My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1377: Who flickers who?

Dust↘Marriage √ Literature? Learning √ Net Chapter 1377 Who Fools Who_Next

"If you didn't transfer the money to our account on time, you will have to compensate us for one million penalties..."

"If you simply don't have that much money and you can't pay the liquidated damages, then you should be careful. But the law is to be punished. Are you sure... to sign?"

Old Ai stared at Mu Fei while talking


Upon hearing his words, Mu Fei couldn't help but his eyebrows twisted, and a trace of timidity appeared on his face.

As soon as old Ai saw Mu Fei's expression, he was more assured that he had at least eight points of assurance that he could be sure that Mu Fei was just scaring him and testing him just now.

After confirming this point, where would he be afraid that he even expected Mu Feizhen to sign a contract with him?

Because once he signed Mu Fei and couldn’t get 40 million, he would be given a'liquidation penalty'. Indeed, he doesn't look like Mu Fei is like a million, but how can his family not look at him? Why don't you go to jail and use money to ransom him?

So even if you can’t get a million or two or three hundred thousand, it’s good.

And when the ‘crackling’ sounded in his wishful thinking, Mu Fei didn’t let him down. Mu Fei gritted his teeth slightly and said “what dare not to sign”


Mu Fei acted too much, and even the plateau was a little bit fooled. He patted Mu Fei's arm twice. "A Fei can't be sure, you won't come true."

"You can rest assured that there are ghosts in their hearts that they would not dare to sign," Mu Fei replied whispering in the ear of the plateau.

And this was naturally an "accident" that came to Lao Ai's ears. Now that his eight-point grasp has risen to a very high level, he is completely relieved.

Lan Jiang’s younger brother was really clever, and his hands and feet were very quick. He only went out for four or five minutes and ran away with a few sheets of paper. Even Mu Fei was scared by his efficiency. "I went so fast."

"Oh, I'm afraid I'll be delaying your business. I didn't run out and went directly to the manager of this hotel to borrow his computer. I swiped the original contract without retyping and typed it. I modified the empty space above..."

He handed over the contract, "Brother Fei, see if this works."

Mu Fei took a look and nodded, "It's good"

After talking about it, Mu Fei turned his head and looked at him for a few times. This kid looked like a tall man with a height of about one meter and seven years, and his face was not so handsome, but his eyes were very big. The feeling of'smartness' and his cleverness is just pure cleverness and does not make people feel'slick'

It's just that this kid's strength is a little bit worse, only the training level is even stable after the promotion.

But overall, Mu Fei's first impression of him is quite good

"What's your name?" Mu Fei asked casually

"Ah, my name is Song Qingming's Song Qingming's picture of Hehetu..." The boy quickly replied

"Not bad..." Mu Fei praised with two smiles on his shoulder

"Oh, there's no such thing as Blue Brother's "education"..." Song Tu was praised by Mu Fei, and he was unforgettable. Instead, he slapped Lan Jiang on a fart, and I can see that this kid is really capable of doing things.

Mu Fei will not naturally pay attention to a person for no reason. Although he now has a 80% probability that Lan Jiang will agree to his request, it is not 100% after all, but Lan Jiang can’t be a smart person on his side. As much as possible to receive the industries left by Yin Long. After all, this is a wealth that is not small. Even if you can’t eat it all, you can eat as much as you can.

After turning his head, Mu Fei looked down carefully on the contract twice and wrote the amount of money to reach out to Lao Ai and Lao Jin. "Let's sign if you see no problem."

"Ha ha……"

Old Ai smiled dismissively and took the contract and looked down.

After reading it carefully two or three times to make sure that there is no problem, he touched the signature pen, the ink pad and the old gold to sign his own name and pressed his own handprint without a seal.

"The two of us are done now. It's up to you..." Lao Ai looked at Mu Fei with a provocative look and Mu Fei saw that they had really signed it, but his eyebrows twisted into an eight-shaped face.


A look at Mu Fei’s expression of ‘dead relatives’ Lao Ai was even more proud. ‘I told you to tell me that you signed signed it...’


But when he was proud, he saw that the expression on Mu Fei's face suddenly changed from tangled to relaxed.

I saw that Mu Fei was already fast, filled in all the places on the contract that needed him, and pressed a fingerprint

"Well, although there is no official seal, there are fingerprints and legal effects," said Mu Feihuang’s contract.

"Uh hehe..."

Lao Ai extended his right index finger and rubbed his thumb with a smile and said, "Since the contracts are all signed, are you..."

His meaning is more obvious than asking for money

"Oh, since I said that I can do it naturally..."

Mu Fei smiled and found the phone, pressed a number and called out

After a while, the sound over there

"Third, third brother... why are you so free today, call me..." Hong Sufen's voice came from the phone


Mu Fei was slightly embarrassed to hear Hong Sufen's voice because he could hear from Hong Sufen's voice that the beautiful manager should be more surprised and more excited to receive his call

It is precisely because of knowing these Mu Fei that it is a little embarrassing. Although this beauty manager hasn't'became a woman who hasn't become her own, it looks like... except the'that', I have done almost everything I can do. She's already very close to her relationship

During this time, she was busy working, working hard for herself, and making money. But she hasn’t been in touch since the meeting after the year, and she has never made a phone call, even if there is a call. In addition to asking her for money, the phone never gave her a kind sympathy

This beautiful manager Mu Fei was a little bit sorry

It was precisely because of the thought that Mu Fei was so embarrassed to mention money

"Hey, that... Sufen, how are you doing now, busy or tired?"

"It's okay, then I'm relieved, but you still have to pay attention to your body, otherwise I'll be distressed... Barabara..."


Mu Fei walked out while holding the phone and saying "Mun Ma"

And seeing this scene, Li Chaonan and the plateau had quite a tacit understanding. They slumped their eyelids and reached out at the same time, giving Mu Fei four middle fingers, which means "despise you"

As for Lao Ai, he didn’t think that Mu Fei could really come up with the money. He was already sneering.


Lao Jin saw Mu Fei went out and whispered to Lao Ai, "Is that kid going to run?"

"Come on, don't worry."

Lao Ai gave him a reassuring look, "Even if he runs, the monk can't run, can't the temple plateau still be here?"

"Furthermore, this hotel is full of cameras inside and outside, our police, and we all know people where he can run, even if he ran out of Beihe Province and ran back to the northeast, I can pull him out."

And Mu Fei's call was more than ten minutes, and he didn't come back until everyone was a little impatient.


Mu Fei put the phone on the table and sat back

"Ok, when will this money be paid?" Lao Ai asked with a smirk.

"Relax quickly... you will be able to get to the account within two hours at the latest" Mu Fei felt a cigarette bite in her mouth and replied while firing

"Two hours"

Old Ai pretended to look at the table below. "Well, since it only takes two hours, I will wait for a while, but there are some things that can be explained..."

"Lao Jin and I originally planned to do the job of Xiao Yuan now to meet with the buyer tonight. Because you have been a little delayed, but you must not let me delay the night."

"So you have to transfer the transfer to the account within two hours. If the money is up, everything is easy to say, but if you don’t arrive and delay our business, don’t blame the two of us who are uncles. Don’t cry if you come to take you away or go to jail or fine..."

Lao Ai actually said so on his mouth. In fact, he was happy and blossomed in his heart. He seems to have seen hundreds of thousands of dollars flying into his wallet.

"Oh, you can rest assured that that kind of situation will not happen." Mu Fei smiled and waved his hand unintentionally.

‘I’m still smiling, I’ll laugh at you as soon as possible. I’m afraid you won’t be able to laugh in a while’ haha’ Lao Ai thought, he didn’t believe that Mu Fei could really get 40 million.

"Jingle Bell"

And he is proud of it, the phone in his pocket is suddenly ringing SMS

"Oh, let me see who this is..."

Lao Ai was in a good mood and touched her phone with a smile

But when he unlocked the phone and read the text message, he was dumbfounded. "This...this is..."

"Well, old Ai Ye"

Lao Jin was curious and looked at it without looking at it. Fortunately, he also stared at the boss like Lao Ai.

‘Your account was remitted to China’s 40 million yuan at 15:13 pm on a certain day and month in a certain year...’

Because this text message is a text message that has been transferred to the account...

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