My Five-Year-Old Daughter Was Driving A Car, And My Nuclear Explosion On The Moon Was Exposed

Chapter 091: Live Broadcast Of The Space Shuttle Taking Off! Start The Wandering Earth Project!

[Safe Traffic] Countless netizens in the live broadcast room saw the huge hydrogen pool through the program lens.

There was an indescribable feeling of shock in my heart.

Especially after learning about the production method of hydrogen energy, the audience felt an incredible feeling in their hearts.

In the era of developed Internet, you can find out how hydrogen is produced by just searching on the Internet.

A completely enclosed space is required.

The large pool in front of you is really shrouded in transparent glass. With the help of a catalyst, hydrogen gas is produced.

It was quickly gathered into the huge machine next to it and stored in those jars.

The signals of those cylindrical iron cans are difficult to see directly, but the function of the iron cans is also clear.


When many netizens saw this, their minds were buzzing. It can be said responsibly.

This inconspicuous building is a new energy plant with quite complete functions, and it produces...

In an absolute sense, clean energy!

"Holy crap, this is ridiculous. Putting a hydrogen energy plant directly into the manor is outrageous just thinking about it."

"No wonder the cars on the racing track can keep running like this. It turns out there is such a large hydrogen energy manufacturing plant!"

"Just thinking about it makes me feel outrageous. Maybe it's the catalyst. Otherwise, how could Sister Zhou go inside and visit!"

"Really clean energy, looking at the production speed of hydrogen, I'm afraid the efficiency will definitely not be bad..."

[Safe Traffic] Zhou Shuyi now has no intention to pay too much attention to the barrage of netizens in the live broadcast room.

She widened her eyes and looked at the giant hydrogen energy production pool in front of her in disbelief. There was always a sense of unreality in her heart.


The concept of hydrogen energy is only at the level of online encyclopedias, but only a brief understanding is required.

You can know the working principle of hydrogen energy, and the catalyst studied by Su Hao not only improves the efficiency.

Even the conditions for hydrogen energy production have been effectively reduced.

As for the value of this technology, countless viewers in the live broadcast room know much better than she does.

Zhou Shuyi twitched her lips and said in a shocking tone: "This big pond... can actually produce hydrogen directly!"

"I even have some doubts. All the energy provided by the 17'train' I took just now comes from here.

"The technology mastered by Su Xiaoke's parents is really terrifying, far beyond their imagination!!!"

Just when Zhou Shuyi was about to say a few words, a deafening sound suddenly sounded directly.

Seeing that she hadn't said anything yet, he interrupted her immediately.

That roaring sound had an indescribable sense of familiarity, as if... it felt like a space rocket ascending into the sky.


When Zhou Shuyi came up with this idea, she still shook her head and directly dismissed this unrealistic idea.

How can it be…………………

At Su Xiaoke's home, I heard the sound of a spacecraft engine. It was probably the sound of some kind of technology starting up.


Zhou Shuyi was quite curious about the source of this sound. Maybe she could find someone in the manor?

She immediately said to the cameraman: "Let's go out and see... what kind of black technology it is."


After arriving in the empty outdoor area, the roar of the engine became clearer, and Zhou Shuyi suddenly looked back.


It came from the direction of the hill behind the manor.

However, when she turned her gaze to the rear, it was not just Zhou Shuyi, but also countless viewers in the [Safe Traffic] live broadcast room.

Their hearts…………

They all felt like they were out of breath, because what appeared in their sight was the stage slowly rising into the sky...

Aerospace aircraft!

It has a very futuristic sci-fi atmosphere, with the body of an airplane and the huge rocket propulsion.

Even from a distance of hundreds of meters, Zhou Shuyi could feel the hugeness of that aerospace aircraft!


Compared with Dragon Kingdom's Fat No. 5 rocket, it is several times larger in size, accompanied by blue flames ejected from the tail.

With the blessing of powerful propulsion, the spacecraft directly left the ground at a height of 100 meters.

Suddenly lifted into the air!

When the huge engine started at full power, the roar it produced seemed to pierce the ear membranes, causing Zhou Shuyi to cover her head subconsciously.

Not only that………………

Along with the takeoff of the space shuttle, there were also the sweeping air waves and the dust on the back mountain.

In just a few breaths, the space shuttle that was still hiding in the back mountain valley had reached its maximum performance.

Under the strong driving force, it can reach Mach 10 only in the early stages, and as the space shuttle rises.

They were able to see the entire space shuttle, but they were not given time to react.

The figure disappears almost instantly.

Flying straight towards outer space in a daze, even Zhou Shuyi realized it at this time.

What is the purpose of this space shuttle…………

What the hell!

Definitely ‘God’ in the literal sense!

[Safe Traffic] Netizens in the live broadcast room saw the launch of the space shuttle through the ultra-high-definition lens of the program team.

Their heads were buzzing with the impact of a space shuttle taking off at close range.

It directly caused countless netizens in the live broadcast room to stop even the slightest, unable to understand this situation at all.

They have seen a lot of space rockets.

Basically, every country that can explore space sends several satellites every year. Their Dragon Kingdom is a major space country.

It cannot be said that all of the viewers in the live broadcast room have witnessed a rocket taking off, but they are somewhat familiar with this aspect.


The only way for humans to explore outer space is to launch rockets and send those spacecraft directly into outer space.

But when countless netizens in the [Safe Traffic] live broadcast room saw this space shuttle that seemed to come from the future.

After the scene of slowly rising into the sky, they all felt as if... their outlook on life was completely shattered, what the hell!!

Who can tell them what the hell is this?

There is nothing unusual about space rockets. Basically everyone has seen them, but the problem just happened in a flash.

It can no longer be understood in terms of rockets.

It's more like... an oversized transport plane carrying a huge jet engine and flying directly into the sky!

Literally God.

It was originally a relatively normal live broadcast room, but when countless viewers saw the space rocket rising into the sky.

In an instant, Bengbu came to life,

A word came to their minds: space shuttle, a plane that can fly directly into outer space in the true sense!


The space shuttles they came into contact with were all from science fiction movies or appeared in some mecha games!

As a result, when watching this "Safe Traffic" law popularization program today, they actually met them directly?

Many netizens could no longer contain their excitement and discussed the big guy who just flew by in the barrage.

"What the hell is this!!"

"It can't really be...the space shuttle in science fiction movies, right? Is this a technology that humans can master?"

"Haven't you discovered why the space shuttle was launched directly from the back mountain? It could be behind the manor."

"Converted into a space base by Su Hao?"

"That's so outrageous! Who in the right mind would build a space base directly behind his own mountain?"

While countless netizens were discussing, the netizen who was "not interested in science" appeared again.

And his appearance, with just a few words of conversation, directly brought the take-off of the live broadcast room to a climax.

"In fact, what you should pay attention to... is what is behind this space shuttle and what it means!"

“Su Hao…………He not only has the technology of aerospace and space!”

"And, judging from that space shuttle, the aerospace technology he masters is definitely ahead of the rest of the world!"

Under the reminder of the netizen "not interested in technology", they also noticed the most critical point.

On the back of the space shuttle.

The person standing is Su Hao. With his own skills, he actually rubbed a spacecraft out with his hands!!

What the hell………………

Even if it were written into a novel, no one would believe it. The space dream that Long Guo wanted to implement was the result of the efforts of countless people.

The result of more than 10 years of struggle, and now, Su Hao not only masters this technology, but also probably...

Researched independently!

[Safe Traffic] Countless netizens in the live broadcast room had incredible expressions on their faces just thinking about this.

This shit has gone beyond cognition!!


Zhou Shuyi's eyes widened, she opened her mouth and didn't know what to say for a long time. This is really...

Too outrageous!

At first, she felt that although the technology Su Hao mastered was ahead of its time, it could still be done.

But now…………

Zhou Shuyi was completely confused. How could aerospace flight technology be developed by Su Hao alone?

After all, she couldn't hold back in her heart, and she uttered a curse word again: "This... is really going to heaven!"

The cameraman carrying the ultra-high-definition camera looked extremely dull at this time, as if he had seen a ghost.

space shuttle…………………

It was directly in their faces and flew up less than 200 meters away. Is it considered a close contact?

Normally, when a space rocket takes off, no one is allowed within a few hundred meters of it for safety reasons.

And now!!

Thinking of this, the cameraman swallowed his saliva and turned his gaze to the accompanying policeman who was also sluggish beside him.

Fortunately, I am not the only one who is ignorant.

Riding on the police helicopter, Tan Qiao looked helpless and returned the driving rights of the helicopter to the pilot.

His face was full of fucks.

However, at this time, he did not realize what was happening from Zhou Shuyi's perspective.

Tan Qiao looked forward and saw the position where Su Xiaoke controlled the space fighter and disappeared directly, and he said in a resentful tone.

"I'm really convinced by this old man!"

"Basically... every researched technology is so awesome, why doesn't Su Hao go to heaven?!"


Just when Tan Qiao was about to continue joking, the cameraman sitting in the back row gently poked his keyboard.

It's almost time to signal to Officer Tan.

What greeted the cameraman was Tan Qiao's eyes full of doubts. He asked: "What's wrong? Cameraman......"

The cameraman's expression was extremely strange. He didn't say anything more and just handed the phone to Officer Tan in front of him.

He motioned to see for himself.

Tan Qiao frowned, not understanding the cameraman's unusual behavior, and subconsciously glanced at the live broadcast room.

It was Zhou Shuyi doing the live broadcast.

But when Tan Qiao watched the live broadcast of the space shuttle taking off, his expression was extremely exciting.

The whole person was completely stunned.

In the live broadcast, there was a white, huge space shuttle that took off directly from the spot and headed for outer space!

Tan Qiao fell silent instantly, his face was full of bitterness, and he was no longer in the mood to scold his mother.

He just started making remarks.

But what 810 didn't expect was that... right next, Su Hao really sent the space shuttle into the sky!!

Tan Qiao's face was complicated. He glanced at the cameraman behind him and asked, "Am I really a crow's mouth?"

At the same time, Su Hao, who was being searched by countless people across the Internet, was lying in the cylindrical cabin.

The cabin is completely filled with blue solution. If anyone else sees this scene.

You might be shocked.

It was immersed in it from beginning to end, and there was not even a tube reserved for breathing protection.

Under this situation, others would have suffocated and died, but Su Hao not only did not fall into a coma due to lack of oxygen.


The blue solution in the cabin was specially researched by Su Hao and can withstand strong pressure!


Able to breathe normally!

Su Hao lay flat in the cylindrical cabin, looking at the big blue screen not far ahead.

Su Hao didn't know that because of his short absence, Su Xiaoke not only failed to go to school...

On the contrary, it almost broke the sky.


Su Hao has more important things that he needs to deal with, looking at the blue screen not far away.

There was a lingering solemnity on his face.

The [Wandering Earth] plan must be implemented thoroughly, and it must be carried out in a foolproof manner.

The difficulty is still relatively high,

I just don’t know... whether the drastic changes in the solar system can last until I can complete these necessary measures.

And right now.

On the blue screen in front of him, after a brief alarm sounded, the figure of artificial intelligence Xiaoguang appeared again.

After loading the emotional system, the face of the 2D cartoon was filled with lingering worry.

As for the intruder in the manor, it was not prepared to tell the owner, after all, everything was within control.

If there is an emergency...

It's not too late to tell the master, because Xiaoguang knows very well that what the master wants to do is extremely important.

It did not hesitate at all and decisively reported back: "Master~ There is the latest news about the 087 Solar System Explorer."

"It has been detected that the solar wind is changing dramatically and the solar spots are abnormal. It is very likely that the disaster will come early..."

After hearing the artificial intelligence's explanation, Su Hao's originally serious face became more solemn.

All kinds of information indicate that the sun's violent changes and collapse speed are advancing in advance.

And in this case...

It's a bit like racing against death. Plans that were originally planned to be slowed down must now be advanced!


There is no time at all, we must race against time!

Without thinking too much, he decisively said to the artificial intelligence: "Xiaoguang, prepare to launch the Wandering Earth Project!"

"The first step is to push away the moon!".

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