My Five-Year-Old Daughter Was Driving A Car, And My Nuclear Explosion On The Moon Was Exposed

Chapter 062: The Missile Reverses Instantly! The Missile Is Hers!

Wang Zaiye, captain of the 'Sharp Knife' special operations force, heard the instructions given by the deputy director of the Rongcheng Research Institute.

Even though it is clear that the other party does not want to launch a missile strike on the vehicle, but just wants to test the level of technology loaded on it.

However, Wang Zaiye was still hesitant.

They all use small tracking missiles, which is definitely not a child's play, although the missiles can be course-adjusted.

Everyone is afraid of what might happen.

If that BMW 5 Series suddenly slows down, Wang Zaiye knows the consequences best.


This is an order from the deputy director of the Rongcheng Research Institute. If it is a direct attack on this BMW 5 Series.

He can withdraw from this operation from a humanitarian point of view, but the instructions given by the Chengdu Scientific Research Institute are just a trial.

Then this kind of order must be carried out by Wang Zaiye.


It is a small missile after all.

If there is a problem with the ballistic design, it is very likely that the BMW 5 Series will be destroyed.

He would never allow this situation to happen, in order for the experimental projects of the scientific research units in Chengdu to proceed smoothly.

In terms of ballistic design for small missiles, he must do it himself before he can launch with confidence.

After Wang Zaiye took a deep breath, he said to the special forces members behind him: "We must set up small tracking missiles."

"I'll control the missile trajectory!"


However, after Wang Zaiye said these words, the soldiers waiting on the helicopter all looked confused.

How could they not understand that the small tracking missile was carried on this armed helicopter.

The latest type of small tracking missile, a means of spectrally tracking targets and carrying out ultra-precise strikes.

Although it is said to be a small missile, the power of the missile is really not careful at all, and the warhead it can carry can reach twice as much as what is normally mentioned.

The main purpose is anti-tank.

Although it has not been used in actual combat, they are very aware of its power. Even a 3cm steel plate can be directly blasted through.

Not to mention the energy protection cover now displayed on this domestic BMW 5 Series, which can resist gel rain.

What the heck, it may not be able to withstand missiles!


The mission they received was to intercept the furious BMW 5 Series safely, wasn't it?

Why do you suddenly need to use missiles?

This kind of small tracking missile is basically used on the battlefield, even if it is a free Eagle.

There is no precedent for this!


There are cases of dangerous driving here in Dragon Kingdom, but they are not serious enough to directly use missiles to blow up the opponent!

If a small tracking missile is launched, the BMW 5 Series will be detonated directly even if the skin is thick.

Thinking of this, many soldiers in the helicopter shook their heads.

Then a soldier asked with an anxious expression: "Captain Wang, do you really want to use small tracking missiles?"

"Although... the vehicle driven by the little girl endangers public transportation safety, but it doesn't require missiles, right?"

The captain of the special operations force, Wang Zaiye, looked serious and said, "This is an instruction given by the leader of the Rongcheng Scientific Research Institute."

"I will personally plan the route of the missile. It will not directly cause damage to the vehicle, but will only be used as a technology test for the opponent's vehicle.

After hearing this, many soldiers in the helicopter quickly realized that this wave was just a drunkard's intention.


I want to use a small tracking missile to test whether this BMW 5 Series has any black technology to deal with missiles.

Or it is possible that it is to test the energy protection cover installed on this car to see how strong it is in the end.

After understanding the actual use.

There was a missile in a box that was carried up by the soldiers, and the government quickly took the computer to debug the data.

In addition to setting up missile launch procedures.

It is also necessary to connect the missile's control system to the computer to ensure that no accidents occur.

The loading of the missile was not complicated, and it was quickly set up on the missile launcher outside the armed helicopter.

As for launch, it goes without saying.

Captain Wang Zaiye, who had debugged all the programs, set the missile target behind the furious BMW 5 Series.

Without any hesitation, he pressed the launch button decisively.

Accompanied by the high-temperature red flames and the harsh sound of breaking through the air, the small tracking missile was loaded on the launcher.

Launch instantly!

The target of the missile was the BMW 5 Series that was speeding ahead without slowing down at all.

[Safe Traffic] Countless viewers in the live broadcast room, after seeing the missiles launched by the armed helicopters.

Their hearts were suddenly touched, and many viewers were buzzing and confused about the situation.

This is so good......

What the hell is going on? If you weren't chasing that BMW 5 Series, why did you suddenly launch a missile?


There is a driver in the vehicle, and she is a 5-year-old girl!!

Officer Tan has always emphasized that vehicles must be intercepted under safe conditions.

There is no way that the tracking mission has not made any progress, and we are planning to directly destroy the other party, right?

The key point is that this BMW 5 Series is equipped with many black technologies that will change the future technological landscape of Long Country!

Just thinking about this made countless netizens in the live broadcast room feel a little numb and their mood suddenly became tense.

The key point is that the driver of this car is not a vicious criminal, but a naughty little girl at best.

Directly shooting with missiles is a bit unnecessary, right?

Although I don’t know what type of missile this is, anyone who has surfed the Internet will know the power of the missile.

That is something used for long-range attacks on tanks, helicopters, and ground defense facilities.

Basically being targeted, there is no possibility of escape. It is a killing weapon that carries out small-scale strikes on the battlefield.


Now I want to use it on that BMW 5 Series, and use it on that 5-year-old girl, although it is dangerous driving.

But it’s not like that, if you can’t catch up with the opponent, just carry out physical transcendence, right?

Seeing this, netizens who were full of questions asked in the live broadcast room barrages, trying to get an explanation.

"I'm super, are you serious? These small missiles are being used. Even a tank can't carry it~.!"

"Although this BMW 5 Series was driven dangerously, it wouldn't kill the opponent directly!"

"Yes, even if this car doesn't have so many black technologies, it wouldn't be forced to intercept like this, right?"

"Feeling Pill, this missile is probably spectrally tracking. Once launched, there is basically no possibility of interception."

"This is going to be real. If this BMW 5 Series was bombed...

"It's a bit outrageous. If the little girl's parents find out, it will be outrageous to think about it."

Countless netizens in the live broadcast room can also tell the seriousness of the matter when encountering this situation.


If it really threatens the life of the little girl in the BMW 5 Series, given the strength of the other parent’s scientific research.

Wouldn't it mean to push this big boss directly to the opposite side?

Netizens watching the live broadcast can all imagine the consequences. Is this the official Shi Lezhi?

Not only the netizens in the live broadcast room, but also Tan Qiao on the police helicopter after seeing the missile being launched.

His eyes widened instantly.

The whole person's head is buzzing.

This was the promised safe interception, but why did they suddenly use missiles to forcibly intercept it?

Tan Qiao glanced at the barrage in the live broadcast room and looked at the many doubts among netizens before the official explanation was given.

He also wanted to ask what the hell was going on!

At this moment, the communicator Tan Qiao carried came with a rapid prompt, and he did not hesitate at all.

Decisively choose to answer.

The other party was the vice president of the Rongcheng Scientific Research Institute. After hearing the intention of the missile, Tan Qiao's originally solemn expression became much relieved.

He immediately explained to the shocked live broadcast room viewers: "Dear viewers, I know how you feel."

"I have good news to tell you, this missile was not intended to destroy the BMW 5 Series.

"That careful tracking missile has a specially designed trajectory, so it is absolutely impossible to hit that car."

"As for the purpose of launching this missile, it is just to test the technological level of the vehicle. The missile will be 3 meters away from the vehicle."

"It automatically adjusts its trajectory and then detonates in the air."

[Safe Traffic] Countless netizens in the live broadcast room breathed a sigh of relief after hearing Officer Tan’s explanation.

We can probably understand the official intention of launching small tracking missiles.

after all,

This BMW 5 Series is equipped with so many black technologies that I can’t even count them.

In addition, Zhou Shuyi’s appalling [automatic defense system] in the live broadcast room is like trying...

Whether the vehicle is equipped with similar functions.

Although they understood the official intention, when they saw the missile launched, it hit the BMW 5 Series.

I still have an indescribable feeling of tension, it’s so exciting!


If there is a problem with the ballistics and procedures of this missile, the consequences will definitely be extremely serious!

As witnessed by countless people in the live broadcast room, the small tracking missile sprayed red hot flames.

Facing the front, there is a BMW 5 Series about 1km away.

Shoot straight away!

But it only took a moment for the BMW 5 Series in front of me to keep going at a speed of 400km.

The vehicle is just 1km away from the 16 helicopters behind it, and the most important thing is.

The other party has no idea of ​​catching up yet.

Su Xiaoke's originally nervous mood instantly relaxed a lot, and her thoughts were quite simple.

As long as you get rid of those police uncles, even if your father finds out after you get to grandma's house, there won't be much of a problem.

But the main premise is………………

I can get rid of the police uncles who are following me.

Su Xiaoke immediately turned his attention to the artificial intelligence classmate Wheat, and was about to ask if there was a faster way.

A red warning sign appeared on the screen of the center console.

Even the cartoon version of Mr. Mai’s classmate had an extremely serious face and said in a serious tone: “Alert!”

"Master~ I have detected a small spectrum-guided missile in the rear~ The vehicle target has been locked by the opponent."


After Su Xiaoke heard what the artificial intelligence said, he was immediately confused. Why did the car drive so well...

Suddenly being pursued by missiles?

Moreover, this was the first time that Mr. Mai had such a serious tone, and one can imagine the danger involved.

Before she could ask for instructions.

Xiaomai, who had an unusually cold face on the central control screen, took countermeasures: "Activate the vehicle defense system!"

Almost instantly.

The transparent energy protective cover completely covers the entire BMW 5 Series, providing the first layer of protection.

And, without any emotion in its cold voice, it continued: "Set the target for attack, No. 07 armed helicopter."

"Kill it by controlling the missile!"


When modifying the BMW 5 Series, safety is directly concerned, not just the energy protection cover.

There is also an automatic defense system for the vehicle.

The artificial intelligence Xiaomai equipped with it detects an attack method and locks the vehicle, and launches it.

It will respond directly, that is, activate the automatic defense system.

Simply opening the energy protection cover is naturally not enough, and the vehicle cannot always be left in a passive situation.

When necessary, counterattacks will be carried out against anything that poses a threat to vehicle safety.

As long as the dangerous things are killed and completely destroyed, isn't that an automatic defense?

This was the choice made by the artificial intelligence "Wheat Classmate". Not only did it not intercept the missile.

Instead, they chose to intercept the control signal of the small tracking missile and change the trajectory of the missile.

Destroy the armed helicopter numbered 07!

"The missile control signal was intercepted successfully, and the driving path is being modified. The final target is set to be the No. 07 armed helicopter!"

even if.

The artificial intelligence "Wheat Classmate" equipped with an emotional system is facing this kind of vehicle safety crisis.

The reactions and attitudes shown were extremely indifferent.

The meaning of its existence is to serve Su Hao and Su Xiaoke as the control center of the vehicle.

Nothing is allowed to pose any threat to the owner!

The small final missile was launched 1km away from the BMW 5 Series driven by Su Xiaoke.

This distance is not worth mentioning in front of a missile with a speed of Mach 0.7, even if the opponent's speed remains at 400km. (good thing) to catch up with the opponent.

Just a matter of seconds.

With the sound of breaking through the air, the small missile with red flames flashing on its tail instantly caught up with the BMW 5 Series.

Not only Wang Zaiye on the armed helicopter, but also the hearts of countless people in the live broadcast room were instantly raised.

Just when using the gel rain strategy, this BMW 5 Series demonstrated the black technology of "enabled protection."

Needless to say, when faced with the firing of small tracking missiles, there are definitely ways to deal with it.


What kind of defense method it is, countless netizens in the live broadcast room can't guess, and they have no concept of this aspect at all.

"Is it necessary to use an energy protective shield to resist? Can this thing really withstand the power of the explosion?"

"Even though I knew this thing wouldn't directly hit the BMW 5 Series, it still made me very nervous."

"I think this car should be equipped with other defensive functions, maybe even more powerful than the energy protection shield!"

"Damn, it's already equipped with enough black technology. It's impossible to just put an anti-missile system into it, right?"

Countless netizens in the live broadcast room opened their eyes wide at this time, observing the movement of the missile through the live lens.

If it's close range.

It is impossible to capture it with the naked eye, but it can be seen clearly from a distance of about 1km.


As the small tracking missile approached the racing BMW 5 Series, it did not reach the set distance of 3 meters.

When it comes to around 50 meters.

The small tracking missile that was flying normally did not fly according to the normal trajectory. It was even more likely that it was suddenly hit by someone.

Fly directly towards the sky.

Even the detonation in the air that Officer Tan said did not happen. After changing the direction, it flipped directly in the air.

Complete the reversal of direction instantly.

The small tracking missile that successfully completed the direction reversal was under the eyes of countless viewers in the live broadcast room.

Shoot towards the armed helicopter that launches missiles!

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