My Five-Year-Old Daughter Was Driving A Car, And My Nuclear Explosion On The Moon Was Exposed

Chapter 075: Just This Individual Combat Armor? Not Enough! Stop Her!

Not only Tan Qiao, but also the traffic police and special operations soldiers who formed the defense line were also confused.

Before this task, they also knew in advance that this BMW 5 Series was equipped with so many black technologies.

But what they didn't expect was...

Just when the vehicle was about to be intercepted, such a change occurred, which immediately confused them.

Didn't say anything...

This car can transform!

As for the police helicopter hovering in the sky, the cameraman carried an ultra-high-definition camera to capture the footage on the highway.

Produces ultra-high-definition graphics special.

Through the lens, the audience in the live broadcast room, who originally only had a rough look, finally saw the full picture of this small mecha.

Only about 2 meters in height.

The limbs are transformed into robotic arms, which are quite small, but every part is completely natural.


The BMW 5 Series in mecha mode is his true face!

Many viewers in the live broadcast room did not expect that such an accident would happen, just like what Tan Qiao said.


Became a robot??

Most of the netizens in the live broadcast room have watched the sci-fi movie Haolaiwu on the other side of the ocean and have a good understanding of robots.

Only exists in movies…………

As a result, just before so many levels, the vehicle suddenly transformed into an Autobot, which is outrageous just thinking about it!

[Safe Traffic] Countless netizens in the live broadcast room could no longer contain their excitement and commented one after another.

"No, I just went to get a glass of water. Why did this car directly transform into a mecha?"

"Who can tell me what happened..."

"What the hell, aren't Transformers all from movies? Why did this BMW 5 Series transform directly..."

"Even Transformers have never seen such a small one!" "Seven Zero"

"The details of this mecha are so good, it makes me feel that this is the original form of the vehicle..."

"I asked why this car needs good brakes, but I stopped installing them. It was a showdown. In fact, I am a robot, right?"

Not only were the netizens in the live broadcast room confused, but Tan Qiao, who was sitting on the police helicopter, was also confused.

He didn't expect it either.

What he said casually just now actually struck a chord with me, and he turned into a human being and rushed over.

But what Tan Qiao didn't expect was that this BMW 5 Series was actually equipped with this kind of black technology and could be used directly as a machine?

Thinking of this, he felt a sense of inexplicable absurdity in his heart, after all.........the black technologies that were installed before.

What kind of vehicles can fly, levitate, have automatic defense functions, etc...

In fact, it is understandable. Su Xiaoke's parents took the safety performance of the vehicle into consideration when modifying it.

Just got so many black technologies.

But now??

When faced with the layers of siege in the previous levels, the Autobot transformed into an Autobot without even pretending to be equipped?

The key is this height......

Calling it a mecha is not enough, but it gives him the feeling that it is a bit similar to a future individual robot?

Tan Qiao twitched his lips, his tone full of unconfidence: "You may not believe it if I tell you..."

"I didn't think this BMW 5 Series could transform into the form of those robots in science fiction movies."

"At this critical height, it doesn't look like a mecha at all, right?"

After he said these words, the other four people in the helicopter did not respond, as if they had seen a ghost.

at last.

It was my old partner, the cameraman, who swallowed his saliva after coming back to his senses, and said in disbelief: "This can't be..."

"Individual armor in future technology?"

"I've seen a lot of movies with scenes about individual armors, and they really look similar!"

After Tan Qiao heard this speculation, he suppressed the shock in his heart. He glanced at the cameraman and asked, "Can you zoom in closer?"

After hearing this, the cameraman didn't hesitate at all, and decisively pulled the lens as far as it would go, so that he could see through the glass.

See clearly the scene inside the mecha.

5-year-old Su Xiaoke was sitting in the driver's seat. The original round steering wheel of the vehicle had become two gear levers controlled by the mecha.

And there’s that blue screen that has a sci-fi feel to it.

All viewers watching [Safe Traffic] also breathed a sigh of relief. The good news is...

This BMW 5 Series is not a mecha from a science fiction movie.

The bad news is.

What appeared in front of them was an individual armor that could be controlled freely and also came from the future.

The kind that can be controlled by Su Xiaoke...

Many netizens who saw this were buzzing in their heads, and some kind of bad premonition gradually developed in their hearts...

Could it be that this interception mission is going to be bad again?

In the Chengdu Scientific Research Institute, it was also their order to make all-round interception arrangements for this BMW 5 Series.


The BMW 5 Series driven by Su Xiaoke can fly, so just start from the airspace and block it directly.

But the changes in things were still far beyond their imagination.

In other words, it completely refreshed the views of more than 30 researchers in the conference room. It was really outrageous!

The interception work that was originally thought to be foolproof, turned out to be the biggest change...

In the attention of countless people.

This BMW 5 Series actually looks like the individual combat armor that appears in those science fiction movies!


"Holy shit, what the hell is going on here? This BMW 5 Series...has directly turned into a personal combat armor?"

"I can't come!"

"This size shouldn't be like a mecha, and Su Xiaoke can also control it. It should be like in those science fiction movies..."

"The individual combat armor was rubbed out by her parents."

In the conference room, there were even many scientific researchers who cursed after seeing this incident.

They stared wide-eyed at the live broadcast of [Safe Traffic].

The BMW 5 Series standing on the road has really turned into a 2-meter-tall individual combat armor...

The strange sense of reality constantly impacted their hearts.

Some researchers have proposed this idea in the past, but no one took it seriously, given today's technological level.

There is absolutely no possibility of realizing…………

Even Yingjiang on the other side of the ocean claims to have invested tens of billions of dollars just to develop this kind of individual combat armor.

But what’s the result?

There wasn't even a splash of water.

The BMW 5 Series in front of me really did it, and it was even directly transformed from the vehicle.

No one would have thought that this family car, which seemed to have a little more advanced technology, would actually be equipped with this...

Future technology that is divorced from reality!

The vice president of the institute fell into deep silence. He stared at the live broadcast with a shocked face.

Even vehicle levitation, this outrageous black technology, cannot make him so moved. After all, it is outrageous.

It is still possible.

But after seeing this "individual combat armor" from the distant future, his emotional management was completely useless.

Normally driven vehicles....

It has directly turned into a personal combat armor. Anyone with normal outlook will burst into tears when they see this picture.


As the vice president of the Rongcheng Research Institute, his road management and vision are much higher than those of the audience in the live broadcast room.

Normally running vehicles can be directly transformed into individual combat armors. If in the future, they can be put into military technology.

That may directly all-round dimensionality reduction attack on the battlefield situation that may arise at any time in the future!!

Who could have imagined.

How about a vehicle that was still running normally and turned into an individual combat armor with soaring combat effectiveness and defense?

The vice-president swallowed his saliva and said with a trembling voice: "This... the tactic of individual combat armor, how about applying it?"

"What will happen?"

After he finished speaking, he looked around at the more than thirty scientific researchers in the conference room, wanting to get the answer.


Those researchers who were so shocked by the picture that their brains stopped thinking long ago are destined not to give the answer.

Su Xiaoke's face was full of excitement on that 'single combat armor' that shocked countless people.

What she didn't expect was that the mecha mode that classmate Xiaomai talked about actually turned the vehicle into a mecha...

Even my father didn't tell me about this function. It just looks cool, but I don't know much about its function.


As long as it is something modified by my father, it will definitely be good!


Su Xiaoke's face was full of excitement and he asked: "Classmate Xiaomai, how long will it take for the mecha to start~"

The artificial intelligence did not hesitate at all and replied decisively: "Master, the plug-in device will be activated after it arrives~"

"There are still 10 seconds left to arrive at the current location..."


After hearing these words, Su Xiaoke became completely excited and stood directly in the driving position with her bare fleshy feet.

That fair and lovely face appeared in the sight of countless viewers as she stood up.

She spoke with a milky voice, imitating scenes from science fiction movies, and shouted: "Summon the mecha!!"

Although the sound was not loud, it was picked up by the radio of the "Safe Traffic" program.

Tens of millions of netizens who were paying attention to the live broadcast at this time saw Su Xiaoke's cute appearance in front of the camera.

When he was still shouting the lines of "Zhong Er", the already quite normal atmosphere was instantly amused by this naive appearance.


They did not expect this to happen in the famous scene where the BMW 5 Series suddenly transformed.

But seriously, when will this little robot, which is only two meters tall, be able to be used on its own?


Anyone who has watched some science fiction movies will have an idea. Basically, they start at 10 meters.

Moreover, the functions must be complete, it can fly and enter the water...

It is also equipped with all kinds of cool weapons and so on. Even if the Dragon Kingdom has strict gun control, at least there must be a spray device.

That's right.

From all angles, the 'mecha' Su Xiaoke mentioned could only be regarded as a large robot.

The only way to walk is

Those two legs of it.

The height is only 2 meters.

The one I'm driving now, apart from being somewhat similar to a mecha in appearance, can only be regarded as a single-soldier combat armor at best!

When many viewers in the live broadcast room saw this, their faces became a little tense, especially when combined with the cute appearance.

"Leaving aside the matter of racing, I think Su Xiaoke is quite cute, very much like a child..."

"I guess Su Xiaoke's parents told her that this was in mecha mode in order to make their child happy, right?"

"Killing me………………"

"She must have never seen a transforming Autobot, so why the hell is it called a mecha? This can only be regarded as a single-soldier combat armor!!"

"That's okay. The robot form will definitely not be able to get through. As long as she is surrounded, there is nothing we can do."

"It feels like this wave is already the last struggle..."

When many netizens saw this, they were still a little worried, but they instantly felt relieved.

They were really worried that the sudden transformation into mecha mode would cause an accident in the interception mission.

But looking at it now…………

There is no need to worry at all. Even if this individual combat armor jumps too fast, can it still fly without a propulsion system?

The methods of interception are much simpler.

Tan Qiao, who was sitting on the police helicopter, had an extremely solemn expression on his face, but after seeing Su Xiaoke's cute and naive look.

He also completely laughed out loud.

The original rather dignified atmosphere was gone. He still had some idea of ​​the so-called mecha.

Anyway, it is definitely not comparable to the individual combat armor driven by Su Xiaoke, not only in terms of functionality.


At first, he was worried about whether there would be any accidents due to the forced stop of vehicles, but now he looked at it.

On the contrary, it was Su Xiaoke who solved the most difficult problem in interception by releasing the capture net on this individual combat armor.

Put in a few more layers.

It must be strong enough to restrict the movement of the individual combat armor. By then, the forced interception mission will be completed.

Even the vehicle and driver Su Xiaoke would not be injured in any way.

With a dumbfounded expression on his face, Tan Qiao slowly said to the camera: "Actually..."

"We should thank Su Xiaoke's parents for calling this individual combat armor a mecha."

"Just wait for the SWAT soldiers in front to approach and use the capture net on the individual combat armor driven by Su Xiaoke.

"You will be able to control her continued actions, and then the interception mission will be completely completed."

Many netizens in the live broadcast room even discovered through the lens that the 0.9 armed helicopters in front were constantly approaching.

I immediately realized that Officer Tan said that the success rate of this method was definitely not that high!

The arresting net is usually used when catching escaping criminals. It is loaded with special ammunition and is definitely strong enough.


If the strength of the individual combat armor is fully increased, the first layer of the catching net can be directly torn open, but what about the 10th layer?

What about the 100th floor?!

This interception method can be said to be the most reliable interception method, if it is in the form of a vehicle.

There may be collisions, which may lead to injuries, but in this case, you can completely relax...

"Although I haven't found Su Xiaoke's parents yet, I'm here to thank you. I finally have a way..."

"This wave, it's the daughter who stabbed her father in the back, and was directly countered by her father's white lie!"

"If all 20 armed helicopters use arresting nets, it will be useless no matter who comes.

“This time it’s not just about popping the champagne at halftime, it’s finally possible to impose sanctions on Su Xiaoke!!”

"I can't wait for my exercise book..."


In the live broadcast, Su Xiaoke's movements while standing in the driving seat of the mecha did not change at all.

Her face was extremely serious, pointing to the sky with one hand, and matching the words she said before, not to mention how cute she was.



Along with Su Xiaoke's cute expression, I don't know how many netizens were turned into cute by this naive appearance.


They did not realize the seriousness of this matter.

Just in the blue sky, there was a black object like a meteor, with firelight as it slid down.

Heading towards the location of Su Xiaoke and the mecha...

It was smashed down directly!

ps: Beg for flowers.

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