My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1306: Important medicine

Dust ← Fate ↑ Literature ↗ Learn? Chapter 1306 Important Medicine

Xu Xiaomeng did not pay attention to the laxative as a tonic, and took it to Uncle Xiong. When he went out, he immediately went out for a while.

In short, even if Mu Fei didn't see the scene at that time, he could only listen to the sound and rely on his imagination... Mu Fei can also guess how spectacular the'scene' outside is...

Mu Fei is very depressed... your sister, you are my girl in my yard... who will clean it up for you

Chen Babao was very depressed when he watched Uncle Xiong become like that, but he turned his head and looked at Xu Xiaomeng's innocent and lovely look. He couldn't complain at all.

"Sister Xiaomeng's medicine...can't be wrong?" Chen Babao asked the pill delivered by Xu Xiaomeng very carefully and asked cautiously

"Won't it not be wrong?"

Xu Xiaomeng vowed to pat his bulging small **** "Our solemn promise is that no matter what the reason is, as long as you are not satisfied, as long as you are unsatisfied, you can unconditionally return it within seven days.

Okay, this loli has a tendency to be addicted to online shopping recently

After hearing Xu Xiaomeng say this, Chen Babao felt more at ease and then... he turned his head to look at the cat and handed the pill to it "Elizabeth you eat"

"Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow"

The yellow-and-white kitten was suddenly scared to take a step forward, shouting while shaking his small head, while his front feet were slightly bent, and the sharp nails on his back were all extended.

The meaning of its posture is obviously clearly saying: ‘I will fight with anyone who asks me to take that medicine’

Seeing that the cat refused to eat Chen Babao, he turned his head and put the pill in front of a crow, "you"


The crow’s very humanized wide-eyed eyes also pointed at himself with the tip of his wing, but then shook his ‘bird’s head’

Seeing it refuses to eat Chen Babao and the cat named ‘Elizabeth’, she nodded and looked at each other.

The crow seemed to feel that something was wrong and stepped back, flapping his wings and ‘run away’...or ‘run away’

But how fast is it?

I saw him flapping his wings and flying for less than one meter, and was pressed by ‘Elizabeth’ and ‘evil tiger catching sheep’... or ‘evil cat catching birds’.

"Gquack" the poor crow cried while flapping his wings while struggling

At this time, Chen Babao went up to break its beak, put the medicine into its mouth, and then closed it

"Pap Pap Pap..."

Another crow also fell down the rock and went up to kick its companion with its ‘bird feet’

Don’t even think about it… let’s not just say ‘one’ pills, but ‘handful’ pills

Mu Fei was speechless when he saw that this person, a cat, a bird...was too special to give them the whole more than five seconds

"How many times does Nimei have to practice this kind of cooperation" Mu Fei wiped Khan's speechless thought

After stuffing the evolutionary medicine into this guy, Chen Babao, Elizabeth, and the other crow all retreated back to stand around, watching the poor guy.

"Ga... Ga... Ga..."

The poor crow first opened his eyes wide and twitched as if to sacrifice


But after a while, it seemed to find something, blinked his small eyes

It jumped up and looked down at its body... okay it was the bird body and then took two steps, slap and flapped its wings and flew up.


It flew over the sea fart and screamed happily, but it was just such a cry... It was so terrible.

"How about feeding?" Chen Babao hurriedly asked

"Quack quack..." The crow replied in "bird language"

While listening to its bird language, Chen Babao couldn't help but widen his eyes, "Are you sure?"

"Quack" The crow fell down again and replied with a little bird's head

"This... this is too fierce."

I saw that the expression on Chen Babao's face was brilliant, he couldn't believe it, then shocked, and finally surprised


Seeing this scene, Mu Fei frowned slightly, "This guy... are you so excited?"


And in Mu Fei's puzzled Kung Fu, the cat named "Elizabeth" jumped up and grabbed the medicine box in Xu Xiaomeng's hand and grabbed it and ran away

"Oh, Elizabeth, why are you grabbing Xiaomeng's things? That's for Amu and Dumba, and come back soon." Xu Xiaomeng shook his two beautiful legs and caught up.

"Quack" another crow also flew to join in the fun

"Brother Mu Fei..."

At this time, Chen Babao opened his mouth and turned to look at Mu Fei's face in embarrassment.

"Haha, I said our brothers don't have to be polite. If you have anything to say, I can help you. I must help." Mu Fei laughed and said

You can see that Chen Babao is not a shrewd person. You have such an obvious expression. Who doesn’t know what you want?

"Actually... um..."

Chen Babao wanted to say it, but he didn't seem to know where to start. Finally he shot his thigh. "Brother, let me tell you from the beginning..."

"Aren't you curious... Don't you think that Uncle Xiong and Elizabeth are weird? Obviously they are animals but they are smart and humane..."

"Of course curious"

"Actually...they are not ordinary animals but "spiritual beasts""

"Spiritual Beast"

"Yes, they are spirit beasts. They are not false, but because of gene mutations, the influence of the external environment, etc., their brains and bodies have evolved to a large extent..."

"Although they are animals in appearance, they have the thinking ability, good and evil views, can understand human words, and even speak human language. They have basically been separated from the "animal instinct" of "relying on instinct"... so I think They are out of the realm of animals..."

"And this is not the point. The most important thing is... These spirit beasts, like our human beings... can be practiced and their "training talent" is much better than our human beings..."


Mu Fei's surprised eyes widened

In fact, Chen Babao said that these words have made him feel "newness" and he heard that the newness should be changed to "shocked"

Animals can practice

Better than humans

This is what Mu Fei sounds like "Tian Fang Ye Tan"

It seems that Mu Fei does not believe that Chen Babao is continuing to say where he is pointing at the door. "Uncle Xiong, according to our algorithm, it should be the strength of the ninth level of Qiqiang......"

"Elizabeth...Practice Qi Tier 2..."

"Even the two little guys have the strength to quench the sixth rank..." He pointed to the two crows again.

"This this……"

This time Mu Fei was a little dumbfounded. This is too special. That bear is actually at the same level as himself.

"Although they are already human, they are not humans after all. It is not surprising that you cannot see their exact rank."

Chen Babao went on to say that "and they are not the same as humans. After the human level is increased, only the perception becomes sharper, the body is stronger, and the reaction is faster..."

"Not only do they make them smarter and more prolonged with the increase of their ranks...and even extend their life span...even...become humanoid..."


Mu Fei was almost scared to stand up and turned into a human form

"Although you might not believe it a bit, it is rumored that it is for these reasons that almost all spirit beasts are very keen on the journey... even fanaticism..."

He pointed to the cats and birds that were playing with Xu Xiaomeng at the end of the corridor. "They also followed me for this reason..."

"Huh" Mu Fei nodded

"And sister Xiaomeng's family-owned pet evolution medicine has the effect of turning ordinary animals into spirit beasts... to improve the level of spirit beasts"

"Ah" Mu Fei was a little dull again

For a while he was surprised four times

It's no wonder that he didn't respond to these news, especially the last one... It was so shocking

He had previously eaten a "Snow Lotus Huan Qi Dan" three days of kung fu and improved his level. At that time, he felt like playing online games "open". Generally, this upgrade is too simple and too easy.

And Xu Xiaomeng’s evolutionary medicine is a ‘plug-in’ for those spirit beasts.

Mu Fei can't think of what this dull loli used to play with

"Brother Mu Fei this medicine is too important so I think..."

Chen Babao said again that it was difficult to test. "I want Xiaomeng sister to give me more if it can be supplied for a long time. Of course, I will not let Xiaomeng sister white hard..."

"Don't talk, brother..."

Mu Fei waved his hand and interrupted him. "Since you have spoken this thing is really useful to you... then no matter how difficult it is, I will definitely help you solve you. Wait for me for a while..."

After he finished talking to Xu Xiaomeng, who was teasing the cat, he waved his hand, "Xiaomeng"

"Oh come..."

Silly Loli ran with two beautiful legs, "Brother, what's the matter?"

"Come with me and ask you something..."

Mu Fei said holding her fleshy little hand upstairs

Upstairs, Mu Fei asked her about it... Actually, it was not her but Xiao Meng. Mu Fei didn’t know whether the prescription was important or not. Leaking it out would have a big impact on the future and when Xiao Xiao Meng told him This is only the'low-end goods' that the simplest prescription will be popularized in the future. Mu Fei completely relieved himself

When he went downstairs, Uncle Xiong also came back, and the cat and two birds, all standing honestly on the sofa, looking over here, they were waiting for Mu Fei to come back

"How is the brother" Chen Babao asked Mu Fei quickly

When he said this, his face was all tense and eager


Mu Fei is embarrassed by swearing...

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