My Fintech Empire

Chapter 870 [Someone has to pay for cognition]

The following day is Saturday.

In the afternoon, Tian Jiayi came to the fitness room in the villa. Fang Hong was jogging on a treadmill. Tian Jiayi walked towards him slowly, came to his side, and then said: "There is a new report from the wealth fund. According to his subordinates, According to the survey report, among the quotas that have been applied for, the sample data collected shows that more than half of the quotas are applied for by people other than themselves. It seems that your estimate is very prescient."

Before that, Fang Hong ordered the wealth fund company to arrange a group of people to track and investigate whether the subscriber was himself or whether he had transferred the quota.

Fang Hong had already foreseen this happening before it happened.

There will definitely be people who are not short of money who will take advantage of the loopholes to obtain quotas and indirectly get this opportunity. As for those who transfer their quotas, they are missing out on a rare opportunity in ten years to enter the middle-income group.

At this moment, Fang Hong got off the treadmill, took a towel to wipe his sweat, turned his head and glanced at the beautiful assistant, and said lightly: "Only a ratio of more than half? That's not bad, my psychological prediction is that A ratio of 70% is required.”

Tian Jiayi was speechless for a while.

After a while, she looked at Fang Hong and said: "The ratio of more than half is too exaggerated. It also violates the original intention of the establishment of the wealth fund. Your goal is to shorten the gap between the rich and the poor to a certain extent through the role of the wealth fund. But more than half of the shares actually flow into the hands of a few wealthy people. Should we restructure the subscription mechanism and put some restrictions on this problem?"

Fang Hong asked directly: "How to limit it? Can it be restricted? Even if it can be restricted, have you ever thought about how much cost the wealth fund will have to pay?"

Tian Jiayi: "But the current situation..."

Fang Hong gave up and said: "No need, let's clarify a basic issue. The establishment of the wealth fund is to give the middle and lower class people an opportunity to share the dividends of industrial upgrading and the development of cluster enterprises. I am giving them the opportunity, not I’m begging to give them money.”

For those who changed hands and missed out on a fortune that was rare in ten years, Fang Hong did not lament their misfortune or anger them.

These people have limitations in their own vision and cognition, lack of ability to screen and analyze external information, and cannot afford the cost of trial and error. In particular, the unbearable cost of trial and error is the biggest factor that makes them choose conservative strategies, because life is not easy and they really cannot afford to lose.

The reality is so cruel, and Fang Hong cannot help like a nanny. Such support is unaffordable, and the human nature of promoting favor and fighting against favor cannot be ignored. All he can do is to spread opportunities indiscriminately. Whether you can catch it or not depends on your fate.

Fang Hong took a sip of mineral water, and then added: "There are always people who need to pay for cognition, which is inevitable. My perspective is to look at the whole, not specific to a single individual. How a single individual depends on themselves It’s God’s destiny.”

This is a once-in-a-decade opportunity to easily enter the middle-income bracket. Those who have missed this opportunity are actually not without opportunities to make amends. I am definitely gone, but I still have children. If I have the consciousness, let my daughter grow up and get married as soon as possible. There will be a quota, and I can raise money to let my children get on the bus as soon as possible.

The wealth fund also plays a role in encouraging childbirth, because it is stipulated that families must be married and have at least one child to be eligible for the bus. Single groups are not eligible for quotas.

If they don't have children, the population structure will be reversed between young and old in the future, which will inevitably lead to a series of negative problems, so Fang Hong is also trying to stimulate fertility in all aspects.

As for people who get quotas through fake marriages, Fang Hong doesn't care at all. As long as you give birth to a child, it doesn't matter whether you have a real marriage or a fake marriage. Once the child is born, you can't stuff it back.

After a moment, Fang Hong looked at the beautiful assistant and smiled and said: "The wealth fund has raised 2 trillion yuan in the first phase. Don't worry about more than half of the quota being cut off by the rich. On the contrary, for this batch raised in the first phase, I want to let the third A group of people who get on the bus will make a lot of money, so we need to create a money-making effect and make these people who change hands feel regretful, so that the people behind will take a warning, know how precious this quota is, and know how to cherish it more."

Hearing this, Tian Jiayi couldn't help but nodded to himself, and understood Fang Hong's intention.

He is going to use the first group of people who think they are being clever as a typical negative case. In this way, the people behind will realize how valuable the quota in their hands is, and no one will change hands easily.

After all, this is only the first phase, and there will definitely be second, third, and fourth phases later...

Wealth funds can achieve the desired results without paying much cost.

In fact, this is also necessary. Only by making some people regret it and realize how stupid things they have done will the wealth fund gain more trust from the public. If you act like a nanny from the beginning, they may not accept it. They may even suspect you of bad intentions. This is human nature.

It is worth mentioning that in addition to being married and having a family, the qualifications for wealth fund subscriptions also stipulate that the age of the subscriber must not exceed 50 years old.

It is precisely because of this regulation that the number of places bought by a small number of wealthy people accounts for about half of the total. Otherwise, it would have exceeded 70%. Because the elderly are also a married group, and wealth funds exclude this group, so they cannot change hands. Selling places for parents.

"What is the specific response to the fundraising?" Fang Hong asked instead.

"According to the feedback, the sales at major bank outlets in various cities are very hot, especially in several big cities. The four major banks are all overcrowded. After all, the population base is 1.4 billion." Tian Jiayi said with a smile: "At present, With such widespread popularity, it is certain that 2 trillion yuan will be raised before the end of the year, and over-subscription is certain, and it is expected that the subscription amount may exceed 5 trillion yuan."

Calculated based on the figure of 5 trillion, that means 3 trillion yuan of funds will accompany it, because the scale of funds raised in the first phase of the plan is 2 trillion yuan.

Judging from the feedback data, people living in developed coastal areas do have a stronger awareness of financial management than those in the mainland, and they are also much richer. If it were not for the fact that the wealth fund company adopted the education scholarship fund model to raise funds this time, If indicators are allocated according to provinces and population size, perhaps 80% of the subscription ratio will come from developed coastal areas.

At the end, Fang Hong immediately made the decision: "When all the 2 trillion funds for the first phase are collected, they will all be put into the A-share market, and we will buy the stocks of listed companies in the galaxy. In addition, we must prepare for listing before they are listed." We need to accelerate progress on several of our targets, including WeChat’s IPO, which can build momentum.”

Two trillion astronomical incremental funds have entered the stock market. Even if there are no other incremental funds, it will be enough to make the entire A-share market boom for a month or so. However, all of this money will flow into Galaxy concept stocks.

Although there are less than 20 stocks now, each one is a super large-cap stock with a starting price of 100 billion, and they have not yet been cashed in.

For example, in quantitative capital, the current market value is just over 400 billion. The future potential of this company is comparable to that of Xingyu Technology. Ten years later, it will see a volume of 30 trillion. One stock is a huge fund. cistern.

Including the newly listed companies later, there is no big problem in eating up the 2 trillion OTC liquidity.

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