My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1318: Instructor promotion

Dust √ Fate × Literature? Learning × Net Chapter 1318 Instructor Promotion

Mu Fei's doctors were all invited, and the relationship was over. Ye Bee called again and said, "It's okay." This made Mu Fei cry and laugh.

Although Mu Fei is a bit depressed, after all, Zhou Haibin has nothing to do. He feels a lot of relief and is not depressed anymore.

"What's the matter with him, Ye Feng?" Mu Fei asked

I didn’t wait for Yefeng to answer Mu Fei before I remembered that I was afraid I would get home after five minutes.

"Forget it, don't say it first, I'll go home and say it again," Mu Fei hung up the phone after speaking.

Three minutes later, Mu Fei returned to his home and entered the basement to see Zhou Haibin was sitting cross-legged in a weak look while Yee was standing next to him, checking his condition

Mu Fei hurried over to help Zhou Haibin glance, and he was relieved that in his opinion, Zhou Haibin was only very weak and despite the fact that the true Qi in his body was very weak, he already had the true Qi.


Mu Fei took a breath and patted his shoulder as a congratulation

Then Mu Fei turned to look at the night bee

Yefeng knew his problem and explained it without waiting for him to ask, "Did you buy two pills for the instructor? The instructor used the first one to endure the pain but failed to break through..."

"He was worried that the second one could not break through. When he felt that the first medicine had weakened, he took the second medicine and took two medicines together. The pain was too strong. He couldn't bear him. Get up... I hurried to call you if I see something wrong..."

"Fortunately, he succeeded after all," Ye Fengdao said.

"Well okay"

Mu Fei patted the night bee's shoulder "hard work"

Who knows that his unintentional words have caused Ye Bee to have a beautiful big white eyes, which is obviously disgusting him.

Mu Fei also realized that he had given her a sorry smile by mistake


At this time, Zhou Haibin took a deep breath and seemed to feel a lot better

He opened his eyes and looked at the gratitude in Mu Fei's eyes.

"Oh what did this say..."

Mu Fei smiled and reached out and gave him a slap. "I have said how many times I don't need these."

"But after all, you are too desperate this time, but fortunately, if you have something to do, what can I do? How can I explain to my sister-in-law?" Mu Fei looked at him with blame.

"Alas, the feeling of how hard and hard you can't move forward... You don't know how uncomfortable and powerless..." While saying this, he shook his head in fear.

Zhou Haibin thought of the pain that was unbearable than death just now, he also felt a little impulsive this time

"Forget it, anyway, don't think about it so much, now rest in peace."

Mu Fei patted his shoulder, "Go back to the house and talk"

Mu Fei put his arm on his shoulder and walked him out. Night Bee closed behind

While walking away, Mu Fei suddenly remembered something, "Hey, what's wrong with Brother-in-law, Haibin"

Mu Fei refers to Zhou Haibin's wife

She suffers from a very serious muscular dystrophy disease which is almost the same as gradual freezing disease...or it is a kind of gradual freezing disease at all

At that time, she was not sick enough to have no medicine, but she was definitely not light. She even struggled to walk.

To know that the gradual freezing disease is juxtaposed with leukemia, AIDS, cancer, rheumatoid disease, it is known as the world's five most difficult diseases.

But it can’t be cured just for the current era. In Xu Xiaomeng’s era, there was already a cure for this disease.

In this way, Mu Fei was in Xu Xiaomeng, and he wanted to give a treatment to Zhou Haibin

Of course, the method Mu Fei is looking for is a more "low-key" method. It is a kind of comprehensive treatment method of taking traditional Chinese medicine, external massage, acupuncture, moxibustion, etc., supplemented by appropriate exercise.

The extremely advanced and ultra-modern method Mu Fei dared not come up with it in case something sensational becomes troublesome

And since the method was given to Zhou Haibin, Mu Fei has forgotten about it, and he hasn’t remembered it until now.

And when it comes to Zhou Haibin’s usual cool face, he rarely shows excitement and excitement. "The prescription you gave me... is amazing..."

"There are at least dozens of Western medicine and Chinese medicine in the hospital I have traveled to. I have tried none of them. The best result is that it can effectively relieve her condition and prevent it from getting worse..."

"But since treating her condition with the method you gave me has actually improved, in about two weeks, she obviously felt that her legs and feet were stronger than before, and many toes can also be used..."

"Although she is still struggling to walk now, the old Chinese medicine doctor said that as long as she is treated in this way, she will be able to throw away her crutches and walk like a normal person, and lead a normal life..."

When Zhou Haibin said this, she was moved and excited without saying anything.

"Oh, it's good..."

Mu Fei also happily chuckled and blinked and ridiculed, "Here you are okay, my sister-in-law's illness is expected to heal, and you have been promoted successfully, but you are very happy."

"This is thanks to..." Zhou Haibin habitually wanted to thank Mu Fei

"Hey hey..." Mu Fei's dissatisfied voice came here

"Uh huh, okay, I won't say..." Zhou Haibin swallowed back half of what he said when he saw Mu Fei's expression

However, he glanced at Mu Fei and remembered Mu Fei's help for him. He knew that he might be inseparable from this little boss in the rest of his life.

The three talking kung fu have returned to the villa

"Brother, you are back"

When entering the house, Xu Xiaomeng was watching TV in the living room. She ran over as soon as she saw Mu Fei.

"Go to Xiaomeng, don't make a fuss, don't you see there are wounded here?"

Mu Fei pointed out that Zhou Haibin "hurried to get something nutritious and tonic"


At this time, Xu Xiaomeng discovered that Zhou Haibin was not right. She tilted her little head and the cute little face was full of doubts. "Brother just now, Uncle Haibin is okay. How did you get hurt in a while?"

"Oh, your uncle Haibin just had a fight with people just now... fart" Mu Fei said half of the words

He just realized that something was wrong, ‘Clay girl, you call him uncle, I call my brother, I’m inexplicably younger, it’s too special to lose’


Mu Fei stretched his hand and flicked at the tip of Xu Xiaomeng's nose. "You don't need to call him uncle or brother."


Xu Xiaomeng screamed while rubbing his own film, and said, "But Uncle Haibin, who is obviously much older than Xiaomeng, called Uncle, how could it be called brother?"

"You still call "Uncle", you call again" Mu Fei stretched her finger to her little nose and will bounce her

"Oops, if you don't call it, Xiaomeng doesn't call it or not..."

Xu Xiaomeng hurriedly took a step back and spread his little hands and said helplessly, "Brother is really such a big man. Even the uncle or the elder brother can't tell whether it is a fool..."

"You..." Mu Fei was mad at her words

While Lolita was still there, she continued with a small mouth. "And even being stupid, I have to impose my stupid thoughts on others... Alas, it's really sad..."



Xu Xiaomeng's dumbfounded look amused both Night Bee and Zhou Haibin

Especially Zhou Haibin, he always has a cool look and does not seem to laugh, even he was amused. It can be seen how funny Xu Xiaomeng is.

But they were happy that Mu Fei was blushed in front of his friend and was taught by a little loli that he was not depressed.

"You... you are a dead girl, and you say you are looking for a beat?" Mu Fei stared at his eyes and shook his palm.

"Uh that... Xiaomeng is going to eat..." Xu Xiaomeng saw Mu Fei was angry and ran away without shaking his two beautiful legs.


"Giggle Xiaomeng is so funny..."

Zhou Haibin and Ye Feng laughed even more

‘This dead girl is just beating lightly. She hasn’t cleaned up her for a few days. Her buttocks are tickling again. You have to beat her well this evening...’ Mu Fei thought bitterly.

"Yebee, you helped me to clean up that room before Brother Hai practiced the air level, and he was a little weak. He had to rest..." Mu Fei quickly digressed and pointed to the room on the corner of the first floor.

"Well, I'm going now" Yeeong said lightly and left

And Mu Fei put Zhou Haibin on the sofa and let him sit down


Zhou Haibin suddenly remembered something to Mu Fei, "The boss gave my wife the old Chinese medicine doctor who said he would see you..."

"Huh" Mu Fei snorted suspiciously

Zhou Haibin explained, “It’s that old Chinese medicine is not a famous doctor, but he has been studying the treatment of muscle atrophy diseases all his life. He may not be too good in other aspects, but his level is quite high for this disease...”

"Just because my wife has gone sick so many hospitals are getting worse and worse. Only with him can he ease the condition and not make it worse. That's why I see his medical skills and high medical ethics. He asked him to treat my wife..."

"At that time, he saw this treatment method and said that it was very wonderful and worth a try. After two weeks, after the effect came out, he was even more shocked..."

"It is no exaggeration to say that when he saw the effect of the treatment, he was excited and dancing like a child. I was more excited than me..." Zhou Haibin thought of the old man's appearance at that time and felt very funny.

"At that time, he discussed with me and asked if I could use this treatment plan after applying for a patent. It was widely promoted and used. He said that this plan is too important, which not only has a very significant role in promoting the level of gradual freezing treatment in China and the world. It is a name for the increasingly embarrassing Chinese TCM doctors and it is also the hope of patients with gradual freezing and atrophy worldwide. This is a great merit..."

Zhou Haibin introduced there

"In short, he said a lot to me with emotion and Xiaoyiyi, but I naturally didn't promise him. I told him that this is a secret recipe of a friend of mine. I can't do it..."

At this point, he looked up at Mu Fei, "So he wants to see you talk about this with you..."

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