My Five-Year-Old Daughter Was Driving A Car, And My Nuclear Explosion On The Moon Was Exposed

Chapter 097: Nuclear Fusion Reactor! Be Careful About Radiation! Zhou Shuyi Is In Danger!

In a nationally renowned scientific research unit in Jiangsu Province, there is a very popular netizen named "Safe Traffic" who is "not interested in technology".

He dealt with the tedious data collection and never forgot to glance at the trends in the live broadcast room from time to time. After seeing this controllable nuclear fusion technology...


There is no time to even deal with the work at hand, which coincidentally is the main research direction of their institute.

The technology related to nuclear fusion is just an initial step and is not particularly complicated.

But everyday things...

Basically, they were all extremely busy, but what he didn't expect was the controllable nuclear fusion technology.

It has actually been studied!

After witnessing so many black technologies with his own eyes, he had no doubt about the authenticity of this matter and quickly took his mobile phone with him.

Come to the dean's office.

He spoke in a rather hasty tone and said quickly: "Dean, controllable nuclear fusion technology... has been developed!"

The dean, who had been interrupted for most of his study and was about to get angry, was instantly confused after hearing these words.


After watching the live replay of the "Safe Traffic" program, he slumped down in his chair, his face full of excitement.

His voice trembled: "Controllable nuclear fusion has finally been...researched!!"

"Which scientific research institute in the Dragon Kingdom is studying this technology? Damn it, they didn't even tell me any important progress!"

"I'm going to call you right now and ask!"

However, the netizen [not interested in technology] looked a little embarrassed as he spoke.

"Um, Dean...the one who developed controllable nuclear fusion technology was not our country's research institute, but an individual."

"Su Hao, you will know after watching the video."

The person in charge of the Jiangsu Provincial Research Institute frowned slightly and did not ask, but said something that was a bit ridiculous...

[Safe Traffic] I watched the live broadcast replay roughly once, and after reading all the news, I was completely confused.

Nothing else.

There are really too many technologies that only exist in science fiction movies, or even only concepts, and all of them have been researched!

What the hell………………

It can no longer be described as "defying the heavens". It can be said that the scientific research power of the entire Dragon Kingdom cannot compare with the man behind these technologies.

After watching these videos, the dean of the Jiangsu Provincial Research Institute quickly asked: "What is this person's name?"

"The future of the entire Dragon Kingdom will be started by him!"

The researcher was also infected by the dean's excitement. He said excitedly: "His name...

"Call Su Hao!"

Not only the Jiangsu Provincial Research Institute, but also the scientific research teams from the top universities in Longguo, after seeing this place.

They were all very excited to find a mentor and share this technology that could change the capital of Dragon Kingdom.

Controllable nuclear fusion technology!


Not only that, on Longguo’s social platform Weibo, 5 of the top 10 real-time searches are related to Su Hao!

Basically, anyone who has watched the [Safe Traffic] live broadcast today is calling on friends to attract more people.

Know this.

It can be said without hesitation that Su Hao...has completely become popular on the entire Dragon Kingdom network.

In the [Safe Traffic] live broadcast room, as this matter gradually fermented, tens of millions of people were online in the live broadcast room.

The number of viewers soared again!

Everyone came here after hearing the news and wanted to see what the scientific research boss of ‘Su Hao’ looked like!

Similarly, many netizens have a question, that is, what exactly is this controllable nuclear fusion technology.

And at this moment…………

An account with the ID of [Rongcheng Research Institute Zhang Zhen] simply and clearly explained: “This is a technology that can change the world!”

"The future of our Dragon Kingdom will no longer be controlled by others because of energy issues, and we will completely break away from the oil industry!"

"Even...Using this controllable nuclear fusion technology, we can even enter the interstellar age 100 years ahead of schedule!"



This account with the ID of [Rongcheng Scientific Research Institute Zhang Zhen] is officially serious and is a well-known academician of Longguo.

When the scientific research leader came out with a simple explanation, countless viewers in the live broadcast room also reacted completely!

I was extremely excited inside.

With the development of science and technology in Dragon Kingdom, the problem of environmental pollution has become more and more serious, and controllable nuclear fusion is still a clean energy source.

The days of paying big bucks for gas will be over, and not only that... but also the entire planet. two

Enter the interstellar age 100 years ahead of schedule!

Even many netizens in the live broadcast room find it difficult to imagine what the so-called interstellar era is like.

But this does not affect their shock!

"Damn it, entering the interstellar era 100 years ahead of schedule is so fucking fierce, it's simply outrageous...々".

"Boss Su Hao, you can directly change the world with your own power!"

"Controllable nuclear fusion technology, something I couldn't even dream of, is actually within my sight."

"The key is that there are so many black technologies. If they can really be used in the market, then in the future..."

"How gorgeous will it be?"

"Just worship the boss. Is there still a need for a nanny at home? I'm 36D, so I can be salty or sweet~"

"Are you really trying to be Su Xiaoke's mother?"

After seeing the extremely conspicuous barrage in the live broadcast room, Zhou Shuyi frowned slightly, feeling a little inexplicable disgust.


She did not take this matter to heart, but turned her gaze to the 2D virtual projection light in front of her.

After seeing the appearance of 'Xiaoguang', Zhou Shuyi always felt familiar to the one in the racing track just now.

There doesn't seem to be much difference between the NPC who teaches me science.

Zhou Shuyi asked curiously: "Xiaoguang, how did you know about this controllable nuclear fusion technology?"

Perhaps because of the black technology displayed in the manor, the virtual projection in front of her gave Zhou Shuyi the feeling.

It's not as simple as you think.

After hearing this inquiry, Xiaoguang's expression was extremely indifferent, and he said: "I am a third-generation artificial intelligence.

"My scientific research ability is approximately 130,000 times that of the strongest human being except my master. Please do not question my ability!"

"When the master is researching and developing controllable nuclear fusion technology, I will help him deal with trivial matters."

Its tone is rather nonchalant, because that is indeed the case, even if it is the latest artificial intelligence.

In terms of scientific research ability, it is far inferior to the master who created his own, Su Hao, but in the field of scientific research...

Su Hao, who is as good as the gods!


After hearing this explanation, Zhou Shuyi froze on the spot. She originally felt...

Xiaoguang is just a virtual projection NPC with a commentary function. I never imagined that this is artificial intelligence!

No wonder, when she saw Xiaoguang, she always felt familiar, as if she had communicated with her just now.

And this is something Zhou Shuyi didn't expect at all.

after all,

The artificial intelligence in her cognition is basically dull and can only go to Baidu and so on. It is completely like a retard.

On the contrary, it was Xiaoguang in front of her. After a brief exchange, Zhou Shuyi vaguely realized that there was emotion in it.

More like…………

People with flesh and blood who can communicate normally!

Thinking of this, Zhou Shuyi couldn't help but twitch her lips, and she said: "Isn't this... too outrageous?"

[Safe Traffic] Tens of millions of viewers in the live broadcast room also felt a lingering shock after hearing these words!

What the hell is this? If Sister Zhou hadn't asked just now, they would have thought it was Su Hao's NPC or something like this.

But what they didn't expect was that Xiaoguang...

It’s actually artificial intelligence!

When many netizens thought of this, they fell into deep disbelief, and their faces were extremely shocked.

Among the artificial intelligence they came into contact with, the most impressive one was the Red Queen in Resident Evil...

Just the appearance of the Red Queen left a shadow on many viewers.

For now, ‘Xiao Guang’ feels like a virtual character who can communicate normally and has emotions!

None of them thought that 'Xiaoguang' would actually be an artificial intelligence and possess extremely strong scientific research capabilities.

130,000 times that of normal people!

Artificial intelligence technology has actually been promoted in recent years, but it is all cheap AI technology.

I can only search with simple instructions, and I don’t even have the ability to think independently.

Rather than saying it is artificial intelligence, a more appropriate method is... pure artificial retardation, the kind that makes people more angry!

And real artificial intelligence…………

Apart from appearing in science fiction movies, it does not exist in this world at all, or to put it more appropriately.

Today’s level of technology…

This possibility is simply not possible!

First of all, building an artificial intelligence system is extremely difficult and requires huge computing power.

And today's most advanced supercomputer.

There is no way to drive the operation of artificial intelligence. It can be said that the operation of artificial intelligence requires tens of billions of operations per second.

On a technical level…………

There is simply no way to do it, and the design of the overall system is also extremely difficult.

The so-called AI intelligence actually uses traditional programming technology to make the system appear intelligent.

It does not take into account whether the method used is the same as that used in human or animal organisms!

What is created in another way is artificial intelligence in the true sense, created using simulation methods.

It not only depends on the effect, but also requires the implementation method to be the same or similar to the method used by humans or biological organisms!

And an artificial neural network architecture is also needed to simulate the activity of nerve cells in the human or animal brain.

This is artificial intelligence in the true sense…………

Many viewers in the [Safe Traffic] live broadcast room briefly understood the two methods of artificial intelligence.

Looking at 'Xiao Guang' again, I instantly felt a different feeling, possessing the ability to think independently...

Being able to communicate normally and having the ability to think independently, just thinking about it makes people feel numb.

"Holy crap, artificial intelligence has actually been realized..."

"When the artificial intelligence was talking to Sister Zhou just now, I could hear pride in its tone!"

"So... the artificial intelligence developed by Mr. Su Hao not only surpasses countless people in scientific research capabilities."

"Do you even have an emotional system?"

"This shit, it's so outrageous just thinking about it. I've seen artificial intelligence in science fiction movies..."

"I'll just kneel down and the boss will be done with it!!"

After Zhou Shuyi came to her senses, she had no time to be shocked by the discovery of ‘artificial intelligence’, let alone the reactions of netizens in the live broadcast room.

Compared to artificial intelligence.

She looked at this [Controllable Nuclear Fusion Laboratory], obviously wanting the latter, which is important to the Dragon Kingdom!

After Zhou Shuyi hesitated for a moment, she asked: "Is it okay to open the door of this laboratory directly?"

Xiaoguang shook his head slightly and explained to her: "There are protective devices inside. No one can come in except the owner..."

After hearing these words, Zhou Shuyi also frowned slightly. If only Su Hao can go in...

The possibility of entering is basically impossible.

However, after recalling her B-level authority in this manor, she asked tentatively.

"Then...Xiaoguang, can you open the door of this laboratory?"

After hearing this instruction, the artificial intelligence "Xiaoguang" did not answer immediately, but was conducting permission analysis.

After a while.

It said: "It has been detected that Zhou Shuyi has B-level authority in the manor [the internal door of the laboratory has been opened!"

Zhou Shuyi's face was quite serious, but the doubts in her heart were increasing. How did she get the B-level authority?

For now, artificial intelligence Xiaoguang said that only Su Hao can freely enter the laboratory.

What she didn't expect was that her authority could actually enter it!


Zhou Shuyi and netizens were not given any time to be confused. Accompanied by the sound of gas leaking (good Li Zhao), the building looked like a semicircular iron ball.

The Tao portal appears directly.

It can be said that it is the gate to the controllable nuclear fusion laboratory that countless scientific researchers around the world are flocking to.

Was suddenly opened!

The originally dark laboratory turned on lights the moment the door was opened, allowing a clear view of the environment inside the laboratory.


What appeared in front of Zhou Shuyi, the cameraman, and countless people in the [Safe Traffic] live broadcast room was a very sci-fi...

nuclear reactor!

Those nuclear reactors that they had only seen in the news actually appeared directly in front of them.

The blue light lingering around and the violent changes caused by nuclear fusion can all be clearly observed.

And this controllable nuclear fusion reactor appeared blankly in front of them, only covered by a thin layer of glass.

After seeing the nuclear reactor, which was still a running nuclear reactor, the expressions of the cameraman and the accompanying policemen changed drastically in an instant.


nuclear reactor!

Appeared directly 10 meters away from them, forget it if it was a nuclear reactor that had stopped operating.

But for now, that nuclear reactor is definitely still working, and the lingering blue light means...

That giant device is producing nuclear fusion!!

In just an instant, the cold sweat soaked the clothes of the cameraman and the accompanying policeman!

And countless viewers in the [Safe Traffic] live broadcast room, after seeing the operating nuclear reactor.


There was a lingering feeling of suffocation, which directly enveloped them in their hearts, and an ominous premonition rose instantly.

At this distance, there is only one layer of glass in the nuclear reactor!

It's hard for them to imagine what the consequences will be. This is such a rhythm that big problems are going to happen!!

A series that can instantly destroy human genes and chromosomes.

Huge amount of nuclear radiation!!.

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