My Five-Year-Old Daughter Was Driving A Car, And My Nuclear Explosion On The Moon Was Exposed

Chapter 076: Transform Into A Mecha! That's Outrageous! Shocked The Whole Network!

Tan Qiao, who was riding on a police helicopter, heard the sound of something falling rapidly in the sky and cutting through the air.

He subconsciously looked up at the sky.

Seeing in front of him, the shocking scene that Tan Qiao will never forget in his life, on the originally blue and cloudless sky.

There is a black spot falling at an extremely fast speed, and even, because the speed is too high, it is on the object that is suspected of being a 'meteorite'...

A red glow was also seen.

It's like the meteorite falling that leads to the end of the world in science fiction doomsday movies, just thinking about it.

Tanqiao dismembered and stayed in place.

The photographer also captured this point, pointing the ultra-high-definition lens at the sky and maximizing the focal length.


[Safe Traffic] Countless netizens in the live broadcast room also saw a scene that Officer Tan will never forget in his life.

There is a meteorite falling rapidly...

Many netizens were immediately confused. If a meteorite really fell nearby, the Dragon Kingdom Space Administration would definitely give a notice.

Estimate the size of the meteorite, make a rough assessment of the crash location, and block the rough location to avoid danger.

And now…………

Almost without warning, a black meteorite broke into the atmosphere and reached its target.


That’s where Officer Tan and Su Xiaoke are!!

Including Tan Qiao, all the netizens who watched the [Safe Traffic] live broadcast room were confused.

I'm a little confused, what the hell is going on...

But they had a vague feeling that it was not what they imagined. There was a meteorite falling from outer space. Something was wrong?

The cameraman did not fully focus his lens on the rapidly falling meteorite in the sky, but instead focused his lens on it.

Once again, it was given to the individual combat armor Su Xiaoke was riding on.

Standing in the driving seat at this time, Su Xiaoke's movements while standing in the mecha's driving seat did not change at all.

Her face was extremely serious, pointing to the sky with one hand, and matching the words she said before, not to mention how cute she was.



It’s still that familiar middle school taste, just like what I thought about when I was a kid, as if I had the whole world under my feet 17.


When countless viewers in the [Safe Traffic] live broadcast room saw this scene for the second time, their moods changed slightly...

Because right in the sky, there was a 'meteorite' falling rapidly in the direction of Su Xiaoke's 'mecha'.

Such a coincidence.

Many people unconsciously wondered whether this meteorite was really what Su Xiaoke said.

Are they parts of a mecha fusion?

But when they thought about this, they couldn't help but twitch their lips, feeling an unspeakable sense of absurdity in their hearts.

The extremely small possibility of a blind cat carrying a dead mouse will naturally not occur in this situation.

If it is really a meteorite falling, the official department will definitely release relevant information, but let them completely believe it...

This meteorite was summoned by Su Xiaoke. This feeling is just like a joke, right?!

Return to the mecha fusion...

Be them instead. If in front of so many live broadcast room viewers, this incomparable mecha-summoning plot was staged.

I'm afraid it will be so embarrassing that I don't need to buy a house, but just use my toes to buy a two-bedroom, two-living house in Chengdu!!

Netizens in the [Safe Traffic] live broadcast room also expressed their opinions on this matter in the live broadcast room.

"Could this be a coincidence or something?"

"Even if you summon a mecha, it's not like this. This thing should be a meteorite..."

"Whose mecha summons directly from outer space?"

"Stop talking, just seeing Su Xiaoke's cute look makes me want to laugh. It's so awesome!"

"It should be something like a meteorite. I can only say that Officer Tan is very lucky. Not only did he encounter difficult cases..."

"I even saw the meteorite fall in person!"


[Safe Traffic] Countless viewers in the live broadcast room did not realize the seriousness of this matter.

That is the short time to switch perspectives.

The black meteorite in the sky dropped rapidly towards the location of Officer Tan and Su Xiaoke.

Due to the extremely fast speed, even the surface of this 'black meteorite' sparks from friction with the air.

Not only that.

Accompanying the 'black meteorite' was the sound of cutting through the air as the meteorite approached.

More and more intense.

Not only Tan Qiao on the police helicopter and countless viewers in the live broadcast room, but also the police and soldiers participating in the interception mission on site...

Their attention was all attracted, and they couldn't help but raise their heads and look at the approaching meteorite in the sky.

Originally it was just a black spot.

In just a few breaths, it became the size of a fist, and caused countless people's pupils to shrink suddenly.

It was the landing point of this meteorite, the checkpoints they had set up to intercept Su Xiaoke, that made many people feel nervous instantly.

Meteor falls!

When the distance is at least 10km, it is about the size of a fist, and anyone with a bit of common sense can basically tell the difference.

The weight of this ‘meteorite’ is definitely unclear.

If it fell into the forest next to the highway, it might affect them who were intercepted by checkpoints on the highway.

It goes without saying…………

The falling direction of this 'meteorite' seemed to be directly above them, and a sense of crisis instantly enveloped their hearts.


The traffic police and soldiers did not leave directly. The task they have to perform now is to intercept the individual combat armor driven by Su Xiaoke...

After finally making a critical progress, if the opponent is allowed to escape again, the interception mission will enter into trouble again.


Tan Qiao, who was riding in the police helicopter, widened his eyes and swallowed unconsciously. His keenness directly brought a strong sense of crisis.


Including the police helicopter he is riding on, and even the helicopters and police cars with checkpoints around him will be affected!

Tan Qiao's mind was numb as to what kind of consequences a meteorite impact of this magnitude would cause.

It’s totally unpredictable!

He glanced at the colleagues and soldiers at the highway checkpoint who had not made any move and were still trying to intercept them.

If you don't evacuate to a safe location, something will definitely happen!

Tan Qiao did not hesitate at all and took out the communication device decisively. He said: "The meteorite is flying in our direction!!"

"All helicopters and traffic police soldiers on the ground should retreat quickly and stay within a safe distance, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous!!"

The traffic police and soldiers involved in the interception mission responded one after another after hearing the communication issued by Tan Qiao.


The ground was blocked to the impenetrable highway, and as the police car behind them left, they were a hundred meters away in a matter of seconds.

The 20 armed helicopters hovering in the sky and forming an airspace interception also headed towards the rear.

Different from vehicles traveling on the ground.

The huge shock wave caused by the falling meteorite can directly affect the helicopter they are driving!

[Safe Traffic] Countless netizens in the live broadcast room evacuated many checkpoints after hearing Tan Qiao’s instructions.

The mood that was still somewhat relaxed suddenly became tense.

It’s really a meteorite…………

Moreover, the target of the meteorite falling was still on the highway where Su Xiaoke and Officer Tan were!


Compared with the nervous audience at the scene and in the live broadcast room, Su Xiaoke was sitting in the driving position of the mecha at this time.

The expression on his face was the most exciting.

Her eyes fell on the central control screen, looking at the time when the mecha plug-in device would arrive in 10 seconds.

I could no longer hold back my excitement.

Su Xiaoke stood in the driver's seat again, imitating the classic pose of Ke Bei, the god of death in the animation.

She stretched out her chubby finger and pointed to the sky. Her tone was cute and cute, and she said: "Take off!!"


[Safe Traffic] In the sight of countless spectators, the individual combat armor originally parked on the highway’

The four small injectors on the mechanical footsteps instantly eject blue flames, providing considerable propulsion to the mecha.

Not only that……………………

There are also six jets on the back of the mecha, which emit extremely high-temperature blue flames while providing powerful propulsion.

It also provides balance to the mecha.

Just as countless viewers in the live broadcast room were being injected, the ‘Individual Combat Armor’ that was standing quietly on the ground without making any move

Just for a few breaths...

Suddenly it flew up from the ground, and the blue flames from the jets seemed to evaporate the temperature in the air.

With huge driving force!

It is not simply flying off the ground, but taking off on the spot. It takes less than 3 seconds to reach an altitude of 20 meters.

And in the sky………………

The rapidly falling 'black meteorite', as the distance continued to shrink, countless netizens in the live broadcast room finally saw the full picture clearly.

It’s not a stone at all…………

The square black metal device instantly sprayed blue flames from the bottom when it was only 100 meters away from the ground.

Use the powerful thrust to resolve the terrifying impact when falling from high altitude, and the speed will be reduced by half.

The directly hovered screen does not appear.

The black device, which seemed to have fallen directly from outer space, flew towards the position of Su Xiaoke's mecha.

Also known as…………………

It was smashed directly over!!

When they saw this, countless netizens in the live broadcast room felt their hearts tightening, as if their hearts had stopped.

Is something going to happen?!

At this time, Su Xiaoke, who was riding in the hovering mecha, had no trace of panic on his face.

On the contrary, there is a kind of... indescribable excitement.

She looked at the mecha that was about to be finally combined, feeling this function that she had never seen before and only existed in cartoons.

Su Xiaoke's face was filled with excitement, and he stood in the driving position and said excitedly: "Armored Warrior!!"


Su Xiaoke was having a great time, while the artificial intelligence classmate Mai Xiao broadcast the report in a calm tone: "The plug-in device is connecting... The connection is successful!"

"The mecha cabin is about to be integrated into the mecha. The current safety index is: 99%."

If the netizens in the [Safe Traffic] live broadcast room heard what Su Xiaoke just said.

I feel like the middle one...

What I want to complain more about is, is this an armored warrior with a hammer, or is your armored warrior just long?


The big black metal box, after completing the signal source connection with the mecha cabin, instantly decomposed into 8 separate devices.

With the changes of various mechanical parts, it looks like only eight small squares of 1 meter, completing the transformation again.

Four of them are directly attached to the original mechanical limbs of the mecha cabin, instantly increasing the size of the entire mecha.


There are two metal squares, directly attached to the back of the mecha cabin, replaced with armor and a power jet device!

As for the last two metal cubes, they also changed drastically, which made countless netizens in the [Safe Traffic] live broadcast room stunned for a moment...

It is a weapon device that is completely unrecognizable!

Originally only 2 meters high, what they thought was an 'individual combat armor' was transformed in just 3 seconds.

It turned directly into...a mecha!!

As for the black meteorite that suddenly fell from space, countless viewers in the live broadcast room finally came to their senses.

What the hell is a meteorite attack?!

It is estimated that the mecha plug-in device summoned by Su Xiaoke just now gave them a blinding transformation.

Directly transform from a 'single combat armor' that is only 2 meters in size to a future mecha with a power system!


The most critical point is that these mecha devices are not transformed from vehicles, but from space!!

It was smashed down directly!

The external components of this mecha were dropped from space without even causing errors due to the ultra-long and ultra-high distances.

On the contrary, he completed the integration of the mecha directly in the sky. What Su Xiaoke 877 said was not the Second Class Declaration!

It’s all true!!

This should be considered...

In the true sense, precise delivery in space?

When many viewers in the live broadcast room saw this, their minds were buzzing and they couldn't understand the situation at all.

The sudden change even caused them to stop thinking and could only stare at the scene in front of them with wide eyes.


After completing the integration into the mecha, the mecha that originally hovered at an altitude of 20 meters became more than just the mechanical legs.

Even the external power injection system at the rear of the mecha sprays blue tail flames at the same time, providing powerful propulsion.

With a huge landing sound, this huge mecha slowly landed on the highway!

The external mecha device itself is made of special metal, and its hardness is dozens of times that of ordinary metal.

The unavoidable weight caused this mecha, which was estimated to weigh 10 tons, to fall directly on the road the moment it landed...

Make a big hole!

As the smoke and dust on the ground dispersed, countless viewers in the [Safe Traffic] live broadcast room finally saw...

That huge thing standing proudly on the road!!

It is a full 10 meters and three stories high. When the sunlight shines on this pure black mecha, it reflects a strange metallic luster.

Not at the very beginning…………

It was only a 2-meter-tall individual combat armor, but... like those in science fiction movies, real materials, Shen!

The sense of absurdity that is divorced from life and even far beyond their imagination has made countless viewers feel suffocated.

That’s right!

It was a suffocating feeling. When the black meteorite fell, they still felt that it was all a coincidence.

No one would associate the sudden appearance of the meteorite with the words Su Xiaoke said while standing on the mecha.

But reality…………

Far more outrageous than the plot in the movie!


The real mecha really existed, and it was so... outrageous that it appeared in front of their eyes!!

On the police helicopter that had flown 100 meters away, Tan Qiao's eyes widened, and the expression on his face was even more exciting than seeing a ghost!

Originally, when the BMW 5 Series became a 2-meter "individual combat armor", I didn't even think about mechas.

Even if it's him.

I also hold the same thoughts as most netizens.

But what no one expected was that the 'meteorite' that fell from outer space was actually summoned by Su Xiaoke!

Even, in front of tens of millions of viewers in the [Safe Traffic] live broadcast room, he directly transformed in all aspects.

Let the small 'mecha' that was originally only 2 meters tall.

It turned directly into the 10-meter-tall, fully functional behemoth parked on the highway not far away!

Think of this.

Tan Qiao swallowed subconsciously and murmured absentmindedly: "Who can tell me, what the hell is this...?"

"Really... transformed into a mecha!?".

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