My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1305: Taking the wrong medicine

Dust? Fate? Literature↘Learn→Chapter 1305 Taking the wrong medicine

For a while, it was dark, but there was no latest news from Longfeng

Mu Fei, Ye Tianming, and Chen Babao all talked about the "silent" chat. Mu Fei asked Xu Xiaomeng to take the poker and the three began to fight the landlord. They played the "pop" of the poker. Not so boring anymore


While playing the sea fart, Chen Babao stopped the card in his hand and turned his head to look to the side. Xu Xiaomeng's situation attracted his attention.


I only heard a slight "slap" sound, two large turtles with the size of a basin, I don't know where they came out, they crawled to Xu Xiaomeng's side, and I used her nose to push her slippers

"Well, Amu dumb, what are you doing hungry?" Xu Xiaomeng, who was touching Uncle Xiong's belly, lowered his head and asked softly.

After listening to her, the two turtles nodded

"Oh, well, Xiaomeng will get you some food..."

Xu Xiaomeng shook hands with Uncle Xiong, "Uncle Xiong, please sit down for a while. Xiaomeng will help Amu to eat for a while and come back with you"

After Xu Xiaomeng ran into the kitchen with two slender legs, she still called the two turtles ‘Jenny Turtle’. These two days were fresh and the name was changed back.

"Hmm..." Seeing this scene, Chen Babao touched the beard of his chin and pouted his lips.

He put down the cards, walked to the two turtles and crouched down to stare at the two little guys

"How did you guys grow so big?" Chen Babao asked with a hand and nodded Amu's nose

‘This guy... is he selling cuteness when talking to Wang Ba?’ Mu Fei thought with his eyes closed.

But who knows that the two turtles blinked mung bean's small eyes as if they could understand him, and then opened their small mouths, their heads twisted left and right, and their two front paws snapped like "dancing"


Chen Babao's eyebrows moved slightly and asked "what medicine did you take "medicine""

The two turtles have another meal

"Hey brother..."

Chen Babao looked back and looked at Mu Fei "What medicine did you give them both? They grow so big...and their brains are still developing a lot"


Mu Fei's startled mouth opened up and he looked like **** ‘mud girl...really fake’ this guy can actually ‘listen’ to understand Amu’s stupid thing.’

Seems to see Mu Fei’s idea Ye Tianming grinned and laughed, “Brothers don’t need to be surprised that Xiaoba’s power is ‘Wild Voice’. He can ‘hear’ the ‘ideas’ of many animals and beasts and understand what they mean...”

Mu Fei was surprised again and said: This power... is really strange and has all kinds of functions... actually there is this...

"Hey, brother, ask you... Don't be dazed..." Chen Babao reached out and waved in front of Mu Fei's eyes.


Mu Fei was distracted by him

"Actually, I don't know what they ate. It has always been Xiaomeng feeding them. When Xiaomeng comes back, you ask her..." Mu Feidao

And as the story is saying, Xu Xiaomeng ran back. She put a small plate in a corner of the living room. "Amu, dumb dinner..."

The two pet turtles ‘slapped’ with their small paws and followed to eat ‘supper’

"Xiaomeng, what did you give the two guys? Tell me about this brother..." Mu Fei pulled Xu Xiaomeng and pointed to Chen Babao again.

"Oh, that medicine is a pet evolution medicine prepared by Xiaomeng. After eating, the pet will become stronger and smarter... Uh, it's the sauce purple..." Duluo Li said that she would dry two of them. Arms raised and a'show muscle' shape

"What do you say... you made it yourself" Chen Babao eyes wide open and surprised

"Yeah, it's Xiaomeng woo woo woo..."

After opening her mouth, Xu Xiaomeng was covered by Mu Fei and hugged her back to interrupt the road. "Haha brothers, don’t listen to her bragging. This is not her ‘preparation of her own." Her grandfather passed down from her family is a veterinarian.

Mu Fei smiled awkwardly

"Brother, what do you say? It's Xiaomeng's whine..." Mu Fei sighed and said that there was no way Mu Fei could only cover her mouth again

"Well, after eating the pet... it will become stronger and smarter..." Chen Babao repeated while he turned to look at the uncle Xiong sitting on the floor, the cat on his head, standing on the chair next to him The two crows are watching and thinking

"Uh huh huh..."

And here, Mu Fei covered Xu Xiaomeng’s mouth and gave her various ‘hints’ and various ‘eye-catching’

I have to say that this loli is so stupid. Mu Fei was ‘squeezing his nose and staring at the eyes’ for half a minute, and her face was sour, so she suddenly realized what was going on.

She's not struggling


Chen Babao was a little hesitant in embarrassment

"You have nothing to say about your brother," Mu Fei saw his embarrassment

"I'm sorry, although the "pet evolution drug" is passed down by Xiaomeng's sister family, it is more important...but can you give me something to let me give it...erh, pets also try" Chen Babao tentatively asked

"It's just this, don't worry, no problem..." Mu Fei agreed with a generous wave of his hand

"Does Xiaomeng's pet evolution medicine still exist?" Mu Fei lowered his head and asked Xu Xiaomeng

"Yes, there are many miles" Xu Xiaomeng smirked

"Then you will bring some of your little eighth brother to eat," Mu Fei pointed to Chen Babao Road

After listening to this, Chen Babao's face sucked a little bit of mud girl, you want to eat it? Is that an animal eating, okay, did you say that

This is why he has to ask someone to order him to use Uncle Xiong’s big claws and pat on the rice cooker.

"Oh, Xiaomeng, go now"

Xu Xiaomeng struggled out of Mu Fei's arms with a cry, swayed two slender legs and ran upstairs

After a while she ran back with a small box

She poured a pill out of the box and handed it to Chen Babao, "Here is this"

"Thank you, thank you" Chen Babao said thankfully, took the pill in front of her nose and smelled it

And when he smelled it, he couldn't help turning his eyebrows slightly.

"Sister Xiaomeng... how to eat directly" Chen Babao asked

"Uh, just feed your pets to eat. Any pet can be guaranteed to be 100% safe and effective, and no negative effects are not good. Even if you come to Xiaomeng for a return, dear" Xu Xiaomeng patted the bulging chest, guarantee Tao

Mu Fei, who was sitting on the side, also nodded, giving Chen Babao a positive look

In fact, Chen Babao has always been a bit strange. He always feels the taste of this pill...

But Xiaomeng is a child, and even Mu Fei nodded...

After hesitating, he handed the pill in front of Uncle Xiong. The meaning is obvious but it is "you eat"

Uncle Xiong took the pill with its big claws and sniffed a mouth, "Guru" pill directly into the belly

"How is it" Chen Babao quickly asked


Uncle Xiong sternly touched his own bear head. "I don't have any sense of foot feeling..."


When Uncle Xiong is talking about it, I heard a long sound from his stomach

Then Uncle Xiong's face changed and he clutched his stomach and stood up and ran to the door like crazy

"Boom Boom Boom"

Uncle Xiong is too heavy. Mu Fei estimates that it must have at least five hundred pounds. It runs like an earthquake, and almost the house follows the earthquake.

And it didn’t take long for the door to run out, and the sound of ‘poo’, ‘poo’, and ‘porphy’ and a diarrhea sounded outside.


The door is automatically closed

The people in this room are a little dumbfounded

"That one……"

Chen Babao turned his head to look at Xu Xiaomeng, "Sister Xiaomeng, didn't you side effects?"

"Well, there really should be no side effects. It's so strange..."

Xu Xiaomeng is also puzzled on her small face, thinking with a small hand touching her little head

And when she lifted the small box in her hand...


Silly Lolita exclaimed with a face that ‘was so’

"Sorry Brother Babao..."

She lifted the pill box and shook it. "This is the last time Xiaodie's sister Constipation Xiaomeng gave her the laxative Xiaomeng to take the wrong medicine..."

Xu Xiaomeng sticks out his pink tongue and smiles with a grimace

While Chen Babao looked at her cute look, she didn't know whether she should be happy or depressed.

You have to say that it’s fortunate that Uncle Xiong has been chopped up by her.

But you have to say depressed, there seems to be something good...Fortunately, this guy just took the wrong laxative. If in case she got it wrong today, she took the rat medicine **** horse...

Chen Babao is helpless to think about it

And I can see that these Mu Fei hurried to play'round

"Xiaomeng, why are you so stupid? If you make other mistakes, even the medicine can make mistakes... don't you know that this is dangerous and prone to serious accidents? You, you..." Mu Fei didn't use his fingers Stop and light up Xu Xiaomeng's little head to teach

"Oh sorry Xiaomeng, Xiaomeng knows the wrong..."

Xu Xiaomeng bowed his head and rubbed the small corner of his clothing corner with a look of grievance

And seeing her expression, Mu Fei couldn't bear to continue to teach, "Forget it, pay attention to it later."

Mu Fei waved his hand, "Hurry up and take this back, take the right one back, this time it can't be wrong again"

"Good brother, this time Xiaomeng will never make a mistake..." Xu Xiaomeng said like a bead and ran out

After a while she walked back with a small bottle

And seeing the little bottle in her hand, Mu Fei was helpless

Just now the box is square and transparent. This is a round bottle or cloisonne pattern. These two things are completely different. They are not the same at all.

Mu Fei suspected two completely different things...what exactly did this girl have to make them wrong?

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