My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1541: Rely on the old and sell the old

Dust ↗ Fate ↙ Wen × Xue? Net Chapter 1541

"Weichen ah's things about the processing plant... since you have already found a partner, it's okay, but your company's cargo transportation and can always be handed over to our Che's pharmaceutical agent."

The good old man just let go of the "processing" part and stared at the channel again

And Che Weichen just relaxed and didn’t even have the heart for five seconds, and brought it up again, "Grandpa..."

"Hey can't say you have already found it"

Che Weichen just wanted to say something but was interrupted by your grandfather. "This morning I was still seeing you posting information about recruitment agencies and recruitment channels on the Internet You will find a partner in Kung Fu"

Okay, this old man would ‘Jitquan Dao’, Che Weichen raised his hand, and before the move, he was punched back by the old man.

However, it was from this incident that Weichen saw that his grandfather was bound to get to "Weichen Pharmaceutical". He had to bite a piece of meat on "Weichen Pharmaceutical". Otherwise, why would he investigate so carefully? How about

It’s true that the channel... compared with the harm of ‘agent processing’, the hidden dangers are much smaller, but Che Weichen is still reluctant to let his company and Che’s Pharmaceutical have any direct connection.

He has no doubt that once his company is in contact with this bloated and already sick "Che's Pharmaceutical", sooner or later they will drag their own company's hind legs. This is still too light. The standard will have a serious and even fatal impact on the development of Weichen Pharmaceutical

Seeing that Che Weichen was blushing and angry but didn't'agree', Uncle Che, who had been stealing music, finally said, "Uncle Weichen has to say you two... Your grandfather is so old "Small things, how did you guys push back and forth, what did you say about the beautiful words just now?"

"Yeah, Weichen, you're really not right. What's so nice just now? "It's always the car family who will never forget this"... Isn't that what you said? Why don't you deny it even if you don't arrive for ten minutes?"

"The kid is your grandfather’s birthday today, can you make him angry at the old man, please agree quickly"

"The old man just asked you to refuse, even if you refused, you would be too sensible."


Those who watch the bustle and are not afraid of the big things have all educated Che Weichen to come


"This one……"

For a time, Che Weichen's face was red, and he felt like he was being put on a fire shelf and roasted, but he didn't know how to be good. The intention in his heart was to refuse and disagree, but how can he say it? Export

"Wei Chen, what are you hesitating about? You really want to be so angry that Grandpa doesn't hurry to agree"

"It's just Weichen's cousin. Are you still doing the kind of "white-eyed wolf" that forgets your family and forgets your family as soon as it develops?"

Che Yi and Che Lili were also very excited to watch Che Weichen eat and hold back.

"My brother is right" Cheshun is still "make up the knife"


After half a minute, I saw that Che Weichen hadn't promised that Mr. Che was finally angry. He glared at Che Weichen, raised his eyebrows with a high eyebrow, and was full of dissatisfaction.

And he did not continue to force Che Weichen, but turned his head to look at Mu Fei. "The kid Weichen could not make up your mind that you are the second in the company. Now you have the final say, how can you say that grandpa's proposal will not work?"

Seeing that Che Weichen didn’t ‘top things’, the old man ‘fired’ at Mu Fei again


However, Mu Fei shook his head and smiled disdainfully. He already fully understood that when he and Che Weichen came in... it was not right when the old man signaled that Che Weichen had invited him to dig a pit and waited for himself. People jump

He first got himself and Che Weichen to the front seat, then in the face of so many guests and elders, he gave Che Weichen a boast of his ``not forgetting this book'' and he will never forget his surname. If you're boasting, let me help you, and immediately ask you to do me a favor. Do you agree?

Today is not only my old man’s birthday but also my grandfather, and my grandson is in the presence of so many elders and many guests... and you just can’t refuse it for so many good reasons Are you sorry to touch my old man's face? Do you have the heart to make my old man angry on his birthday?

Promise that in the middle, he would not agree with the old man, I am so optimistic about you, but you do not give me a face, you are too sensible

Why don’t you ‘don’t understand’ refuse

Okay, I'll retreat and ask for the excessive request just now. I can't make another one. You can't refuse it anymore.

The first time I refused you for not giving me the face of the old man. I endured it. If this second request asks you to refuse, then you just hit my old man's face.

Can Che Weichen beat the old man's face?

So the request of the old man is a pit. You promised to agree not to agree, you have to agree otherwise you just don’t pay attention to me, my grandfather doesn’t pay attention to the car, you don’t respect the filial piety, don’t have a face, no skin, no conscience. Pigs and dogs are not as good

And old man, I am not only dissatisfied with you, but also dissatisfied with your dad. Just like you, you want to inherit your family business.

So this second request is totally impossible for Che Weichen to refuse

It is precisely because I want to understand that these previous Mu Fei's affection for Master Che completely disappeared and replaced by a few derogatory words "old traitor", "old tricks"... etc. Now Mu Fei really despise this The old man was disdainful and disdainful of his approach

It’s true that young people want to respect the elderly and the elders, but you can’t use this as a way to force the young people to follow the rules. You use the respect and love of the juniors to force the juniors to succumb... Are you always too special? Old sell old

As for why I always love the impulsive Cheshun, today it is so honest, and why Uncle Che Weichen smiles 100% because they already knew in advance that there will be such a drama today, and maybe even the idea is that they are Out

Also, the old man praised 90% of himself for the present scene: I am so optimistic about the old man, you just approved your grandson and granddaughter for you. Are you embarrassed not to promise me? Are you embarrassed not to give me a face? Embarrassed

If you don’t want it, you can agree quickly.

Just thinking of this, Mu Fei smiled, he laughed at this old man, he thought too much

It’s true that you’re digging well, but I’m sorry, Mu Fei is the one who doesn’t want to jump in. Maybe you talk to me in private and talk about it. Even if I don’t let you participate in Weichen Pharmaceutical, I will give you something else. Do your projects to make you rich

But you are relying on old sellers to use your face to force me to follow me. That's embarrassing, don't blame me for pumping your face

In fact, even if this old man shot Mu Fei to himself, it would be impossible for his brother to be treated like this. He would also give Che Weichen the old man who asked him to give him a better reason for his shot.

"My grandpa who surnamed Mu asked you what did you laugh?"

"Just answer quickly and don't be dumb"

Che Yi and Che Lili shouted at Mu Fei again

"My brother is right." Cheshun raised his hand again to "make up the knife." It's not just Mu Fei. Now Che Yi wants to give this product a special foot.

"Shut up and shut me up"

"Mu Fei is the guest I invited. How can you speak for me and get back?"

The old man's eyebrows were cold and he pointed at Che Yi and others and scolded the three men with their heads shrunk like a grandson, and ran away in fear... No, they were originally grandsons.

"Mu do you think? How do you feel about this thing?" The old man turned his head and looked at Mu Fei again, it was a ‘He Yan Yue Se’

The words of the old man focused the attention of everyone present on Mu Fei

At this time, the father's face was red and white. He didn't expect that his old man actually dragged his son's hind legs, but he was letting him give up the competition of the homeowner. He was not reconciled and how the situation developed now can only be seen by Mu Fei. chosen

Uncle Che Weichen was proud, and his face was full of smug smoke,'hehehehe', his small eyes stared at Mu Fei's expression of gloating, and there were several people besides him. It’s a similar expression. Obviously these people are from Uncle Che Weichen.

But they didn’t know that Mu Fei grew up and wasn’t the kind of person who was easily calculated by the ‘calculator’. Not only did he fail, but he was hit by his face.

"This thing...haha..." It's not a mess to be stared at Mu Fei by so many people

He took a smoky cigarette and took a sip before standing up. "Sir, I don't need to think about the answer. I don't have to think about it. I just don't always want to hear the truth or falsehood."

Mu Fei's remarks were on the scene.

Grandpa Che was surprised that Mu Fei was not nervous and asked him questions instead.

Che Weichenlen was because he found that that kind of wretched grin appeared again on his idol's face. In general, this expression is that someone is going to be unlucky.

‘Don’t...Idol already has a countermeasure’

Thinking of here, Che Weichen didn't know what was going on. Suddenly he was full of confidence. Not only his heart that had to jump out of his heart eased down, but his anxious mood also stabilized a lot.

"This one……"

Master Che thought about whether Mu Fei was also digging a hole for him, and then replied, "Of course it is true."

"Oh, I guess you should also want to hear the truth, but my ugliness has to come to the front..."

Mu Fei pushed up the glasses, the old man could not see his eyes, only saw his slightly raised lips and the cold white light of the glasses. "This is the truth...but it's not very nice..."

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