My Five-Year-Old Daughter Was Driving A Car, And My Nuclear Explosion On The Moon Was Exposed

Chapter 061: Test With Missiles! Experiment With Defense Technology!

The helicopter equipped with an iris scanning device identified Zhou Shuyi and heard the mechanical beep.

The electronic machine gun tower that was protruded was already loaded with bullets, but it was recovered almost instantly.

Flip and hide under the floor tiles, and the unmanned thermal weapon fighter hovering in the sky also evacuates.

The movement is too fast. The direct heat weapon comes out very suddenly and disappears at the same speed.

The situation, which was quite tense at first, soon returned to peace.

Back to the beginning, it was like the princess castle in a fairy tale, just like the tense tension just now.

It's never been like that.

[Safe Traffic] Many netizens in the live broadcast room. When they saw this sudden change, they were originally quite nervous.

I was completely confused.

Through the live footage of [Safe Traffic], they looked at the Central European-style castle full of aristocratic atmosphere.

There is always an indescribable sense of absurdity in my heart. It is hard to imagine that less than a minute ago, this place almost gave away to Zhou Shuyi and others!

Changes in situation...

It was so fast. They originally thought that Sister Zhou, the cameraman and others wanted to be rescued.

No matter what, they had to wait for the SWAT soldiers outside to participate in the rescue, but what they didn't expect was the mere appearance of the small drone.

It seemed that Zhou Shuyi was scanning the iris of human eyes, and then the mechanical beep sounded that made people feel PTSD.

Conduct an identity check on Sister Zhou?

How could the netizens in the live broadcast room not know the identity of Sister Zhou? She is a famous counterattack fighter on the entire Internet.

The old unlucky guy who quit the Internet for 6 years and returned to the journalist industry encountered this kind of thing on his first day...

The key is,

After checking Zhou Shuyi's identity, she was actually given B-level permissions. Those thermal weapons...

Has everything been recycled?

Countless netizens in the live broadcast room were confused after seeing this sudden change.

I originally thought that what I saw with my own eyes was science fiction enough, but I didn't expect something even more science fiction.

It still happened!

What the hell happened to Zhou Shuyi, although I don’t know how valuable this B-level authority is.

Countless netizens are curious about why Sister Zhou, an old hapless person, has authority in this manor?

It's impossible...17...

In fact, this manor belongs to Sister Zhou, right? So why do you have to climb over the wall to get in? Wouldn't it be better to just open the door?

Many viewers couldn't figure out what was going on. They were confused and confused.

The barrage in the live broadcast room completely exploded.

"Who the hell can tell me what the hell happened?"

"Sister Zhou, isn't she about to finish her meal? Why have all these weapons been put away, and why do they still have B-level authority?"

"I suspect there's something wrong here, but I can't tell!!"

"Sister Zhou, please come out and explain, what the hell happened, why were you invited in all of a sudden?"

"What the hell, I'm starting to suspect that this is the show's effect created by the program team to welcome Sister Zhou!!"

"Be honest, Sister Zhou, why don't you say this is not your home!!"

"They all have B-level permissions. You can't wash it off this time. What a good guy, you actually built a manor without telling us!!"

Not only the viewers in the live broadcast room, but also Zhou Shuyi after seeing this sudden change.

The whole person was stunned.

She couldn't figure out this situation. When the barrels of the guns were pointed at herself, she even felt it.

You have to explain yourself here.

As a result, fate soon played a trick on her, and suddenly a drone scanned her iris.

The scan results are pretty good...

The identity information is valid, and she still has B-level authority. She, the client, whose life hangs by a thread, doesn’t know what’s going on!

She glanced at the countless barrages in the live broadcast room. Originally, her face was still filled with a sense of freshness after the disaster, but after she saw the content clearly.

In an instant, my head was full of black lines!

If Zhou Shuyi hadn't known that there were many official big shots watching at the other end of the show, she would have cursed directly at this time.

If this house...

It has something to do with you, why the hell do you want to be a reporter? Just open the door and walk in.

As for sneaking in through the door?

It almost triggered a counterattack from the [automatic defense system], and the person almost walked in standing up and walked out sideways!

Zhou Shuyi's face was full of helplessness, and she explained: "This is my first time here, what happened."

"In fact, I do not know."

"I guess the drone just scanned my face and found my personal information on the Internet?"

"It's not like that for fugitive criminals."

She looked at the camera in the live broadcast room, told her guess, and then stepped into the manor.

Zhou Shuyi did not expect that things would develop in this direction.

The other two cameramen also breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that all the thermal weapons and drones had disappeared.

The feeling of surviving a disaster made the two of them sit down on the ground close to the iron gate, wearing rough clothes.

As for why it suddenly became like this.

It must be what the mechanical prompt said, and it has a close and inseparable relationship with Sister Zhou's B-level authority.

The old policeman accompanying him did not expect that he would encounter such an outrageous thing, the hand holding the electric baton.

Full of sweat.

This formation is really scary. Those caliber machine guns even come in with steel plates.

Totally irresistible!

He walked a few steps in place, and when he confirmed that the [automatic defense system] was not triggered, he was completely relieved.

The danger is temporarily lifted.

But soon a lot of doubts came to their minds. The disabling of the automatic defense system must have something to do with Sister Zhou.

Then why...

Is it possible that Zhou Shuyi has the B-level authority of this manor and that it has something to do with the owner of the manor?

No matter how they think about it, they don't think it should be right. If it matters, just go through the front door and come in. Do you need to open the door?


Is it really like what Sister Zhou said, but the automatic defense system here can query their personal information?


Zhou Shuyi directly looked at the scene of the deputy live broadcast room looking for Su Xiaoke's parents. Because of the appearance of firearms, it instantly attracted the attention of countless people.

Even Police Officer Tan and the special forces soldiers who learned about the situation did not react within a short period of time.

The speed of flying the helicopter is a little slow.

In that BMW 5 Series that was racing on the highway, Su Xiaoke didn't know what happened.

After she displayed the scene of the helicopter behind her through the central control screen, her face was full of panic.

At first, Su Xiaoke just thought that there were several helicopters chasing him, but now he counted them carefully.

There are a total of 15 aircraft.

Su Xiaoke, who had never experienced such a big battle before, was still a little excited, but became completely nervous.

Definitely can't be caught!

If you are caught by these policemen, the consequences will definitely be serious, and your father may be angry!

through the central control screen.

See that the opponent's flight speed has been reduced.

Su Xiaoke didn't hesitate at all and decisively told the artificial intelligence: "Classmate Xiaomai, run quickly!"

"Don't be caught up by those police uncles!!"

After analyzing the current environment and vehicle status, Xiaomai replied: "Master~"

"The vehicle is accelerating!"


Under the control of classmate Mai.

Many aerodynamic packages of the BMW 5 Series continue to rise, and even the vehicle's engine erupts with a heavy roar.

The posture speed that originally dropped in the gel rain increased a lot in just an instant.

The speed soared directly to 400km, making the scene outside the car window increasingly blurry.

And this sudden acceleration.

It also directly put a considerable distance away from those police and armed helicopters that did not react.

Tan Qiao, who was riding on the police helicopter, did not react to the sudden acceleration of the BMW 5 Series.

The original interception mission here has been transformed into tracking. All we need to do is keep up with the BMW 5 Series driven by Su Xiaoke...

This also made Tan Qiao pay more attention to the sub-live broadcast room hosted by Zhou Shuyi, especially after seeing those hot weapons.

Even Officer Tan, who has experienced so many storms and waves, was shocked by so many thermal weapons and [automatic defense devices].

can only say,

Su Xiaoke's family is really tortured. Their 5-year-old daughter is racing on the highway. They are not bad parents either.

I just made an arsenal at home.

When Tan Qiao saw Zhou Shuyi's sudden identity check and the crisis was resolved, he was completely relieved.

He shook his head slightly and marveled: "I didn't expect that the situation with reporter Zhou Shuyi is also quite urgent!"

"But fortunately, no casualties were caused. When Su Xiaoke's parents are found, they must provide safety education.


Tan Qiao came to his senses, with a resentful expression on his face, and immediately said to countless netizens in the live broadcast room.


Officer Tan had not yet realized that during the time he was paying attention to the show, the BMW 5 Series was being tracked.

Use the strong power of the vehicle to widen the distance again.

Countless netizens in the live broadcast room, after seeing this scene through the live lens, most of them started to remind them.

"Sir Tan~ Stop thinking about brainwashing Su Xiaoke's parents. The BMW 5 Series you are chasing is gone!!"

"Yes, if we don't catch up with that BMW 5 Series, we will never catch up again!!"

"Good guy, the speed of that BMW 5 Series is at least 400km. Why in this situation?"

"Can you still operate it so smoothly?"

When the comments from countless netizens in the live broadcast room were almost overflowing, the cameraman finally couldn't stand it anymore.

He glanced at Officer Tan, who was watching the live broadcast, and reminded in a helpless tone: "Officer Tan, the BMW 5 Series we are chasing is almost gone~"

After Tan Qiao heard the reminder from the cameraman, his cell phone almost fell off the plane, and he suddenly came back to his senses.

There is no way.

The scene in the deputy live broadcast room is much more exciting than here, the kind that can directly make people have high blood pressure.

As a result, I almost forgot my mission, even though I didn't have to intercept the BMW 5 Series for the time being...

But you also have to follow the other person!

Tan Si came back to his senses

r quickly said to the driver: "Quick, speed up to catch up with that BMW 5 Series!"

"We must not let him leave our sight..."

When Tan Qiao came back to his senses, his face was filled with nervousness. This car was equipped with too many black technologies!

Especially the so-called stealth function, as long as the BMW 5 Series is out of sight, if it is activated.

It is simply impossible to find the other party!

At that time, you will be derelict in your duty and lose the BMW 5 Series, which is so important to Longguo Technology!

"Okay, Officer Tan!"

The police helicopter pilot replied decisively, fully accelerating and heading towards the BMW 5 Series that was about to disappear from sight.

Rise up and catch up.

Not only that, the special operations soldiers following Officer Tan's police helicopter also accelerated their flight speed.

In this kind of battle, there are 16 helicopters chasing a racing BMW 5 Series throughout the Dragon Kingdom.

It’s the first time I’ve seen him.

The flying speed of an armed helicopter is much faster than the BMW 5 Series, which can reach a speed of 400 kilometers per hour.

It only took a moment to complete the pursuit again.

Wang Zaiye, the captain of the special operations force, was using this telescope to observe the BMW 5 Series 300 meters ahead.

His face was quite solemn.

The sound coming from the communicator instantly attracted his attention and forced him to get serious.

The only people who can directly contact Wang Zaiye are the senior officials of the 117 military or the scientific researchers at the Rongcheng Research Institute.

"This is the 'Sharp Knife' special operations force. I am the captain Wang Zaiye. What instructions does the leader have?"

On the other side of the communicator, after completing the signal docking, it was the weapons expert from the Rongcheng Research Institute who conveyed the order.

The other party spoke concisely and decisively and conveyed the instruction: "Launch missiles at the BMW 5 Series with license plate 378 in front of you!"

The moment Wang Zaiye heard this instruction, he was stunned. What the hell is this request to launch missiles?

What kind of hellish joke is this?

Not to mention that the person who is racing is actually a 5-year-old girl. Even if others are racing, they cannot do this!

Basically, when it is launched, the vehicle will be blown up directly, including the little girl, it will be like GG.

Although drag racing causes dangerous driving...

But that little girl, no matter her identity or age, is so sensitive that she could easily explode into a powder keg.


If you really follow the instructions and launch.

Wang Zaiye could imagine the consequences with his toes, and it was entirely possible that the little girl's parents would be killed.

This has created the world's top scientific research experts in vehicle flight, stealth, levitation, and energy protection shields.

Completely pushed to the opposite side!

After hesitating for a moment, he did not agree to the instruction: "Sorry, professor, I can't do this instruction."

"The driver of this BMW 5 Series was just a 5-year-old girl and did not cause any traffic accident.

"If it is still necessary to execute this order, the Sharp Knife Special Forces will apply to withdraw from this tracking operation."

On the other side of the communicator, it was obvious that after a brief dispute, Wang Zaiye was about to hang up.

The person who spoke was someone else.

It was the deputy director of the Chengdu Scientific Research Institute, and the other party's voice was much more urgent: "Just launch small tracking missiles.

"Set the missile to automatically turn 3 meters after approaching the vehicle, and then explode in the air without harming the vehicle."

When Wang Zaiye received this instruction, which was still to launch a missile, but not exactly, he probably understood...


If you really don't want to cause too much controversy, you should end this racing incident as soon as possible and just put a missile on the BMW 5 Series.

The speed of small tracking missiles can reach 700km, and there is no possibility of vehicles evading them.

Basically, once you take aim, there is no way to escape.

It is completely unnecessary to launch small tracking missiles and then suddenly change course when approaching the vehicle.

Program your turns and explode in the air!

Thinking of this, Wang Zaiye, the captain of the sharp knife special operations force, basically understood the thoughts of those at the Rongcheng Scientific Research Institute.


I want to use this small tracking missile to test whether this BMW 5 Series car is equipped with other black technologies!

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