My Five-Year-Old Daughter Was Driving A Car, And My Nuclear Explosion On The Moon Was Exposed

Chapter 070: This Is An Independent Car! Unmanned Driving System!

After Zhou Shuyi said these words, most of the cameramen, accompanying policemen and others had confused expressions on their faces.

Isn't this a train?

How can we walk without tracks?

Moreover, they listened very carefully to the most critical sound, which was no different from those green trains in Dragon Kingdom.

The middle-aged policeman accompanying him looked strange and asked, "Reporter Zhou... are you telling the truth?"

Zhou Shuyi could not control the shock in her heart and said quickly: "The speed of the train is not will know it after you see it for yourself!"


After hearing this, the cameraman hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and jumped off the slow-moving train.

When he turned the camera towards the train, even he was stunned, not to mention the viewers in the [Safe Traffic] live broadcast room.

What the hell!

What the hell is this?

The bottom of this train car is not much different from an ordinary train, except for the many wheels.

And it also adopts the link method of train....

But the problem is,,

What the hell, these wheels are not pressed into the train tracks at all, they are completely running on the ground.

There were many netizens in the live broadcast room. After seeing the scene at the bottom of the train, they were all confused...

The train!

It can be said to be relatively common in life. In their perception, whether it is trains, trams, or high-speed rails.

They all have prescribed tracks.

The picture before them now directly subverts the three concepts. This train...

Not even on track!

On the contrary, it walks directly on the road. Except for a few more wheels, it is no different from a car.

Is it possible………………

Under the research of Su Xiaoke's parents, trains can run on the road like ordinary cars? "Two sixty"

Just when countless viewers in the live broadcast room were confused, Zhou Shuyi's next words interrupted their thoughts.

Zhou Shuyi, who was in the train carriage, went directly to the rear of the carriage and took a clear look at the center console in front of her...

Her face was extremely dull.

Because what appeared in front of Zhou Shuyi's eyes was a dashboard and steering wheel that were no different from ordinary cars...

Needless to say, there is no need to talk about the gear handle.

There are also accelerators and brakes at the bottom. Rather than saying this is a train car, it is more like an independent garage!

"What the hell is this?"

After hearing the movement behind the carriage, the cameraman and accompanying police officers decisively came to Zhou Shuyi's side.

But when they saw the center console at the bottom of the car, they felt equally confused.

Rather than saying this is a train car, it is better to say... it is a medium-sized car that can be driven normally. two

Where can a normal train have such independent control? Aren't they all carriages connected by bolts and without any power system?

Then why are there things like instrument panels and reverse dials here?

Not only the few people at the scene, but also the countless netizens in the [Safe Traffic] live broadcast room were all buzzing.


It’s ridiculous enough to drive without a track, but now we have things like instrument panels and accelerators!

Through the lens of the program team, countless people in the live broadcast room can clearly see these extremely common kits on cars...

Rather than saying this is a carriage, it is better to say it is a minibus designed to look like a train carriage...?

Seeing this, many netizens were confused.

"If it is really a car, then why did Su Xiaoke's parents make it look like a train carriage..."

"I can't come~"

"Do you think there is a possibility that the parents of the other party designed the carriage like this just because they are better at pulling in goods?"

"I can pull it, but the train carriage can pull a little more!"

Zhou Shuyi glanced at the live broadcast room barrage of [Safe Traffic] and became increasingly certain about this possibility.

This train, which looks like a train, must have more actors than ordinary transport vehicles.


This 'train', which has at least 30 carriages, is probably made up of countless cars.

Thinking of this, she said in a rather determined tone: "I think the only possibility is... Su Xiaoke's parents."

"I also think it's a little more difficult to build an old-fashioned steam train with bare hands, and then modify so many cars."

"If we use train links to connect them together, we can transport rice without the need for tracks?"

The accompanying policemen couldn't help but nod their heads after hearing Zhou Shuyi's explanation. This was very possible.

after all.

Convert cars into train carriages and connect them in series like train carriages in terms of control.

There is no need to spend so much labor.

Their respective power systems are still preserved. You only need to link the carriages together and have someone drive at the front of the car...

It can drive the movement of the entire train, which is definitely the most time-saving and labor-saving mode of transportation!


When the middle-aged policeman was about to speak, the cameraman ran out of the car.

He interrupted again.

There was a deep shock in his tone, as if he had discovered a new world, and he said excitedly: "This train..."

“There’s no connection device!!”

After the cameraman finished saying this and that,

Zhou Shuyi and the accompanying policemen stepped forward after hearing these words. When they saw that each carriage was walking independently...

Their eyes widened in an instant, and the strong impact made them forget how to think.

Just like the cameraman said.

Each carriage of the 'train' does not have any connecting devices and is traveling slowly at a speed of 20km.

even so.

The distance maintained between the two carriages does not change due to the uneven speed of the vehicle.

It just repeated, as if it was shrouded in the middle by an invisible big hand.

Zhou Shuyi rubbed her eyes, her face was full of disbelief, and she said in a nervous voice: " say it.

"Is there something similar to that energy protective cover? Otherwise, how can we keep distance between so many carriages?"

After hearing this, the middle-aged police officer accompanying him gritted his teeth and leaned half of his body out of the window, then stretched out his hand and turned it violently.

How about empty.

There is no black technology to connect so many carriages in series. To put it more accurately, it is...

This is not a train at all!

Instead, they picked them out and found that each one was just a transport vehicle that could drive normally and at exactly the same speed.


A transport convoy without any phone calls even to maintain distance!

[Safe Traffic] Nearly ten million netizens in the live broadcast room were completely confused after seeing this jaw-dropping scene.


How the hell is that done?

They have not counted the carriages of this 'train' in detail, but at least 30 carriages are guaranteed.

If each carriage is a vehicle that can drive independently, who will handle the control?

Following the footage from the live broadcast room just now, they saw that there was no one driving in the center console.

Presumably the same goes for other carriages...

At first, they thought it was just a way of converting vehicles into carriages and connecting them in series to form a long train.

But countless people in the live broadcast room did not expect that the 'train' that looked like a long queue in front of them actually consisted of countless cars.

It consists of a moving vehicle without any linking method!

Even just thinking about it, the audience in the live broadcast room was a little unbelievable, it was simply impossible to do it!

How to ensure that the speed and distance between so many vehicles are exactly the same, and even braking and starting are all integrated.

It simply touches their IQ blind spots.

I simply can’t imagine how this method was accomplished, and where is the person controlling the vehicle?

It’s so outrageous!

"I'm sorry, am I too inexperienced and short-sighted, or is the world not as simple as I thought?"

"Even just thinking about it, it seems so outrageous. How are so many vehicles controlled?"

"These are all transport vehicles. Weight will have an impact on vehicle speed. Why does the other party dare to make such a setting..."

"This car is unmanned. Is it programmed? Then there is someone in front to take the lead."

"Even professional drivers can't do it to this extent. I just used that starting and braking distance to control it."

"Not to mention professional drivers, the driving school instructor came, and when he saw it, he shook his head! I can't do it!"


When the experts from the Chengdu Research Institute saw this scene through the live broadcast of [Safe Traffic].

They are also so confused...

When I first saw the dashboard, I quite agreed with netizens’ guess that it was in the style of a train car.

It can indeed attract more.

As long as they are connected in series, as long as the horsepower of the front of the car is enough, even a steam engine can drive it.


When many scientific researchers in the conference room saw so many "train cars" without linking devices.

Their faces were full of disbelief. Each 'train car' is completely independent and has its own power system...


What's more, it can achieve the goal of starting and braking all vehicles at the same time, as well as controlling the distance between vehicles.

There will not be many safety issues such as car accidents caused by the decrease in the speed of the carriage after the carriage is loaded with rice.

Even from a distance, this ‘train’ consisting of countless vehicles definitely looks more like a train than a train!!

As for each carriage, you can sit in this stable driving method.

Many researchers in the conference room have a rough guess in their minds, that there is only one possibility...

These carriages are all equipped with driverless technology!

Among them, a staff member boldly guessed: "The transport vehicle that Reporter Zhou and the others were riding in..."

"There are no human drivers. The only thing that can sit in this level is driverless technology!"

After hearing this, most of the scientific researchers on site nodded in agreement…………

Self-driving technology has been developed in Tesla New Energy Vehicles, which has a corporate culture of spontaneous combustion.

Not particularly mature.

It can also achieve autonomous driving, but it is simply impossible to achieve the level of this long "train".

At best it’s auxiliary

That’s it!

But now…………

What is in front of them is not just the autonomous driving of one carriage, but the autonomous driving of 30 carriages.

Moreover, the instructions for starting, reversing, and braking actions are almost exactly the same.


When these vehicles are loaded with rice, the speed is reduced and they can maintain an orderly formation.

Just thinking about this, many scientific researchers in the conference room felt suffocated from the bottom of their hearts.

Only by truly understanding it can we know how difficult it is to achieve and... the other party's technological well!

With today’s autonomous driving technology…………

Can it really be done to this extent?

Many researchers who are experts in various fields reflect on themselves and realize that it is absolutely, absolutely impossible.

At least.

In the next 30 years, autonomous driving technology will not be able to reach the top level like this 'train'!

Finally, the one who broke the silence was the vice president of the institute, his face was extremely solemn.

His eyes were fixed on the live broadcast of [Safe Traffic], and his tone was extremely solemn: "It is definitely autonomous driving technology..."

"And it is mature autonomous driving technology."

"But you seem to be ignoring the most critical point, why can so many vehicles sit in a neat lineup?"

“Is it really possible to ride on a self-driving car?”

The scientific researchers in the conference room shook their heads subconsciously after hearing this soul torture.

It's simply not possible.

The so-called automatic driving speed is simply impossible to sit and cooperate to this level. It would be good to be able to drive normally.

Not to mention carrying out so many complicated operations at the same time!

In the seats at the back of the conference room, there was a relatively young scientific researcher who asked in an unconfident tone.


"You don't mean to say that all the autonomous driving technologies in these more than 30 vehicles are connected in a systematic way, right?"

After hearing this, the vice president nodded seriously, and said in an extremely solemn tone: "This is definitely a big system."

“Leading this driverless function!!”

The expressions on the faces of the scientific researchers in the conference room were extremely exciting after hearing this bold guess...

It’s not that I find the vice-dean’s words unbelievable.


Thing 2.8 In fact, this may be the case. All self-driving train cars are controlled by the main system!


How terrifying are Su Xiaoke's parents, or the scientific research forces behind her parents.

To be able to do this?

If this self-driving technology is available to the whole world, there will definitely, absolutely be countless car companies that will come and send money.

Also known as………………

Directly push global vehicle driving into the era of driverless vehicles and change the global landscape!

In the slowly moving carriage in the back, the cameraman saw the unbelievable scene of the vehicle moving, he murmured in a low voice.


“Could this be self-driving technology?”

Zhou Shuyi also suddenly came to her senses. She had never thought about driverless driving at first.

The carriage they were in was not controlled by anyone, but it could still run normally...

Without delaying the progress of the entire ‘train’.

This is probably not the simple driverless version of Tesla on the market, but the world's leading one!

She quickly said: "I think it is really possible...but if there are so many vehicles."

"Even if there is a driverless driver, how can we achieve this... level of complete synchronization?"

After hearing the conversation between the cameraman and Zhou Shuyi, countless netizens in the [Safe Traffic] live broadcast room came to their senses instantly.

at the moment.

The only possibility is that so many transport vehicles are controlled by driverless technology.

And this driverless technology is not what they think it is, but the world's leading driverless technology.


Behind so many driverless vehicles, there is a huge system that electrically connects so many vehicles!

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