with his promise to catch up with the world's most advanced level in high-end chips around 2018.

Naturally, there was nothing to worry about, so I simply turned the table over.


(Ps: The last one was swallowed...)

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