My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1047: Girlfriend visiting_上

Chapter 1047   Girlfriend's Visit

New Year's Day.

"Dinine Dinine----"

The electronic anti-theft door of Mu Feijia rang.

"Come on----" Mu Fei shouted, jumped from the bed, put on slippers and ran out.

However, Mu Fei was still one step slower. Mu Fei's mother was watching TV in the living room. She was much closer than Mu Fei. When Mu Fei ran out, the old lady had come to the door.

"Come here..." the old lady said, opening the door.

And after the door opened, the old lady who was smiling couldn't help but shudder ---- originally, she thought that there would be a few'stink boys' standing outside, but she guessed wrong.

The outside is not a ‘smelly kid’, but two ‘girls’, and... not to mention, these two girls are pretty handsome.

‘These two girls... are the ‘friends’ of Stinky Boy,” Mu Fei couldn’t help but wonder.

But it wasn’t just Mu Fei, Lin Ruoyi, who stood outside the door, also blushed and bowed her head, looking shy and afraid to speak.

In fact, Lin Ruoyi was nervous and scared just because she wanted to see the ‘future mother-in-law’, so she dragged her girlfriend Li Ling to accompany her. And she and the two of them have been brave for a long time outside the door, which made Li Ling press the door.

But her character is too timid and shy. Even if she has exercised in her mind for more than four or five times in advance, she still feels frightened as soon as she comes to the "Zhenzhang".


Seeing Lin Ruoyi being "scared", Li Ling was helpless. "Ruoya Ruoyi, your character... what can I do in the future..."

Good sister, there is no way, she can only help.


Li Ling coughed twice and reached for Lin Ruoyi's waist, "Uh, uh..."

She gave Lin Ruoy the secret signal even when she moved and brought her eyes.

Until then, Lin Ruoyi didn't recover.

"Ah, auntie, you, hello, me, my name is Lin Ruoyi, I am Ayah, Afei's, that..."

Lin Ruoyi was too nervous, her face flushed red, her fingers gesticulated, and the words in her mouth were even more subtle.


"Ah, you're worried about me..."

Looking at Lin Ruoyi's sloppy appearance, Li Lingzou shot his head straight.

"You can do it, let me do it..."

Li Ling said, wrapped Lin Ruoyi's waist, motioned her to shut up, then smiled generously, and said to Mom Mu Fei, "Hello Auntie, she is too shy, you still listen to me... "

"Her name is Lin Ruoyi, and my name is Li Ling. Both of us are Mu Fei's friends. It's not too old. We heard Mu Fei say you are coming back from the field, so come and see you..."

Li Ling pointed to herself and Lin Ruoyi introduced herself, and after that, I added a sentence, "Oh, yes, aunt, that... I'm just Mu Fei's classmate, but Ruoyi...but your son's girlfriend Oh……"

Now, Lin Ruoyi's complexion turned red, almost purple, and her head was lowered to her plump breast. Her pure white fingers were pointing at each other.

"Hmm..." Li Ling gave Lin Ruoyi a soft touch and gave her a wink.


Lin Ruoyi suddenly realized that he hurriedly bowed to Mu Mufei and said hello, "Ah, auntie..."


As for Mu Fei, she was shocked.

‘Why, what? Female, girlfriend? The kid boy's girlfriend? She is the girlfriend of Stinky Boy, what about Xiao Xue? ’

‘Hey, also, Lin Ruoyi? Why am I so familiar with this name? ‘Mother Mu Fei was full of doubts and turned to look at Mu Fei.

At this time, not only Mu Fei and his mother, but also Xia Xue and Xu Xiaomeng.

"Sister Ruoyi, Sister Ling, good New Year!" Xu Xiaomeng squinted and smiled, greeting the two.

In the end, it was Xia Xue's words to call Mu Fei back to God.

"Ruoyi, Li Ling, the Chinese New Year is good..."

Xia Xue smiled softly and leaned over to take out two pairs of women's slippers from the shoe rack and put them on the ground. "It's cold outside, come in quickly..."

It was only then that Mu Fei's mother remembered: Anyway, these two girls were Mu Fei's friends, and the other was a girlfriend, both came running for their own son. This has to entertain them, not the face of his son.

Thinking of this, Mom Mufei showed a cheerful smile on her face and waved her hands to greet the two of them, "Come on, girl come in, come in..."

"Thank you, aunt." Lin Ruoyi and Li Ling responded and entered the house to change shoes.

And Mu Fei was still saying over there, "Yesterday the stinky kid said there are friends coming, I thought he was talking about them. I didn’t expect to be two female classmates, and they were so pretty Mrs. I'm getting stunned, hahahaha..."

The old lady smiled heartily.

"Auntie, please don't praise us, we'll be embarrassed to praise us again, hehe..." Lin Ruoyi was too shy and couldn't understand if he was nervous. There was no way, everything had to be done by Li Ling.

When they saw that they had changed their shoes, they didn't have to talk to Mu Fei. Xia Xue smiled and greeted the two of them, "Come, take off your coat and bags, let Xiao Fei's house..."

"it is good."

"Thank you Xue."

Lin Ruoyi and Li Ling took off their jackets under the leadership of Xia Xue.

Seeing this scene, Mu Fei's mother was even stranger.

‘This... this Li Ling said just now, the girl named Lin is the girlfriend of Stinky Boy, did Xiaoxue not hear it? No, she should have heard it. But how did she hear it and didn't care? ’

‘Don’t that Xiaoxue’s child don’t like a stinky kid? ’

‘No, it’s not right, it’s impossible. Xiao Xue’s child sneaked a peek at the stinky boy, and the two of them were still frowning, obviously both were interested in each other...’

‘But Xiaoxue is interesting to the stinky boy. Today, when his girlfriend comes, she not only has no idea, but also greets his ‘girlfriend’, she doesn’t jealous? ’

‘Hey, the stinky kid pedaling two boats? Gee, it's not right, you have to sneak on two boats, how can you be so bright and upright like him? Also brought the two girls to the whole house...? ’

‘Oh my god, what’s going on here? ’

Mu Fei couldn't figure it out for a while, and her head wasn't enough for a while.

But she also knows that the two maidens came to see themselves, now is not the time to think about it.

‘Stubborn boy, I’ll interrogate you later! ’

The old lady glared at Mu Fei and went into the house to greet the'guests'.


When Mu Fei's house was renovated, all the cabinets that had been used in the living room were removed. The original bulky ‘head’ TV was also replaced with a ‘wall-mounted’ plasma, and the entire living room had a much larger space.

Now, even Mu Fei's family, plus Lin Ruoyi Li Ling, a total of six people are sitting in the living room, which is more than enough, not at all crowded.

"Come on, kids, eat sugar, drink..."

After sitting down, Ms. Mu Fei scooped up the sugar box and Cheng Jue's juice to greet the two.

"Thank you aunt."

Li Ling and Lin Ruoyi responded.

"Oh, you come to see me, I haven't thanked you yet. What do you thank..." Mother Mu Fei smiled and said casually.

After sitting down, the more Mu Fei thought about the name'Lin Ruoyi', the more familiar she became. Moreover, looking at Lin Ruoyi's round, baby fat baby face, there is a feeling of deja vu, where I have seen it.

"Daughter...Is your name Lin Ruoyi?" Mother Mu Fei asked Lin Ruoyi.

"Yes, yes..." Lin Ruoyi's face turned red again after feeling the gaze of the'future mother-in-law', and she replied shamefully.

"Hey? Boy, have we both met before? Your name... how can I be so familiar?" Mu Fei asked with some doubt.

"Ah? I've seen it, but is it possible?"


Looking at Lin Ruoyi's nervous appearance, Li Ling was helpless again. There was no way out, she could only shoot again... to be exact,'exit'.

"Oh, auntie, of course you will be familiar..."

Li Ling took over the words and said with a smile, "When we were in high school, Ruoyi was the academic committee in the class, and during three years, most of the exams, Ruoyi Ke was the first in the class! She is also the top three every time!!!"

"A good child like her, every time a parent meeting is held, Teacher Liu will praise her. It is not surprising that you hear her name..."

"Oh, by the way, in junior high school, Ruo Yi and Mu Fei were also classmates. Maybe you have heard the teacher mention Ruo often since then. You haven’t known how many times you have heard for so many years, of course you There will be an impression..."

Li Ling smiled gently and helped the sisters to talk.

"Oh, that's what it is. I said I heard her name. Why is this familiar?" Mu Fei Mu suddenly realized.

Although Li Ling is telling the truth, Lin Ruoyi's shy personality is still blushing with a blushing face, lowering her head, slender fingers drawing circles on the table, a nervous, heartbeat look.

I have to say, Li Ling's words are still very useful

Originally, Mu Fei's mother looked at Lin Ruoyi, but she thought the girl was pretty and quiet. Upon hearing Li Ling's words, his immediate affection for Lin Ruoyi skyrocketed.

There is no way, all parents like to learn good children, especially Lin Ruoyi is still so beautiful,'selling photo' is so good. As an ‘elder’, it’s hard to like her or not.

"Not only that..." And at this Xia Xue also interjected.

She smiled softly and said to Mother Mu Fei, "Auntie, do you remember the old alley at the entrance of our compound, the old Lin's house next to the grocery store?"

Being reminded by Xia Xue, Mu Fei remembered it all.

"Ah!! I know, you are the girl of Lao Lin's house, Yi Yi, aren't you?" Mu Fei pointed at Lin Ruoyi with some surprise.

"Well, auntie, it's me." Lin Ruoyi blushed and nodded sheepishly.

"Oh, girl, since your house moved that year, I have never seen you again, let me see..."

Mother Mu Fei took Lin Ruoyi's little hand and looked at her up and down, "Huh, it's really a girl's eighteenth change. You are so tall when you move, now you are so are all big girls Ah!!! Time is so fast..."

Mu Fei is a very nostalgic person. It is even more kind to see Lin Ruoyi as a child of an old neighbor's house.


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