My Fintech Empire

Chapter 901 [A mode that only giants can play]

This platform model's subscription-based payment method naturally has a very high threshold, and not everyone can play it successfully.

If you want to play, you must first have strong capital to support it, because in the early stage, when the user base of the platform has not yet increased, it means that the whole process is unable to make ends meet, and strong financial transfusions are needed to maintain the operation of the platform.

Only giant group companies have the strength to burn money, and only giant groups can afford such losses even if they fail in the end. The group will not go bankrupt if the project fails.

In other words, the threshold for entering this poker table is a super giant, and only a few giant companies such as Microsoft can follow.

No one else is even qualified to follow.

The subscription payment model for platform-based gameplay must rely on economies of scale to form a virtuous cycle, because it is no longer a game buyout system. Users and players no longer pay for a single game, but pay a monthly fee to the platform. Play all the games.

Not only does the user group need to be large enough, but the game content provided within the platform needs to be large enough, rich and of high quality.

Only when the platform's game library has a lot of content, is of high quality, and is not too expensive, will players pay to subscribe.

The price is 30 yuan per month, and there are corresponding discounts. Compared with the richness of game content on the platform, it is definitely a price that is close to the people. After all, all games can be played, and it is simply impossible to play.

In this case, if the platform wants to be profitable, it must also allow third-party game developers to survive, which means it needs to increase the number of users. In fact, it is the idea of ​​​​small profits but quick turnover.

Fang Hong then ordered: "For non-subscribers, the platform regularly opens some game content to free play, which changes every Monday. These game content are screened from the game library for some old games that have been online for more than a year, and new games, especially those that have just been online. Except for popular masterpieces, new games also provide free trials. For example, about 25% of the content is free to play, and the rest of the content must be subscribed to unlock.”

These two measures are to tap potential paying groups. Old games can be played for free on a regular basis to retain these players and avoid piracy. Finding pirated resources is very troublesome. You can just register an account here and still play without spending money.

New games can be tried for free, but not all content is available. In fact, it is just to whet your appetite. If you really like it and can't wait for a moment, you will pay.

But in this case, the requirements for game content will be higher.

If a new game is not fun, players will definitely not buy it after trying it out. This will force game developers to focus on producing high-quality content and not dare to perfunctory players.

This involves how to distribute benefits between third-party game developers who provide content and the platform. On the game platform created by Fang Hong, third-party developers have two ways to make money.

One is for a third-party game developer to produce the game, then package it for the platform to buy out, and the profits generated by the game will have nothing to do with the third-party game developer.

For third-party game developers, this platform buyout model has low risk and is stable. The price is that once the game becomes a hit, all the money earned later belongs to the platform.

The other is for third-party game developers to share profits with the platform, which is risky, but the income will continue to flow, and once it is a hit, it will make huge profits.

The profit share that third-party game developers can obtain under this model is mainly measured by two core weight indicators.

One indicator is the download volume of the game, that is, how many players have downloaded the game you developed on the platform. The more downloads, the more profit sharing third-party game developers will receive.

Another indicator is the player's game duration, that is, how long the player plays on the game you developed. The longer the duration, the more profit sharing third-party game developers receive.

Based on these two weight indicators, developers of games that are popular on the platform will definitely make money, and the more popular the games, the more they will make, which is a positive correlation.

Moreover, the profit sharing model based on these two weight indicators will drive third-party game developers to carefully polish high-quality game content. Perfunctory and deceptive inferior games will have no room for survival on this platform, thus avoiding the possibility of bad money driving out good ones. currency, allowing the platform, players and third-party game developers to form a healthy development mechanism.

Under these two weight indicators, the game must be fun and popular. Only in this way will there be downloads, only in this way will players play the game longer, and only in this way will third-party game developers get more Profit sharing.

If it is not fun and popular, then the number of downloads will be bleak, players will invest less time in the game, then third-party game developers will receive less profit sharing, and inferior games will be voluntarily eliminated by the market. Filter and eliminate.

The game subscription platform created by Fang Hong is not a one-time deal. With such a huge investment, the cost will not be recovered at all.

Large-scale and long-term development is the right way. To achieve this, players must be satisfied and third-party game developers can survive.

In this way, this gaming platform will become a super stable cash cow for Stars Capital in the future.

Fang Hong has established the basic framework of the game subscription platform, and the platform operation team can just add and improve the details around this large framework.

It is worth mentioning that Fang Hong has spent a lot of effort to create such a game subscription platform, which is not only profitable, but also indirectly has the hidden task of resisting cultural invasion and reverse cultural output.

How to resist? Then you have your own excellent domestic game content; how to export it? You still have to have your own excellent domestic game content.

The emergence of this platform will usher in huge changes in the domestic game development environment, especially for some companies that want to make high-quality stand-alone games. With this platform in the future, stand-alone game developers will no longer be able to complain about the market environment or the market environment. Piracy makes stand-alone games no longer viable.

As long as the quality of your game is good enough, loved enough by players, and fun enough, you will definitely have a future on this platform. Although there will be so much game content on the platform in the future that players may not be able to find it in the game library, The aroma of wine is not afraid of the depth of the alley.

On the one hand, it is the publicity and word-of-mouth effect of the game itself, and on the other hand, the big data and algorithm recommendations mastered by Star Capital allow a game to be pushed to players more accurately.

After all, Star Capital has unparalleled user portraits and big data analysis, and may understand users more deeply than the users themselves. The promotion effect and cost of products are simply incomparable to traditional models.

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