My Fintech Empire

Chapter 869 [Can you catch the wealth that is pouring from the sky? 】

The middle-aged man was scratched by the comments made by the bank staff, and he seemed to have feelings for him.

At this moment, another man passed by and heard the bank staff's gushing recommendations. He leaned over and said to the middle-aged man: "Brother, this is a once-in-a-decade opportunity. Anyway, I'm already full." 1 million, I have 600,000 and borrowed 400,000.”

He added: "I don't like other financial products, but this is Fang Hong. In the past few years, my eldest nephew has only been following Fang Hong's Weibo to speculate in stocks. Now Mercedes-Benz has it, and all the new city centers are here." After buying a house, I was too timid to buy stocks. This time Fang Hong got this financial product and jumped on it decisively."

The bank staff also quickly said: "Although there is a huge number of 2 trillion, the wealth fund is for the whole country, and there are quotas everywhere. Now if you apply for one, you will lose one quota. Do you think that if you don’t make money, you would have such a quota? To be honest, I have recommended it to all our relatives, uncles and aunts at home and bought it.”

The middle-aged man was completely moved by what he said. He immediately looked at the bank staff and asked, "But I don't have enough money. I only have one or two hundred thousand yuan in hand, and I still need to provide a house."

Hearing this, the bank staff smiled and said: "This is easy to solve. Our bank has launched a special credit business for this financial product. The interest rate is 5.56%. After excluding the interest cost, you can still earn 10 points. If you get more than 1 million , you can still make a net profit of 100,000 yuan a year.”

The middle-aged man was very surprised, but he hesitated when he heard that he wanted to borrow money for investment and financial management.

If you lose money, you will lose both the principal and the interest, which is equivalent to losing money on both sides.

At this moment, the middle-aged man was excited about the benefits, but also feared the potential risks.

After a while, the middle-aged man said: "I'll think about it again."

After saying that, he left the information desk and walked out of the bank, but just a few steps away, a strange man suddenly walked up and said, "Brother, are you here to buy wealth management products from a wealth fund?"

The middle-aged man stopped and took a look at the strange man. He was dressed in a decent suit and leather shoes. The middle-aged man said casually: "I inquired about it, but I didn't buy it."

The strange man asked with a curious expression: "Why don't you buy it? I see many people are doing this business."

The middle-aged man said: "There is nothing I can do. I don't have much spare money. I bought a house and I have to pay the monthly payment."

He didn't talk about the loan, nor did he show that he was timid. The strange man suddenly said: "Brother, since you don't want to buy it, how about you give me this place? Of course I won't let you give it to me for free." , I will give you a reward."

As soon as these words came out, the middle-aged man asked curiously: "How do you say it?"

The strange man pulled him aside and said patiently: "I will provide you with 1 million yuan, and you will use your own quota to handle this financial management business. We will sign an additional agreement privately, which means that this 1 million yuan Whether you make money or lose money in the future, it has nothing to do with you, and it will not have any impact on you personally. I will give you a reward of 10,000 yuan for this quota. If you apply now, the winning result will be announced on the same day. Just give it to you.”

The middle-aged man was surprised. The strange man then said: "Look, since you don't buy it, it would be a waste to leave this quota unused. You can still make tens of thousands of dollars in vain by selling it to me. Why not?" ?”

At this moment, the middle-aged man carefully recalled what the bank staff had said before, and he felt that this thing could really make a lot of money. In addition, the stranger came up to buy a quota, which showed that this thing could really make money.

The middle-aged man hesitated again, but when he thought about how little money he had, he still had to pay the monthly repayments. If he wanted to buy this financial product, he would need a loan. Although the people at the bank were talking about it, they said that he could make steady money in a year. There are 15 points, but after all, there is no guarantee of principal or profit.

If you lose money, you will lose interest on the loss price, which is too risky.

The middle-aged man who thought about it for a long time shook his head and said, "If you don't want to sell it, you should find someone else."

Seeing that he was about to leave, the strange man quickly grabbed him and said, "Hey, brother, don't bother me. If you dislike the lack of money, it can be negotiated. Anyway, if you don't buy it, you won't get a penny for this quota." , you can still make some money by selling it to me, don’t you think that’s the truth?”

The middle-aged man stopped. When the stranger saw this, he quickly smiled and said: "If you think 10,000 yuan is too little, let's just quote a price. Everything is easy to discuss."

Hearing what the other party said, the middle-aged man also felt that it made sense. He could make a little profit by selling the quota. Even 10,000 yuan could pay off the monthly house payment for a few months.

So, the middle-aged man said tentatively: "One hundred thousand yuan, I will buy it for one hundred thousand yuan."

The strange man was secretly amused when he heard this, and even secretly cursed the other person as Shabi, who was short-sighted for small profits, and who knew that he deserved to be thrown down by wealth and wealth.

But the strange man looked embarrassed on the surface and said: "Oh, brother, why do you raise the price like this? I will pay you ten times as soon as you come up. I really want your quota, but to be honest, there are so many people in the new city, and the whole country There are so many people, and every family is qualified for a quota, am I right?"

The middle-aged man was noncommittal.

The strange man immediately said: "Okay, brother, one hundred thousand is too expensive. I'll give you an extra five thousand. How about fifteen thousand?"

Hearing this, the middle-aged man said: "Forget it, fifteen thousand is too little, I might as well use this quota myself, maybe I can earn more, forget it."

After saying that, he was about to leave. The man on Mo Shang quickly caught up and said, "Don't worry, brother, don't leave just yet. I'll give you another thousand yuan."

The middle man said: "Eighty thousand yuan."

The strange man said: "Twenty thousand, no more."

Finally, after some haggling, the price was negotiated at 40,000 yuan. The middle-aged man was quite satisfied with the price, but he turned around and said, "Do you only want one place?"

The strange man immediately said: "Oh? Do you still have a spot?"

The middle-aged man replied affirmatively: "Of course, just tell me if you want it or not. If you want it, we can pack it up and take it away together. If you don't want it, my place won't be sold."

The strange man was sarcastic in his heart, and said hurriedly: "Yes, of course, I will take as many places as you have. I'll be more happy and charge you 40,000 yuan. How about that?"

The middle-aged man immediately said: "Come on, it's settled, leave your contact information and I will get a place for you."

The strange man smiled and replied: "No problem."

He most likely knew what the other party was going to do, and most likely he was looking for his relatives, friends, aunts and uncles. His guess was correct. The middle-aged man had indeed put his thoughts on the seventh and eighth aunts of his relatives at home, thinking that as long as he gave them tens of thousands of yuan, he would definitely get a place.

After the two parties left each other's contact information, they separated. The middle-aged man was secretly happy. This time he could make a steady profit from the middleman's price without risk. One family made a net profit of 30,000 yuan, and if there were ten companies, it would be 300,000 yuan. It was so satisfying.

The strange man watched him go away and cast a disdainful look at his back.

The strange man showed a trace of pride and murmured to himself: "Haha, if you regret it in the future, all the seven aunts and eight aunts will hate you to death. Fang Hong, Fang Hong, you have a big plan, you are With this intention, you have not forgotten the original intention of common prosperity. However, some people are born to be poor and suffer hardship. You cannot change it. Even if you give them a chance, they will be useless and come to your door. He just can’t grasp the wealth and wealth, and in the end it’s not like he’s benefiting us, haha.”

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