My Fintech Empire

Chapter 837 [Big data knows you better than you do]

Tian Jiayi had just stood up, and Fang Hong seemed to have thought of something, and quickly stopped her: "Oh, by the way, is there an APP product called 'Neihan Duanzi' currently operating under Toutiao?"

Hearing this, Tian Jiayi nodded and said: "Yes, this is a product that was launched earlier than Toutiao. It ranks first in the comedy APP category and is currently far ahead of similar competing products."

Just in 2012, Toutiao first launched funny and embarrassing pictures, and accumulated a large number of users with its funny pictures.

Then the product Neihan Duanzi was launched, covering jokes, short videos and efficient pictures.

In just about three months since it was launched, the number of users has reached one million. This is a very good result without the traffic of big companies behind it. In the initial development stage of Toutiao, almost all downloads came from the traffic of Neihan Duanzi. promotion.

So far, Mr. Zhang has not monetized Neihan Duanzi. Instead, he has chosen to attract traffic to Toutiao and other products, and ultimately monetize Toutiao’s traffic.

In other words, connotation jokes are actually included in Toutiao products, but they are just tools to attract traffic for other products.

Because Neihan Duanzi will face the guillotine of supervision sooner or later, and Mr. Zhang must be very clear about this, so Neihan Duanzi is destined to be a tool role and cannot become the protagonist. Its core is destined to such a result.

In fact, the product Neihan Duanzi has been extremely controversial since the first day it was launched. While the number of users has increased, there have been constant voices about the vulgarity and online violence of Neihan Duanzi.

Fang Hong remembers that in his past life, the product Neihan Duanzi ended up with a lot of vulgarity, abuse, and online violence due to graphic content and comments at the bottom, which made the regulatory agency swipe the guillotine.

"After we acquire Toutiao, the first thing we have to do is to completely shut down the offline Neihan Duanzi product application." Fang Hong thought about it and ordered in an orderly manner: "The Neihan Duanzi product is full of online violence, Abuse and content that violates public order and good customs show that Zhang places too much emphasis on the role of technology and fails to integrate correct values ​​​​into technology and products, which is contrary to our strategy and value orientation of Qunxing Capital."

After hearing this, Tian Jiayi looked at him thoughtfully for a moment and said, "You don't seem to like him very much. It seems that you plan to reorganize the management team after acquiring Toutiao, and then directly fire the founding team?"

Fang Hong was noncommittal. Seeing his attitude, Tian Jiayi knew that she was right. This was the first time that the founding team of Qunxing Capital's previous investments or mergers and acquisitions would basically continue to work on it.

"Taking a step back, after we buy Toutiao, he may not be willing to stay." Fang Hong said with a smile: "But the most fundamental problem is that his wild approach is not suitable for the current Qunxing Capital. Our current family A big cause has a big name, and reputation is more important. Therefore, when adhering to technology, we must be guided by core mainstream values, we must disseminate content that meets the requirements of the times, respect public order and good customs, and we must integrate correct values ​​into technology and products.”

Fang Hong added: "The wild tactics of Neihan Duanzi will do more harm than good for us. Zhang may still rely on Neihan Duanzi to attract traffic, but with so many platform-based Internet companies under our group, there is no shortage of traffic entrances. There’s no point in taking the wild road.”

Although the product Neihan Duanzi is very popular, its core genes and value orientation fundamentally violate social order and good customs, which also makes it difficult for this product to be popular.

The guillotine of supervision will fall sooner or later. It may be delayed for a while because of Qunxing Capital, but what is supposed to come will eventually come, and it will bring unnecessary trouble to Qunxing Capital.

In this case, Fang Hong does not have to wait for the guillotine of supervision to chop him off in the future, he can just do it himself now, saving worry and effort and getting it done once and for all.

As for Toutiao, this product does not have the content to attract traffic, but after joining the Galaxy Group, there will be a group of "big brother" level products to take care of you, the little brother. WeChat can provide traffic entrances, Weibo can provide traffic entrances, and Yixing can provide traffic entrances. Video can also provide traffic entrance and so on.

Any one of them has more traffic and more flavor than Neihan Duan. This is a treatment that can be called a group favorite. What else do you need a bicycle?

After a while, Tian Jiayi looked at him and asked, "Is there anything else you want to add?"

Fang Hong shook his head: "Let's arrange it."

As Tian Jiayi left, he picked up the business plan again and took a look at it. As long as Toutiao joins the galaxy, it will definitely rise faster than Fang Hong's previous life.

However, it is worth mentioning that there are differences between Toutiao and current news clients. The biggest difference between the two is that Toutiao will push relevant content based on the user's preferences.

If you like basketball, it will push you Jordan and Kobe; if you like politics, it will push you geo-hot spots and international games; if you like history, it will push you Qin Shihuang or Han Wu Emperor; of course, if you like Even if it’s vulgar, it can also push you pornographic jokes and other content.

As long as it is what you like to see, it can give you, and it can give you more, so that you can no longer live without him.

Everyone is imprisoned in information cocoons based on their own preferences, allowing everyone to live in their own little world. This is clearly described in the business plan written by Mr. Zhang to investors.

At the moment, this is definitely a shocking idea.

In the past, news readers read whatever the editor gave them. Now with Toutiao, you can see whatever you like and want to see. Big data understands you better than you do.

According to Mr. Zhang’s description of Toutiao’s product, Toutiao actively produces news content and is just a porter of news content. Toutiao does not have a chief editor, and it does not decide what news users watch.

Behind this are algorithms, artificial intelligence, and big data, which know what users like.

This is the ultimate way for Toutiao to suddenly emerge and become a billionaire giant in just a few years.

People's hobbies are always very strange and difficult to unify, but in the information cocoon on the headlines, everyone lives in their own world. It feels like the hobbies all over the world are similar to him, and there is no difference at all. In his voice, anything he doesn’t like will not appear on his information column. Because artificial intelligence and big data recognize that content he doesn’t like will not be pushed to him. Only content he likes will be pushed. How can he not be addicted? in? Or even get lost in it?

Even Fang Hong could not refuse such a model, so he had to keep this platform in his own hands no matter what.

Not only does it have huge monetization capabilities, but it also has great other uses, such as guiding and identifying public opinion. For example, the 1450 trolls active on this platform can easily group them together due to algorithm recommendations and let their public opinions If the account circulates in your own circle and cannot be spread, or the accounts active in this circle are likely to be the same, the cost of control and intervention will be greatly reduced, and the rate of large-scale bans and mistaken bans is much lower than that of other platforms. The cost is also much lower.

All in all, this product is a trump card in terms of its ability to make money and guide public opinion. Fang Hong naturally wants to do everything he can to keep it in his own hands.

...(End of chapter)

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