Su Hao's face was quite serious. Without any hesitation, he decisively launched the first step of [Wandering Earth].

Move the moon.

Directly push away from the normal orbit, otherwise the earth will cause collisions between galaxies when it is "wandering".


After receiving this instruction, the artificial intelligence did not hesitate at all, used all algorithms to the extreme, and executed the instruction decisively.


All Su Hao did, no one on earth realized that they were even in danger.

All completely unaware.

[Safe Traffic] Countless netizens in the live broadcast room were dumbfounded after they came to their senses.


Not just regular space rockets, but those that only appear in science fiction movies, space shuttles!

All this black technology has been taken out

Just by simply imagining it, it feels so outrageous. Forget it if there is a huge organization and team behind it.

But all of this was done by Su Hao alone!

This is definitely a feat for the entire history of mankind, and they can be regarded as indirectly witnessing history.

After calming down a little, what followed was the same barrage in the live broadcast room.

"I looked at the space shuttle. This cat can really go to the sky. It is definitely heading for the universe. It is really outrageous!!"

“It’s incredible to think about how powerful an engine is needed to propel such a large space shuttle.”

"Going to space, are you serious?"

"Actually, it's normal for Mr. Su Hao to master aerospace technology. After all, he is the man who built the space base~"

"The key point is that other people use rockets to go to space. If you just fly a plane and go up there, isn't it too much?"

In the conference room of the Rongcheng Research Institute, more than thirty scientific researchers were shocked in their hearts after seeing the live broadcast.

I don’t even know how to describe it!

It just feels like all those years of knowledge about the world have been thrown to the ground and rubbed repeatedly. The key is to step on it a few times!

Dragon Kingdom.

In the field of aerospace, it is definitely the best in the world, with the number of satellites and rockets launched every year.

The success rate is the highest in the world!

However, they only launch space rockets and the like. It’s not like no one has thought of this method.

Directly launching a space shuttle to explore the universe is completely restricted at the technical level, and there is no way to break through!

There are just too many things to consider.

There is no such powerful jet engine at all, and the rocket design is almost streamlined.

Can reduce resistance as much as possible.

If it is made into the style of a space shuttle, it will be a severe test for wind resistance, material endurance, and power.

With today's aerospace technology.

Even if it takes 10 or 20 years, it may not be possible to reach this level, but Su Hao has achieved it.

The space shuttle that took off just now is twice the size of the largest county space rocket in Dragon Kingdom.

Su Hao

But there is the technology to directly send it to outer space. Just thinking about it is a bit outrageous, if it is just a one-time thing.

There is absolutely no need to make it look like a space shuttle and increase the research workload out of thin air.

And through this.

The more than thirty scientific researchers in the conference room could basically tell that this space shuttle

Obviously it can be reused!

A researcher who specializes in aerospace research had an extremely exciting expression after making this speculation.

A reusable space shuttle

The technology contained in it is absolutely extremely mature, far beyond their understanding of the aerospace field!

"This is definitely a reusable space shuttle. How did he send it up?"

"With such a huge aircraft weight, if you want to send a space shuttle into outer space, you need at least Mach 20 power!"

"This technology... is extremely important not only to our Dragon Kingdom, but also to the whole world!"

"An engine with a Mach 20 propulsion power is incredible just thinking about it, and there is Su Hao々"

"What is the purpose of launching this space shuttle?"

Zhang Rui's face was also extremely solemn. After so many black technologies appeared, he no longer had the intention to compare.

Compared to Su Hao.

I didn't even have a chance to carry his shoes.

Compared with the technology of this space shuttle, Zhang Rui was more curious about Su Hao's intention of launching the space shuttle.

After a moment of silence, he slowly said: "Do you think there is a possibility that Su Hao is him?"

"There is a multi-functional space station in outer space. It is very likely that this aircraft is going to supply supplies!"

When Zhang Rui finished talking about this possibility, the entire scientific research staff in the conference room fell completely silent.

only this possibility

But when they thought about this, they felt an indescribable feeling of suffocation in their hearts, a multi-functional space station!

This is something that even the Dragon Kingdom, not even Eagle Sauce on the other side of the ocean, can have in space.


With Su Hao's technology, it is completely possible. Otherwise, the mecha that Su Xiaoke piloted before would be impossible.

It must be stored in a multifunctional space capsule in outer space, or to put it more appropriately,

Space base!

Otherwise, there is simply no way to accurately drop the mecha from outer space to the ground, and the error can be shortened to 1 meter.

It is very possible that the technology of this space shuttle is just a component of the huge technology behind it!

Think of this.

The more than thirty scientific researchers in the conference room were in extremely exciting and complete moods at this time.

space technology.

Even if they can't obtain this technology, they just want Su Hao to give them some guidance on Longguo's aerospace technology.

Everyone will make a qualitative leap!

The faces of the scientific researchers present were quite eager, and they all turned their attention to the vice president. Their meaning was very clear.

After the deputy director was silent for a moment, he picked up the communicator and communicated with the police outside the manor.

He said concisely and concisely: "If that doesn't work, use a police helicopter to tentatively enter the manor. We must find Su Hao!"

"In addition, to observe the real-time dynamics of the space shuttle, it is best to record a complete video!"


The person in charge of the police on the other side of the communicator can still tell the meaning of the first half of what he said. Find Su Hao!

The second half of the sentence is a bit difficult to understand. What is the real-time observation of the space shuttle?

Is it possible

Is it a new technology developed by the Ministry of Science and Technology?

Adhering to the principle of asking if you don't understand, the police chief asked: "I understand what the deputy director said before this."

"But what does the last sentence mean? Is it a new technology we developed or, I haven't seen such a thing before!"

The vice president frowned slightly and explained, "It's the space shuttle launched by Su Hao from the manor!"

After figuring out the situation, the person in charge said helplessly: "We can't see the aircraft at all, and we can't even hear the sound!"

Not only the vice president, but also other scientific researchers in the conference room, after receiving this reply.

Their heads are buzzing

What the hell? Could it be that they saw it wrong? Didn't Su Hao launch the space shuttle directly?

This is absolutely impossible!

The shooting site was very close to the launch point, and there was absolutely no way to fake the roar and the air waves created after the engine started.

Why couldn't the police at the scene see it?

How can this be?!

Not just researchers from the Rongcheng Research Institute, but also many netizens in Rongcheng and even in towns near the manor.

After seeing the live broadcast of [Safe Traffic], I immediately reacted and took a video!

At least

It can be regarded as a souvenir. The aircraft ascended to the sky only when they turned on the camera and pointed it in the direction of the manor.

I was instantly confused.

Because the sky above the manor was so clear that not even a cloud could be found, let alone the huge space shuttle.

This is so meow

what's going on?

Some netizens who do not believe in evil can directly open the [Safe Traffic] sub-live broadcast room, and it is from the perspective of the sub-live broadcast room.

The extremely conspicuous white space shuttle was ascending at an extremely fast speed and was still in sight.

Seeing this, the netizens who were preparing to take pictures were completely confused and couldn't figure out what was going on.

There were also many comments from netizens in the barrage in the live broadcast room.

"I've just seen a ghost. It's a small town near the manor. All the cell phone cameras are pointed at it and I can't see anything!!"

"Except for the clear sky, you can't see the white space shuttle at all. What on earth is going on?"

"The key point is why can it be seen inside the live broadcast room, but then not seen at all outside?"

"Do you think there is a possibility that this space shuttle was actually simulated?!"


"I took out my astronomical telescope, and I can't see anything. I feel like I just brushed it!"

The emergence of those barrages in the live broadcast room made many netizens who were not in Chengdu confused.

what's going on?

In the live broadcast footage, the white space shuttle is still rising into the sky at an extremely fast speed!


What's more, even the roar of the engine can be heard carefully through the live broadcast room.

Then you said it was fake?

Many netizens in the live broadcast room didn't believe it when the space shuttle first took off.

They noticed that the roar of the engine and the dust swept up by the air waves were absolutely impossible to fake.

However, it was impossible for netizens to make fun of this kind of thing, and many people were immediately confused.

As for why this happened, they couldn't tell. It couldn't really be what those netizens said.

Have you been deceived?

Zhou Shuyi also noticed the doubts of netizens in the live broadcast room. She also frowned slightly and raised her head to look at the sky.

It was the space shuttle that was rising rapidly, and the air wave that hit us just now was absolutely impossible to fake.

that question

Where did it come from?

She immediately glanced at the cameraman and said: "[Cameraman, please zoom in closer and see what's going on."


The cameraman didn't hesitate at all and decisively brought the distance much closer. Not only was the detail of the space shuttle much clearer.

Even the few birds flying in the sky can be clearly seen, and those netizens who are paying close attention from the outside.

They also saw those birds, but they didn't see the space shuttle, which undoubtedly made them confused.

I was immediately showered with cold water.

"There are several birds flying over in the live broadcast. I observed them with an astronomical telescope. They are absolutely correct."

"But why, just special

Can’t see the space shuttle?”

"Impossible, absolutely impossible. This space shuttle must be real. Maybe there is some high technology hidden!"

"Is there any brother who is big enough to explain?"

Just when netizens in the [Safe Traffic] live broadcast room were confused by this, the netizen who was diving.

[Not interested in technology] bubbled up again, and the news it brought was equally shocking, he guessed.

"The takeoff of this space shuttle must be real. There is no way it can be faked like the Three Waves!"

"The reason why it cannot be seen from the outside is probably that it is equipped with some kind of black technology to change the appearance and sound of the space shuttle.

"Everything is blocked. The traces of the space shuttle can only be found inside the manor for observation!"

"And it can't be seen from any angle outside!"

[Safe Traffic] Countless netizens in the live broadcast room lost their composure immediately after hearing this netizen’s explanation.

Show now.

Basically, it can be concluded that Su Hao does not know about his daughter's drag racing, otherwise it would be easy to find out.


From Su Hao's perspective, this wave is completely a normal space shuttle launch!

I never expected that Zhou Shuyi would directly enter the manor, taking tens of millions of viewers in the [Safe Traffic] live broadcast room with her.

It’s just (iron)

Su Hao's seemingly "ordinary" space shuttle launch is very different in the eyes of other netizens!

Moreover, many people have also realized that the mecha devices that were accurately dropped previously also came from outer space!

This also shows that Su Hao launched the space shuttle more than once, and anyone can observe such a big movement.

And Su Hao

But he was able to directly send countless space shuttles into outer space without telling the eyes of countless people in Chengdu!

The reason for not being discovered.

It is really possible that, as this netizen who is not interested in technology said, it has the function of blocking outside observation!

After many netizens thought of this, they immediately felt suffocated, and their inner feelings were so special that they are indescribable!


Some people wondered if there was something wrong with their eyes, but what they didn't expect was that the problem actually lay with Su Hao.

In order to keep the launch of the space shuttle secret, they were even cautious enough to directly use this black technology!

"Damn it, no wonder I can't see that shuttle company, my feelings are directly hidden."

"This is a hidden system for the space shuttle, right? Can anyone tell me how it was done?"

"I just hid it from everyone in Rongcheng. I live in a town near the manor and can't see anything!

"No wonder... Mr. Su Hao can send the space base up without anyone noticing!"

"So, how does this hidden system achieve it? It's so invincible. It's physically invisible!"

[Safe Traffic] Countless netizens in the live broadcast room saw this outrageous technology that exceeded their imagination.

Their minds are buzzing, although they can imagine this hidden system of existence and future.

How is this done?

Isn’t this a bit too outrageous?

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