My Five-Year-Old Daughter Was Driving A Car, And My Nuclear Explosion On The Moon Was Exposed

Chapter 098: The Solar Wind Is About To Destroy The Earth! Wandering Earth!

[Safe Traffic] Countless viewers in the live broadcast room, after seeing the operating nuclear reactor.

The whole person's mind is buzzing.

Especially the blue light lingering next to the nuclear reactor is exactly this controllable nuclear fusion reactor at work!

The power of nuclear radiation...

As long as netizens who have a little knowledge of those nuclear leaks, they all know how serious the impression is!

And now, Sister Zhou is about to go in?

Just thinking of this, countless viewers in the [Safe Traffic] live broadcast room suddenly felt excited.

With only that layer of transparent glass as a shield, even a normally operating controllable nuclear fusion reactor will emit strong radioactive material!

If you really want to go up there, something will happen!


When the accompanying cameraman and policeman Azi saw this scene, he couldn't help but take a few steps back, his face full of horror.

Less than 10 meters away, there is a nuclear reactor in normal operation in front of you. Just thinking about it is absolutely outrageous!!

Even standing here, they felt terrified, let alone going in!

"Is this the controllable nuclear fusion device studied by Su Hao?"

Compared with [Safe Traffic] and the accompanying people, Zhou Shuyi's mood at this time can be said to be the calmest.


In the eyes of countless people, nuclear radiation is basically the kind that once encountered, there is basically no way to survive.

However, she vaguely felt that this matter was not as serious as she imagined. After all, Su Hao's scientific research ability


For all to see!

Not only has he developed so many black technologies, he has also developed a controllable nuclear fusion device that will change all mankind.

Instead of finding a remote place to store it, it was placed directly in the manor. With Su Hao's thinking ability that is difficult to describe by ordinary people.

How is it possible to plant a time bomb in your own home?


Even an outsider like myself somehow has B-level authority. Su Hao's daughter Su Xiaoke definitely has higher authority.

Even Su Hao didn't worry about her daughter and walked directly into this controllable nuclear fusion laboratory, so what did she have to be afraid of?

Think of this.

Zhou Shuyi's face became much more relaxed. Without much hesitation, she took decisive steps towards the direction of the laboratory.

Even if there is an operating nuclear reactor ahead.

“Reporter Zhou……………it’s better to just forget it!”

907 When Zhou Shuyi sold out, everyone's heart suddenly twitched, and the cameraman quickly stopped her.

"The operating nuclear fusion device will definitely contain nuclear radiation. Something will happen if you get in there!!"

The artificial intelligence Xiaoguang that appeared on the virtual screen immediately answered after hearing what the cameraman said.

"Don't worry, the controllable nuclear fusion laboratory has safety protection functions set up by the owner, and there will be no leakage of any nuclear radiation."

"And no protective clothing is required!"

After hearing this explanation from artificial intelligence Xiaoguang, countless viewers in the [Safe Traffic] live broadcast room.

There was a look of disbelief on their faces.

The cameraman and accompanying policemen widened their eyes with confusion on their faces. Did they hear wrongly?

This is a nuclear reactor in operation!

With such a thin layer of glass, no nuclear radiation will be leaked. Is this so reasonable?

Nuclear radiation is different from other substances. Its penetrating ability is not very strong without any protective measures.

Even if it is just a close contact, it will directly penetrate the human body and directly break all the genes in the body!

And Su Hao him…………

How can we actually take safety measures to such an extent that all the nuclear radiation produced during the reaction can be intercepted?


No need to wear any protective measures!

This is the most outrageous thing. No matter which country's scientific research technology it is, there is no way to achieve this absolute level.

Many netizens in the [Safe Traffic] live broadcast room were dumbfounded after seeing this.

"If anyone else said this, I would definitely think that this person is farting, and it is impossible to do it."

"But if it's Su Hao...just pretend I didn't say anything!!"

"It has to be Boss Su Hao. He must be absolutely sure. Otherwise, how could he put a nuclear reactor at home?"

"But this is too outrageous. It can actually completely isolate nuclear radiation, something that is unimaginable!"

"Then if it were before, would you dare to think that someone had already developed mecha technology?"

At this time, there was a bus pulling towards the manor, and the "Safe Traffic" program was playing on the TV screen.

Zhang Zhen, the head of the Rongcheng Research Institute, decisively took them to the site after seeing that the research on controllable nuclear fusion technology had been completed (bhej).


Before they even arrived at the show, the changes that happened at the show made them feel stunned.

The controllable nuclear fusion technology that countless people dreamed of appeared directly in front of them.

It was less than 10 meters away from Zhou Shuyi, and many staff from the scientific research institute were worried about Zhou Shuyi's safety.

after all.

Only when you truly understand the horror of nuclear radiation, will you want to stay away from it, such as the time of several nuclear leaks around the world.

For those places that have suffered from nuclear contamination, it will take at least hundreds of years to fully explain it.

It can be said that it is a Jedi in the true sense!

Even in terms of nuclear radiation protection, Long Guo, which is doing better, works in nuclear power plants.

Everyone needs to wear layers of protective equipment. Even the slightest carelessness may cause life-threatening injuries. No one can guarantee accidents.

Will it come suddenly?

Many scientific researchers on the bus couldn't calm down after hearing this introduction of artificial intelligence.


There is no need to doubt it!

They were shocked that Su Hao was able to protect against nuclear radiation without the need for protective clothing.

How terrifying is this?

Even in a nuclear power plant, there is no need to come into close contact with the nuclear reactor, and an absolutely safe distance will be maintained.

And now?

Walk directly into the laboratory and observe the controllable nuclear reactor up close without wearing protective gear!

Just thinking about it makes people feel incredible.

This nuclear protection technology alone can accelerate Longguo's technology in this field by at least 10 years!

"Does this kind of technology really exist? It's incredible just thinking about it. The distance is less than 10 meters!!"

"It's so outrageous, but there is absolutely no doubt about its authenticity, and safety measures should be in place."

"That's right! It's impossible for anyone to put a bomb that can explode at any time directly in their home, let alone a boss like Su Hao."

"Reporter Zhou doesn't even know why he has B-level authority, so Su Xiaoke's authority must be higher.

"Since even Su Hao himself is not worried about nuclear leakage, it means that technology in the nuclear field."

"He has complete control!"

The bus, which was originally a little noisy, fell completely silent when more than 30 scientific researchers reached this point of discussion.

On everyone's faces.

They all had enthusiastic expressions. It was an honor for them to see the emergence of these nuclear technologies!

The scientific research capabilities that Su Hao has mastered are even more unimaginable, not only has he come up with so many black technologies.



Research in the nuclear field is definitely beyond that of all mankind!

After Zhang Rui thought of this, his face was quite excited, and even his voice was wary: "Su Hao...

"I can responsibly say that he is already standing on the top of the mountain in the field of scientific research in our cognition!!"

"It is no exaggeration to say that he is the god of scientific research!!"

"That's right, we have to see how terrifying this Su Hao is no matter what!"

The vice president of the Rongcheng Scientific Research Institute trembled all over after seeing this. The technology in Su Hao's hands...

It can definitely change the world!

Now at this time, he could not wait to fly directly to Zhou Shuyi's side to witness those black technologies that subvert cognition at close range!

He continued: "No matter what, we must find Su Hao!"


They all know that it is almost impossible to enter Su Hao's manor directly if they break in by force.

It may also cause Su Hao's resentment.

The reason why they still wanted to go there was to wait for Zhou Shuyi to find Su Xiaoke's parents and express their intention to come.

to be able to meet.


In space at this time, the rapid operation power even reached the Mach 700 spacecraft.

Heading towards the set destination.

On the cylindrical cabin filled with blue solution, Su Hao looked at the blue screen not far away with a cold face.

It can be said.

Everything that happened in the manor was under his sight.

The things to be dealt with this time are so huge that even Su Hao would be humbled if he handled them alone.

The artificial intelligence 'Xiaoguang' was taken directly to the spaceship by him and was currently in the manor.

All that is left is the secondary processor of 'Xiaoguang', which handles the things left by Su Hao.

But in terms of functionality, it is absolutely comprehensive.

Su Hao looked away from the screen and asked, "Xiaoguang, how was that matter handled?"

After Xiaoguang heard this question, he decisively replied: "Master~ is explaining to them that the current exposure progress of the source of technology is 2%."


Su Hao nodded slightly after hearing this.

When the space shuttle left the earth and flew towards the set goal, the artificial intelligence told him all these things.

My daughter Xiaoke seized on the loopholes in the artificial intelligence wheat and caused such a serious incident that even mechas were dispatched.

If it were in normal times.

Su Hao must have a good communication with her daughter. After all, skipping classes and so on are a bit too much.

But now.

The situation is completely different. The [Wandering Earth] plan will be carried out directly in advance, after he has completed all preparations for outer space.

There simply wasn’t much time to explain.

As for the fact that my daughter skipped class and went racing, which attracted the attention of tens of millions of netizens, it can be said that it was an accident.

Su Hao is not worried about Xiaoke's safety issue, although the performance of artificial intelligence wheat.

Not as good as 'Little Light'.

But its design concept is to ensure the safety of my daughter, and the black technology displayed.

It can be regarded as a step-by-step process. First, let the netizens of the Dragon Kingdom have a bottom line, so that it will not be so direct as to be unbelievable.

As for what happened next.

It was the intruder who broke into the manor that made Su Hao aware of the oolong incident caused by her daughter.

happen to give

The exposure of so many technologies in the manor and the subsequent actions have paved the way for it in advance.


Without the sudden solar storm crisis, Su Hao would not have exposed so many technologies anyway.

As for Xiaoguang in the manor, it was naturally under his instruction that he went to educate so many people.

Su Hao is worried about…………

Even if so much technology is exposed, if those people are ignorant, they will have a lot of troubles.

after all.

[The Wandering Earth] This plan is really crazy for those whose cognition has not yet been opened!

It is conducive to the advancement of the plan to use technologies that transcend the understanding of the times to broaden the horizons of those people.

Merely deducing the orbit of the moon is shocking enough to the world, and this is only the first step!

Want to promote the wandering of the earth…………

It is very difficult to do it just by relying on your own strength, and you want to have enough thrust.

The earth will be pushed away directly.

Relying on the power of several planetary engines is of no use at all. There must be a strong enough driving force.

That means.

There must be enough planetary engines.

Only by integrating the power of all countries in the world can we build countless planetary engines that drive the earth!


There is still a lot of follow-up work that needs to be coordinated. After gradually leaving the sun, the earth will completely plunge into darkness.

There will no longer be the concept of daytime, and we will be completely plunged into darkness. Not only will also be accompanied by various natural disasters.

Only by integrating the resources of all mankind can we respond to these natural disasters, just relying on Sha Hao's words.

Instead of wandering the earth.

It would be better to just build a spaceship, take those familiar people aboard, drop the earth and run away!

Su Hao collected his thoughts and glanced at the lively Su Xiaoke on the screen, with a smile on his cold face.

That can be said very responsibly.

The reason why his daughter was able to successfully promote the [Wandering Earth] project was because of some kind of trouble-making behavior.

Helped myself a little.

The next step is to wait for those in the Dragon Kingdom to gradually learn about these technologies, and then plan the [Wandering Earth].

Be thoroughly informed.

Only when the official people realize the seriousness of this matter can they successfully promote it.

And at this time.

The live broadcast that originally stayed on the screen at the manor disappeared completely with the flash of red light.

The warning is extremely conspicuous.

After Su Hao saw this situation, his face that was still smiling suddenly became serious.

He frowned slightly. There must be no problems with the Moon's planetary engine plan and there won't be any accidents.

That's the only possibility...

Thinking of this, Su Hao did not hesitate at all and decisively switched the screen to the sun detection aircraft.

The huge, collapsing sun appeared instantly, and its incomparable blazing flames did not give him any gorgeous feeling.

More like…………

A planet at the end of its life!

The 2D virtual image of artificial intelligence Xiao Guang also appears next to the screen after loading the emotion system.

There was a bit of worry on its face, and it said decisively: "Master, there is news from the solar monitoring aircraft ahead!"

"Solar wind anomalies are about to sweep across the Earth. Master, please prepare in advance."

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