My Fintech Empire

Chapter 854 [The rhythm of being driven crazy]

The so-called financial management products refer to non-principal-guaranteed financial products in which financial management companies pay income to investors in accordance with agreed conditions and actual investment income, but do not guarantee principal payment and income levels.

Among them, wealth management companies refer to the wealth management subsidiaries of commercial banks established in accordance with the law in China, as well as other non-bank financial institutions approved by the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission to mainly engage in wealth management business.

The wealth fund company that Fang Hong decided to establish now obviously belongs to the latter.

Tian Jiayi, who was sitting aside, made a memo and nodded at the same time: "I agree with this. The wealth gap in the current society is becoming more and more disparate, which is not conducive to the stable and healthy development of the entire national economy. Our galaxy has many and large-scale industries, and economic problems will be affected. also has the greatest impact.”

Tian Jiayi continued: "The general public in the middle and lower classes basically have no financial management ability. There is a high chance of entering the market alone. The 'leek' I say refers to the 'leek' of leek."

When Fang Hong heard this, he couldn't help but smile and be happy.

The beautiful assistant went on to say: "If the pockets of those who are not rich are cut off like this, it will only lead to further disparity between the rich and the poor. Someone needs to stand up to help them manage the preservation and appreciation of their wealth, otherwise they will lose all the dividends from the industrial upgrading and development of our galaxy. Even if you can’t get enough, you still have to put in the principal. Looking at it, I think that except you, no one will really help them.”

Fang Hong touched his nose and said with a smile: "Everyone is a fan of mine, so just treat them as pet fans."

There is no doubt that this is a matter of fame and fortune.

It can not only bring a huge amount of liquidity to the independent valuation system of the Galaxy, but also shorten the gap between the rich and the poor to a certain extent. Only when the general public has money can they consume, then only the huge industries of the Galaxy can be Only with living water can the economy truly circulate.

No matter how strong the consumption power of the rich is, they are still only a very small group. No matter how strong their consumption is, they will never be able to eat ten meals a day. The basic base of economic development will always be the middle and lower class people who represent the absolute majority.

Others just fish for the sake of exhaustion, because they don't care, and they will be rich once they have made enough money.

Fang Hong has never thought about moisturizing, and there is no possibility of moistening now, so even from the perspective of his own interests, he must actively maintain the healthy development of this environment.

After doing these things, fame will inevitably follow, and the reputation value will also increase.

Fang Hong actually thought about handing it over to Chen Yu's Quantitative Capital directly at first, but after thinking about it, he decided not to do it. He would do it himself to gain fame. After all, he could earn more reputation points and achievement points. .

As for Chen Yu’s quantitative capital, just let them accept asset management entrustments from wealthy private groups.

This wealth fund company specifically targets the middle and lower class people, bringing them on board, allowing them to reap the dividends of a series of industrial upgrades from Qunxing Capital, and achieve a certain scale of wealth preservation and appreciation.

Qunxing Capital, on the other hand, does not accept asset management from the middle and lower classes of the private sector, nor does it accept asset management from private wealthy groups. Only Guo Jia team and Huayang Group, which made early bets, will not attract other groups.

In fact, there are countless invisible rich people who want to hand over their money to Qunxing Capital, but they have not been accepted.

If everyone accepts it, who will be responsible for losing money?

No one is losing money. How can a person with a size like Qunxing Capital make enough to eat? But what is certain is that Guo Jia Team cannot lose money, so naturally it cannot attract new members to the team. Stars Capital can just maintain the current structure.

Fang Hong thought about it and said: "According to the current national credit expansion rate exceeding 10% per year on average, then the income from the wealth management products of this wealth fund should be controlled at an average annual average of around 15%."

Tian Jiayi lowered his eyes and said nothing, memorizing his instructions one by one.

The so-called national credit expansion, to put it bluntly, means that the country's newly printed banknotes have an average annual growth rate of more than about 10%, which means that if an individual's salary income remains unchanged, the purchasing power will decrease by about 10% every year, even if the average annual growth rate exceeds about 10%. Only when wages rise by about 10% every year will the purchasing power be equal.

Just imagine, you are already earning 3,000 yuan a month now, and ten years later you will still be earning 3,000 yuan a month. How much your purchasing power has shrunk is absolutely shocking.

Now a hundred-dollar bill can last two days, but ten years from now a hundred-dollar bill won't last a day. Going out to a restaurant will cost you one or two hundred yuan, which is still a small amount.

Fang Hong's average annual income for this wealth fund company can be about 15%, which means that the middle and lower classes can outperform the depreciation of purchasing power and at the same time have about 5% wealth appreciation.

It is absolutely impossible for the general public to do this on their own. In fact, the income growth of the vast majority of people cannot even beat currency depreciation. If they are allowed to invest and manage money independently, they will lose money. Not a few left.

After the memo, Tian Jiayi said: "After this wealth fund is launched, coupled with your current appeal and credibility, it will probably be robbed like crazy. I have no doubt about this."

Indeed, there are few investment channels for ordinary people, and there are still many pitfalls.

People are keen to invest in buying houses, which also plays a big factor, because they find that after going round and round, buying a house is more reliable.

But once this wealth fund company appears, it will be equivalent to an additional reliable investment channel, and it is also an investment and financial management channel specially provided by Qunxing Capital for the middle and lower class groups. K God’s credit and earning power are all put there. Two words: reliable, sure-win version!

As for the middle and lower class people, there are still a large number of people who cannot even afford a house. This group happens to be the target that Fang Hong wants to support, and the threshold for the wealth management products of this wealth fund company is definitely lower than investing in buying a house. .

Then you have to go crazy?

Fang Hongyan said concisely and comprehensively: "So we have to limit purchases and set up cards at all levels to ensure that this group can truly benefit."

Hearing this, the beautiful assistant couldn't help but asked curiously: "Have you thought about it?"

After saying that, he prepared to continue the memo. Fang Hong nodded and said in a deep voice: "First of all, we take the family as a unit, and single groups are no longer among them. If you want me to help you make money and manage your finances, you must first give me Get married and have children.”

"Secondly, the investment limit for a family unit cannot exceed 1 million yuan, so those who can take root in first-tier cities are excluded. This group may also have difficulties and pressures, but no matter how difficult it is for them, their family assets will not be low. Yu million, the group we are targeting is a group of people who are more difficult than them."

"Next, we need to learn from the experience of the Education Bursary Fund and allocate indicators according to the population proportion and income structure of the province. For example, if the central and western regions have a large population and lower income than coastal areas, more quotas will be allocated here, so that here More people get on the bus.”

"Finally, the family unit that wants to get on the bus must bring all the documents and take the initiative to the office under the wealth fund company to apply. If the number of declared places is lower than the given number of quota places, the remaining quotas will be transferred to other regions. Otherwise, the number of declared places is higher. For a given number of quota places, the decision will be made by drawing lots.”

Tian Jiayi, who was making a memo, couldn't help but laugh: "Don't think about it, the provinces must have over-declared, and there is simply not enough meat. Such a good thing, I'm afraid that the declarers will crowd out the threshold of the wealth fund company office."

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