My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1378: Flip face

Dust ↗ Fate ↙ Text × Learning? Chapter 1378

"Your account 6220... At 15:13 pm on a certain day in a certain year and year, the person who remitted 40 million yuan to China is..."

Both Lao Ai and Lao Jin were dumbfounded when they saw this text message "How can this be true?"

Old Ai looked at Mu Fei and then looked at the text message. The **** expression was not blamed. He was so surprised. He always thought that Mu Fei was fooling him. He didn’t think that Mu Fei could really make such a large sum of money.

But the fact is that not only did Mu Fei take it out, he was so relaxed and so contrasted, could he not be surprised?

In the end, the old, unconsidered old man said first

"Lao Ai... This text message is really fake, isn't it a lie?" Lao Jin asked tremblingly.

He had to be scared because if the text message is fake, everything is easy to say, if it is true, then his original value of nearly 40 million shares has now become 20 million cash, and the blink of an eye will not be half. Can he not tremble

"Is it true or false that there are so many SMS scams now?" Lao Ai so comforted himself

"Relax is absolutely true..."

At this time, Mu Fei spoke again and saw that he pointed to the phone in Lao Ai's hand. "If you don't believe it, you can call the bank and check it."

Old Ai is also thinking about it

I saw that he quickly pressed a few times on the phone and dialed the phone for a while. After that, he answered the phone, "Hello, what can I do for you?"

"I am a VIP customer, the Ai Zhinian card number is 62220... My inquiry password is... you show me the time and money of the last remittance of my card"

"Mr. Ai, wait a minute..."

In the next half minute, the customer service did not arrive there and said, "Dear VIP customer, Mr. Ai, I have checked the last remittance received by your card. It was deposited in China at 15:13 this afternoon. The card number of the 40 million yuan remittance person is... the genus name is..."

The customer service attitude is good, the tone is calm and speaking

And his tone is calm, whether it is Lao Ai or Lao Jin, their hearts are turbulent or the original value of nearly 40 million shares per person has been dealt with by them at an ultra-low price of 20 million blinks. Kung Fu lost 20 million who would be dumbfounded by this kind of thing

"Lao Ai, don't you say you're sure what to do, you say what to do now" Lao Jin, who hasn't talked so much, now he's not calm, he asked anxiously, pulling Lao Ai's arm

In fact, old Abby and old gold are still depressed

Now he fully understands that Mu Fei has been pretending to be weak from the beginning. What he is doing is to make himself look down upon him and deceive himself to sign this nearly "free delivery" contract with him.

It is true that Mu Fei's method is definitely not clever, but the important thing is that he was actually fooled and really fooled by him

That's how old Ai is so hot

In fact, since he first saw Mu Fei, he did not put Mu Fei and others in his own eyes. In his own words, these people are'smelly and stinky kid','Go home and eat milk for a few years', but now He was played by a few'milk-feeding children', can he not be angry?

Old Ai is now not only angry, he is angered and inexhaustible

"What do you like playing with me, stinky boy"

Old Ai's eyes were red, he stood up on the table, pointed at Mu Fei and scolded

"Hey I play with you"

Mu Fei was blinking his eyes, "innocent", "You can't be wrong with me. I'm telling the truth from beginning to end. What do I say is false? What do you mean, "Flick" you Is there anything?"

Mu Fei spread his hand "Yes, the purchase price is very low, you may be a little loss, but it is all your own voluntary relationship with me..."

He said that he put those few contracts into the plateau. "The fat man will get it tomorrow and go to the business management department to transfer and transfer the company. This is yours."

"Go away and go to the business, everyone go back and drink..." Mu Fei got up again and greeted everyone to leave

In fact, whether it is Lan Jiang or Li Chaonan, they are relatively calm and get up and laugh, and leave with Mu Fei, but the plateau is a little dumbfounded.

"The problem that has troubled me for so long...I just solved how Afei did it"

‘What’s the matter with the 40 million people? What’s wrong with that text message?’


For a time, the plateau was full of doubts. He found that he hadn’t seen it in a year, and he couldn’t see through Mu Fei’s “dead”

But in his dazed Kung Fu, old Ai was rushing at him with his eyes wide open.

"La La La"

The old Ai is too big. The wine glasses and tableware on the table are brought to the ground.

"Bring it to you" Old Ai stretched his hand to grab the contract in the hands of Plateau

At this time, I saw Song Tu’s “eyes and eyes” again. He seemed to have been guarding the old Ai dog to jump off the wall. Everyone walked, but he stood beside the plateau.

And Lao Ai just hit him in this hand


I saw Song Tu lifted his hand slightly and took Lao Ai's arm to "stop"


Mu Fei, who had just taken two or three steps, could not help but see a heavy face, "What do you mean?"

"You return my shares to me. This contract is not countable." Lao Ai glared at Mu Fei and shouted that his and Lao Jin's shares added up to at least 60-70 million yuan. Now he only sold 40 million yuan. 'Accounting' is strange

"La La La"

Mu Fei held the plateau's wrist and shook the contract in his hand. "The good money written in black and white on the contract was also transferred to your account. Everything is done. You think of "repentance""

"I have no regrets that there is a problem with this contract, the price is too low and I cannot accept it," Lao Ai shouted again.

"Oh, now I know that the price is lower, why didn't you lower the price to buy Gaoyuan shares?" Mu Fei raised a sneer on his face.

When I heard Mu Fei's words, Lao Ai was even more fierce, and although he was angry, he also knew that he was justified.

"Don't do it late"

At this time, Mu Fei did not'act' with this old Ai. He reached out and pointed at the old Ai "Don't think that you are old, eat salt for a few years, you can bully people at will, and play with others in the palm of your hand. Don’t play with that brainpower, don’t play'Thirty-Six Strategies'"

"And indeed you like whole people, playing people. That's your freedom, but you don't care about others, but you can't watch if you put your idea on my brother's head. So..."

Mu Fei shakes the contract again. "This contract specifies you can't give you a lesson, so you should spend money to buy a lesson."

"you you you……"

The old Ai Du was 40 or 50 years old, and Mu Fei pointed and gave him a trembling hand.

"Don't you, you, you guys go for fun..."

Mu Fei didn't carelessly wave his hand to interrupt him. "Tell you this time that you are fat before telling me. After all, you had a good relationship with my uncle Gao. He called you "uncle" and told me not to turn your face directly. Don’t be too cruel, I’ll be merciful..."

"Otherwise, do you think you can have 20 million in your hand? I let you not even touch 20,000"

After talking about Mu Fei patting the shoulders of the plateau, "How do fat people do this?"

"Oh yeah..." The plateau didn't respond a little bit yet nodded sternly.

"Okay, let's go, the two of you, you don't have to worry about 20 million per person, as long as they don't "lost" enough for them to start another stove in the next half of their lives... this is just a little reward for them to help your dad. ..." Mu Fei walked out on the plateau's shoulders


At this time, I heard Lao Ai sneer. "Do you think you can take full control of the company with only those shares? Do you believe it or not...I can make this company "yellow stall" within three months"


After hearing this, Mu Fei had to stand back and turn his head to ask, "You threaten me"

"Oh, indeed, the internal affairs of the company have been in the management of the company over the years, but do you think...I and the old money are completely ‘eating idle’.”

"Tell you, no matter whether it is a bar, a karaoke, a restaurant, or a nightclub, as long as it is a service industry, it is indispensable to "up and down" and this is the responsibility of me and the old money."

"Why this company is developing so fast indeed, Lao Gao's credit is undoubtedly the biggest, but the contribution from me and Lao Jin is definitely not small. Why do other hotels move people to fight, fight, or find something, but our company's restaurants have never been Without this, other restaurants have health bureaus, fire brigades, and price bureaus looking for trouble at the two ends of our day. The restaurant under our company has never been. Why is it that it’s not my relationship with Lao Jin?

Speaking of this, old Ai Fat had a grin on his face again. "Since we can prevent those people from getting in trouble, I can also let those people get in trouble..."

"As long as we talk to the price bureau, the health department, the fire department to the people, and the beggars who want to eat, they will go to the restaurant seven days a week, every day, and report to the restaurant every day. You can still buy and sell Can you do it"

"Hum, if you don’t make us good, then don’t let Lao Tzu be cruel, let you know what it means to be ‘bloodless,’” Lao Ai sneered.

"Oh this..."

When Mu Fei heard the threat, it was still that inexplicable expression. He turned his head to look at Lan Jiang, "Brother, should you shoot?"

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