My Fintech Empire

Chapter 838 [The main character will follow your path and leave you with nowhere to go]

Fang Hong put aside the business plan in his hand, but he thought of the founder of Toutiao. After buying Toutiao, Mr. Zhang would most likely take the money and leave, which was considered his fifth entrepreneurial failure.

Of course, the failure of the venture this time is also relative to his giving up control of Toutiao.

From a financial point of view, his business venture is definitely a success. With proper financial freedom, he can realize billions of yuan by selling his equity in Toutiao.

With this money, it is completely enough to support him to start his sixth business, and the foundation is much better than the previous ones. He will definitely start his sixth business, and it is unlikely that he will retire to enjoy life.

At this moment, Fang Hong is also thinking about which field the next entrepreneurial project will be launched after Mr. Zhang sells Toutiao and takes the money away.

"...Mostly it will be in the field of short videos." Fang Hong analyzed and judged to himself. He believed that Mr. Zhang's next business venture would most likely be anchored in the field of short videos, and he would definitely start with the Neihan Duanzi. The product has seen the potential of the short video business, and has experience in this area, which is enough reason to continue to cultivate.

You may even go back to your old business and take up the wild path of Neihan Duanzi again as a way to start your sixth business. On the one hand, you have experience in path dependence. On the other hand, if Qunxing Capital invests in Toutiao products, the first thing Just shut down Neihan Duanzi.

Originally, Neihan Duanzi has become a leading competitor in the same category. Mr. Zhang would be hesitant to make another one. However, if Qunxing Capital shuts down Neihan Duanzi, the largest competitor will simply disappear, but the market will remain. .

The guillotine of supervision has not fallen, and the market demand is still there. If Mr. Zhang sees it, there is a high probability that he will pick it up again and make a replacement product with a connotation of jokes.

Then use this product to gradually attract traffic to the short video business, just like the rise of Toutiao.

Fang Hong believed that if Qunxing Capital took down Toutiao, Mr. Zhang would definitely feel unhappy after he left. He would be holding his breath in his heart. If he had the opportunity, he would definitely want to backstab him and create another new one. When a new product comes out, it turns the headlines dry, so that not only can it lead to success, but it can also vent its anger. Thinking about it has motivation.

"It seems that we have to continue to pay attention to Mr. Zhang..." Fang Hong couldn't help but smile. Mr. Zhang can just go to other projects. If he comes to the short video industry, it will be embarrassing and he can only cut off the nonsense. Once, let Qunxing Capital become his lifelong enemy series.

As long as Mr. Zhang has this sign, he will immediately let Toutiao launch a short video business, focusing on taking Mr. Zhang's path so that Mr. Zhang has nowhere to go.

After Fang Hong finalized the decision, Wu, one of the board members of Qunxing Capital, took over the task and personally formed an acquisition team. After preparations were made, he went directly to Toutiao headquarters to interview Mr. Zhang about the acquisition invitation.

Toutiao is currently valued at US$500 million after completing the latest round of financing, which has not yet reached the unicorn level.

Normally, if Stars Capital wants to acquire such a start-up company, it would not require one of the seven directors to come forward in person, but this time it is different. If the outside world sees Wu Cheng personally leading a delegation to initiate an acquisition invitation, they will definitely be concerned. The headlines were impressive.

Because Wu Cheng's personal action is equivalent to showing to the outside world that Stellar Capital attaches great importance to this start-up. Maybe based on this, Toutiao's valuation may take off and reach the unicorn level of US$1 billion.

However, this acquisition negotiation was originally an open and aboveboard negotiation, and it was necessary to talk openly and openly, clearly showing that he was optimistic about the company.

Qunxing Capital is not afraid at all that the opponent will sit on the ground and raise the price or not sell it, because it has a killer weapon in its hand.

Fang Hong's soul three tortures, as long as they can't be broken, then the ending of Toutiao is already doomed, and there are nothing more than two results.

One is to be direct and forceful, and eventually end up in bankruptcy.

The other is to stand in line and merge into the galaxy, and the founding team takes the money and leaves in a dignified manner. It turns out that the investment institutions also give them a choice between selling the equity at a high premium now and exiting with peace of mind, or reversing the car in the future to pick up people and get back on the train.

Those who dare to show their cards to play often represent absolute strength.

At the same time, the WeChat team is not idle, and the linkage of the "family bucket" of the galaxy system is also in full swing.

On Saturday, October 25th, ordinary people living in Xincheng discovered that a QR code was displayed at the checkout counter of several agricultural product supermarkets opened by Xincheng in the city. Customers who came to buy food had WeChat wallets can pay directly through WeChat code scanning.

Qunxing Capital has been integrating modern agricultural technology and integrating upstream and downstream industrial chains for some time. Currently, through mergers, acquisitions, restructuring and reintegration, hundreds of supermarkets specializing in agricultural products have been opened across the country, and the expansion rate is very fast.

This project is still operating at a loss and is not enough to break even.

Because the upstream and downstream of the entire industrial chain have not yet been fully connected, including the logistics system, including the output of modern planting bases in the Northwest, which is on the one hand.

On the other hand, its agricultural product specialty supermarkets, in order to keep the fruits and vegetables sold fresh, do not sell the unsold vegetables at a discount, but directly take them off the shelves and feed them to poultry and livestock, including some relatively small ones. Expensive meat products are immediately taken off the shelves and disposed of when they are no longer fresh. This is also an important reason why costs cannot be reduced.

But in the long run, this is the right thing to do, and the current situation is showing signs of improvement. The most intuitive manifestation is that more and more customers come to supermarkets to buy food.

Everyone says by word of mouth that the fruits and vegetables in this supermarket are fresh and clean, and the origin and flow are clearly marked, as well as the origin and fertilizer used. They can all be clearly checked, and they are not even available in supermarkets. The freshness lamp is used to disguise the freshness of the product, and it is easy to see whether it is fresh or not.

Such transparency has never been seen before, and it also makes the public feel at ease.

Moreover, the price has only increased by 7.5% compared to the prices of products in similar wet markets, which is acceptable to consumers because these agricultural product supermarkets are more professional and hygienic as soon as they enter.

Coupled with the transparency of the origin, if you become a member in a supermarket, all products, whether fruits, vegetables or meat products, will enjoy a 5% discount, which is only a 2.5% increase compared to outside wet markets, which is completely acceptable to consumers.

Some people even wonder if this supermarket can make money? In fact, consumers know in their hearts that it costs money to achieve such a level of transparency and professionalism and to adhere to the bottom line of food safety.

However, this also earns more reputation. As long as you can eat with confidence, consumers can accept even if the price increases. The most unacceptable thing is spending too much money and not eating cleanly.

To a large extent, the support of peers is also indispensable.

It is currently operating at a loss, but it does not mean that it will continue to lose money. When the entire industrial chain is opened up and modern agricultural technology is rolled out in the west, coupled with the cost amortization of scale effects, not only can the balance of payments be achieved , making a profit of three or four percentage points is not a problem at all.

Fang Hong’s layouts have never been short-sighted and only look at the single benefit of a certain industry field. Stars Capital is now involved in so many industries and has such a wide range of radiation. As the helmsman, Fang Hong always stands in the overall perspective. Came to see.

As the saying goes, diseases come from the mouth. If food safety is good, people will get sick less often, and medical expenses can be reduced. Prevention is more effective than cure. This can also alleviate the expense of medical resources for building more than a thousand hospitals next door, because it is not necessary to rush to the hospital. To make money, of course, the hospital hopes to have as few patients as possible, and fewer means less operating expenses.

Similarly, the invisible benefits from the linkage of various industries are invisible but very powerful. For example, with the current promotion of WeChat Pay, its major agricultural product supermarkets across the country can attract and promote offline, both online and offline scenarios and products They complement each other and achieve each other.

It is not only convenient for ordinary people's consumption, but also competitive for the supermarket itself. At the same time, the application scenario ecology of WeChat payment is also richer and more diverse.

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