My Fintech Empire

Chapter 734 [Three Advances, One Retreat]

The global chip manufacturing landscape has suddenly reversed overnight. The domestic side is not in a hurry. Anyway, it can slowly wrestle with the other party. Many international chip manufacturers must be in a hurry.

During the videoconference, a participant said: "The embargo on mid- and low-end lithography machines will be around mid-June. Will they not withdraw during this period, and we will not cancel the controls on germanium and gallium raw materials?"

Hearing this, Qin Feng, who was present at the meeting, immediately spoke: "Isn't that a waste of this good card? If we want to lift the control on germanium and gallium raw materials, we should first ask the North American Semiconductor Industry Association to pull the global semiconductor industry chain back The state before the spring of 2013, it is best to return to the time before the signing of the Watsona agreement."

If this incident can bring the global semiconductor industry chain back to the state before the spring of 2013, it means that the S series chips of Xingyu Technology can continue to be developed, and the STAR series of smartphones will be able to use the 14nm process next year. The chip is gone.

Another participant in charge of research and development of semiconductor equipment said: "Who doesn't want to do this, but do you think it is possible? In the best situation, I think they will promise you Xingyu Technology to use the most advanced process technology, but they will definitely require you to give up Domestic self-research, can we accept this condition? Obviously impossible.”

At this moment, Fang Hong did not speak, but listened to the discussion among the people present at the meeting.

Obviously, there is also internal competition. The person in charge of domestic substitution obviously does not want Xingyu Technology to play with foreigners again. In this way, Qunxing Capital's support for domestic substitution will be strengthened.

Xingyu Technology is now supported by the remaining inventory. If it plays with Qualcomm again, the pressure will be relatively less. not enough.

After a while, Fang Hong said: "The domestic substitution of the semiconductor panoramic industry chain is the company's strategy, and it is also the country's strategy. The strategy is determined, and the priority of the strategy is higher than other levels. There is no doubt about it."

Speaking of this, Fang Hong paused for a moment and said to Qin Feng: "It's time to part ways with Qualcomm. Don't worry about it. Anyway, it can last for two years. Only when there is no retreat can we move forward unswervingly. The mobile phone business has been in the past two years. Dormancy is the main focus, and if there is no sound in the future, it will already be a blockbuster. As for the next two years, let’s focus on the new energy vehicle business.”

The heads of other domestic alternative semiconductor companies heard the words of the big boss, and everyone felt at ease. In the future, Qunxing Capital will definitely give more resources.

Qin Feng nodded when he heard the words. The current background can only be like this. The focus of Xingyu Technology in the next two years is to develop new businesses mainly based on new energy, but the smartphone business does not mean that it will stop here. Conservative strategy, as long as it is kept in the sight of mass consumers and not forgotten by everyone.

One participant couldn't help asking: "How will this game play out, and what will be the final result?"

Fang Hong said calmly: "How else can it be developed? It is nothing more than a strategy of advancing three and retreating one. The probability of Xingyu Technology restarting the S-series chips is not high, but the sanctions of quantitative capital must be relaxed."

The so-called advance, three retreat, and one strategy is based on the expectation that one's own side wants to achieve, and there will be more room for retreat later. When negotiating, you can ask to go back to the Wassona agreement, and then slowly bargain.

After the meeting, Fang Hong connected with Chen Yu separately: "This time I won a bargaining chip for your company. Letting go of the restrictions on your quantitative capital becomes our goal in this game with Laomei." A condition that must be fought for."

Hearing this, Chen Yu was very surprised at first, and then his spirit was lifted. In this level of international game negotiations, every condition that his side has won must be hard-won, and all of them are precious.

With so many sectors and subsidiaries under the galaxies, who wouldn't want such resources? It can be seen that the big boss still attaches great importance to quantitative capital, and it is certainly no worse than Xingyu Technology.

At this time, Fang Hong stared at Chen Yu on the screen and added: "However, you have to come up with some bargaining chips in exchange. This game is not to completely tear your face apart. Later, you will still be bargaining, advancing and retreating, and exchanging each other." reach a new balance."

Chen Yu immediately responded, "What do I need to do?"

There is nothing more to say, the big bosses are already so supportive of quantitative capital, just cooperate decisively.

Fang Hong thought for a while and asked, "What does Wall Street most want from you to quantify capital?"

Hearing this, Chen Yu replied subconsciously: "Of course I want to get my smart quantitative trading model..."

When talking about this, Chen Yu was stunned for a moment, and quickly added: "Could it be that you want me to exchange this?"

Fang Hong said calmly: "I don't agree to you if you want to, can a unique skill be called a unique skill if you share it?"

Hearing what the big boss said, Chen Yu breathed a sigh of relief. He was a little taken aback just now, thinking that Fang Hong planned to let Quantitative Capital use this as a bargaining chip in exchange.

After a while, Fang Hong said with a smile: "The intelligent quantitative model will definitely not be handed over, but it can be rented to them."

Chen Yu looked puzzled: "How can I rent this? There is a risk of leakage."

Fang Hong said: "Have you forgotten your main business? You Quantitative Capital is also an investment management company. Wall Street wants this ultimately for money. Wouldn't it be over if you help them make money? Let Wall Street's capital become your company's LP, and you give them Set up a plate, they invest money in you to do asset management for them, and then promise them a guaranteed 20% annualized return on investment for this plate, and excess profit commission for the part exceeding 25%.”

Fang Hong paused for a while and added: "If the annualized return on investment is lower than 25%, your company will make up for them, and Qunxing Capital will guarantee it. The upper limit of the fund is 200 billion US dollars."

This condition can be said to be quite generous. There is no asset in the world that can guarantee you a 25% annualized return on investment, which is higher than Warren Buffett. The most critical point is that no matter the actual profit or loss of the fund is How much, at least give you a guaranteed 25% annual profit, I am afraid that only Ponzi schemes dare to make such a promise.

But quantitative capital is different, and there is Qunxing Capital as a credit guarantee. The 200 billion capital quota will definitely be grabbed by various capitals within Wall Street every minute.

Based on the capital limit of 200 billion U.S. dollars, an annualized rate of return of 25% is a net profit of 50 billion U.S. dollars, and a guaranteed bottom-line profit for droughts and floods.

If only US$40 billion is earned in the current year, Quantitative Capital will fill the gap of US$10 billion out of its own pocket; ), generally speaking, as a GP, you will get about 30% to 35%. Calculated at 35%, quantitative capital will share an excess profit commission of 17.5 billion US dollars.

Chen Yu couldn't help but suddenly said: "So that's the case, I have no objection."

It is completely acceptable to exchange under such conditions. Quantitative Capital will not suffer any losses. Not only can the restrictions on display chips be released, but also a large fund of 200 billion US dollars can be managed. With the assistance of Chen Yu and Quantitative Capital's intelligent quantitative trading , the annualized return can definitely exceed 35%, which means you can still make money.

According to the 35% annual rate of return of 200 billion U.S. dollars, that is 70 billion U.S. dollars, of which 20 billion is the excess profit commission, and the quantitative capital can share the net profit of 7 billion U.S. dollars.

Although US$7 billion was divided up from US$70 billion, don't forget that there was not even US$7 billion before this, and the quantitative capital limit was also lifted.

Such an exchange of conditions is certainly acceptable to Chen Yu.

For Wall Street, although they have not obtained the intelligent quantitative trading model that they have been thinking about, the annual net profit of 50 billion U.S. dollars is guaranteed at the bottom and there is no upper limit, which is also very attractive.


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