[Safe Traffic] Many viewers in the live broadcast room followed the footage of the program and saw the slowly moving 'train' composed of countless cars...

Especially when you know that these cars are controlled by driverless technology, you can't even mention how exciting it is.

Tesla's new energy vehicles, even if they are equipped with automatic driving functions, have been involved in many car accidents.

The most important thing is...

Autonomous driving can only be regarded as driving assistance.

What was placed in front of them was a carriage modified from 30 cars, fully realizing the driverless function!

Moreover, it can maintain an autonomous driving system that can start, brake, and complete many commands at the same time.

Such a shocking feeling………………

Compared to the first time humans landed in outer space, it is no exaggeration. It completely opened the door to a new world for them.

You know, the 'train' composed of so many vehicles does not perform simple driving work!

Instead, the 3,000 kilograms of rice that has been processed must be transported from that machine back to the warehouse for storage...

Just thinking about it makes me feel so outrageous!

The key is that when carrying out these instructions, these vehicles are neat and uniform, if you don't look close to them.

No one would have thought that this seemingly long train is actually made up of countless vehicles...

"This is really driverless technology. It will completely destroy Tesla's automatic driving..."

"And haven't you noticed that these vehicles feel like they are a whole!"

"Is there a possibility that these vehicles are not only equipped with driverless technology, but also a whole set of large systems..."

"With so many vehicles connected in series, can they perfectly carry out all the tasks in the order?"

"If this is really the case......"

"How many years of technology do you have to be ahead of the world to be able to achieve this level? Su Xiaoke's father..."

"Who is he?"

Zhou Shuyi's originally solemn expression saw countless netizens discussing the identity of Su Xiaoke's father...

There is also curiosity in my heart.

The science and technology the other party has mastered are completely leading the world, but now, she doesn't know anything.

News about Su Xiaoke’s father. 17 I have never even heard of his name, so there is only one possibility: these technologies have never been made public!

Zhou Shuyi's thoughts were directly interrupted by the simulated squeaking sound when this 'train' stopped.

Immediately afterwards.

What reached her ears was the extremely familiar sound, which was exactly the sound of the square cultivator harvesting rice.

Like a laser, it cuts off the roots of rice directly.

When she heard the harsh sound, Zhou Shuyi's face was full of doubts. Isn't that square breeding cabin a test field?

Is it used to test whether this scientific research result can be actually implemented?

But why, the figure that looks like rice being harvested can also be heard here, but it's just where their carriage is now.

You can't see the scene ahead at all.

Zhou Shuyi frowned and asked with confusion on her face: "Did you hear anything just now?"

"Why do I feel... like a machine is mowing the grass!"

The sound of mowing the grass was not quiet, and the accompanying cameraman and middle-aged policeman also shook their heads after hearing this.

Among them, another photographer whispered: "Could it be... the sound that resembled the cultivation manifest just now?"

Due to the radio effect, netizens in the [Safe Traffic] live broadcast room could vaguely hear it after adjusting the volume to the maximum.


They didn't hold out much hope for the speculative possibility of whether it was a square cultivation cabin.

The previous square cultivation cabin was eye-catching enough, and it directly realized functions such as rice planting and harvesting.

There are also robotic arms at work, so the level of counterfeiting is definitely not too low.


That single square breeding cabin was most likely the experimental field created by Su Xiaoke's parents.

This is a test field for fully automated cultivation and testing of this technology to see if it can carry out normal operation and production.

"real or fake?"

Zhou Shuyi frowned, her face full of confusion.

Although she didn't know much about scientific research and experiments, she saw the appearance of the square cultivation cabin.

Just know that the cost will definitely not be too low.

For scientific research experts like Su Xiaoke's parents, setting up such a fast experimental field in the manor is enough.

Could it be...

Fully automatic cultivation cabin for other agricultural products?

Thinking of this, Zhou Shuyi's face was filled with curiosity, and she guessed: "I suspect..."

"It should be a cultivation cabin that can produce other crops, right?"

After she said these words, she didn't hesitate at all. Anyway, the whole 'train' had completely stopped.

Go take a look and maybe you will find something new...


When Zhou Shuyi, the cameraman and others took a detour to the other side of the carriage, they were dumbfounded when they looked at the scene in front of them.


What appeared in the sight of countless of them was the plain, covering an area of ​​at least 6 or 7 acres.

After all, the manor is a large area, and it is quite normal to have a small open space...

But the actual problem is that there are not even houses on that plain, they are all arranged in an extremely orderly manner.

Square fully automatic cultivation cabin!!

There were so many of them. Just by taking a quick glance at them, I estimated that there were more than 30 of them, excluding the path where the train was traveling.

Utilizing space to the extreme…………

And just now.

What they vaguely heard, like the sound of mowing grass, was the fully automatic cultivation cabin in front of them, harvesting rice!

"What the hell is going on..."

Zhou Shuyi came back to her senses from the inner confusion, with an extremely bitter expression on her face. At first...

She also wondered if it could be an automatic cultivation cabin for other crops, but who could have imagined it.

Just in that little plain.

There are actually 30 square cultivation cabins on display!

Even from a distance of tens of meters, you can still see the crops grown in those square cabins.

It’s all rice!

And it’s golden and brilliant rice, waiting to be harvested

This doesn't mean.

[Full-automatic cultivation cabin] This scientific research technology has not only been realized among Su Xiaoke’s parents...

Has it jumped directly to the mass production stage?

Not only Zhou Shuyi was confused, but also countless viewers in the [Safe Traffic] live broadcast room felt the same way.

just now,

It can be said that they have personally understood the technological level of the square training cabin, and it is a level that can be filled directly.

The counterfeiting aspect will definitely not be low. Just the glass wall with the appearance of the square cabin, the price will definitely be very unattractive.

It can bear the weight of the three layers of metal partitions, maybe they are made of many pieces of tempered glass.

Not to mention the mechanical cost.

Those robotic arms are used at the high-end technology level, and the price of a single robotic arm may be as high as one million!

conservative estimate,

The square cultivation cabin cost tens of millions. I originally thought it was just a test field created by the boss.

But now………………

There are a total of 30 identical machines placed in front of them, which can be said with confidence.

The fully automatic breeding system, Su Xiaoke’s parents have reached the mass production stage!

The key thing that makes people feel most outrageous is the purpose of these square cultivation cabins, which are so simple...

It’s really about growing rice!

These agricultural scientific research equipment, which are conservatively estimated to be worth 1 billion, are really put to good use.

Used to grow rice!

When many viewers in the live broadcast room saw this, they had an indescribable strange feeling in their hearts. It was ridiculous?


This is normal. After all, this technology must be developed to increase rice production.

But even if I think so......

Many viewers felt a sense of violation and complained in the [Safe Traffic] live broadcast room.

"Isn't this a bit outrageous~"

"You can directly watch the mass production of the [Square Breeding Cabin] from your manor at home. It's just right if you have money..."

"It just feels weird to me, but looking at those square cultivation chambers working, I can't tell!"

"Good guy, can anyone tell me why we have so many square breeding cabins at home...

"The yield per mu is 3,000 kilograms. With these 30 breeding cabins, can they produce at least 90,000 kilograms?"

"With a monthly output of 90,000 kilograms, I have some doubts about whether Su Xiaoke's family's manor can accommodate the piles..."

"The key point is, don't you think it's outrageous? This high-tech... was developed and is really used for growing rice."

"Can we really recoup the cost of investing in this agricultural technology just by relying on these rice plants?"

Zhou Shuyi's face was equally confused. She looked at the square cultivation cabins that had been mass-produced and twitched her lips.

This is………………..so simple and honest!

With so many square cultivation cabins, the investment cost is at least in the hundreds of millions, and the result is really farming!!

During the short period of time when they were stunned, 30 square cultivation cabins were working almost at the same time.

Harvesting of these rice will be completed soon.

And the stopped 'train', accompanied by the sound of the steam whistle, slowly started again, striving to walk in an orderly manner...

"Let's follow quickly!"

After Zhou Shuyi saw this scene, she returned to the train carriage without any hesitation.

When these vehicles completely recycle the rice, it might be in the storage center of this manor.

Saw the staff and such!

The cameraman and the middle-aged policeman did not hesitate, and decisively followed Zhou Shuyi onto this train made up of countless vehicles.

In terms of grain transportation, this long transportation fleet is still driverless.

All the rice in the 30 fully automatic square cultivation cabins was stored and slowly transported towards the warehouse.

Speed ​​has not improved.

It is still maintained at 20km.

Zhou Shuyi also knows that if the train has tracks, if the train has tracks, this time...

She should have run along the track, but the problem is that these train carriages are all modified from cars.

I want to go to the other party’s warehousing center...

All I can do is be patient, take the 'train' created by the other party, and drive there slowly~


The manor covers only a small area, although the train looks a bit longer.

But it takes less than 2 minutes to get to the storage center.

The storage center here is more like a large villa than a warehouse, but it is being designed...

Except for the fact that there is a road that directly crosses this villa, it is very different from ordinary villas.

After Zhou Shuyi saw this warehouse converted from a villa, she couldn't help but twitch her lips.

That’s outrageous………………

In Chengdu, a villa that many people can't even dream of living in can only be used as a warehouse in Su Xiaoke's home??

She is quite familiar with the housing prices in Chengdu. Even in such a suburb, the price is around 10,000.

And this villa………………

If it were to be sold, the price would definitely be in the tens of millions!


She was not given a chance to complain, the moment these vehicles converted into train carriages passed the villa.

There is a transportation device, and all 230 of the rice that has been simply processed in the carriage is taken out.

Along with that mechanical synthesized sound.

[The rice has been processed and is being divided into zones for storage!]

The moment Zhou Shuyi heard the beep, she turned her attention to the huge machine in the villa.

I don't know much about this aspect, but I can basically tell the general function of this machine.

It is estimated that all the rice will be further processed and the rice will be sealed for storage...

She moved forward with a rather curious look on her face, and the cameraman and middle-aged policeman who were frozen on the spot had no choice but to risk their lives to accompany the reporter.

They all came together.

Nothing unexpected happened, just on the other side of the rice subcontracting machine, as the machine started to operate.

Rice is constantly pouring out from the conveyor port on the side and poured into the brand new snakeskin bag next to it, and the filling is completed in an instant.


There are two flexible robotic arms that seal the snakeskin bag full of rice with smooth movements.

The efficiency is extremely high.

As for the snakeskin bags filled with rice and sealed, they were quickly picked up by the robotic arm and neatly stacked aside.

They are piled up like hills.

Just looking at this completely mechanized work process, Zhou Shuyi felt numb inside.

Machinery replaces labor…………

If she put it in the past, she would definitely think it was a joke, but now it seems to have come true!!

Zhou Shuyi took a few deep breaths, and after calming down a little, she came to the hill where the snakeskin bags were neatly stacked.

Take a closer look.

The snakeskin bag clearly says 'Su's Grain Shipping Company', it's not a coincidence, it's on other snakeskin bags...

They are all printed with the name "Su's Grain Shipping Company"!

Zhou Shuyi frowned, feeling that the company name printed on the snakeskin bag looked a little familiar.

I don’t know what the meaning behind this name is...

The netizens in the live broadcast room couldn't sit still after seeing this only useful message.

"This Su's Grain Transportation Company should be buying rice, right?"

"It should be Su Xiaoke's family business. There is absolutely no chance of such a coincidence..."

"I think this is quite normal. There are 90,000 kilograms of rice every month. Why not sell it?"

"So, what is the name of the rice produced by Su's Grain Shipping Company?"

As for the program [Safe Traffic], it is originally intended for a large audience in Chengdu, and there are many local viewers in the live broadcast room.

When they see…………

The rice I eat on weekdays is actually a train made by [fully-automatic cultivation] and [unmanned driving]...

The high-tech products produced by the combination.

That kind of fucked up mood is very strange. I bought low-priced rice in the supermarket.

It was actually produced with such high technology?!

ps: I beg for monthly tickets.

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