My Fintech Empire

Chapter 899 [Looking ahead to 2015]

The next day, January 1, 2015.

The people who were guarding Fang Hong’s Weibo account finally saw a dynamic blog post that had just been updated on New Year’s Day. After this Weibo post was updated, it reached 100,000+ views in minutes, which shows how many people there are. I've already been here in advance.

This Weibo post updated by Fang Hong was clearly a critical comment on the ending of Big A in 2014, and investors and fans gathered to take a look.

[The Shanghai Stock Index went from a bearish level of 6124 points in 2007 to a bearish level of 1974 points in the first half of 2014. After seven long years, the A-share market, known as the "bear crown of the world", finally became proud in the second half of 2014, which was even more apparent amid the gloom in the external stock market. Stand out from the crowd.

The A-share market in 2014 has come to a perfect end. As of yesterday's Wednesday closing, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index reported 3234.68 points, with a full-year increase of +52.87%; the Shenzhen Component Index reported 11014.62 points, with a full-year increase of +35.62%; the GEM Index reported 1471.76 points , an annual increase of +12.83%.

It is worth noting that the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index became the well-deserved king of the global stock market with an increase of more than 50 percentage points last year. It not only surpassed the bullish U.S. stock market (the S\u0026P annual increase was +13.1%), but also surpassed the second-placed Indo Stock Exchange (the annual increase of +13.1%). (+29.44) is also far behind.

The sharp rise in A-shares not only lifted the hat of the seven-year bear market, but also surpassed Japan in total market capitalization to become the second largest stock market in the world. The single-day trading volume exceeding one trillion for several consecutive days set a new record in the global capital market.

Among the stocks that couldn't stop at the daily limit, there were Blue Stone Heavy Equipment, which had 24 consecutive daily limit, Zhongke Shuguang, which had 22 straight-line boards, etc., all of which made investors extremely excited.

The rise of blue chips and large-cap stocks are soaring into the sky. Brokerage stocks frequently show collective daily limit surges, and the concept of "one belt" sweeps across the army.

The crazy market is accompanied by crazy brokerage stocks. The interest rate cut at the end of the year caused the brokerage sector to explode. As the absolute leader of this round of market conditions in the A-share market, brokerage stocks have collectively raised their limit multiple times, which is a highlight of the market.

The One Road and One Belt area is undoubtedly the biggest hot spot in the capital market in 2014. Driven by this, construction, ports, shipping and other sectors have experienced astonishing growth.

All of this sounds like a majestic piece of music that makes people feel high and uplifting, but as the chapter of 2014 turns over, there are still many questions worth pondering.

What is the support point for the market to strengthen in the second half of 2014? Will these support points continue in 2015? Will there be more benefits to come? Or is it just a flash in the pan, will the bear market return? In addition to the expectations of the index market in 2015, which sectors will show profit-making effects, and what benefits will they bring to investors?

Although blue-chip heavyweight stocks led the overall rise in the second half of 2014, looking at the market trends in 2014 and 2013, we can find that there is a pattern of blue-chip stocks and growth stocks rising alternately in the A-share market. For example, the market trend in the second half of 2014 started with Blue chip stocks, especially large financial stocks, led the way, but the structured market in 2013 was led by small and mid-cap growth stocks.

This alternation of styles has been a long-standing feature of the A-share market. Investors should make timely adjustments according to the rotation theme in their stock market investments in 2015, and do not be too conservative.

Go with the trend, take advantage of the trend, build up the momentum, take advantage of the trend, stop when it is enough, stay upright and use strange things, there is a weak water of three thousand, but you can take a ladle to drink.

Looking forward to the next 2015, the A-share market is still full of opportunities but also extraordinary challenges. Although the market has a clear upward trend, there are undercurrents and ups and downs. Investors must proactively and flexibly operate, grasp the transformation of market styles and the rotation of sectors, adjust investment portfolios and control positions in a timely manner. I wish you all to obtain satisfactory returns from your investments in 2015. 】

After Fang Hong's blog post was updated, it was quickly forwarded and discussed by onlookers from all walks of life, and many media organizations also quoted his article for reporting.

A large number of people began to analyze and interpret this article in all aspects. After all, this was an article published by the founder of Star Capital. Many people analyzed it word for word as if they had found a treasure, intending to find the password to wealth.

However, many ordinary retail investors are a little disappointed with this article, because throughout the entire article, there is no mention of which sector K God will specifically work on in 2015. Like the previous Weibo post, he directly named the brokerage firm and the Chinese subtitles. , he closed his eyes and said that he was brainless and that was it.

However, this time the article came out, but there was no such simple and crude way of directly naming the sectors that were optimistic about it.

This group of retail investors who are slightly disappointed are destined to become cannon fodder in the market in 2015, because they don’t even want to use their brains, they just think that someone will feed them when they open their mouths. This kind of people neither want to use their brains nor want to spend the night. Those who get rich often are cannon fodder.

In fact, people who don’t want to use their brains to win may not necessarily become cannon fodder, because Fang Hong has opened a window for this group, that is, the establishment of wealth funds. To buy wealth management products from wealth funds, you don’t need to use your brains. , as long as you stick to it and endure the loneliness of time, you can win in ten years.

Only those who don't want to use their brains, want to get rich overnight, but don't have any self-awareness will become cannon fodder in the market.

In fact, Fang Hong's article already contains a huge amount of information, and it is not that obscure.

First of all, it sets the overall tone of the article, stating the basic view that the market will continue to rise in 2015, and further emphasizing the pattern of alternate rises between blue-chip stocks and growth stocks. In the second half of 2014, blue-chip heavyweight stocks led the overall rise. Since it is a rotation of rising prices, the next step is to rotate to small and mid-cap growth stocks. It is better to just say that we want to be a growth stock.

Since it is a small and medium-cap growth stock, it is right to go to the GEM. Moreover, the growth rate of the GEM index for the whole year in 2014 was far behind the Shanghai and Shenzhen main board indexes, and in the last month of 2014, the main board index accelerated its upward trend. , the GEM index fell during the same period due to capital outflows chasing the main board, which also followed the logic of compensatory growth.

So which stocks have the strongest growth?

There is no doubt that it is represented by high technology. Only technology stocks have high growth, such as chip semiconductors, domestic software, computer services, industrial Internet, big data, software services, etc.

The entire investment context becomes increasingly clear and visible when sorted out.

There are people who don’t want to use their brains and have no self-awareness. Naturally, there are also people who use their brains and are keen on changes and observations of things. These people, based on their own qualities and combined with the analysis of Fang Hong’s article, have already connected. The investment strategy for 2015 has a clear investment direction.

Their careful observation found that the emergence of some social phenomena had already begun to appear, and there were already hints.

For example, the anthropomorphic image of Xiao Ling, a student who has become popular recently, is behind a series of technological advancements. For example, if we push forward in time, there will be a major technological breakthrough in lithography machines, etc., technological innovation breakthroughs. It has brought new economic growth points.

The emergence of these social phenomena has already revealed to investors, explicitly or implicitly, the investment direction for the next 2015, and will definitely be reflected in the capital market, and ultimately in the stock price trend.

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