My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1540: 1 cup of soup

Dust? Fate ↘ Literature? Learning ↓ Chapter 1540

"Grandpa, you can rest assured that I will remember my surnamed "car" and forget about it. I will promise you that it will not happen to my car Weichen." Che Weichen said with a serious voice.

As soon as he said this, the old brothers of the car praised them and the old man nodded with a deep breath. The old face was full of smiles of relief. "I am relieved if you have this..."

But who knows what the old man said just now, he said again and again, "Wei Chen, since you said so, it just happens that Grandpa has something to ask for your help"


Che Weichen was bothered and thought, ‘why did you finish it’ll arrange tasks for me, grandpa,’re too fast’

Not only is Che Weichen stunned, but also Wei Fei’s dad is stunned. Mu Fei was also stunned for a moment. This old man is indeed a trader.

"Hey, hey..."

But at this time, Che Jianguo couldn't help but laugh with a loud voice to see his appearance of a conspiracy. Mu Fei seemed to understand what

Che Weichen is also similar to Mu Fei. He doesn't know why he suddenly feels that there is a bad hunch. He always feels busy...not a good thing.

"Grandpa, if you have something, I can't say no, but today you don't have to talk about work on your birthday, I will tomorrow..." Che Weichen put a smile on his face and wanted to delay it first.

"What the **** do you know tomorrow, your grandfather, am I impatient? Do you have to think about what you have to do, or I'll be upset"

And Mr. Che did not give Che Weichen the opportunity to hesitate. He said with one hand on his back and the other hand on the other hand. "Weichen, I conducted the current situation and future prospects of your company two days ago. A simple estimate now looks that although your company’s prospects are good, but the scale of the pharmaceutical factory workshop is too small, it will take less than a month for your workshop’s output to meet the market demand. There is a shortage of goods..."

"And our Che's pharmaceutical industry... Well, you know that the situation has not been good in the past two years. Many workshops have been shut down. Workers have no work and can wait to get a wage contract. We can't get rid of them. There is a burden, so I wonder if your company can cooperate with our Che's Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. to hand over the pharmaceutical processing to Che's Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd."

"In this way, it not only solved the problem that your company's workshop is not large enough, but also the output is not enough, and it also solves the situation that our Cheshi Pharmaceuticals is idle, and it is all its own family, and its own business can be described as knowing oneself and knowing oneself. Guarding against each other, I think that this is a good way to achieve the best of both worlds. For both parties, it is a win-win situation."


Speaking of this, the old man patted the car Weichen's shoulder twice. "How about Weichen's grandpa's help, I think you won't refuse it"

At this time, Che Weichen's face was turned back

In fact, from a certain point of view, the old man said that there is no reason to say that in the future, with the "Hua skin cleansing series" big sale, the output of this workshop can no longer keep up and there are indeed many car owners. The pharmaceutical assembly line is idle and has no work to do

But despite this, Che Weichen was not willing to hand over the products to Che's Pharmaceutical for processing because he knew that Che's Pharmaceutical... was too'chaotic'

"Che's Pharmaceutical" is a family business and every family business will have a common drawback. This business will become a kindergarten for the family.

Only a small part of the Che family is going out to start a business

Entering Che's Pharmaceutical is his own business

And you, the car family, can't work like those outsiders all the time in the company like nine to five, do the most tiring work, get the least salary every day, like a dead dog, you have to be a small leader and supervisor God's horse

Okay, those car home ‘unemployed wanderers’ have become leaders again

Obviously have no skill but occupy the position of ‘leader’

And those who have the ability to either have no chance to play or are driven away by hostility can still have good

As far as Che Weichen is concerned, Che's pharmaceutical industry is like a snail, dragging a heavy shell, only hard work can go one step forward... Nothing is wrong with snails. The situation of'Che's pharmaceutical industry' has been described. At least the shell is for snails. Say it works

Some Che family members are not only completely useless for Che's pharmaceutical industry, they are also attached to the body of'Che's pharmaceutical industry' like locusts and they keep sucking the blood and vitality of this enterprise

Che Weichen is very doubtful that the qualified rate of processed products can be reached to 50% of the quality of the products handed over to "Che's Pharmaceutical". The quality of all enterprises is the credibility of the company. Che Weichen would rather sell less and not intend to take those products with quality problems. De-charge

And this is only one aspect. Since it is a cooperative processing commissioned production, it is necessary to hand over the prescription. For Weichen Pharmaceutical, this "Hua Hua Xi Yan" series of prescriptions is his fundamental, that is, his lifeline. In the hands of an unreliable person...Dare you dare you want to commit suicide?

Indeed, even if Mo Bai has a part of the key to this drug formula and he vowed to guarantee that it can’t be cracked, but now that the technology is so developed, if blind cats die and cost money, let them crack the key ingredients. Even if they can’t crack it, who knows if they can also get something else instead of making something that can’t be cracked, let’s come out, let’s wash their face, wash their face and wash their feet.

In short, Che Weichen, five uneasy, ten unwilling, one hundred disagree

It is also the request of Grandpa Che that Che Weichen instantly understood that he should be fooled, whether it was from the exception of Grandpa who just took himself to the main seat or the incentive that he just said that he will never forget this These are all surnamed cars. This is an old man who dug up and waited for himself to jump down

And his purpose is to see the potential of his company and the potential of the "Hua Hua Xi Yan" series. It is necessary to share a piece of soup from his own hand to get the prescription, and the prescription cannot get a contract for the production of the agent. A sum of money

I want to understand that the tall and shining image of the old man who was very respectful in the heart of Che Weichen has also become a lot shorter.

At this time, there was a situation that turned over the original hard-working car, Jianguo Guo, who was proud of the original hard-working car Weichen and his dad.

‘Hey, stinky boy, I’m so stupid, I’m so naughty. You’re so naive...’ Uncle Che Weichen felt a cigarette bite in his mouth and smoked a beautiful bite on his fat face.

Not only are his three juniors, Che Yi, Che Shun, and Che Lili, also standing in the corner of the hall, looking at the lively three, they all coincide, and their faces are all gloating.

"What's wrong, Weichen, what are you talking about, Grandpa?" The old man urged Che Weichen not to speak.

"Master, this idea is not bad..."

"It's good for both of them..."

The following unrelated guests and elders also whispered

But now Che Weichen is not only unhappy, but a little angry.

"Grandpa, what are you doing?"

"The opportunity I waited for three years before I finally realized my "entrepreneurship dream" Why do you have to make trouble"

‘‘Weichen Pharmaceutical’ has today that you haven’t given me any help because I’m running. Why do I have a score, it’s not a score, you are not filial if you don’t divide, or you give me a big hat if you forget it’

In fact, if it’s just a ‘divide’, Che Weichen can bear it.

However, Che Weichen can't bear Che's Pharmaceuticals to replace their bad habits, abuses, and various kinds of "garbage" with their own companies. This is definitely quite harmful to "Weichen Pharmaceuticals"

It's like a company's biggest market advantage is'product quality'. Some people want to put some'junk things' on your trademark and let you sell it to a small one. It is said that it is harmful to the company's reputation. In fact, they are Replacing money with your company's image and reputation is ruining your company

I just want to understand the pros and cons

"Sorry grandpa, it's not that I didn't help, but you said it was late"

At this time, Che Weichen no longer had the smile on his face. Instead, a serious look flashed indifferently in the face. "A week ago, another partner besides me and Mu Fei: the person called the Holy Ghost Doctor. Mo Bai has already contacted the temporary OEM factory. His sole agent has signed a good contract on behalf of our company..."

"Oh, the contract is signed, which factory is the other party?"

"I'm sorry Grandpa, I don't know if he didn't tell me" Che Weichen replied

In fact, most of the people present see that Che Weichen is just making excuses, disagreeing, others don’t know who the partner is, but you are the big boss of the entire company.


But Grandpa Che just nodded his head and responded quietly, but did not continue to question and there was no surprise or anger on his face. Obviously Che Weichen's reaction and behavior were all in his expectations

"Although it's a pity... well, since you said that, it's okay..."

Hearing this, Che Weichen was slightly relieved.

But who knows that Mr. Che’s words are not over yet "But the thing about Weichen ah processing plant...If you find a good partner, even if you are in the area of ​​cargo transportation and can always be handed over to our Cheshi pharmaceutical agent."

The good old man just let go of the "processing" part and stared at the channel again...

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