My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1046: Not grown

Chapter 1046: Not Growing Up

"Xiaomeng, what was your height when you first came to your brother's house."

Xu Xiaomeng's'grow up quickly' caught Mu Fei's attention, and after thinking about it, Mu Fei asked her.

"One meter three seven."

Xu Xiaomeng didn't want to think about it and replied neatly with a small hand.

"Then... I measured your height once when I took you to the night market last year. How tall was that time."

"One meter three seven," Xu Xiaomeng did not want to think, Qiao Shengsheng replied.


Mu Fei thought for a while and stood up: "Wait for me."

Mu Fei went to the toolbox on the balcony and took the tape measure.

"Stand here..." Mu Fei pointed to the wall.


Xu Xiaomeng listened to Mu Fei's words, and she didn't ask anything. In response, she ran over with two small beautiful legs and stood against the wall.

Mu Fei took a tape measure and looked at the result.

"Why... it's still one meter three or seven!" Even Mu Fei was puzzled.

It's been a year and a half since Xu Xiaomeng arrived at his house. It stands to reason that a 13-year-old child should have the fastest body growth, but Xu Xiaomeng's height has not grown at all since this year and a half.

"What's the situation," Mu Fei thought in confusion.

And Mu Fei has not had time to think? Just listen to Xu Wanwan’s mother's lesson: "Stinky boy, what are you doing there? Not ready to eat."

"Oh, okay, okay, eat and eat..." Mu Fei had to leave this question behind.

Afterwards, a harmonious and joyous New Year's Eve dinner began. The family watched TV and ate slowly, talking and laughing.

And after the meal was finished, it was half past ten. As soon as it was time to go to sleep, Xu Xiaomeng was immediately confused.

Mu Fei hugged her on the bed and let her sleep peacefully. Xia Xue and her mother packed up in the kitchen, while Mu Fei returned to her room and called Xiao Meng to her mind.

"Xiao Xiaomeng, come out..."

‘Dah, ah... huh, dumplings are so delicious...’ Xiao Xiaomeng’s voice came.

"Eat dumplings," Mu Fei put three black lines on his head.

Okay, Mu Fei is speechless about this artificial intelligence.

‘Don’t be cute, just talk about business...’

Mu Fei reprimanded in his head and asked, ‘It’s been a little over a year and a half, why Xiaomeng didn’t grow tall at all, why is it still one meter three seven,’

‘So you asked this! This is normal...’

Xiao Xiaomeng replied unintentionally, ‘because the ‘partner’ like the subject, once the age profile is determined, it will never change in the future,’

‘In other words, she is just like that, basically she won’t grow up, um, that’s it,’ said Xiao Xiaomeng.

‘No... grow up,’ Mu Fei repeated in his heart.

Xiao Meng said easily, Mu Fei got the news, but it was uncomfortable.

Although Mu Fei likes Xu Xiaomeng's short, sly, cute look, and is very comfortable in his arms, he doesn't like Xu Xiaomeng's words, he only treats Xu Xiaomeng as a companion. 'Partner' only.

In Mu Fei's heart, he really regarded Xu Xiaomeng as his'sister'.

Even if an older brother likes what his sister looked like when he was a child, he will not hope that his sister will never grow up. On the contrary, he will hope that she can grow up and grow up healthy.

Therefore, Mu Fei listened to Xiao Xiaomeng's words and felt as if he had been "sentenced" by the doctor, and his sister had any incurable disease.

In short, it is very uncomfortable.

While thinking about it, Mu Fei suddenly realized a more critical issue than this "not growing up".

"Hey, by the way, Xiaomeng, she won't grow up...then her life..." Mu Fei asked.

‘Hey, master, you can rest assured about the life of the subject...’

Xiao Xiaomeng waved her hands and explained,'Like a'partner' like the subject, has a long life span, which is about a hundred years, much longer than normal people, even if you die... ah cough cough cough cough ...'

‘I’m sorry, Master, please forgive my straight-heartedness. For the Chinese New Year, I used the unlucky word ‘death’. I’ll say it another way...’

‘I mean, under normal circumstances, the subject can stay with you until you burp, so you don’t have to worry about the subject’s life...’

After hearing Xiaomeng's words, Mu Fei covered his head with black lines.

‘Dead, burp,’

‘It’s not the same as his horse,’

However, after learning that Xu Xiaomeng didn't grow up, but had a long life span, Mu Fei was much relieved.

At the same time, he also knows that he can't hurt the AI ​​that loves selling cute, so he didn't care about her.


After rest assured, Mu Fei thought of a ‘key’.

‘Then since Meng Meng won’t grow up... then she won’t grow old! Mu Fei asked.

‘Hmm, you guessed it right. Although the subject will not grow up, at the same time, she will not grow old. She has always been 13 or 14 years old,’ Xiao Xiaomeng replied.

After hearing this, Mu Fei relaxed a lot.

Girls love beauty, even if Xu Xiaomeng is usually stupid, and it is no exception. It can be seen from the point that she cannot remove her eyes as soon as she sees beautiful clothes.

Although Xu Xiaomeng can’t grow up and become a ‘big girl’, which is very regrettable, but she won’t get old because of the disaster. This is also a disguised form of eternal youth.

‘Perhaps, this is also a good thing for Xiaomeng,’ Mu Fei thought to himself.

And thinking of this, he felt a little'relaxed' in his heart, not so depressed...


How long is the "New Year"? In everyone's mind, there is a different time and length.

For office workers, it may be a week.

For some old people who leave home for leisure and have nothing to do, the New Year may not be completed until the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.

For children and students, I fear that the entire first month will be the New Year.

But for Mu Fei, the New Year is very short.

Because Mu Fei's family is a'small family', there are few relatives and friends, so naturally there is not so much food to eat, so many doors to skewer.

It only took five days. On the fifth day of the Chinese New Year, when other people were busy walking with relatives, Mu Fei’s ‘year’ had already passed.

Mu Fei's mother all went to book train tickets back to Shencheng, preparing to go back to open a garment factory, and the major job was overturned.

It is worth mentioning that compared with Mu Fei's leisure of the New Year, Lin Ruoyi will be much busy.

Lin Ruoyi’s home is a ‘big family’ with many relatives and friends.

Whatever the seventh aunt, the eighth aunt, the third uncle, the four aunts, and the second uncle, all counted to catch up with a strengthened company, and even when they were so smart, Lin Ruoyi could not remember all the relatives and elders, who Who is it, which is which.

It is precisely because Lin Ruoyi is very busy, so apart from the 30th day of the New Year, Mu Fei and her spent New Year with text messages, never contacted these days.

On the afternoon of the fifth year of the Chinese New Year, Mu Fei was idle and bored. When playing computer games, he received a call from Lin Ruoyi.

"Ah, Fei, are you free with your aunt tomorrow day? I, I want to go to your house and see my aunt..." Lin Ruoyi's soft, shy voice came from the phone.

"Hey, you come, can you be free, and you have to take time out, right?"

Mu Fei laughed and replied: "Ruoyi, when will you come tomorrow."

"Probably, about ten o'clock..." Lin Ruoyi replied.

"No problem. I'll wait for you at home. You will come directly when the time comes. That's right. I don't need to pick you up." Mu Fei asked.

"No, I have an appointment with Lingzi, and then I will meet her first, and then the two of us will pass together..."

"A Fei, but I still have to tell you something. I have something to do tomorrow afternoon, so I can't stay long for you tomorrow."

Lin Ruoyi explained: "Actually... I was looking for a day to be okay. I'll go to you and stay a little longer. I'll spend more time talking with my aunt. But, as you know, my family's Chinese New Year is going to happen again. Too many..."

"From the beginning of the first day of the big year to the fifteenth Lantern Festival of the first lunar month, the rows are full, and they are almost annoying, but it is not enough not to go, so..."

"Oh, okay, if you don't need to explain, I understand..."

Mu Fei smiled and interrupted Lin Ruoyi's words: "That's what it said, yes, "Every family has a hard time"... There are so many relatives and friends in your family, and it is normal to be busy... …"

"So, if you can come to my house to visit my mother, I will be very happy. How can I have so many'things', right?"

"Oh, A Fei, you just understand me! You are so good..." Lin Ruoyi whispered.

‘Ruoyi, your younger uncle’s brother is here, go and coax him,’

While Lin Ruoyi was talking about this, Mu Fei heard from the phone that someone over there was calling her.

"Oh, here..." Lin Ruoyi shouted to the other side.

After shouting, she said to Mu Fei again: "A Fei, there is a guest at home, and I'm going to coax the kids again, I won't tell you first, then... then let's meet tomorrow and talk again..."

"Okay, I'll wait for you tomorrow..." Mu Fei replied.

The two of them said that they hung up the phone.

But Mu Fei only hung up here, and the voice of the mother in the living room came out: "What's the matter, stinky boy, something is wrong!"

Mu Fei's mother has been in a good mood these past two days, which can be heard from her voice.

"It's okay, Mom, I have a friend who will come to the door tomorrow and get some dishes at noon." Mu Fei shouted.

In the past, because of Mu Fei's living alone, several of his brothers lost friends, such as Gao Yuan, Li Zongwei, Zhou Qing, etc., from time to time, they would come to Mu Fei's house to rub and eat.

It was precisely because of this that Mu Fei knew this, and she didn't care when she heard Mu Fei's words. She believed that Mu Fei's friend refers to the "smelly boys" on the plateau.

"Yes, no problem. The food at home is ready-made. Let them play. Mom will cook for you..." Mu Fei answered with a smile.

While the two are talking about it, Xu Xiaomeng, who is watching TV in the living room, ‘popped’ and stepped on the slippers and ran into the house.

"Brother, who is coming?" Xu Xiaomeng shook Mu Fei's arm and asked, tilting his head.

"Oh, it's your sister Ruoyi, she's coming to see..." Mu Fei gently nipped Xu Xiaomeng's nose and replied with a smile.

"Oh, Xiaomeng knows..."

Xu Xiaomeng nodded and ran out again.


Mu Fei couldn't understand why Xu Xiaomeng ran in and asked this sentence, and ran again.

But he didn't care, shook his head in disapproval and continued to play computer games...

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