My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1319: See you again

Dust ↙ Fate ↘ Literature? Learning ↘ Net Chapter 1319 See You Again

"The old Chinese doctor wanted to see you just to talk to you about the promotion of this treatment..." Zhou Haibin and Mu Feidao

And after he finished speaking, Mu Fei just looked at him and said nothing

Zhou Haibin naturally understood that Mu Fei was waiting for him, and he continued to explain. "At first, I also felt that'defense is indispensable'. In order to prevent him from moving his mind and leaking this information, he found two brothers to monitor. It’s been more than a month for him to monitor..."

"As a result... this old Chinese medicine character and medical ethics really don't have to say that I don't think he has any intention of taking this treatment plan as his own, nor did he want to sell this prescription or what..."

"He just picked up this prescription when he was free, thinking about it, trying to figure out what to do, and asking me every two or three days. "Your friend didn't agree with me. You tell him his address and I will talk to him"..."

Speaking of this, Zhou Haibin gave up his hands helplessly, "This is how it is."


And Mu Fei nodded in satisfaction with Zhou Haibin's work, he was more at ease, since he said that the old Chinese medicine was good, it must be good



Think Mu Fei smiled

Such an important thing, something that can be exchanged for endless wealth, that old Chinese medicine can still hold his heart...Is it that he is firm in his mind or is he...old stubborn, old antique?

I am afraid that if you change a slightly unsteady person, you will try your best to take it as your own.

Thinking of Mu Feidu here, I think this old Chinese doctor is a little cute and admire him

Looking up again, Zhou Haibin is watching himself clearly waiting for his answer


Mu Fei thought for a while, "Anyway, the company of Weichen can't be the only one to get this product to operate properly and make money. It's not impossible..."

"His thoughts are not bad..."

He nodded and replied, "When I go back to Binnan, let's go and see that old Chinese medicine doctor."

"Well, I'll take you there," Zhou Haibin hurriedly responded

Mu Fei promised that he was also very pleased. After all, his wife is much better now. He also has a credit for the old Chinese medicine. Zhou Haibin is a person who knows how to be grateful. He also wants to give back to the old Chinese medicine.

"Ding Dong"

And when the words are here, the doorbell rings

"Brother Haibin, sit and let me go and see..." Mu Fei finished talking to Zhou Haibin and got up to open the door

When he went to the video doorbell, he couldn’t help but grin, ‘Clay girl... what a wonderful thing’

No wonder Mu Fei's expression is afraid that anyone will be shocked when he sees it, because this guy who rings the doorbell is actually a young little priest who looks like him.

Yes it is a Taoist

It's the guy in a robe in a lot of TVs and movies who gives a streamer to give people directions...or a guy who swindles everywhere

It’s just that the priest didn’t take the flag.

‘You Muddies... Are you really a Taoist or are you playing with you? It’s so weird.’

‘The famous doctor introduced to me by Xiaobai wouldn’t be him’

‘How do I look at this guy when I’m gone... How can it seem unreliable’

Mu Fei twisted his eyebrows and vomited in his heart

Who knows that this little Taoist is still not very good-tempered, so Mu Fei thinks about this time, but he impatiently swears

"Hey, hello, what are you going to open the door? I don't know that Dao Ye is busy. Hurry up." The little priest twisted his eyebrows and uncomfortably while pulling his ears with his little finger.


After hearing this, Mu Fei's face slightly twitched. He looked at this guy, why did he always have the urge to flatten him?

But he was just thinking about it. After all, this person was introduced by Mo Bai. Even if he is unhappy, he still has to save Mo Bai's face.


Mu Fei pressed the door open button and pushed the door open to stand at the door to greet this person

"Oh, hello, you..." Mu Fei smiled very warmly and reached out when the priest came.

"Where is the disease? Where is the disease number? Let Dao take a look. I have something to do soon..."

And the priest completely ignored Mu Fei. He lifted his feet to throw off two pairs of stinky shoes and went into the house looking around.


Mu Fei immediately petrochemical, where he was still'enthusiastic' waiting for a handshake

The flesh on his face jumped at once, he felt like he wanted to beat people

Without waiting for Mu Fei to speak, the little Taoist had seen Zhou Haibin, who was pale and somewhat weak, sitting on the sofa

"Hey, the sick number is you, come and let Dao Ye see..." He walked over without saying a word and reached for Zhou Haibin's arm


Zhou Haibin was slightly stunned because he hadn't reacted to it yet. His wrist was already held by the little Taoist


A moment later, the little priest twisted his eyebrows and showed an impatient expression

"I said it's just such a small matter as to toss me around"

He shook Zhou Haibin's hand. "It's just that the normal weak stage has just advanced, and you have taken the medicine to break through the promotion. The medicine is too strong. You have a slight internal injury, but it's not a matter of not taking medicine. Have some good food, what kind of supplements like roast chicken, braised pork, pork trotters..."

"I have retreated after the mission is completed..." The Taoist came in and didn't turn around for a minute and left again


Mu Fei, who had just recovered from the petrochemical state, just wanted to thank him, but he once again petrochemicals that the little Taoist walked past Mu Fei and did not look at him.

"It's really such a thing that it makes me run this little white too special. It's not interesting... I don't know Dad, I'm going up and down hundreds of thousands of a minute. This will delay me how much money..."

The little priest groaned in dissatisfaction while putting on his old cloth shoes and going out

Mu Fei really has the urge to start

He forced his anger to barely hold back him. He had no doubt that if this dead Taoist priest, he would beat him up to let him know what it means to be "polite"

As for now, Mu Fei hopes this little Taoist will get out as soon as possible

But who knows what goes wrong

"Brother, I've packed up the room, help the instructor in..."

Just when the little priest was going out, the night bee came out


And the priests who had already pushed the door back ‘blink’ with a thunderous surprise.

"Hey, do you want fortune telling? Let Pingdao help you to read palms for free."

He stood not far from the night bee, one hand column wall, one hand pinched waist, various smiles, and gave the night bee a flying eye.


Yee was startled by this ‘unknown creature’ who didn’t know where it came from

"Fortune-telling is no longer necessary. I don't believe this or forget it." Ye Bee refused to wave his face in a cold look.

It’s true that the night bee is not as “false” as before. She usually smiles more and treats people more gently, but she is not like everyone else.

Only when she treated Mu Fei Xiaomeng was that gentle attitude towards outsiders...she was too lazy to take care of it

And it’s still that she looked at Mu Fei’s face and showed her sympathy. If you change someone unrelated, she’s afraid that she’s already pointed her finger at ‘getout’

"Huh, how can you refuse?"

This little Taoist glanced at Night Bee with a blamed look. "The poor Dao is the "Three Gua Little Prince" who claims to be "a trigram of heaven, two trigrams of earth, and three trigrams to understand the fate of the world." I’m too lazy to take care of them when I’m gone. I’m taking the initiative to help you count it, and it’s free. Why don’t you know how to cherish it? You’re too...that..."

The little Taoist's face was full of grudges

"I'm sorry I'm not really interested in you, but let's count it for others..." Ye Zong refused to show off mercilessly to bypass him

"Beauty don't go, I know, you must look at palmistry. I'm sorry. Is it okay? It doesn't matter. It's okay not to look at palmistry. Look at the feet. Please put your feet... Cough is jade feet to give a look to the poor..."

"Hey, don't stare at me like this, you're sorry, even if you don't look at the palm, not the foot, and the face and face." The little priest like a brown sugar sticks to the night bee.

And it was messy enough, Xu Xiaomeng came out to join in the fun again

"Brother Xiaomeng stewed the chicken soup for an hour and you can drink it..." She stood at the kitchen door with a spoon and smiled.


The little Taoist suddenly looked straight at Xu Xiaomeng


He teleported to Xu Xiaomeng again, supporting the wall with one hand and pinching his waist and flicking his hair again. "Does the little sister want the Taoist brother to tell you a fortune?"

Seeing this scene, Mu Fei felt that the flesh on his face was beating hard twice, and he was finally intolerable.

"Night Bee"

When he ordered, he already rushed up to follow the little Taoist's punches and kicks, and the night bee has always been angry. Seeing Mu Fei's hand, she can also politely hold a powder fist and a ‘assistance’ beside him.

The two didn’t say they used their full strength but didn’t intentionally keep their hands on the little Taoist and made a crackling sound.

"Hey, hey, what do you guys dare to do? Why don't Dao not show you power when I am a sick cat"

"Hi, it hurts. You guys are really fighting. I tell you I can fight back..."

"Look at me... Oh, it hurts, it hurts, it's wrong, oh, I'm wrong, I can't do it... Rao the hero, Rao the life"

"My grandfather hurts me..."

The little Taoist was kicked to the corner by Mu Fei and Night Bee

In fact, in terms of heart, this little Taoist is also a strong player who has a Qi level of about 5th level, but his strength is also strong, but he is also a little weaker than who is in front of Mu Fei Yefeng.

After five minutes...

"Name" Mu Fei asked condescendingly

"Liu Mang" Liu Mang, who had a swollen nose and squatted, replied

"What do you call a rogue"

"You...what ears are you Liu Bang's Liu Cangmang"

"It's domineering to cut the name, but I think rogues are more suitable for you..."

Mu Fei sneered and said "sex"

"You don't see it yourself"


Mu Fei snorted and raised his fist, "What do you say?"

Liu Mang hurriedly answered "Gender: Male"




Mu Fei asked Liu Mang and answered now that he is completely honest...

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